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Shōgun: A Dream of a Dream (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
Flowers are only flowers because they fall
23 April 2024
I'm sitting here dwelling in such bittersweet sadness, processing what I just witnessed. The content of the episode was bittersweet sadness, as well as seeing this series I have loved and waited for every week come to an end.

From the events of the past 9 episodes, basically every character is left dwelling in loss.

And yet, there is a grand purpose laid out that gives meaning to it all: The prospect of a united Japan living in peace. Can they recover from their catastrophic losses and continue on?

Like a newborn baby in Toranaga's arms, subtle signs of hope, faith, and new life emerge.

Mariko taught us that life is delicate like a flower, and only meaningful because it eventually falls.

The character arcs I cared about most were wrapped up in a way that left me satisfied and hopeful for them.

And through a couple of ingenious narrative methods that fit seamlessly into the story, we get a glimpse of the future coming after the curtain falls.

Although it's sad to see this series end, having shared the journey of Shogun, we are "Zutto Issho." Always together.
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Shōgun: Crimson Sky (2024)
Season 1, Episode 9
Among the Best Episodes I Have Ever Seen Of Any Show
16 April 2024
It's rare that a show can keep me totally engrossed for an hour, have me experiencing the love and divinity of ancient rites and rituals, and move me to the core by an act of love and courage. This episode did all of that.

I forgive any flaws this series may have had until now. This made the journey of the last few episodes meaningful and worth it.

There isn't anything for me to complain about this episode. The settings and angles were stunning, the dialogue was interesting, the pacing perfect. If you are one of the people who has been struggling through the last few darker episodes and wondering whether to keep going... please don't miss this one.
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Shōgun: The Abyss of Life (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
Loyalty Until The End, Or It Ain't Loyalty
9 April 2024
Another entertaining episode of this awesome series, 'Shogun.'

It brought several tense and emotional moments, and interesting development of the main plot regarding the political struggle.

I left this episode feeling conflicted and disappointed, and also unimpressed with the pacing and dreary scenery, so although I still enjoyed watching, it's hard to rate it more than a 7.

For me the main problem is not liking any of the characters very much anymore. For several episodes now, the Anjin is no longer portrayed as particularly smart, charismatic, or loyal, so it's difficult for me to care much about his fate. The same goes for sad, grumpy Mariko. Instead, I find myself caring more about the courtesans, Omi, and.... Buntaro.

Let's hope there is a satisfying end to the hero's journey for all of these characters we've gotten so invested in...

Of course I'm loyal to Shogun until the end!!
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Shogun (1980)
Enjoyed it Thoroughly
8 April 2024
For those searching for how to watch this free streaming online, just google "internet archive Shogun."

Just a few opinions to share here:

I enjoyed Chamberlain's 1980 Blackthorne much more than the 2024 series Blackthorne. He's more charismatic, smarter, and thus more fun to watch on screen. I prefer the original Mariko as well - she was so refined, gentle and just classic "Japanese," and the love story between them has so much more depth in the original.

Nearing the end, with about 40 minutes left, I was wondering how they would possibly pull off a satisfying ending. If you watch it, you'll see what I mean. Then came my favorite moment of the whole series: Saying it vaguely on purpose not to spoil it, but Blackthorne passes a gift from Toranaga over to another samurai. An act of generous kindness that brought humanity and love into such an ordered, violent, and obedient world. That smoothed things over a lot for me.

I was also surprisingly satisfied with the other aspects of the ending.

Overall I loved it and couldn't stop watching once I got into it. I wouldn't say I prefer it to the 2024 series (which still has 3 episodes left). Both are spectacular achievements and have big differences over which aspects of the story they focus on, and they reflect the times they were produced in. Both are worth watching.
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Shōgun: A Stick of Time (2024)
Season 1, Episode 7
Harder To Watch, Hope That Was Just Setup For A Huge Payoff
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The giant silver banana helmet was excellent.

Besides that, everything continues to go dreadfully wrong for all of the main characters. It's dark to the point I felt annoyed a few times, and it's getting tough to watch. For the first time during the series, I was less than totally engrossed in the world on screen.

We want Toranaga to rebuild his forces and see him strategically and forcefully remove the corrupt and evil bureaucrats from Osaka.

We want to see Anjin come out a hero by making himself essential to that cause using his naval expertise.

Above all, we want to see Mariko and Anjin find some happiness together in that violent and hopeless world.

What our characters get instead is more backstabbing, meaningless death, random cruelty, and sadness.

Anjin had turned the corner and gained respect, but suddenly has regressed back to only being referred to as "barbarian" again and again. He is being openly attacked and disrespected. Time for him to start carrying pistols again. This episode, he seemed to be just "there," distracting Toranaga and his men from critical decision-making.

Mariko looks like a hopeless cause - suicidally depressed and feeling her life is cursed and irredeemable. Her character had brought so much charisma and subtle mystery into the story. Now every time she's on screen, she's just a drag. She's sad and complaining, even at a time when there are way bigger things going on.

With all that said, this show has been outstanding until now, and I don't think any of the plot decisions, dialogue, or anything else was taken lightly. There were some hints - such as the conversation between the courtesan and Toranaga, and Toranaga's son saying he would never simply surrender, and the flashbacks to Toranaga's past - that Toranaga is still in control of the situation and this episode was the setup for the satisfying redemption of the main characters.

We had to be taken to this desperate place to get the full satisfaction of the last three episodes.

I hope.
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Shōgun: Ladies of the Willow World (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
Ei, Ei, Oooooohh!!!!!
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As we now have come to expect... this is another hour of pure absorption into Japan, and this exciting story.

The background is the Toranaga clan recovering from the earthquake, dealing with destroyed property and mass casualties. Even in this situation, the Anjin continues his ascent to power he doesn't want.

The main theme looks at the roles and sacrifices of women in this male-dominated society. And, how ambitious women can use their amazing skills of manipulation to get what they want. (If a Japanese woman kneels on the floor behind you and starts giving a monologue challenging your manhood... run!)

Notably, Lord Toranaga is never seen near a woman. Nobody holds a thread of influence over him, but he understands the effect of women on the men around him.

The standout scene of this episode is getting to experience a Japanese courtesan house. We enter that world with a first person view of some stunning night-time visuals, and then the professional manner and speech of Lady Kiku. Sadly, the actual "pillowing" is left to our imaginations... speaking of Anjin getting cool stuff he didn't really want.

A big part of this episode is dedicated to filling in the backstories of Mariko, Lady Oshiba, Toranaga, and others through narration and flashbacks. We now understand the dynamic of the marriage of Mariko and Buntaro, and can empathize with them, or at least understand each of their frustrations. Buntaro wants a warm and grateful wife who is actually into him. Mariko wants a better man or death.

There is some important forwarding of the main plot, especially in the last minutes that must be seen to understand what will happen next...

I hope SHOGUN doesn't end at 10 episodes... this needs to be a multi-season show!!
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Shōgun: The Eightfold Fence (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Getting Inside Mariko's "Eightfold Fence"
12 March 2024
Another great episode.

Full of dreamy, rainy Japanese scenery in the smaller village, as the Anjin finds himself in an increasingly better living situation and finds a way to make himself much more valuable to Team Toranaga than even he expected.

Great character development and relationship development in this one, as two characters emerge from their background roles to alter the course of the main plot. I enjoyed the shocking (and graphic) twist at the end that is not for the feint of heart!

Can't wait to see where this goes from here, particularly how Toranaga gets himself out of this huge mess.
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Shōgun: Tomorrow Is Tomorrow (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Enthralling Entertainment
6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 3 of the new series on FX "Shogun" is breathtaking and thrilling.

I was again immersed in 16th century Japan with the realism and attention to detail.

SPOILERS: The scene of sailing through the blockade ambush was thrilling, as Blackthorne proves his courage and inventiveness to Toranaga (and Mariko).

The continuing political struggle between the Japanese regents and the Catholics, and the scenes of the meetings in the castle add so many dimensions to the story. And if you've ever been to castles and museums in Japan and seen the relics of these times, it is extremely satisfying to see it played out on screen - how they sit and straighten their sleeves and bow so politely before subtly insulting the lord.

The sacrifice of Buntaro was thrilling. Although his character will come off to most viewers as brash, macho, and over-controlling, he nails the archetype of the strong warrior of the time - and the undisputed leader of the family. I liked his character from the start. Of course, he survived the battle outnumbered 50-1 and we will se him again. I hope his character gets the honor he deserves and doesn't just serve as the gorilla in the way of Blackthorne getting it on with Mariko.

Finally, in that final scene we get some levity with Toranaga asking Blackthorne to show him how to dive into the water. He makes him dive again and again countless times, just watching him. Perhaps this is foreshadowing the friendship to come between them, where Toranaga will quietly observe and learn from Blackthorne about military tactics before using them perfectly on his first attempt.
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Gifted (2017)
Should be renamed "Ludicrous & Boring Custody Battle" instead of "Gifted"
16 January 2024
As an alumni of the gifted program in Florida (IQ 175), I was hoping to relate to a story about a genius growing up amongst considerably less intelligent teachers, relatives, and children.

In point of fact, Mary being academically gifted is a minor tangent in this predominantly court custody battle movie (yawn).

So much of the script is implausible or not well thought out, such as the result of the custody battle, which I won't spoil, but it's ludicrous.

Uncle Captain America, who we are told is also a genius, never uses his supposed vast intelligence to forward any of his character's goals, but rather sulks in bars. His mother was right about him - loser.

If you are gifted (like me) and want to enjoy a much better movie about the struggle of being head and shoulders more intelligent than everyone around you, rewatch "A Beautiful Mind" or "Good Will Hunting." A shame they named the movie "Gifted," when that title could have been used for a good movie about a gifted person.
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Nice Fantasy, Good Fun
12 June 2023
The script and dialogue could have been a lot better. Some of the jump cuts broke the flow of the story and one especially completely jarred me.

However, I went into it with low expectations and enjoyed a film that was fun and with lots of action.

Most of the story was bleh, but I did like the character growth of the younger brother, who will certainly become the main character of the series and eventually the victorious leader. The conflict around bullying was also interesting.

I do undetrstand the low reviews, and if I went into it expecting an epic story and feeling moved and inspired, I would have been disappointed. As it stands, I just had a fun 3 hours of being in a fantasy world.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 19: The Convert (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Great. Interesting Action, Plot, Character Development
19 March 2023
I gave a harsh review of Chapter 17, so it's only fair to come back and pay respect to an episode I thought was really well-done.

I enjoyed it, especially the Mando & Bo Katan parts.

Without spoiling what happens, the Dr. Pershing part was well done too, giving us a long and interesting look at post-Empire Coruscant and especially what happens to those people who had sided with the Empire and some flaws of the New Republic. There were a lot of ideas and visuals that I really enjoyed, although maybe what happened could have been less drawn out.

Overall, the last two episodes have been fun to watch and I'm glad I stuck around after being disappointed with the first one.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 17: The Apostate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Grogu is a LOSER
3 March 2023
The Season 2 finale, which delivered some of the best moments in Star Wars ever, left me with the feeling that this show came to a totally satisfying conclusion.

As sad as it would have been to say goodbye, I felt it should have been left to stand as a 2 season masterpiece in the Star Wars universe.

I liked some parts of this episode: The gator fight, the little guys fixing the robot, the space fight, and seeing what became of Navarro.

However, like with the sequel trilogy, all the character development we got seems to have just disappeared, leaving no interesting character drama at the core of the action.

Mando, after setting aside his fanaticism and taking off his helmet in a profound act of love, connection and friendship, now seems hellbent on risking everything he has - not for love or friendship, but just so he can revert fully back to helmet extremism and be accepted back into his cult.

Grogu was just... there. As a character, now he has no real aim. Like a college dropout who moved back in with his parents, he's hanging out, eating candy, and smoking pot all day. I mean, spinning in his chair. With so much screen time, he contributed exactly ZERO to the plot. Unless he comes up with some new way to grow, contribute, and make something of himself, he's a loser. All the character potential in the world, on screen for nothing other than to sell merch. Clearly, it would have been more satisfying if he had stayed with Luke and come back much later in the series as a badass. They would probably have sold more Grogu merch in that case too.

Hopefully this was just the setup for a big plot to come that brings the characters to ever greater heights together. For now, it looks like a massive mistake - cough - money grab - cough - to have kept this series going.
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When you're in the mood for Woody Allen, it hits the spot
30 May 2022
Like most of Woody's films, it's a good one to watch with a partner or friend and talk about over drinks afterwards. A weekend in NYC that alters the courses of the characters' lives.

Lots of great acting, dialogue-driven movie with lots of subplots and nowhere in particular to arrive at, but in the end it's satisfying enough.

I liked how Selena Gomez is a "two-face" in the movie. Sometimes she looks like a mess, and sometimes she looks gorgeous, depending on the lighting, etc.
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Wasted a Great Character, Brilliant Actor, Deep Mythology
28 May 2022
It was exciting to get a new Star Wars series centered on Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi, especially after the brilliant "Mandalorian" and less brilliant but still worthwhile "Book of Boba Fett."

After 2 episodes, "Obi-Wan Kenobi" has no soul. It has all the problems of the sequel trilogy, with worse directing and acting.

What is it that makes a Jedi? Some folks at Disney seem to equate the Force to Harry Potter in space, with access to tricks, powers and laser swords instead of wands. This misses the heart of the matter, and what made Star Wars more than just a character drama set in space.

It takes a person who has themselves experienced a fundamental shift in consciousness to be able to put Jedi on screen in a way that touches that part of the viewer. George Lucas clearly knew it. Feloni and Favreau get it well enough. The people behind the sequel trilogy and this mess don't have what it takes to write dialogue and direct a Jedi or Sith character because their personal experience of their own consciousness is still too shallow.

So, they are doing to Obi-Wan what they did to Luke. Taking an actor we know and love, giving him the same light sabers and magical abilities, and giving him a plot arc where he has cynically turned his back on the galaxy and needs to find a purpose worth fighting for again. They toss aside the calm and centered way of being these characters had worked so hard to develop in their training. Their character decisions are not those of someone who has trained their entire lives and is now experiencing an energetic connection to all life.

As noted by other reviewers, the chase scenes with Leia, the casting, the acting (Reva in particular) are just bad, almost grating to watch. This is a waste of a great character and great actor, and an even greater mythology.
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What was that?
24 December 2019
Watched this on a flight, drawn in by Stallone. I could not understand how people with money invested in producing this script and Stallone, who must have an idea about good movies, agreed to be in it.

Without spoiling it, the character motivations are ambiguous at best, and completely illogical at worst. The beginning of the movie is an absolute mess - I kept hoping everything would come together, but it was just a bad script. It was as if nobody cared about what they were doing, from writers to actors to editors, nobody was interested in making a great movie. What was that BS about buying a building in Ohio? And why did they return to Ohio from Lithuania or wherever that prison was? And Why did they put the bad guy's father in a cargo box?

Why go through the hypocrisy of faking a plot here? On the same flight, I watched John Wick 3. Also an action movie that doesn't go into developing a deep plot, but at least they were self aware about it and made the bare essential plot line (kill assassins before they kill you) make sense. In this, they couldn't make a coherent story out of "save girlfriends from kidnappers."

Pure trash.
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Marvel Star Wars: Spoiler-Free
16 December 2017
Powerful force abilities and kicking ass with a light saber is awesome for on screen imagery and marketing. It's not what truly defines a Jedi to me, or makes their characters and stories so intriguing, magical, and awesome. Their unfailing characteristic is a certain noble way of being about them. They are calm, courageous, and clear-minded. Self-sacrificing. Committed to making the galaxy safe and peaceful. This movie has characters using the Force and light sabers to great visual effect, but (despite the title) there are NO JEDI.

The character Luke Skywalker was clearly developed prior to this film. He shows up to help his friends and family when in need at any cost. He repeatedly makes selfless, morally sound decisions. He sees goodness in people when nobody else does, even in Darth Vader. Be warned: The character Mark Hamill plays in this movie embodies none of this, and for this viewer, the explanation given was unclear and unsatisfying.

As for the villains, we have incompetent and bickering rage-a-holics who consistently fail despite unlimited and awesome resources. They are sure good at screaming, though. Like most characters in this movie, they have no real confidence, clarity, or purpose, let alone the sheer presence of a Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, or Count Dooku for that matter.

I enjoyed and was surprised and entertained by many parts of the movie, for sure. The effects and some of the themes and plot twists were great. I liked the diversity in the actors and the development of new characters, especially Rey and Poe. I liked some of the new things done with the Force. There was some less than ideal storytelling and pacing, but that's forgivable. A lot of it was really funny, although often at the cost of the tone and feel, and some of the humor felt like mockery of the Star Wars universe, even testing the 4th wall, a-la a Marvel movie.

In the end, I walked out of the theater feeling... tired. Hollow and sad at the turn they've taken. Without the heart and soul of powerful, riveting characters and adherence to the basics of the universe George Lucas created, I'm far less emotionally invested in the future of this movie franchise. This movie "lets the past die, kills it if it must" and takes us down a new path I'm not really interested in.
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"You're Breaking My Heart. You're Going Down A Path I Can't Follow."
16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The character of Luke Skywalker is so clearly developed in the original trilogy. He shows up to help his friends and family when in need, no matter what and at any cost. He repeatedly makes selfless, morally sound decisions. He sees goodness in people when nobody else does, even in Darth Vader. To now portray him as a cynical, sarcastic, grumpy old hermit who had it cross his mind to murder his nephew in his sleep (he sensed darkness!) and then isolate himself on an island "to die" and avoid cleaning up the mess he made of his nephew makes no sense, even with the flashback explanation given.

The same goes for Jedi. Their awesome power lies in cool force abilities and light sabers - ONLY on a SUPERFICIAL level. What really distinguishes a Jedi and makes those characters magical and awesome is their certain noble way of being - that is calm, courageous, and clear-minded in any situation. Despite the movie's title, there is no Jedi to be seen in this film.

As for the "baddies," we have two incompetent, bickering rage-a-holics left in Hux and Ren. They are sure good at screaming. Despite Adam Driver's jaw-dropping talent, the Kylo Ren character's primary traits remain confusion and rage. He has no clear direction and thus no real power, no intimidating presence. He's an unsympathetic crybaby and he's going to lose every time, as he has until now.

There is so much confusion in the characters overall - and just as much at the end of this second movie as in the beginning. It's likely a reflection of the way the trilogy is being pieced together with multiple writers and no real collaboration between them in creating the characters and story arcs. Rey, Luke, Ren, Poe, Finn... great characters who have no idea what they want in this mess. Snoke, Holdo, and Leia were the most powerful, driven characters in the movie and the only ones who weren't confused at all... alas, those ships have sailed.

There were some other aspects to the film that were less than ideal storytelling, or didn't feel right in a Star Wars film, but honestly, I can let everything else slide. The nonsensical discarding of Luke, the Jedi, and the Force had me walking out of the theater feeling tired, hollow and sad, even though I enjoyed and was entertained by many parts of the movie.

This movie truly "lets the past die, kills it if it must." It takes us down a glittery new beautiful CGI path with awesome twists, effects, and the sights and sounds of Star Wars but missing the heart and soul of it. That's a path I'm not really interested in following.
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