
3 Reviews
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10 December 2010
The Man From Earth is a tale of a man who claims to have survived for 14,000 years. The film opens with the main character placing boxes into the back of a pickup truck as his friends arrive. He is cornered as to why he is moving away and without an acceptable answer he is somewhat obligated to tell his life story.

Going in I didn't know what to expect, the writeup looked interesting so I checked it out and it blows the mind. As a viewer you are just as drawn in by the story as the characters are. Immortality is an interesting topic and it's been used before in films but never like this. The film is thoughtful and provoking and kinda humorous, all of the actors do a great job and all show genuine emotions people might feel if they were in the same place. Although the film came out in 2007 I just saw it for the first time December 10, 2010. In my opinion this film better than all of the dramas and comedies released thus far into 2010.
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Best show Fox ever had......period
4 August 2009
The Terminator films were awesome, mostly the first two films. In the first it was about a woman who fought for survival but it was much more than that, it was a possible disastrous future, a warning that we as man might be treading the wrong path in regards to technology.

Terminator is just fiction but it still makes you think. Terminator 2 was much the same film as the original but now the destroyer becomes the protector, the heroes just run from a threat they aren't sure how to destroy then they do.....

Sarah Connor Chronicles was a totally different show than it's film parents, It stayed mostly in one place and they rarely ever just ran. At the shows core there was a strong drama around a son and mother and this machine in their midst. Sarah Connor is a complex woman who suffered much in life but still manages to make time for family, she fumbles sometimes in that role but that's what makes her so great.

Some people might blast the show for it's effects or it's action or goofy dialog, I think these were the shows strongest points. TSCC wasn't perfect but it was much better than anything else on Fox. I honestly dare anyone to watch every single episode that aired and see the story that unfolds and tell me that this show has nothing to offer because I would put my money on Terminator over anything else on TV not just Fox. I say that because frankly I'm tired of "Reality TV" and I'm sick of ads for things I care little about, I didn't pay for cable just to be bombarded with BS.......

Anyways, Fox has since canceled the show in favor of Dollhouse, WTF? I look at that news like this, Fox are a group of complete idiots when it comes to TV anymore least the show had a chance and lasted two seasons, most shows don't even get that..... Bravo Fox for killing another show and angering millions of fans.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
One of the better vampire flicks....
7 June 2009
I got interested in Twilight after I saw a trailer for it that came on before Death Race Started....At least I think it was Death Race. It wasn't until after I actually saw the film that I found out girls like it, Whatever I think it's awesome. many films have tried to show vampires live in the normal world but usually they never get past the Bram Stoker vampire. This actually had a good reason they live such odd lives.

I like the idea of a vampire romance, the idea that someone willingly chooses to become the undead, that someone falls so in love with another that they would follow the person into hell just to be with them.... If that's not love I don't know what is.....

The plot I thought was good, the action when it came up was quick and there really wasn't much blood. The strongest point of the film is the characters.... Once introduced you instantly knew who was good and who wasn't and there was those few that you weren't quite so sure of until they showed you who they were under fire.

The other thing I liked about this film was it's location, Washington State. I was there when I was a kid but vaguely remember it, I remember it rained a lot, I remember it was very green with trees but not much else so it was nice seeing Washington in a film.
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