3 Reviews
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Park (1999)
10 November 2003
To the makers,

The movie on the whole wasn't the worst I've ever seen. & I worry about someone who calls the movie "a hoot".

Ultimately, this is a typical Irish movie of type. Movies in this country are easily divided into Hollywood/France.

The reason I said "why" at the start is this: If you are going to attempt a continental style, why bombard us with Polanski's 'Repulsion' to begin with?

Do you think the audience is dumb?

Do you feel we should react in the same way you do to what transpires?

Do you (writer/director) have a personal problem with the subject matter?

Ultimately, I would view this movie as pointless. & thats saying something. I've just seen the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 'remake'.

Yours, wondering why money was wasted,

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Hannibal (2001)
25 September 2002
Don't get me wrong, both books and movies prior to this were beyond compare in terms of genre, but this is just gratuitous. The book wasn't very good for a start. Also, I don't think the desired attitude is 'laughter' when Ray Liotta (who is mis-cast already)has his brain eaten. Perhaps that's the joke, perhaps it's viewers behaving like brainless children. God knows, Ridley can do better than this.
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Marlowe (1969)
Not even the Dragon can save it
25 September 2002
This really is god-awful. Chandler is a genius, was should I say, and deserves better than this this treatment of his work. A bizarre sense of colour that permeated the seventies wanders around this movie aimlessly. This (and I'm watching it on BBC now) is dreadful.
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