
5 Reviews
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Crossing Jordan (2001–2007)
9 December 2004
I happened upon "Crossing Jordan" one evening while channel surfing. I'm glad I did; this is a good show. This show works because it is well cast, for starters. The interaction between Jill Hennessey and Miguel Ferrer is excellent and never contrived. Steve Valentine and Ravi Kapoor are brilliant, and Katherine Hahn balances out this group as the sweet, empathic Lily. Jerry O'Connell is a welcome addition as young, gung-ho detective Woody Hoyt, who provides nice little comic moments here and there to keep the show on it's toes. Fortunately for me, A&E runs older episodes of CJ late in the evening, so I've had a chance to play catch-up and watch it from the beginning. This show started out interesting to me and seems to be getting better all the time. I'll definitely keep watching in the future.
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Good Boy (2003)
Beyond Bad
3 December 2004
Animal movies are usually amusing, to some degree. Throw in Molly Shannon and Kevin Nealon, two good comedians, and it SHOULD have some hope. Not this clunker. How many times have stupid movies like this been made? Disney had "The Cat From Outer Space" some 30 or more years ago, and that was cute because, at that time, it was an original concept. It also fit well with the type of comedies coming out during that time. So now we have this movie, which simply altered the plot line a little and turned the cat in to a dog. This movie itself is a complete "dog". Vapid parental figures, too-cutesie kids who are so much smarter than the folks who sired them, and funny, space-dogs! This film would stink even it had been released as a made-for-TV movie, but then at least it wouldn't have cost you anything to change the channel if you didn't like it. Not worth the time or the money for rental or otherwise. Skip it, big time.
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Charmed (1998–2006)
Still Good After All These Years
1 December 2004
I've been a fan of this show since it's inception. After watching it for some time, the character of Prue became my favourite. Though Shannen Doherty's reputation outside of the show became questionable, she still had the acting chops to pull off the role. When she departed, I wasn't sure if I'd like the "replacement sister" Paige (Rose McGowan) but I found that she'd grown on me. The writers did a fair job of shifting the family dynamic to acommodate the loss of the eldest sister (Prue, the strong one) and gave Holly Marie Combs a chance to shine and come out of her shell. Alyssa Milano's character (Phoebe) became less whiny and annoying (as she seemed in the first 2 seasons) and developed in to a more charming, mature individual. Rose McGowan is a wonderful addition as the new "baby" sister who provides just the right amount of comic relief when needed. The stories continue to entertain and build on themselves, and that's what makes Charmed worth watching. It'll be sad to see it end.
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LAX (2004–2005)
13 October 2004
As a fan of both Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood, I really wanted to get hooked on this show. That was a pipe dream on my part. This show is not only ridiculously far-fetched, it has a hard time making the main character of Random even remotely likable or professional. Even worse, it's not even entertaining in the slightest. Any airport manager (like the one Heather is supposed to be portraying) would be fired for acting out the way her character does. I can really see the F.A.A. and TSA just turning the other cheek casually while some irate bimbo (no offence to Heather herself---a fine actress in a crappy role) stands on an active runway, screeching at an airliner to "get off my runway". Yeah. Right. The only good thing about this waste of time show is the believable chemistry between Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood. I only wish these two fine actors would take their considerable talents to a better vehicle.
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Boston Legal (2004–2008)
13 October 2004
I like David E. Kelley's stuff (A. McBeal, The Practice) so I wasn't disappointed with this at all. James Spader and William Shatner have this awesome ability to play off of one another in a way that just crackles. Mark Valley is the perfect foil for Spader's questionably moral Alan Shore as well. As for the women, the casting is perfect too. Lake Bell's portrayal of the "bad girl who's really good on the inside" Sally Heep is good. Monica Potter as the cool Lori Coulson and Rhona Mitra as the smoldering Tara Wilson complete a nice casting coup on Kelley's part. No two characters are alike, creating a nice ensemble. The show has a cool mix of serious issues tempered with the occasional bits of low key comedy that make it worth watching. Though law shows aren't my favourite, I will be tuning in to this one every chance I get. Worth checking out.
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