
145 Reviews
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RoboCop (2014)
Not as bad as I had thought it was when I saw it for the 1st time
27 November 2023
So... I have rewatched recently all Robocops; 1,2,3 and this one.

The first one is still amazingly good even in 2023 then there is 2 and 3... I am glad they have not made the 4 because it would be just lower and lower in quality judging by the 2 and 3...

Now this one... I hated it when I first saw it years ago... but now? It is the second best Robocop. It is a solid flick that was still really nice to watch again after a few years. Great cast too.

It was mainly hated because it was so far from the original but as a seperate tribute/modern iteration is a solid movie.

I like the movement which looks like a real deal we are seeing in 2023 now with Boston Dynamics, etc. A real mechanical movement.

If you have not seen it. It is definitely worth it.

-- tgchan. Com.
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Monster (2022– )
Whoever compares this to the Mindhunter should have his head examined...
5 November 2023
This is at least a few levels below of everything... Rarely I cannot finish a movie/tv show but this was just a waste of time... I had to quite somewhere in a middle of the 3rd episode...

I though that would be a nice thing to watch right after Mindhunter to see the "other perspective" but it is dull...

If you like horrors and enjoy watching some random killer's homo sex fantasies and how he devolves/evolves you may like it... For me it was just a waste of time. Sure creepy, scary etc. But this will just leave a bad taste in your mouth and nothing much else to be honest. I wanted to watch his next kill, what it will be, his development but he was just an alcoholic homo mess that was doing weird stuff... Waste of time unless you enjoy studying such crap.

There are much better things to watch like real interviews with serial killers (Kuklinski) where you can see them and their real-life reactions or the lack of them/etc. This... just a cheap show that thrives on creepy stuff/kills and nothing else really...

If you expect quality and complexity of Mindhunter/True Detective this is not it... Feels like a cheap slasher/creepy horror with dull story telling/ Or maybe the story telling is decent but his life was just booze and stalking/inviting his victims to have sex fantasies and to kill them. Totally disappointing/

I am not giivng any rating because I haven't seen it all but two and a half episodes were enough to see it a waste of time/

-- tgchan. Com.
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
An absolute banger~!! /
25 October 2023
I didn't want to write a review but the quality of it just forced me to log in and do it...

I am at season 2, 5th episode and the show is just constantly on the highest of the quality... This is the same shelf of True Detective serial. Just as good. It's absolutelty amazing. The acting of everyone is superb and I love the characters they have created. Everyone is so different and enjoable to watch.

It's funny at times in a very witty way and dark most of the time. There's a hint of politics that always throw some hurdles under the legs of people who want to do their job and save lives. A perfect balance between personal lives, work and all the drama and scary reality of the dark world of serial killers.

I have actually renewed my N subsription just to finish the show because it's that good.


I had to come back and add that the music is amazing as well. It just suits the serial perfectly. A typical sure-to-enjoy serial. Go and enjoy it/
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Reptile (2023)
Probably not even worth your time. /
7 October 2023
19min - so far slow start and fast at the same time. It's slow and building up but at the same time it feels rushed and chaotic. Completely neutral so far

30min - nothing has really changed. Slow and chaotic. But I am patient/

51min - it might be picking up the pace... about time

59min - if you loved True Detective... this is not even the same shelf... unfortunately...

1h 5min - mediocre music choice...

1h 11min - I think it might be picking up the pace from now on... we'll see..

1h 25mib - it's speeding up/

1h 37min - getting all tensed up

1h 43min - now that surprised me nicely

1h 50min - a truly scary situation...

1h 56min - getting really tensed up, will it snap?

2h 1min - oh it definitely snapped/

Barely worth my time. Meh. Super slow, filled with totally useless scenes and a little bit of something at the end... Just no.
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tgchan says YES~!! /
15 September 2023
11min - I love the style. It looks super cute and cosy to watch

14min - it is absolutely gorgeous to look at/

15min - I would love to see TMNT in that animation style... Can't get enough of it

21min - not a single thing you can hate about it so far. Everything is awesome

23min - if this is a secret/hidden/underneath-psychological type of an advertisement for Nintendo games... It works... Makes me want to play and even better... Live in a Mushroom Kingdom... The place looks absolutely gorgeous

30min - what a feast for your eyes!

38min - they made an entire beautiful realm from a simple 2d platformer game... amazing

43min - 38 y.o. Here and I love every second of it/

59min - a promotion/advertisement and a tribute in one done right/

1h 8min - there's so many things to love in this film. You don't even have to be a fan of Mario games but more you know the more little things you will notice which are heartwarming and wholesome

I didnt' really liked the ending that much but the end was fine.

A great movie overall.
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tgchan says YES~! /
12 September 2023
11min - super interesting from the very beginning/ I might be biased because I have practically grew up on Pirate Bay. I only watch/play/listen to original material and support all the artists but I loved the freedom I had when I was in my teens. Especially with little to no money/ It's very controversial and super interesting to me personally. They are like unspoken heroes and villains in one/

24min - a bit chaotic but at least everything seems to be in a straightforward timeline

27min - it has got humour xD

53min - bloody 'ell... Zero DAys now this... A real eye opener. Pirate Bay is so much more than free file sharing... A must see for eveyrone using the internet... really

1h 2min - heroes for the masses... and villains for the big companised that are never satisfied with any amount of money... So complicated that you cannot even choose neither side objectivly... Amazing documentary... Huge respect for their will and resilliance... True warriors

A very complicated matter... Even after watching it I still do not really know what to think. I mean I know but it is a really deep thing and hard to come up with the one sided opinion.

It is probably because they do both the good and the bad...

Everyone who has ever used TPB will enjoy this. Even people who used other torrents will find it very interesting and thoughts provoking... It was a good piece of filmography. That's for sure.

As a matter of ethics... This is your choice. I have been pirating half of my life basically... I am proudly supporting and paying for music, films, etc. Now.

Piracy and internet is inseparable... Good vs Evil always existed and it will continues simply because it's a one thing. Yin & Yang. I've been on the dark side and it was great. I am on the light side now and it is also great.

Watch it. Draw your own conclusions/
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Zero Days (2016)
tgchan says YES~!! /
10 September 2023
14min - Mr Robot but real. Can't get enough of it already lol

18min - Mr Robot was definitely

1h 12min - makes you think... I watch this in 2023 and you can only imagine how it all had to advance... Not to even

mention A. I. damn...

1h 51min - a must watch for every single person on Earth/

An invisible war. Hopefully it is an invisible peace/

Well I still need 238 characters because of the stupid requirement but hey... hopefully you are healthy and happy enough to enjoy simple things in life. All good to you and your family. Still need 50 characters so all the best in new year whatever it may be/
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The Last Duel (2021)
A hidden jewel in obscure medieval times/
8 September 2023
13min - no times wasted. Action almost right away. The battles are brutal but unfortunately you can see lame CGI which kill the vibe...

31min - if you like castle times... I think you may like it. I enjoy it so far although there's a little jumping in-between the events. I guess, to cram everything in

44min - a really nice concept of telling the story from two oppose sides. Nothing new here but still interesting, rare and nicely done I think. Now I know the reason behind story jumping

57min - I really like it more and more. The story unravels and it all makes sense and it's quite complicated... A very human-like disputes where law/feelings often interfere. I really like it and can't wait to see more and learn how it all ends/ A good moment and prognosis right here

1h 16min - I am absolutely shocked and utterly impressed with an amazing depicture of how love/sexual lust look and works like... This was truly a first time something that real... Even the sex and orgams looked absolutely real and you did not have to see any nudity. Utmost respect... This movie is getting more and more my respect... At it all started like just an ordinary castle-time-oriented film. It really is rather beautiful jewel hidden underneath mud and stone I dare to say

1h 29min - the more I watch it the more I like it and the more it gets exciting. I love the film's structure that it shows different angles of the story. A real jewel in disguise/

1h 48min - fascinating and scary how different people see what they see. A view from a few perspective is absolutely amazing... This shows how often our mind colours things to make them often times prettier and more perfect than what they are... Huge respect that this film can show it so vividly and clearly

1h 51min - I do not like it for 8/10 but it deserves it/

1h 57min - absolutely amazing acting... The way they show men... I do not want to be in the same light as those animals... It absolutyey deserves 8

2h 17min - bloody 'ell... what a final fight/

2h 20min - absolutely disgusting depicture of men and their pathetic behaviour... It will change your thinking about knights if that is what it looked like

Oh it was directed by Ridley Scott lol that figures. I didn't like it for 8 /10 but it totally deserves it/.

-- tgchan. Com.
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What the hell... The closest of a bad trip without drugs/
2 September 2023
6min - and I have already seen so much weirdness... so many nice details as well. You can already tell that someone has pour his heart into this art

12min - I genuinely do not remember when was the last time I have seen so much oddity. I love it

15min - it feels like a bad bad dream but very intriguing and interesting at the same time

24min - what an absolute gem of the uniqueness this film is

34min - and I still have no idea what the f is going on here...

44min - I dare you to try to explain what you're watching when someone walks on you and see this for a few seconds or minutes lol. I am quite sure the team behind it would have done an amazing job bringing FALLOUT game into a film. Weird as hell but art is just pouring out of it

1h 14min - I wish the team of the upcoming FALLOUT tv series were that good... This film has an absolute level of fine details you can admire throughout the enitre film. Everything looks absolutely gorgeous in its own unique ugly way

1h 25min - like a bad dream or some bad acid trip lmao

1h 46min - you will never see anything like it... Giving it such low rating kind of rubs me in a wrong way but I really did not enjoy it that much... Actually it felt like a bad dream. But to capture something so unique is just stellar achievement and I think everyone should experience and watch it to come up with their own conclusion. It's definitely high quality, unorthodox art at its best/ Will you like it? There's only way to find out...
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Summer Wars (2009)
Mediocre at best...
28 August 2023
5min - so far not so good... not my style of animation + chaotic as hell... The story seems like a mess as well for now...

8min - bloody 'ell... even the music is chaotic and annoying...

11min - "...morning glory yukata..."... really?! XD

13min - the animation is very nice and the music has calmed down as well. No idea what's up with the beginning of the film... it felt out of place totally...

32min - oh boy... the virtual reality comes back just when I have started to like it... I hate the art style in there and the whole place looks like a mess... Hopefully it will get back to reality which really looks nice, ghibli-like

45min - meh... story sucks...

53min - how the hell this got such high rating... wtf... The story is just lame and cringy...

1h 11min - so much cringe... It feels like I'm re-growing my virginity by watching this...

1h 36min - despite the amount of cringiness (virtual reality...) it still got me in tears a couple of times

It feels and looks like a studio ghibli mixed with pokemons/digimons/matrix and god knows what else...

I would have liked it a lot more without that virtual reality inserts. The story was just super weak... So much high quality resources wasted on a weak script... Shame/

-- tgchan. Com.
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No Man's Land (I) (2001)
Too real... unfortunately.
24 August 2023
Started like a comedy. I thought it's going to be some kind of a parody but after a few short minutes things got quite hectic and serious.

24min - and it couldn't be more serious and realistic... This is definitely not a comedy...

33min - it is funny and dead serious at the same time/

59min - what a fascinating story wrapped round a typical political bs which complicates unneceserily simple things when people want to do right

Bloody 'ell... Definitely not a comedy... What a sad and unfortunately sad story... Watch it. A very powerful short film that will leave you thinking. Feck hate/

What do you mean in need at least 600 characters... wtf bs requirement this is... How about cars have to have at least 600hp or your shlong has to be at least 6cm long wtf...
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Everything about it is just top shelf...
29 July 2023
Storytelling, cinematography, music, people in it, all you can possible think of is just gold... It's hard to believe that a show about farming can be that good... but it is~!! You can watch it with your whole family and have a great laugh. Your kids? Sure. Your girlfriend/boyfriend? Of course. It doesn't matter because the show is so good that you hardly can stop watching it. There is always something interesting happening, always someone new... I am only in the first season, episode 3 but I just had to stop and write a few words...

I will reevaluate my rating after I finish the shop but the lowest it can get is 9 /10 because anything lower would be a blasphemy...

We'll see. Go ahead watch alone all with anyone you can possible think of. Thank you, Amazon and everyone who helped creating this gem/


He just opened the bloody thing and I cried a little... It's so good...

I've finished season 2. Nothing has changed. Still 10/10 one of the best thing you can watch. Period.

-- tgchan. Com.
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Bubble (2022)
If it weren't for cringy story, it would have been amazing/
25 July 2023
Still worth watching just for everything else than a story which is just meh...

If you enjoy love stories/parkour you may even enjoy it a little more.

I wasn't bored. That's it. Nothing more and nothing else. Fortunately everything is so beautiful in the film that it was carrying the weak story/screenplay. You can totally pass it and lose nothing. If you enjoy beautiful art the film should be worth your time just because how amazing it has been drawn. Everything else might be a bonus.

I would have give it 5 /10 at best but everything else was super good... Too much cringe in the story. I am still glad someone tries something new, etc. But this one... oh well... Maybe someone else can enjoy it much more/

-- tgchan. Com.
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Another Round (2020)
Starts like the best ad for alcohol... turns into a scary warning/
20 July 2023
I was surprised how easily it was actually to get sucked into it... It's been a while since I have watched anything without action. Surprisingly it caught my attention immediately. Mads and high rating helped me to actually give it ago.

Even though I am an abstinent, it gave me a strong contemplation of trying it out myself... I love psychology, experiment in this field and ways to improve my life both: creatively and in general.

That sounded like a great plan even though it was against my knowledge and believes I was simply like... Damn... it all makes sense and I can push my guitar playing onto new unknown areas of awesomeness etc. The film worked like a scary and best possible ad for alcohol... It really got me thinking... Thankfully it turned somewhere in a middle to something less beautiful and attractive... It gives you a warning and a strong one.

It's such a great film... This is how you know a movie is great. No special effects to draw your attention, no fancy explosions nor stunts. Just a regular scene of everyday life of ordinary people. Now imagine that to capture your attention and the big curiosity what's going to happen next!?

If you like alkohol = watch it.

If you are an absitent = watch it.

If you love psychology = watch it.

If you love drama = watch it.

If you love to experiment to improve/learn about yourself = watch it (but don't drink too much and know when to stop ;p)

The best thing is that the film doesn't give you any answers. You have to decide what to think about it. It just end neutrally and it's beautiful. It's neither an ad nor a warning. It's just an "article" about the experience. You can either follow it in your own life or just leave it at that. You now know both + and - of it.

-- tgchan. Com.
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A type of a movie that fakes a bonfire... like really... wtf...
12 July 2023
Edit @ s3e5:

It just gets better and better when you were and still are so sure it will go down but it doesn't and it still is super constantly very good./ Somehow they keep on drama one after another and another and another and there's always something fresh going on just when you thought it will go downhill from here... nope it still surprises you later on/ I luv it


I am still only at the beginning = Season 1, Ep. 4 (36:26/17:08) but it already has some mediocre and wtf moments... E.g. Some CGI scenes are super low quality... I get it... budget, etc. But a bloody BONFIRE?! Thanks god it is not CGI but it is a light and a steam machine... WTF... and I didn't have to look hard to see it... it was just off... No flames and smoke looks... well like a steam.

I understand that they are in cave and it wouldn't be safe or whatever then freakin change the location and stop that kind of bullshido because it breaks the immersion...

Other than some silly story holes it is a pleasant show...

It gives me some what-the-future FALLOUT from the amazon may look like and probably will... It's not bad but I really hope they will improve FALLOUT a lot.

The aspect of you cannot trust anyone and the whole nazi level of inflirtation/lies/secret agendas/plots etc. Is really intimidating and engaging. You really feel pressure sometimes and do oh wow... I would have never though he would do that, etc. Rufus as a Nazi agent is killing it. The acting is great overall and despite some silly little moments it's very enjoyable show so far/ Season 1, Ep. 6

I'll update the review when I am done with the show/ tgchan. Com.
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Small World (II) (2021)
To all VEGA haters... especially those in POLAND.
9 July 2023
I've seen a few films... Just a few ;)

Vega's film slap differently... I am Polish so most of the time they feel too real to me... they hit too close to home, etc.. They actually disgust me because if the world indeed looks like this than I do not want to have anything to do with it.

I have seen all PITBULLs and other crime thrillers from VEGA. They are all amazingly well done with a few wtf moments... Some of them are plain stupid, some of them are so cringy that just wtf...

One thing is certain. He has a strong style. A unique one and his movies are his own and they are really really good. What I have watched in the recent years from "the Hollywood" is just garbage in comparison...

A cheap thrill often made even cheaper. I would have never thought that Polish films can have better stories, better special effects, etc/

They are far from perfect but still better than most that comes out from the USA in cinemas.

There's a Polish saying:

'Cudze chwalicie, Swego nie znacie, Sami nie wiecie, Co posiadacie.' - Stanislaw Jachowicz

and it is so true... Vega and a few other factors have made me look into that quote even deeper...

As for this particular film... Heavy as f... It actually made me decide that I will not watch more movies from VEGA even though I enjoy them a lot. I have some problems with depression and all dark/heavy stuff like this just puts me into a bad mindspace...

I need rainbows, singing unicorns flying over the blue sky with billowy snowy white clouds on it... not a criminal, thriller, drama about little children being sold and abused all over the world... BUT... if he is not afraid to show what's ugly to the world...

This alone should be prised and talked about... He is brutally honest and is not shy to put it/show in his movies...

Some of the scenes are more hardcore than those from Lars von Trier or Alejandro G. Iñárritu. Think along those lines when you think about VEGA's films because this is his style and he is bloody good at it.

I wish him all the success because he deserves it. I also recommend all his thriller/drama,criminal films. I haven't seen all of his movies and some might be as bad as people say... I've got a hint or two from the ones I have really enjoyed so... I can only imagine the wtf/cringiness amount he might have put if he did not filled a film with what he is good at/

Hopefully he will grow and his films will reach wider crowds all over the world. Thank you. /tgchan. Com.
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17 August 2020
Tgchan's rating: 2 /10

Absolutely rubbish...

Bobby Soto/David weak and lame... feels like a misplaced actor from a Disney movie. Terrible scripting, acting, dialogues and everything else... It feels like an amateur project of some kid with some money...

All that gore and money, yet no traction with quality whatsoever...

The whole film has just two positive things I can think of...

Shia's performance

One shooting scene with a nice camera angle and slow motion. That's it.

Utterly-wasting-time pukes/ Filled with some religious propaganda...

I don't even want to write anything more about it. I just want to forget it and not think about wasted time.
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Toast of London (2012–2020)
16 August 2020
Tgchan's rating: 6.5 /10

I love all that's British. I enjoyed it a lot but the jokes are stale and unfunny most of the time. I love England and all stuff related to be honest, so it was a joy for me watching it. I think it is mediocre at best, unless you fancy that kind of humour etc.

It was nice to watch during one of the darkest time in my life so far. Easy to enjoy and light enough to cheer you up.
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Project Power (2020)
16 August 2020
Tgchan's rating: 7.5 /10

Great start. Great ending. Cool actors. Cool acting. Great story. Cool idea. Great directing and camera work. Music is good as well even though totally not my type. I loved all the locations. Action is good as well. Really enjoyed it from start to finish and was hard to stop watching it/ Felt really fresh as well.

Totally recommend.
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Politics (2019)
15 May 2020
Where to begin...

First of all I do not like Polish movies even though I have seen some amazing ones and I loved them... I just prefer English language more, that's it I guess.

I have seen a few Patryk Vega's films and I really enjoyed them/ They are rough and not high quality but they are good and have that something that you can easily sense.

What about Polityka(2019), then?

Well... I knew the hate... I knew it will be disastrous and after a few minutes I literally wanted to just turn it off. It was so bad and cringy I couldn't believe what I am watching.

I wanted to quite again after more minutes but I have started to see what this movie really is...

I thought it was a comedy. Only know I have noticed it's under DRAMA genre and this is real drama... A story told with a scornful laughter but there are tears of sorrow hidden underneath it.

This is over the top caricature of what is going on in my country. I do not follow politics at all. I have heard about a couple of things shown in the movie and only now I got somehow fuller picture what it was all about.

I feel somehow bad about myself that I wanted to quit watching it after a few minutes because if I had... I would have never understood it and know what people behind it were trying to show.

I think this must be one of the most misunderstood films I have ever watched... So easy to think it is something what is not...

Imagine a secret story hidden during a time of fascism and propaganda. This is what it is.

I don't think it is something that non-Polish people can enjoy. It is just a big helpless laugh at what's have been going on in Poland. It hurts... because there are lots of right-minded people in my country... just in the wrong places...

... but again same thing all over the world I guess. More or less but same. We are all connected either we want it or not.
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New World (2013)
10 May 2020
This is what happens when you push too far...

tgchan's rating: 7.5 /10

Amazing acting, intriguing and gripping story, solid balance between action & story unravel. Nothing really new here but it is interesting from the very start to the very end. It is not high-paced but it won't make you sleep either.
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Mine 9 (2019)
29 April 2020
This film will really make you appreciate your work... Whatever you do, you probably wouldn't like to change it for coal mining...

"Doctor Sleep" - which supposed to be a horror wasn't even half as scary as this one...

It definitely makes you think. It is not probably something you will want to re-watch again in future but it definitely is an experience worth to have.

Simple, yet you know that a lot of hard work has been put into it. Not usual topic for a film as well.

A real respect for everyone who has helped to shine some light on this unusual line of work.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
27 April 2020
The whole thing feels like a homage to the original. A little bit like a fanboy kind of thing if you don't mind me saying...

It's okay but totally unnecessary. It just feels like someone wanted to stick their fanboy work the the original to get as close as they could.

If you are a fan of the original you may like it/hate it. I really liked the original and this one feels like a cheap addon/DLC/
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26 April 2020
Just don't...

I love 90/91 tmnt to bits but this 3min whatever it was I just wish I haven't... because now I have to waste more time writing this...
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
23 April 2020
Please... don't make a sequel...

It's like... if you skip it and don't watch it... you will not miss a thing... If you watch it, it's just okay but most of the time too dumb and annoying to enjoy it.

If you don't like shaky camera, stay away. I don't mind and I hated it/ Pure chaos with crappy story.

I respect trying something new and unique but... it's just not enough.
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