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My father, 32 missions in a B17, would have enjoyed it
18 April 2024
He didn't think too much of the Hollywood "Memphis Belle". The B-17 movies he regarded the best are:

Memphis Belle (1944) 12 O'Clock High The War Lover

It's pretty sad that living memories of B-17 crews are gone now.

Some comments I can make based on long conversations with my dad about his combat experience:

1. The strain on the crews was terrible. They knew the odds against living through their tour were heavily against them. The airmen dealt with their fear in different ways, and it broke some of them. My dad just expected to die. The actors in MotA looked like they were having fun.

2. The odds of surviving the first 5 missions were about the same as surviving the rest of the tour, i.e. The crews learned. The series presented it as simply randomness in a shooting gallery. I'd like to have seen some bits about how the crews handled it and learned.

3. The show didn't really show much of any airmanship. Nor any of the variety of techniques the Luftwaffe used to penetrate their defenses. Such as the Luftwaffe pilots would aim for the B-17 cockpit. Nor anything about the aircrews fighting to bring home their damaged airplane and wounded crew.

4. Nothing much was said about how the crew coped with 60 degrees below zero and the lack of oxygen.

Some things are just lost knowledge. My dad would bring along two flak jackets. He didn't wear them, he put them on the floor and squatted on them. This is because the flak was designed to explode below the aircraft and shred it from below. I expect other crews did that, too, they weren't stupid.

He summed it up saying he wouldn't trade that experience for anything, and would not do it again for anything.

But still, the detail of the aircraft and beautiful photography made this a worthwhile series. Well recommended.
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Ferrari (2023)
Soap and Cars
5 January 2024
What makes Enzo Ferrari an interesting person? His singular focus on designing and building race cars, selecting the best drivers, his ability to inspire his factory team to build fast and beautiful cars, and his ability to inspire his drivers to win.

So what do we get with the Ferrari movie? We get mostly a soap opera about his dead son, his illegitimate son, his philandering, his frustrated mistress, his betrayed wife, and his mother who wished her other son was the one that survived. We even get a sermon from a priest.

I.e. A soap opera.

Nothing about that is of any interest, as probably half of your acquaintances have a similar story to tell, and a very large number of movies address the same topic.

Who would go to a movie about Enzo Ferrari to learn about his soapy personal life? Not me.

I want to know about the cars, the drivers, the technology, and how Enzo managed all this to make the finest, most beautiful cars in the world.

The good parts of the movie are the racing scenes, and the oh-so-beautiful cars and the thrilling song of their engines. "Ferrari" would be a better movie if it left all the soap on the cutting room floor, but sadly a much shorter movie.
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The best scifi movie of its era
30 September 2023
Yes, I know, the special effects are cheap. So what.

What is so enjoyable about it is how effective those effects are. For example, the weird trail to the sand pit. The odd look of the house. The interior of the police station which looks like it came from the Twilight Zone. And, of course, the dramatic music whenever anyone fell into the pit - turning a perfectly ordinary scene into something amazing.

It's incredible how a good soundtrack can add to a picture.

Then there's the terror of the little boy when the rug of his life is abruptly pulled out from under him, and at the end he is running, running, running, and cannot get away from the nightmare.

I took off a star because the running around in the tunnels got a bit repetitive, and the story dragged a bit there.

Other than that, an awesome movie.

Loved the ending!
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Blood & Gold (2023)
A western replacing cowboys with nazis
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If this reminds you of a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western, but with nazis, you've seen this movie before.

Imagine a town where one of its residents is rumored to have come into some gold bars. (Westerns always have gold bars.) The resident is long gone, so the residents search for the gold bars. A company of nazis come to town, having heard rumors about the gold. The leader of the nazi gang is just like the leader of any motorcycle gang or horse riding gang. The tropes you see in westerns are all there.

The extras and other filler characters all go down in hails of gunfire. The main characters, of course, are only winged so they can continue fighting. Oh, you thought the Bad Guy was dead! Wrong. He miraculously recovers. Our Hero never remembers that in this type of movie the Bad Guy has to be killed multiple times before he stays dead.

If you enjoy guilty pleasures and mindless shoot-em-ups, this movie is for you.

Nice photography.
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Wednesday (2022– )
You've seen this before, probably several times
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I heard great things about this, and so tuned in with high anticipation. It started off enough, but then, sigh, what a letdown. The first time I remember seeing this movie was "Revenge of the Nerds". It was fairly new material then. In this version, Harry Potter (er, Wednesday) is a misfit among Muggles (er, normies) and so off to Hogwarts (er, Nevermore) she goes. There, she's a misfit among misfits. Each of the inmates there has a magical superpower (geez, that again). Wednesday keeps accruing skills as the show progresses, whenever handy to suit the plot. For example, she gets challenged to a fencing duel, and suddenly she has unsuspected super fencing technique, out of nowhere. But you'll get used to such things in this miniseries.

Wednesday uncovers a murder mystery, with everyone else a suspect. Her detective work is so poor, however, that she solves mysteries by suddenly acquiring psychic powers and "visions". It's pretty easy to solve a mystery when you have a vision of the solution.

On the journey to a resolution, the lazy writers resorted to absurd devices to get Wednesday out of jam after jam. For example, she gets stabbed in the chest and is dying. How is she going to get out of it? Why, a magical ghost appears and cures her! From nowhere!

"Wednesday" is full of eye-rolling laziness like that.

The ending with its resurrection of the pilgrim-from-hell was just sad.

On a nice note, the principal looked familiar, sort of like Shirley Jones. It kept bothering me. When near the end, I finally realized she was the woman knight from Game of Thrones! It's a pleasure seeing her without her plate armor on.

This is probably a fine show for the under-10 set. For adults, move on.
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Almost Live! (1984–1999)
A Love Letter to a Lost Seattle
22 May 2023
Almost Live is a sketch comedy series based in Seattle during the 1990s - after Microsoft made it big and before Amazon emerged from a Bellevue garage. Seattle still had its laid-back northwest charm, its peculiar communities, its grunge rock, its norwegian influence, its beautiful scenery, and its lack of pretentiousness.

Almost Live mercilessly mocked itself, Microsoft, Boeing, Kent, state and local government, grunge music, office commuters, rich nerds, etc. TV series Cops, Miami Vice, Bob Ross, West Side Story, etc., all were redone with Seattle humor.

This era ended with the World Trade Organization riots, and was replaced with the Progressive era of homelessness, ranched RVs, crime, eviscerated police, rampant drug use, and tent communities. Almost Live ended with that. The cast has moved on and gotten old.

The old shows remain as a nostalgic window on what it used to be.

It's so sad they aren't re-run anymore, no DVDs were ever released for it, and there isn't a way to see it anymore.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Lays it on a little thick
21 May 2023
I'm going to be contrary. The movie is about as preachy as you can get. The 12 jurors are all cartoonish stereotypes, locked into their predictable characters. The unlikeable characters, of course, all make vacuous, absurd arguments for there position, while yelling and gesticulating. The characters we're supposed to like all make calm, reasonable arguments.

The morality is laid out in stark black and white. No grey, no ambiguity, no difficult choices. Me, I like a movie with a dilemma, and some "lesser of two evils" choices. Each character should also be a mixture of good and bad and grey.

Don't you get tired of Hollywood clonking you over the head with a moral lesson? Especially when Hollywood isn't any better than the rest of us.
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Magical Mystery Tour (1967 TV Movie)
Should have burned the negative
24 April 2023
After finishing this film. Take, for example, the scene of the sergeant yelling gibberish. This goes on, and on, and on, and there's no discernible point to it. It's just irritating to see and hear. Then there's the scene of the 3 magicians dressed in red, wondering where the bus was. There's McCartney standing on a hill while "Fool on the Hill" plays. Lennon dresses like an egg. Harrison wears a hat that he uses to block his face from the camera. Ringo moves the needle up a star for a moment as he argues with his aunt.

One of the sequences plays out on what looks like an abandoned WW2 air base. I found myself looking at the dilapidated ops buildings instead of the action.

After the triumph of "A Hard Day's Night" this movie is agonizing to watch.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Yet another zombie apocalypse
27 January 2023
Yeah, we've all seen it many times before. Same old same old. Some points:

Although weeks go buy, none of our heroes ever thinks of arming themselves. Even a sharpened broomstick would make for an effective spear. They don't even think to pick up a tire iron, which makes for an effective weapon.

They never think of protecting themselves against bites with a heavy coat and gloves. Human teeth are a really lousy weapon.

It would be pretty easy to fortify a location against them. Jeez, they seem unable to even break through a glass window. Barbed wire would do nicely to entangle them making them easy to destroy.

They never think of using honeypots to attract them into a kill zone.

As for the zombies, they have the usual magical powers. The most obvious is the prodigious amounts of energy expended with no particular source of that energy. The human body isn't going to work without a working set of organs and blood, no matter how much the zombie plague tries to overcome that. The laws of physics still apply.

Watch only if you're bored.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Another Zombie Apocalypse
16 January 2023
This has been done to death. Made it about halfway through the first episode before I nearly expired from boredom. You've seen 10 zombie apocalypse, you've seen 'em all. It's always the same, the infection occurs and turns the poor sap into a homicidal maniac, who infects anyone hear him. Oh, and the zombies also let out the same hiss in every zombie movie.

Fast forward 20 years, and the survivors can't get along, and are all revolting and/or killing each other. Why they're all fighting each other doesn't make any sense.

And sorry, scriptwriters, car batteries won't last 20 years. Neither will gas.

You've already seen this movie.
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T Rex vs Terminator vs Alien
12 January 2023
... would have been a better plot for this movie. Instead we have the cast of Our Heroes, who spend the movie being Care Bears and running away from dinosaurs. Of course, we know that none of them will get eaten. That's reserved for the bad guys, like the Tim Cook lookalike running his evil empire. The dinosaurs are the most inept predators that ever evolved, as they signal they're stalking you by rumbling and gurgling. Then, before they bite, they always pause for a roar, allowing Our Heroes to escape. I kept falling asleep during this epic yawnfest.

In a desperate attempt to salvage this dino dump, they had to add in some giant grasshoppers. But, that failed to fix it.

The problem is, there's just nothing interesting happening. Wander around aimlessly, get stalked by dinos, run, dinos give chase, dinos corner them, dinos stop to roar, let heroes escape. Repeat again and again and again...
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Better than I expected
9 December 2022
I didn't expect to like it, but it started off well and I was hooked. It features Sulu in an early role, and treats us with Miiko Taka from Sayonara. It's really too bad we don't see Taka in more movies. She lights up every scene she's in. We also see Patricia Owens from Sayonara.

Captain Pike, of course, plays the lead marine. Unfortunately, he looks a bit flabby and old to be a marine, and all the other marines are played by elderly actors.

Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the movie. It was nice to see the Japanese characters speaking Japanese without subtitles.

Should have been filmed in color. C'mon, this was 1960. No excuse.
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Power (2014–2020)
Comic Book Caricature Gangster Movie
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, yes, I watched it to the end and enjoyed it. But it clearly belongs in the comic book universe, taking place in some mythic city like Gotham City.

1. the male characters all look like gym rats. Even Dre has gigantic muscles. Where do these people get the time to live in the gym?

2. the sex is all fantasy sex.

3. the gangsters are frequently using machine guns, and law enforcement never seems to notice

4. They get away with a truly astonishing number of murders. Gotham City must have the most inept police force in the universe

5. Ghost manages to launder millions of dollars in a day or two out of a hole-in-the-wall hair salon

6. Ghost is alternately broke and comes up with millions of dollars any time the plot requires it

7. Characters regularly yell at their besties "Tell me the Truth!!!!" when they all know it would be best if they kept their mouths shut

8. The never-snitch people are always snitching

9. The bad guys always drive black SUVs

Kaanan, with his psychopathic behavior and cold calculation, is a very entertaining character. Tommy is a treat to watch, too. He's by far the best actor, you can read his mind just by looking at his face. He's also the most colorful one, breaking the stereotype with his awesome blue Mustang. Should do a spinoff starring that Mustang.

To sum up, it's a comic book universe with a soap opera plot spiced up with machine guns.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Orange, Blue and Foggy
24 October 2022
While the story is ok, something went terribly wrong with the cinematography. The color palette is orange and blue. Subtracting from this is the backgrounds, even indoors, are greyed out by fog. The contrast is poor throughout.

I tried adjusting the color on my TV, to no avail. There was no fixing it. I thought there was something wrong with the TV, but other shows look fine.

In short, the show is difficult to see. Eye candy it ain't. They clearly spent a lot of time on the art, costumes, sets, and cgi, but it's mostly for naught because the cinematographer made sure you can hardly see much of it.

How can one make a zillion dollar show, and nobody involved has the guts to say "blue and orange sucks. Where's the red and green?" It's as ugly as the long-forgotten 2 strip technicolor from the early 1930s. It's long-forgotten for a reason.
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Resident Evil (2002)
Remake of The Poseidon Adventure
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I.e. A movie in the genre where our merry band of victims get themselves trapped in a maze of sorts, and have to surmount a series of obstacles to get out. As expected, the price for each surmount is a gruesome death for one the band. Who will survive? No prizes for guessing the obvious. Which one is the traitor? Nobody cares. The main entertainment is having a drinking game with friends - if you guess wrong which is the next redshirt, you gotta chug a beer.

The only fun is Michelle Rodriquez reprising her ass-kicking role in Aliens. Mila Jovovich is of course fetching in her skimpy costume.

Other than that, The Poseidon Adventure is better, even Aguirre The Wrath of God is better (and certainly weirder) at this genre.

As for the scifi, it only serves as the McGuffin.
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Home Again (2017)
Absurd, but mildly entertaining
14 August 2022
The absurdity of the film is the notion that 4 men can live contentedly in the same household while in love with Reese Witherspoon in that house. Never gonna happen. Oh, and the men are all great father figures for the two daughters. Witherspoon bestows the favor of a smile on whoever pleases her the most on the moment. The daughters speak adult lines, making one wonder how an adult got trapped in a kid's body. Candace Bergen is the perfect grandma.

If you can get past the absurdity, the cast is all Beautiful People, living in a Beautiful House, in Sunny California where it never rains. A movie to watch when your Netflix queue is without inspiration.
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Black Sheep Squadron (1976–1978)
What WW2 would be like if it happened in the 70s
20 July 2022
With 70s hairstyles, 70s tightly tailored pants, 70s California in the background. The plots are juvenile, and if the actors were 14 years old their behavior would be more credible.

5 stars for the Corsairs, though! It's wonderful seeing those glorious aircraft flying and at their best!
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Tommy (1975)
Great music, silly movie, no beans please
20 May 2022
I saw this when it was released. The music was awesome, and I liked the movie so much I saw it a couple more times. (Except for the bean scene, which I hated.) Fast forward nearly 50 years, and I watched it again.

The music is still great, but the movie is laughable. It hits you over the head with its hamfisted message. Not a trace of subtlety anywhere. Clapton and Nicholson turn in stone-faced performances. Tina Turner is way, way over the top with the quivering. I can almost hear the director yelling "do it again, but with more quivering!" Ann-Margaret should get an Oscar for overacting and over-emoting. The worst part of the movie is her scene with the beans. It's degrading, and so awful she's lucky it didn't end her career. Roger Daltrey delivers a very engaging performance.

But the music is great.
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Serenade (1956)
Dead Squirrel
7 May 2022
I enjoy Mario Lanza's singing a lot, one of my favorite albums is his Christmas Carol one. So I check out his movies.

This one is a typical 1950s B movie, not terribly interesting. Lanza's singing, however, is great. But I couldn't take my eyes off of that dead squirrel stapled to the top of his head.
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Sayonara (1957)
Let's Face It
11 March 2022
I'm a sucker for mushy romantic movies, and Sayonara is at the top of my list. I watch it again every few years, and still tear up.

Some reviewers like to judge from today's moral perspective, but that's a little unfair. Just take it for what it is, and enjoy it.

It's a fine story (better than the book), beautifully photographed with lovely sets. It makes you long to visit Japan. The two couples each have the perfect romance - of course it's unrealistic, but isn't perfection what you like to see in a romance?

Let's not overlook James Garner, playing the perfect sidekick any person wants to have.

Watch it with your favorite special person, and bring a box of kleenex.

P. S. The soundtrack album is hard to find, but is charming as well.
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The Mob (1951)
Unusual Hollywood Movie
18 January 2022
Imagine a movie where all the leads are ugly, overweight, and old, and the bit players (Bronson) are the handsome ones. No need to imagine anymore! I especially enjoyed Crawford, who could school Clint Eastwood in how to be a man.

Great fun.
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Over the Edge (1979)
Enjoyable Period Piece
16 October 2021
I saw this when it debuted, it was the B movie part of a double feature at the theater. I remember this one, and totally forgot what the headliner movie was. The soundtrack was unusually good, the kids all acted naturally and convincingly.

Today I enjoy watching it again as a period piece, with the clothing and styles and music and the way kids talked when I was that age. Notice the little touch of the kids having an oversize comb in the back pocket. I remember that fashion, although it is completely forgotten today.

Other reviewers impute deep meaning into the story, but there's nothing deep about it. Just watch it and enjoy. As everyone else mentions, Matt Dillon steals the movie. I was never remotely that cool :-)
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Silly Tropes
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love the dialog:

"It's all my fault! Sob!" "No, it's not your fault!" "It's all my fault! Sob!" "No, it's not your fault!"

Could it be any lamer?

Why do actors always fall down when running away from danger? Then, they lie there until someone helps them up again. These are young, fit people.

The predators, instead of sneaking up on their prey, always stop and snarl, giving their prey plenty of time to shriek and prepare a defense.

In between predator attacks, the people wander about with no concern. None appear interested in arming themselves. Their food supply is no protected from predators. Nobody seems interested in getting organized, setting up a perimeter, establishing watches, etc.

Evidently humans can outrun wolves and tigers.

An enormous quantity of stone and dirt from the hole appears to have just disappeared. Only cars, people, and pavement survives the hole.

Of course the psychic guy has to be invented to move the plot forward.

The teens look 25 and their parents barely 30.

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Stowaway (I) (2021)
The plot wouldn't work if the characters were smart
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing is all mission to Mars movies share the same flaw. A critical part in the spaceship goes wrong, and there is no backup. In this case, a briefcase-sized piece of equipment shorts out, and sure enough, they'll all die because it broke and there is no backup.

This is not sane design of a ship that must last for years without killing its passengers.

Next, the brave astronauts go outside, and get into serious trouble because they fail to clip themselves and their equipment on a safety line. They even go hand over hand along a cable, where one missed grip meant they'd drift off and die. This is nuts.

They trained to do this EVA, but apparently decided it was too risky to do it, even though not doing it means death.

Then there was the botanist who apparently didn't know that algae can reproduce. He didn't have to commit all of it, he could have held back some small portion. Give it nutrients and it will grow.

Oh well.

At least the rotating tether was something we haven't seen before.
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Peppermint (2018)
By the numbers
24 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a standard, by the numbers revenge movie. Mother's family gets murdered by a drug gang, she disappears and trains to be a badass, reappears, and picks off the gang minions one by one until she offs the head of the gang in his castle.

She even staples her wounds together herself. Gee, seen that a dozen times.

The only difference is a female lead. But you could swap her out with any male action hero and you wouldn't need to change anything else. It's so generic that I also watched "The Foreigner" (another revenge movie with the same plot) and can't remember which scenes belong with which movie.
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