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OK, Its not Shawshank but why the hate???
1 June 2024
This film is getting lots of hate, 4.2...really? Thats just not realistic.

Its not a sub 5 movie, not at all. I honestly chuckled all the way through it....better than 99% of netflix rubbish that gets pumped out anyway.

It is silly, it does have some writing flaws but it has a nice message and rounds off well and contrary to some reviews, its not badly shot. Most importantly its just a fun little movie.

Kevin Hart plays Kevin Hart who plays Kevin Hart in a behind the scenes movie universe. Some action, a nice message and plenty of laughs..oh and the final fight scene was pretty well done considering. When you see it you will understand. Schwartz did a lot of the heavy lifting and Hart was Hart and it felt like improve some of the time but it was a decent comedy. Not perfect but decent.

I really cant believe the low rating of this after seeing the ratings of all the rubbish that has been pumped out over the last few years The hate is really unnecassary. I read the negative reviews and a 1 is really not justified. I could film a highstreet anywhere in the world on my phone, realease it uncut and your saying that would be equal to Die Hart??? Its a 5 all day but i gave an extra one for the unjustified 1 ratings.
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Muzzle (2023)
I hate scoring anything less than 5...but...Homeless actors ???
15 November 2023
I am more than happy to suspend a little disbelief in most tv and movies but sadly this is all I seemed to be doing while watching Muzzle. Feels like the team of editors had a big fall out and this was patched together by a trainee.

I dont usually give spoilers but in this case i dont think it would make any difference to the viewing of this movie.

Watch out for a work colleague who hates Aaron and try and figure that relationship out.. or the love interest storyline or who the baddy is and how high that goes....

I also think 90% of the "actors" were actual real life skid row homeless people. Just an opportunity to put a little bit of money into these poor peoples hands and possibly some money into the K9 unit too.

All movies take hard work, teams and teams of people and actors and lots of time and money hence never giving less than 5..if I can help it. But I have to give 4/10 because it so bad.

Aaron eckhart isnt a bad actor but has been doing these tv style movies for a while now so unless he has a divorce, children's college or a failed business venture to pay for id suggest being more picky in his acting career as we all know he can do better.

I feel bad but its a 4.....just about.
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The After (2023)
David smashes this out of the park!!!!!
1 November 2023
People are complaining about the sparce script...I personally didnt miss any words. The acting spoke volumes. David Oyelowo never misses but here he really puts in the work.

I dont give spoilers but I will say I sobbed like a baby at 1 scene in really hit home. If you have ever been effected by grief, heartbreak or loss then this short will ruin your day. Lol

If people dont get it I am glad for them as they probably have no concept of real heartbreak and the knock of effects because that IS the main good for them.

A reviewer talked about how they should have invested money into script rather than expensive locations. Id say maybe, if you needed the extra words but movies use gorilla style filming all the time to get around permits..especially in expensive locations like london.

A solid 9.
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Arizona (2018)
Why the negative reviews? its dark, fun and entertaining.
19 August 2023
I am not a huge mcbride fan. Hes ok and funny enough. But thats not why I scored a 7. I scored a 7 because its genuinely well made, some great and some very funny dialogue, its well shot, some great tension and genuine shock moments you dont see coming. But its not a comedy so you will be disappointed if thats what you expect. But its nice to see that type of character as a buffoon more than the lunatic we usually get.

Yes its one of those escalation movies.

Yes its been done before.

And no its not a full on comedy just because it has comedians in it.

Unless you live under a rock will will remember the USA housing collapse that kinda effected the entire west will the over selling of terrible mortgage deals. Sadle something we are gonna deal with again soon in a different manner, thanks covid, ukraine war and food hikes.

So its understandble peoples frustration at how they were taken advantage of, lied to and or did a deal they knew was too good to be true. When you are desperate you do desperate things...and Danny Mcbride was desperate and at the end of his tether and one thing leads to another.

Even though scenes are played out as real the comedic timing Danny uses lightens the scene so you start to feel sorry for the idiot..but he is an idiot.

The reviews who say it goes rapidly downhill surprise me , because it doesnt. I just think they thought it would be a Mcbride rogan comedy fest even though its sold as a dark comedy/comedy thriller and neither of which are comedies . But this was funny in a smile way almost all the way through.
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Heartbreaking story told so well
3 August 2023
Sadly this rings so many bells for me. A lower budget movie with amazing acting, inventive direction and sound and most of all incredible writing. Something 90% of writers could learn from today instead of making all the tosh we get fed to us on the streamers.

A story about a NZ family....thats it!

So why is this a must watch? Ill explain...

Im no Maori but I grew up in a proud irish family and all my friends and family were either irish or scottish, so sadly we saw so much of this behaviour growing up in 70s 80s Britain. Poverty, hunger, alcoholism, extreme violence, broken people but still some still wanted to do better.

I first saw this film in the 90s then again about 15yrs ago and then again today and everytime it made me sad and a little angry. As it had lots of triggers.

This is a maori story but its a story that will ring true for so many people. Irish people are very proud of their history especially those who grew up through the troubles like my family .But the story of the over powering violent father played by the legend that is Temuera Morrison and the peacekeeping mom played by the beautiful and tremendous actress rena owen will remind a lot of people of their own families even if they dont have the same cultural or race connections, or violence.

I was very lucky that my dad came from ireland got educated at uni and had great jobs but my mother who also came from irelend was a violent alcoholic her whole life, something I mostly suffered at the hands of but something we all covered up and as a couple they never talked about and they stayed together as Catholics dont divorce, in their eyes.. My close friends father was almost a clone of Jake. Every aspect of him was just like him. The drinking and violence and uneducated view of the world. He was murdered some years ago when he was almost a pensioner by somebody younger bigger and tougher. Very sad.

The reason I say all this is because this film effects me every time I see it and I not a maoiri. Thats how good the story telling and acting is.

I dont do spoilers so ill just say if youve seen Pulp Fiction or Blair Witch or pi you will understand how great story telling beats a big budget as they dont have that luxury. You can say more than just whats being shown by direction and mood and writing. This is one of those films.

A solid 8/10. Sadly love it for being sad.
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Lioness (2023– )
Very Loosely "Fact" based fantasy drama.
2 August 2023
Where to start? No story..apart from that...

Problem 1 - I put FACT is in quotes because this is FACT based drama meaning its a real world based drama, we are meant to believe these things have actually happened. Based on a team of female soldiers called the lionesses. The all female soldier teams are sent to war zones to search women and children at check points.

After watching a couple of episodes of lioness I realise there is absolutely no connection to the real world lioness program.

Problem 2 - The main women are absolute genetic freaks, Ive done marshal arts,boxing and weight training for decades and just like every trained marine in the show, I would struggle to fight either of these two women. Even though they are skin and bone and the one has no formal marshal arts training that I saw. But shes tough so erm...thats enough apparently. The highly trained marines are absolutely no match for a stripper...says a lot about the US marines!

Problem 3 - The far left programming is strong in this one. Now while this isnt new to anyone who has watched tv in last 4 yeas I will just say people are bored of being lectured at in such a self righteous manner by show makers and it makes people turn off. So save your lectures for the news or documentaries as it ruins what is already poor tv.

Problem 4 - Did I mention a skin and bones stripper absolutely batters highly trained and seasoned marines left right and centre...I mean at rambo levels of beatings. Except she doesnt look like rambo or have the history of rambo or fight training of rambo but she can really knock these 16 stone gym bunny, fight trained marines around like its nothing.

Special metion for trying to kill a man who was following orders and we are meant to think she was right.....

Im amazed at the message this is sending out there.

I hate giving less than 5 but this has to be a 4 because its shot well. Otherwise it would be a 2.
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Very solid low budget movie.
27 July 2023
As I have moaned about plenty in the past, a good movie is wholly based on a good story but a lot of stuff is made only based on an idea of a story and not a fully formed story. This movie has a great story.

"The world we knew" is well acted and well shot. Its obviously low budget but the director knew where to shave some of the budget to give a bigger budget look. 1 location is always a give away but the writing holds it all together.

Some great acting and some not so great but a few of the monologues were fantastic. Johan Myers as the boxer really played up to the part and his monologue was particularly great.

This isnt a spoiler as the reveal happens fairly early on but lets say its a cross between a gangster story and a ghost story.

I always judge a movie based on the size of the team and budget. Its why i think marvel is rubbish and Oppenheimer was excellent. Massive budgets but spent completely differently .This movie is a very small one so should be judged on what they did with that budget and direction.

I think the best part of this movie is the story telling by the writers and characters. I know some people (like marvel or fast fans) would down play that as "wordy", well thats how you build character history and atmosphere etc without the need of a cgi car chase or explosion.

Great story telling, great acting and a great story . 7/10.
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Count Abdulla (2023)
This is rough, and we really tried, but nope. Terrible!
23 July 2023
A muslim vampire doctor...thats as funny as it gets.

There are some "jokes" but they are from the 70s. All been done to death many many times before and werent funny the first time around either.

Some social issues do get raised too, but as subtly as a sledghammer, which I expected.

Its a 1 joke tv show because the writer is not a comedy writer. Hes a Cambridge history graduate. Probably a nice guy but not a comedy writer. I guess he got an opportunity and took it, fair enough. But it didnt work this time.

People are scoring it 10 for reasons known only to themselves. 10 means perfection!! Check the shows below and then ask how people scored this a 10???

Curb you enthusiasm 8.8.

Friday night dinner 8.1 Everybody hates Chris 7.5 Fresh prince 7.9 Office UK 8.5 Chappelle show 8.8 Fawlty Towers 8.8 Key & Peele 8.3.

League of Gentlemen 8.4 Inbetweeners 8.4.

Watch 1 episode of Count abdullah and then look at this list and ask yourself how you would score it compared to those shows.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Character driven journey of understanding.
15 May 2023
This film has it all..shootings, fights, drugs, family and an exploding car.... But not in the way you may expect from a film called vengeance. But Vengeance as a title is probably a great use of the word as its not really the use of the word we would expect...

Yes we all know the type of films im talking about, the turn your brain off as you walk into the cinema type films.. fast and furious etc. Which are fine but sometimes you want something that goes a little deeper.

This is more about understanding people and their stories than exploding cars. A sort of modern take on a whodonit. Finding out why people did what they did.

I dont do spoilers so heres my summary...A smarmy Californian writer goes to Texas to make a "dead white girl story" to only discover its more than just a podcast episode..Its real peoples lives.

Its very well made and I enjoyed the flow of the story. It didn't seem to have unnecessary politics or propaganda levered in to bash us over the head, so that was super refreshing.

Not to say that some of those deep south subjects werent addressed in several scenes but more in a way that kinda uses the pointing fingers saying of 3 pointing back..

Ashton as the music producer was the standout performance for me here though Boyd as the true Tex brother was pretty solid, but hes always pretty solid to be fair. I know Novak made this but his character was a little harder to believe. Yes he played smarmy writer very well but a womaniser?? not sure. I feel as if he swapped roles with Boyd or Ashton then it would be easier to swallow...maybe that was the point?

Sadly this movie probably wont win awards or even be seen by too many people..and thats a shame. Ask yourself why?? If its well made and entertaining why isnt it splashed all across every streamer??

Because this is real cinema with Real stories with real arcs about real(ish) situations told in a way real that people really understand because we are all people with our own versions of our own storys. Our stories are NOT REWRITTEN BY Californian / San Francisco hard left wing writers who constantly rewrite your life in the attempt to change the mindset of 99% of the population who happen to live outside of California, let alone outside the USA... Yes the real world has problems but with real storys come real solutions...If we talk instead of divide then maybe life together will become just a bit easier.........WOW, I wrote that...Maybe I should get a job in hollywood. ;-)

Do yourself a favour, Watch this film. Great story, solid acting, entertaining and its a low budget low number team project. Lets support real cinema.

A solid 7/10.
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Finally, Imagination. And finally, TV I loved!!
11 May 2023
I have lost all faith in modern TV and cinema for all the reasons you read about in pretty much any review on IMDB in the last few years...But this short 10 part series from the mind and Jason Seagal could possibly inject a bit of imagination into the very boring Hollywood writers rooms.

If you are bored of the message and politically driven "entertainment" we get bombarded with then this will be a refreshing change.... I promise. Oh it does tick some boxs, but subtly as it it should be done.

Now, its not for everyone and it may be a touch too weird in spots for people, but it all plays out really well.

It does lift from several other stories and ideas but it puts it together really well. Alice in wonderland springs to mind, twin peaks, spotless mind and so on..but it does turn leftish on the last third of the series to tell a behind the curtain kinda story ....... oops, I very nearly gave some spoilers away.

That was mainly to answer all the gloomy people who say it dies off after episode is meant to, that is literally the whole point of the series. It takes a bit of a left turn..not better or worse, just a turn the story HAS to take. Like I say, no plot spoilers in my reviews.

It was beautiful, sad, poignant, funny, silly and had a lovely message. I balled my eyes out several times but at 1 scene in particular. Sally fields and Andre Benjamin play out a scene that really pulled on my heart strings and was a bit close to home for me..but done so so well.

Eve Lindley tries too in certain scenes but maybe lacks a touch of acting experience to translate it for the viewer, But pretty good none the less.

To repeat, Andre Benjamin was outstanding.. genuinely a touch of class.. to be fair the whole cast were pretty solid, but Andre just stood out for me.

I wont give anything away as I never do but, just to say I stopped leaving reviews as TV and cinema was becoming plagued by dreadful writers intent on pushing their political narrative that is intended to divide people instead of entertain them .. But 'Dispatches from elsewhere' really connected with me. So much so I actually binged watched all 10 episodes back to back in 1 day...yes a crazy waste of a work day (luckily I work for myself) But it was so good I just couldnt turn it off, then leapt straight on here to tell you good people all about it.

I rarely if ever give anything a 10 as that is the ultimate perfect show that is absolutely flawless.. so that would be silly. Unlike some reviewers who give stuff a 10 because their favourite actress is in it or band or whatever...its crazy.

So I give this a 9. Its not perfect but I want to push the imaginative writing, artistic eye and wardrobe etc of this production to show what can be done in a tv show.

So put your phone down and put an hour a night aside and sit and absorb this lovely story.
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Creed III (2023)
I NEED A HERO!......Why is there no hero in this story?????
18 April 2023
Im judging this movie purely as a stand alone movie so Sly and previous Rocky franchise movies wont be mentioned .

My main gripe with this "boxing" "drama" is absolutely nobody in it is likeable. I really couldnt care who won the inevitable final fight. Final fight? Pah!

Did this movie suffer from too many producers syndrome?? It certainly feels like it. I cant say for definite but its all over the show with no 1 story line really taking too many directors or producers were pulling it back and forth for the whole time shooting the movie.

The idea behind the story is great. Ex con ex friend comes around after leaving prison to get a title shot using the champs guilt as a stepping stone...great.

Majors plays the ex con ex friend like a dream...really unlikeable. But he is the baddy after all..what was everybody else's excuse???

The whole premise of the movie is based on Majors character, which could be played 2 ways as I see it... 1- He kept his dream alive even while locked up and keeping his mouth shut and just wants what he is owed but willing to do it through hard work, determination, grit and dedication to boxing and when he finally becomes the champ it would be an incredible rags into prison finally to riches success story that we could all admire...A true hero story!

Or play it the way they did in the movie ... 2- Street guy into street stuff who wants to box his way to success gets into a fight but protects spoilt rich kid who is playing gangsta. Street guy goes to prison and rich kid becomes street kid is angry and wants his shot when he gets out. 2 angry guys blaming everybody else for their woes.. which sadly is the version they went with.

I wont ruin it but the way the movie shows the story..neither majors or jordan are deserved of title of champ.

The main story aside...

The fights were terrible. They tried something different but it felt mismatched and poorly shot and the green screen on a budget this size makes me think too many producers again...people getting PAID at the expense of the movie.

Somebody said it looked like the daughter was being set up to be the next lead in the franchise.... I couldnt agree more. I mean I agree it will happen not that its a good move.

The LEGEND that is Phylicia Rashad who plays mom Creed deserves a mention but even her story is a bit sloppy.

There is a worrying trend in tv and cinema...the main message seems to be if you want it, take need to work for it.

I need a hero.
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Dreamland (I) (2023– )
Passive aggressive ""Comedy""
9 April 2023
There is definitely a market for this type of ""comedy"" writing. Its just not for me. I mean I tried, 6 episodes in and didnt laugh which is fine because we all have different likes but I couldnt connect with any of the characters either. I didnt like, admire or feel sorry for any of them.

The whole point of this show seems to be who is the angriest and who can blame others the most, even blaming strangers...sigh.... I did expect more due to the names behind the scenes and the names in front of the camera but sadly it did nothing for me... I dont give spoilers so I wont here, just to say that some reviewers have said the characters are like real people.....I genuinely would hate to be around so many angry bitter people who want to blame everyone for any problems in their lives.

Like I said, there is definitely a market for this kind of show. Go on twitter,insta, tiktok etc and you will find lots of angry people trying to blame strangers for something they didnt do or say..those people would love this show... If the makers turned down the contrast, called it a drama and eased off the "messages" then it could be OK. But I struggle with the comedy label...
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
Now we have Racist vampires and not in an ironic way!!
27 March 2023
So we have a movie about a vampire family in """England""" who so very very easily persuade a multi racial American lady to join them. Its a pretty basic ride from beginning to end. But considering the people involved I am kinda surprised how basic it really was.... Felt like one of those movies with too many producers involved, You know the ones.

No spoilers there.

The movie is ok for people who maybe have never seen a movie before. As others have stated, its an obvious copy of many other movies which isnt necessarily a bad thing. No idea is original. But at least make an effort to put some original content in there.

Remember all those old black and white British Dracula, Vampire and Mummy movies? I really loved the camp almost childlike scaryness of them, I still do. Well this movie really reminded me of them...except those movies were made about 60yrs ago, so thats not really a good thing.

But of my pet hates in modern movie making, the ones used in this movie are surely the worst.....Like the idea of taking a very basic premise for a story and needlessly socialising it just to please the execs. I mean--- racist Vampires???? Who would have thought it? Do vampires have any dog in that race?, excuse the pun. If its to do with pure bloodlines then why invite her at all??? Adds less than nothing to the story.

More pet hates??? How about a snivelling weak baby suddenly becoming a supreme badass out of no where..No training, No previous skills..just boom, badass!! YAWN!!.

How about making set pieces so ridiculous that even a drunk child would question the writing.... I mean the ending made my nose

But genuinely it wouldn't have taken much to actually make a decent little B movie. And I honestly mean that.

Leave the social commentary to movies where it may make sense or Give her some help along the way, I know why they didnt but it would make more sense. Maybe get her to ask the obvious questions. Remember the fantastic 5 or whatever they were called? How they tried to solve stuff they had questions to? They were kids for kids..she is a full grown adult lady who has no questions at all????

Well you get the point . A movie made because they got money from a studio. That is really all i can believe.

Watch it, dont watch it....your life wont change either way.
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Cried like a baby because of my own memories....
10 March 2023
This was so so beautiful. Touching and extremely sad .

It evoked very happy and sad memories of my own mountaineer father..not an 8k climber but in the extreme none the less.

The way the familys story shown and laid out is tremendous and keeps you holding on until the very bitter sweet end. There were a couple of points where tears flooded down my face but one particular moment is where the dad is asked a question he doesnt answer and it made me cry like a baby. You will know when you see it.

You dont have to come from a mountaineering family to understand loss. The mountains just add another element.

But I connected on all levels and I could feel the pain in my chest when hearing the heart breaking stories from survivors. But unlike a lot of "survivor stories" there is tonnes of video footage leading up to the moments we all dread.

Beautiful and sad is all I can say. Its a solid 9 stars.
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Treason (2022)
Standard Netflix rubbish....
27 December 2022
Once again Netflix have tricked me...and I sat and watched every episode in one evening!

I see a new series and think..this time, this time they have made a show for free and logical thinking adults to enjoy.

But nope, once again they put out a ridiculously and illogically written show just to push an agenda rather than entertaining story that has an air of truth that we can be entertained by.

But I keep trying. I dont care if the hero is a man or a woman, black or white. I want the hero to deserve being called a hero and not just handed the title..its boring and by the look of the reviews, plenty of others are starting to get bored by the conveyor belt of absolute tripe Netflix churn out.

Again we all have different tastes but if the hero isnt deserving of that title then it will not be enjoyed,,,and worst of all you will create a nation of whiny babies who watch this rubbish and think they deserve something without needing the brains to accomplish it.... Just turn up, create chaos and you win...

The writing is terrible and Hinds is massivley wasted.

Oh and once again my pet hate is in abundance, 6 stone women smashing up 14 stone stunt men who are meant to be trained hitmen/secret agents/trained military...

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Dangerous (III) (2021)
Whats with the hate? Its really not bad at all!
11 November 2022
It seems unless a film is a marvel type movie or unless it has a heavy left political lean then people get really angry and start hoo worst film EVOOOOOR WAH WAH!! Lol. This film is no exception...But its not bad at all. A few reviewers did actually say it was the worst film ever which is mind blowing..What about "Alien zombie invasion"?? 2.4 IMDB?? I rest my case.

So, the movie... Eastwood is a military type trained killer having therapy to detrain him,kinda.

M. Gibson is his therapist who I thought played the role well..even though its from a distance.

T. Gibson has a small part too and plays the same character he always plays.

Durrand plays a comic book baddy, personally I liked how he hams it up.

The family are weak but who cares.

Guy buys island but dies. Brother goes to his funeral. Baddys turn up at island to get revenge.....But its not what we think..oooOooooOoh!

The trivia says the film ran out of funding during filming and I think it does show sometimes..but I forgive the short comings because they really arent that bad.

Yeah the action is a little lacking in the stunt work and choreography .

Yeah some of the actors are lower league.

But the story is actually pretty decent. Its based on real stolen gold being hunted by pirate treasure for modern era. For people saying its ridiculous then do some research..there is plenty of stolen gold strewn the planet over...and people have spent a lot of time and money looking for it.

And a highly trained killing machine promising his therapist he wont kill is a great sub plot idea that gives some decent back and forths.

Its not quite "12 angry men" or "paddington 2" but it will pass the time and keep your attention like and old fashioned action movie should.

A solid 6.
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Cold Skin (2017)
for travellers and DofEers Staying in strange lands...
31 October 2022
Short review.. I liked it.

Tells several different stories in a bleak enviroment and acting as truly solid.

Everything from relationships we have and are forced to new and what we deem as scary and new experiences to being on the correct side of history as will be written.

Anyone who has stayed in cold and isolated places and whose minds have wondered to the dark side waiting until the sun comes up, can really relate to this movie.

Its a solid lower budget movie that I fear bigger budgets have lifeted heavily from.. Give it a watch and enjoy the 30 days of night esc type movie. You wont be sorry.
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Mountaineers know...But still a great story of drive!
20 October 2022
I actually remember this whole incident. My dad was a mountaineer in the 70s & 80s and climbed all over the world with the likes of Robert Swan so this was a really big story in our house.

This whole event became huge news for the wrong reasons and sadly it was because of none climbers opinions. Even the lines at the end of the movie do not tell the full story.

Yes its an incredible survival story of drive and the will to live. Pushing through the pain, dehydration and almost psychosis due to the elements .. Joe needed a strong mind to push and keep pushing until his eventual path to salvation.. AMAZING...

BUT.. just for those who were confused.

A broken leg at those heights and in those conditions is almost certain risking your own life to save someone else is stand out heroic.. But how many obstacles were put in his way before he stops trying and and just tries to save his own life?

Ask any high altitude climber if they would cut a taught rope of a disabled climber hanging at max rope length with no idea how far the fall is...the answer will always be yes. That is pretty much a standard decision.

There are lots of rules on a mountain that are well known because they were made to save lives. That doesnt take away from Joes incredible journey. But cutting the rope is neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things.

If it was a fuller story it would get a higher score..But it was a good story thats touches on the dangers of the mountains.
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Come on, not a 1 or a 10...but IS a solid movie.
18 October 2022
I liked it. Acting decent, the boy especially was great. Skrein always good value. And it looked pretty good too. I liked the dreamy, trippy lighting and weird angles. The over all message is also a good one. Without giving too much away...treat those around you how you would like to be treated.

For the reviewer who said nothing happens in the first 30 mins and acting was rubbish....what film did you watch? In the first 30 mins a girl uses her powers to escape a mental asylum, then has a run in with drug dealer, then a comic relief cop, then sees a stripper fight + friendship build and use her special powers accordingly through out...what you were doing when all that was happening? And that same reviewer also said there was no that a joke? Every single person in this movie goes on their own journey with their own story having a start and finish until the bittersweet end of the movie.... I genuinely dont know what movie that reviewer watched.

I get it that these kind of lowish budget trippy movies arent for everyone but saying nothing happens or that theres no story is just silly.

Another reviewer compared this movie to those 70s psychedelic movies and I think they are spot on. I mean has anyone seen tommy? Its even comparable to blade runner too in the look and feel of it.

I also think some of ten star reviews are by family of the makers or by people who have never seen a movie before. That aside this is a pretty solid 6/10.

DO NOT listen to the negative reviewers, give it a watch.. and watch until the end to get the most out of the story and journey of characters.
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Blonde (2022)
Unjustified low scores for portrayal of a sorrowful and broken soul..
2 October 2022
First ana is 10/10.. Sad and beautiful and a lesson, I guess.... I think a lot of negative reviews dont understand what the 50s was like for famous and powerful women. It was tough! Men said they knew best and took massive advantage of even the most powerful women in society, as this movie DOES show.

And maybe if they understood mental illness and how studios exploited they could have more sympathy...

This was harrowing to watch for me as I happened to have more than just a passing understanding of many situations Monroe found herself than in.

Of course I know who she is, famed actress and famed Hollywood royalty and I knew about her struggles...But this beautifully shot movie really drives home her want to please, to find happiness and wants to heal her own wounds...and it is a movie so some story telling has to take place.

People complain that it doesn't show her greatness.... But they answered their own complaint...They already know about her greatness.

They showed so well how her true character was ignored so often. Reading some reviews, maybe director needed to be more blunt when they talked about her intellect, about her being well seems to have passed people by.

It is a bit arthouse and it is gonna be long for the blockbuster crowd..But as I say a lot..People need to go to the theatre more. See live story telling to appreciate the story when all the glitz and glamour have been stripped away.

This is a very stripped down movie and I found addictive, the single view shot...No glamour or glitz or car chases etc.

All the stuff people are complaining about is the stuff I loved.

Maybe the director played the back of the room. Which is why people are annoyed...The people who appreciate it are not annoyed at all.

Oh, and for the famed feminists slating this movie saying its misogynistic exploitation of poor monroe..... did they watch it? Because men come out of this like abusive, controlling, violent and gross human beings and saying that it was fabricated...Harvey weinstein???? And it wasnt even the 50s..
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Uncharted (2022)
Fun but not groundbreaking.
23 September 2022
I know the games but never played them, thats why im not mad with the film.

I like both Holland ( Next for Bond??) And Wahlberg and they look like they should make a solid duo.

About the film..The Good = First has to be Hollands fitness , strength and movement, Thumbs up. Hes in great shape and shows it off a lot, this is also addressed in the not so good section. The action was not bad at all, decent buddy buddy stuff with Marky Mark. Light hearted story that never got too complex, I guess its aimed at younger audiences. Big action/ cinematographic scenery was impressive. Tati Gabrielle was superb. She looked great in all the different types of scenarios and moved impressively. Really played up to her role. The other female was Sophia Ali...she was definitely in it too...she was ok, thats all ill say on that.

The bad = Once again the females had super hero abilities, particularly one can decide which one.... 115 lb lady knocking out 230lb ex military types is now standard! (By the way ive heard the arguments about highly skilled female fighters but I used to train jeet kune do with plenty of female fighters and im telling you its rubbish) .. In an early scene Holland kicks a large security guard in the chest but the security guard doesn't move and Holland falls backwards onto the ground...But a smaller,less fit and less athletic lady than Holland does the same thing to a large paramilitary type in a similar scene and sends guys flying....see my point? Why cant a strong, fit and very athletic Holland kick a guard but a very slim,non muscular shorter female co star can send giant guards all over the place? Who are the film companies trying to convince? What was funny was how a female in chunky heels would run away from holland and he would be running behind at full spiderman chase mode but in the next scene she is 20 feet away .lol. Its like the old black and white mummy movies where people would run as fast as they could but a very very slow mummy walking at very very slow pace would always be a few feet off, just a pet peev of unrealistic expectations on young females.

Also bad was the green screen stuff. It was really noticeable and im not sure why. Im not on about the flying cars stuff which is obvious...its the other stuff, youll see.

All that said it was an ok time passer that has some decent set pieces. A solid 5.5...but I put a 6 because its definitely not a 5.

Watch with the kids to kill 2 hours, its worth it.
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Phantom (I) (2013)
Solid drama with solid, steely performances.
21 September 2022
And yet again I must stress this was not a documentary. Sheesh! Calm down people.

Ed Harris 10/10...Obviously.

Duchovney... Barely acted, but did what was needed.

William Fichtner was probably the best I ever saw him.

A great movie that shows not everything is always black and white. Especially when politicians and hidden hands inside the government are involved. Name your 3 letter agencies in any country who think that they are really in charge and then ask how often this happens, that the 3 letter agencies divert the wishes of politicians and the public at large?

Yeah this movie has been done before but so has every single super hero movie ever..and yet the Marvelites think they are the best movie ever made since, well since the last marvel costing $1billion.

Some great tense moments and moments of heroism and patriotism...but the biggest question it asks is, what would you sacrifice for another country?? And judging by some reviews...they would do very little.

It also shows a different side to the usual Russia hating movie industry that has also recently started back up again.
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HollyBlood (2022)
Not for fans of Twilight.. or dubbed movies..
16 September 2022
This film constantly pokes fun at hollywoods attempt at rewriting the vampire story like Twilight. I presume thats why people are scoring it 1..its definitely not that bad.

Maybe the low score is because certain sections of society do not like the broad humour in this. It pokes fun at all sorts of people and judging by netflix and other streamers, making fun at someone's expense is now illegal in the west...I think.

Its silly and a bit childish in places and yes there are some blatant plotholes and ropey stunts but turn your brain I say in a lot of MOVIE reviews I write..THIS IS NOT A DOCUMENTARY! Dont judge it as one.

This is Spanish made and anyone who has travelled will tell you that tv and movies in a lot of countries isnt the greatest. A lot of countries still only have 2 or 3 channels outside of satellite channels. So just getting a film produced and made inside the country is no mean feat... But then sadly it gets judged alongside massive budget hollywood blockbusters..instead of an equal judgement like it should get.

But the more foreign stuff you watch the more you will realise how hollywood and the like ran out of ideas decades ago so now just use their platform to politically brainwash people instead of just entertaining people, because thats all most people want. Entertainment. Bread and circuses.

This is a 5 but gets an extra point to help the business of entertainment.
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WELL.. Possibly the greatest dream I ever had!!
15 September 2022
I will always try and watch anything with Michelle Yeoh in..and this has to be up there with her finest work! No spoilers here.

It was Beautiful, sad, crazy, deep, funny, polished, euphoric, dreamy, .. but most of all an epic story about the loves we have.

To quote the great Ke Huy Quan. ." He who loves the most, regrets the most ".

This really really resonated with me.

The editors and costume need a massive congrats on their work. The director also really deserves a pat on the back for holding this all together...because it must have been a tough job.

I always score as honestly as I can ... unlike the political or fan girl/boy reviewers who score their favourite actors/political motive movies 10/10 even when its a terrible movie.. But this IS a genuinely solid 9/10.. sit back, put your phone down and watch this crazy masterpiece before the USA makes a mainstream copy as per....
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End of the Road (II) (2022)
Oh Luda.....You cant need the money this bad.
12 September 2022
I really really tried with this one because of the number of actors that have decent names. I even ignored the very very repetitive r@cism tropes. I still struggled with the off button. But I did make it to the end. Just!

It was very tired old/ old fashioned. Very repetitive. Poorly over acted. And weirdly directed.

The slow increase of purple lighting made me think old horror movies. Very odd. It felt like the director was trying to portray it as a dream where the whole thing is a story of a black womans struggle to have a better life with white people constantly holding her back...but the movie wasnt done well enough to leave that impression.

The "baddy" was super obvious from the very beginning. Bit of a waste.

I have liked Luda for decades and hes also acted in decent stuff but LUDA..what you thinking?

Queen Latifa seems to be portrayed as a super athletic bad ass recently but I genuinely dont see what producers see. There are hundreds of black women that could portray a bad ass and make it more believable. Her close up fight scenes look very dated and only used because she isnt an athletic bad ass.

The scene where she not only takes out a muscle bound ex UFC fighter with very few blows but she also takes out a whole gang of r@cist drug dealers made me pick up the remote to finally go to turn it off..but I thought NOPE, I shall finish this like the hero I am.

And what is it with every white person being r@cist? I mean I get having white people as baddies but do they all have to be r@cist The r@cism was strong with this one, mostly not very subtle at all. Even Ludas character was a r@cist cliché.

But a black female director who has spent god knows how many years behind the camera obviously has a story to tell..But these heavy handed messages with a weak story isnt the way to get the message out. Its bores people. Just read the terrible reviews. They missed the smaller subtle messages in this movie because they were busy rolling their eyes with the big loud r@cist tropes.

There were subtle micro aggressions that were excellent but then BOOM..a massive r@cist bomb ruins the whole thing.

I absolutely genuinely think ""R@CISM"" is a new movie slashers were in the 1980s.

Watch if really bored and dont know all white people are r@cist..
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