
23 Reviews
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Irish Wish (2024)
give it a miss
18 March 2024
I tuned in to this movie, as I thought it would be some nice, light entertainment with some quality actors, but what a mistake I made. It was just a poorly written, poorly acted, disjointed attempt of a formula movie. I guess that's what happens though when the need to produce content is put ahead of everything else. And what was with Lindsay Lohan's wardrobe - it was absolutely awful. It didn't suit her at all and I was actually starting to wonder whether she was pregnant and they were attempting to hide a baby bump. As a positive, there were some nice scenic shots, though I don't think there were actually any Irish people in the cast, except maybe the Irish dancers. It appears the writers believe that one can just walk into any Irish pub and find the locals dancing as if they'd just walked out of a Riverdance performance.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Enjoyable enough, but
15 January 2024
It could have been so much better, but just became annoying after a while owing to Keri Russell's character being so highly strung. There is no way in the real world that a person who behaved the way that her character behaved would still be employed, let alone be on a short list for VP. This is a TV show, so sure, it's not meant to be real, but her constant rants and insecurities became tiresome after a while. And then there was the crush on the British foreign secretary, which was written as if her character was 15.

I read one post that mentioned a series based on Sewell's character would be good, and I must admit that I agree with that.
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Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
Flat, boring & uninteresting
24 November 2022
I honestly don't understand why writers think that stories about emotionally immature males are interesting. They're not. And neither are the cut-out caricatures that comprise the supporting roles in the series.

I thought I'd give it a shot and watched the first three episodes in the hope that it would improve, but unfortunately it didn't. As others have mentioned, it is heavily narrated, which is both good and bad i.e. It doesn't help with trying to get the audience engaged, but then again, the narration is better than the dialogue.

Overall, this series seems old fashioned and I don't plan to waste anymore time on it.
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Season 4, is this a comedy?
5 March 2022
I don't know what the ... happened, but this season is appalling. It is not funny, the story line is repeating itself and some of the choices the characters are making, just don't make sense. I understand that there will be a season 5, but let's face it, if anyone keeps watching, it will only be to see Susie.
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Total Control (2019–2024)
Season 2 is better than ever
14 November 2021
I wasn't quite sure how the story in season 2 would develop, but after just watching the first two episodes, I'd say it's better than season 1. This season feels a little more grounded in reality, with Mailman continuing to excel in the role.
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The Newsreader (2021– )
It's a fun series, just enjoy!
26 August 2021
I know nothing about newsrooms and I have never seen HBO's 'The Newsroom ' series, so when I watched the first two episodes, it was just about entertainment, and in that it didn't disappoint.

The 80's hair, wardrobes and sets were great. It's a quality cast and script, & as someone who started work in the late 80's, I can attest that in the financial institution that I worked for, there were Managers like the character that William McInnes plays.

I did think that the cast was more ethnically diverse then what I remembered from that time, but that's a minor critique. Overall, the series doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's interesting to see the take on the 80's news of the day, so enjoy!
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way too long
12 June 2021
I haven't seen the stage show so I can't comment on how well or not it adapted to the screen, but as a movie, it was merely mediocre. And I say this as someone who grew up on musicals and loves them. I have no doubt that because this is Lin-Manuel Miranda people will rave about it, but I started checking the time before the first hour wasn't even up. It had some nice moments and a talented cast, but all I kept thinking was 'how much longer' & where was the editor...
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Locked Down (I) (2021)
long, boring, needs tighter editing
22 March 2021
I like the main actors so thought I would give it a go, but it wasn't long before I found myself checking how much time was left to go & then doing other things while keeping it on in the background. Overall, it just wasn't well thought out, appears to have been put together very quickly & just really needed someone to tighten the script and make it more cohesive.
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C.B. Strike (2017– )
Can't wait for the next series
14 February 2021
I just finished watching this show on HBO & absolutely loved it. Some of the plots are a little convoluted, but let's face it, they're secondary to watching the interaction and development of the two main leads. I haven't read the books, but will be interested to see where the next series takes us, particularly given both main characters seem to be far more comfortable with themselves and their place in the world now.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
What a disappointment
23 January 2021
It's hard to believe that this is a Showtime production given how bad it is. I was drawn to this show by its premise and Bryan Cranston, but it's not about what a man would do for his son, but about how many stupid things can a man do to make life worse for both him and his son. It's an overly contrived plot, which constantly asks you to suspend belief - not just about the stupid decisions a judge and his son continue to make, but by all the coincidental events peppered throughout. Because of this I found it a very frustrating show to watch, despite some good performances.
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keep your expectations low
28 December 2020
It's a cheesy B-grade movie with an overly moralistic tone, which is a pity, as I really liked the first movie and was looking forward to this one. If the Mall scene is to your liking, you'll probably enjoy it. If not, then you probably won't.
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The Child in Time (2017 TV Movie)
A study in grief
6 December 2020
I thought this was a beautifully moving film that did a good job of showing the difficulty with moving on when a couple don't know what happened to their child. The movie shows the guilt and blame, and ultimately the realisation that there is nothing they can do. The one downside was the regression of the best friend to a child-like state, which made absolutely no sense to me.
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The Boys (2019– )
Premise good; execution not as good
5 September 2020
I like the satirical aspect of this show, but there's a lot of gore, stereotyping & some really bad dialogue, which is made worse by Karl Urban's all over the place and annoying accent/s. Otherwise, the Boys reminded me a bit of Buffy, but without the strong female leads and sharp dialogue. In the Boys, we have the unassuming girl with super-human powers, the gay girl, and the sociopathic girl, but they are all secondary to the Boys.
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Well acted series about a bunch of narcissists
1 August 2020
This series has received such high praise that I have stuck with it in the hope that I could understand why, but I still don't. The characters are shallow, narcissistic and just not likeable, though the show does do a good job of reinforcing the negative stereotyping of millennials.

I have no issue with the drugs, sex etc and there's always that one friend who always gets trashed, so I even understand the situation that led to the assault. And yet, because there is no depth to the characters, I just have no sympathy for any of them on their self-destructive paths.
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definitely watchable
5 July 2020
I found the series a little inconsistent at times, but overall an enjoyable satire. James Cromwell definitely stole the show.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
predictable and hammed up
13 November 2019
I enjoyed season 1, but barely made it through season 2. And like a lot of other viewers have indicated, the writing was really bad. It was a predictable story, with some truly cringe-worthy lines and some bizarre character developments that were obviously just made to move the plot along. Let's hope they hire a new writing team for season 3.
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The Hunting (2019)
Enthralling Drama
16 August 2019
I think this is a must see for any parent. Is there some stereotyping, sure, but it's used to enhance the story and explore the many facets of the topic. I've just watched E3 and cannot wait to watch the final episode. That said, I thought the actions of the supposedly smart teenage protagonists in E3 did stretch reality.
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Deep Water (2016)
4 March 2019
I took a look at this an Netflix because of the cast, but it just wasn't believable and didn't flow well. And the lead female detective was definitely miscast, particularly when you think someone who is about 29/ 30 is supposed to have a 16 y.o. son....
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Bleed Out (II) (2018)
An emotional personal story that highlights issues in the healthcare industry that we should all be aware of
30 December 2018
This is a heart wrenching personal story that highlights the problems that the Director and his family encountered as they sought accountability for the mistakes made in their Mother's medical treatment. For those looking for an unbiased expose on the healthcare system in the US, this is not it. Instead, the Director tells his own personal story that is real and could very easily happen to anyone, which makes it all the more poignant. Two areas highlighted that I was not previously familiar with, were the 'tort reform' laws and the eICU's, both of which are seriously concerning.
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Camping (2018)
14 November 2018
I've tried two episodes, but really shouldn't have bothered. It's just an unfunny boring show that even quality actors such as David Tennant couldn't save.
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Rush (2014)
Stay with it
13 September 2014
I hated this show when I first watched it. I thought it was shallow with a very unlikable lead; someone doing drugs and behaving in an immature and self-destructive manner is not new or interesting. I stuck with it, however, to see what direction it would go in, and am happy to say that it improved. As we gained more background knowledge of the characters and the stories focused less on the "bad boy" behaviour, it started to pull me in. There is good chemistry between the characters, except for Sarah, who remains one-dimensional.

I used to love House and really don't see the comparison, so should you decide to view this show, don't compare, just treat it for what it is, light entertainment. And give it a chance, it does improve.
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Nothing new
9 June 2012
I think this film will work well in the high school system, but for those who already have a good knowledge of the problems in the US health-care system, they won't learn anything new.

The film is short on facts and figures, which was disappointing for me, though for those who like to emotionally connect to a film, they will no doubt enjoy. Also, there were no real solutions offered in the film, which was an obvious frustration of the audience that I was a part of.

Overall, good as an introduction to some of the problems in the US health-care system and if you prefer a narrative over facts and figures.
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Inspirational Story, but...
19 January 2009
Let me start by saying that what these volunteers achieved was truly inspirational, but that does not necessarily make it a good movie/documentary. For me, the focus was too much on the emotional journey and not enough on the pragmatics. Not enough attention was given to the mistakes made along the way owing to cultural differences or just not understanding the priority of needs. I think this group was very lucky, but that wasn't necessarily brought out in the movie. That's not to take away from what they achieved, but to remind those who may want to do the same thing, that you need more than just a big heart. Sorry, but the movie was a bit too much like a home diary to me.
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