
13 Reviews
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Passions (1999–2008)
Passions is my guilty pleasure!
10 January 2004
I really don't like soap operas. They are too complicated and slow moving. Passions is very complicated, stupid and EXTREMELY slow-moving, but I am absolutely ADDICTED to it! I know its sort of trashy, but I don't miss an episode. And, yes, the acting isn't exactly "Oscar worthy" but its really a lot of fun. I really like it...
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Spectacular film, Arguably the best of our time!
21 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I'm not a big Lord of the Rings fan. I saw the first two, and liked both, and maybe I could say I "loved" the second one, though that might be stretching it. Then my friends (some call themselves "Lordies") dragged me to the movie on Friday, and we were first in line. I was looking forward to seeing the movie, but I wasn't jumping up and down or hyperventilating like some people. Now I think I'm a Lordie, because I LOVED the Return of the King! Every scene was either amazing or interesting, and the characters were phenomenal. I loved it how at the beginning of the film everyone loved Golem, and then by the end we all hated the evil little creature. I loved how the ring was turning Frodo against Sam, and how you were just waiting for Frodo to either go mad or get the ring to Mordor. I loved it how the special effects (which didn't seem like effects, they seemed real), the acting (FABULOUS, especially the hobbits), and the amazing story all rolled into one to make a wonderful film. I can proudly say I cried three times in this movie, first when Frodo made Sam leave and then when Merry and Pippin were seperated, and then in the end. I loved everything about this film, and it will be a shock if it doesn't recieve the Best Picture at the Oscars. Everyone I talked to loves it and the movie got a standing ovation!

SPOILER ALERT The only thing I didn't like about the film was that I kept thinking it was over, and then there would be another scene. I thought the movie ended when Frodo was in bed, then I thought it was DEFINITELY over when everyone was at the castle. But I think Peter Jackson had to make sure he didn't leave any loose ends, and fans were totally satisfied.

10 out of 10!

A fabulous movie, go see it now! I'm going tonight for the second time, and then I'll rewatch the first two! :)

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Absolutely wonderful!
31 August 2003
Emily's Rating: 5 out of 5 feet!

This summer I became interested in Jane Austen, but, alas, I found her books hard to read and I became impatient. So, I rented her some of her movies from the library. I saw Mansfield Park (1999), Sense and Sensibility (1995), Emma (1996), and the Pride and Prejudice from 1940 and the mini-series from 1995.

Now, all of these adaptations were well done (though Mansfield Park was by far my least favourite), but Pride and Prejudice has one thing that the other films will NEVER have. And that is Colin Firth. Now, I saw Sense and Sensibilty before P&P, and I thought that Hugh Grant was the ultimate 19th Century British man, but Colin Firth is actually a lot hotter, and even more talented! He was GREAT in this adaptation, and his chemistry with Jennifer Ehle was also wonderful.

Not once during this whole 5 hours did I get bored, even though there weren't any explosions or even any kissing! The acting was THAT good! I also loved how they were true to the storyline of the novel (practically scene for scene) and the accuracy was probably the best. The 1940 version of Pride and Prejudice wasn't as accurate (like when Darcy and Elizabeth kiss as soon as they are engaged), didn't stay as true to the book and the romance between Darcy and Elizabeth wasn't as interesting or intriguing. There was also no Colin Firth.

After I saw this movie I actually got through the book, and found it much easier to read than Emma or Sense and Sensibilty. (This may be because Colin Firth was on the cover.) This was definitely the best Austen adaptation I have ever seen. Watch it next time it comes on A&E or get it from your library! It is WONDERFUL! (And, if I were you, I'd tape the scene where Darcy goes in swimming, so you can watch it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.)
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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
Good show!
8 February 2003
I like this show and do you know what? I'm reading some of these comments and they are being way too picky, because though Jack's character is stereotypical, and Will never has a boyfriend, I think it's a show that makes you laugh, and that's what it has set out to do. Don't analyze it. It's a comedy with a great script and great actors. Karen and Jack are great, but Debra Messing and Eric McCormack do a wonderful job too, and what I like about Debra is that she is her, and probably won't change that. Most stars who are flat would have huge plastic knockers by now, but she takes pride in her chest! Good for her! Watch it. It's funny, and you'll find yourself wrapped up in the friendships, romances and Jack. Just Jack!
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Clone High (2002–2003)
I love this show!
5 February 2003
X-Stream Blue people come to the gym to advertise their new energy sludge! "That looks SO good!" says Ghandi as the advertisers squeeze the clumpy liquid in their mouth. "What's in it?" Ghandi screams again. "Here!" says one of the advertisers, taking a bomb like ball from his belt, "Have a free t-shirt!" The t-shirt goes on Ghandi and he screams:"That TOTALLY answers my question!"

This show is really unique and hilarious. It is surprisingly intelligent and I watch it every night at 10pm. First of all, teenagers, such as myself, can relate to some of the situations the characters get into, although Clone High totally stretches believability in the matter. It is hilarious, well voiced and just a load of fun to watch! I hope Joan and Abe get together!

"Stupid Joan...reeeeaal stupid" says a naked Ghandi who is being attacked by piranas.
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My Hometown (1996–1998)
Nice little show...
18 January 2003
My Hometown was a nice little show. I thought it was around for more than one season, but whatever! It's about a few teen friends who live in a little Canadian town. Well acted, and it seemed so sincere and innocent...they don't show the repeats anymore...
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a great movie!
30 November 2002
this is one of those movies that comes along every 3 years. a great adventure for the whole family. it follows hogarth, a lonely boy in the 50s, who is fatherless and lives with his mom. he discovers a huge iron robot thing (or an iron giant!) and befriends him. really sad in the end, always makes me cry. animated movies always make me cry, like the lion king, the prince of egypt (when the spirits kill all the innocent children for not having blood on their doors) and this movie. i really recommend it. it's really well done and very touching. it also has a good lesson. guns kill.

9 out of 10
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Still a classic after 60 years...
30 November 2002
I read the book for an 8th grade book report. I did it because it was long and I figured that it would get me a better mark. But it was actually a masterpiece and 1000 pages flew right by! Immediately, I rented the movie and absolutely loved it! Scarlett is very bitchy, and beautiful and the movie tackles everything in the book. Rhett is dashing, and Melanie is so kind and generous. See this movie. It's 4 hours, but intrigueing, and beautiful. A true masterpiece. Let's hope it's legacy never dies. 10 out of 10
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Mad TV (1995–2016)
24 November 2002
On Saturday nights I watch MadTV at 11 and then at 11:30 switch back and forth from it to SNL. I've come to the conclusion that MadTV is funnier, because SNL focuses too much on political stuff, while MadTV does sketches that are funny, entertaining and familiar. I like Stewart, but not Ms. Swann. My favourites are Micheal McDonald, Stephanie Weir, Will Sasso and Deborah Wilson. The others are good, but these are the funniest. Especially Weir's "Dot" and Anna Nicole Smith! What a hoot!
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The Lion King (1994)
good, i really liked this
24 November 2002
this is a really good animated film, which made me cry at the time. the songs are lively and good and the plot is fun, if not touching. this was the last good disney movie. i just wish that disney would stop making stupid sequels. i give this 4 out of 5. it's sequel was 2 out of 5.
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The Others (2001)
Twists and turns! WARNING: SPOILER!
15 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I'm such a wimp when it comes to horror movies. I was 8 when I saw Poltergeist and I have been deathly afraid of clowns and under the bed ever since. (Even though I'm 14) So, seeing this movie was extremely frightening for me! In it we follow this depressed woman who has lost her husband in the war. She lives in her dark secluded mansion with her 2 children, who can't be near the light because if they are exposed to it they will die. So, the movie is all dark, which is freaky. In the movie Grace Stewart (the mother) played by Nicole Kidman is slowly going insane and she has hired some new servants to replace her old ones, who just disappeared one day! Grace is noticing all these strange things happening in her house and she suspects Natzis are hiding in it, though soon the suspicion turns to ghosts because of the freaky pale faced daughter, who can see one of them. The servants know what's up, though they are acting like they don't. Then, Grace begins investigating all of this, and looks at old books and tries to find out if the house has a bad history. She even finds a book of the dead, which has pictures of dead people in it, all dressed up. grace gets really freaked out, and tries to walk into town to get help from the church, but during her walk, fog surrounds her and she finds her husband! She takes him home, and he's all depressed, and doesn't seem to know what's happening, though again the servants do. The children are absolutely ecstatic to have their daddy home, but then begin telling him terrible things that their mommy has done to them. Because, children, mommy went crazy! So, the next day the father disappears, and more terrible things start to happen. Grace knows the servants know something so she sends them away because she thinks they are evil. Then, that night, while looking through the book of the dead, she sees that the SERVANTS are in there!!!! They were ghosts. Her children, who have snuck outside, have just realized this because they see their gravestones in the yard! And the servants are creepily following them! So the kids run inside to their mothers arms, and Grace tells them to hide upstairs, while she tries to stop the 3 ghosts. But, while upstairs, hiding in the closet, the kids notice that there are even more ghosts there! And then you see this horrific old woman's face open the closet! Meanwhile, downstairs, the ghosts are telling Grace that they just want to help. She runs upstairs into the room where her kids are hiding, and sees a group of people at a table. The old woman is writing some stuff very fast, and the kids are telling her what their mother did to them! Grace screams, and takes all the papers and throws them in the air and destroys them. Suddenly, the scene changes and we see it from the other people's point of view! The papers are flying up by themself, and they are trying to reach the ghosts that live in the house! So, now we find out that Grace and her children, and the servants, and the lost soul of the father are ALL ghosts! Apparently, one day while they were alive, Grace went crazy and suffocated her children with pillows and shot herself in the head. It appeared to Grace and the children that they had survived and that God had given them a second chance! But, sadly, that was not the case. They were ghosts. It ends up with the servants telling Grace that they didn't know they were dead either, and wanted to break it gently to her. They also say that once in a while they will make contact with the other world, but only sometimes. They decide to stay at the house, especially since now the children can be exposed to light, (because they're already dead) It really made you think and it was a great horror movie. All great movies make you think, not like Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer, both of which are terribly predictable. There are so many twists and turns in this movie, and it was really freaky in the theatre! Go see it, or if you have, watch it again! Out of 5 stars: 4
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Dumb, but KINDA suspenseful!
13 November 2002
This movie is about Tori Spelling who has had a lot of troubles in her life. She was anorexic, and is an obsessive runner. Then she meets this guy, who makes her feel special. Little does she know, he's actually an abusive, overprotective boyfriend who isn't afraid to resort to murder. The acting wasn't great, and the script wasn't exactly original. Spelling plays the dumb blonde who only in the end suspects something's up with her creepy beau. Out of 5 stars? 2 and a half. It was stupid, but it was a little entertaining, and put you on the edge of your seat.
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10 November 2002
Oh god! Ever so often you see a movie that is so funny you snort soda out of your nose while laughing in the theatre and everyone tells you to shutup. I'm only a teenager, and therefore i can't relate to bridget in this movie, but i seriously thought this was a great film, even for people my age! we follow bridget jones, a thirty something single woman who just wants a guy in her dismal singleton life! utterly hilarious. zellwegger does a great accent and deserved that academy award nomination! after seeing the movie, i read the book and it's sequel, which are also great! 3 cheers for bridget!
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