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Click (2006)
An emotional Comedy.
3 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, So I had seen the trailer and was expecting a light entertainment funny film. Click turns out to be a lot more. Well actually I -tried.. to stop my self crying, more than I laughed. This did come as a bit of a shock after watching a trailer that pretty much only featured the more funny parts of the movie so Maybe I'm a bit of a wuss, but Click makes me want to be with my family more. The sad part happens after the remote control fast forwards many important parts of Michael's life, leaving him to revisit all moments you'd usually remember in your life, marriage, kids growing up, divorce, deaths etc. During these times I found the film to get quite emotional, not something that usually happens in a Adam Sander film. But it's a pretty good movie...

The movie scored a 7/10.
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Good to watch if you work in the industry
12 April 2005
Ramsay's kitchen nightmares is a British reality TV show that features chef Gordon Ramsay that attempts to save restaurants from going out of business because of poor teamwork, poor food quality, poor hygiene or Bad customer service. His rude personality is a laugh as he attempts to save the battling restaurants from closure. The show appears to be aimed at reality TV fans that may have an interest in food and beverage and the Hospitality Industry.

I think the show provides an interesting insight into what happens behind the scenes at restaurants including the stress on the staff and the common mistakes made by the kitchen staff particularly. I feel that the show expanded my knowledge by highlighting the importance of teamwork in a restaurant and what can happen if this is not done. Since a lot of the show is filmed during busy hours of the restaurant the viewer gets to see how the kitchen operates and how fast passed everything is.

We Lent about the importance of communication within the workplace in class and Ramsay's kitchen nightmares provided an educational link by showing students how any restaurant could be a disaster with out efficient communication. My conclusions of the show are very good. It's great to see a new type of TV chef that doesn't just stand in front of the camera cooking meals all the time. Gordon Ramsay has a very rude personality that is stereotypical or the "grumpy chef", but it makes for a very entertaining show.
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I thought it was great!
5 July 2004
I don't read books and I didn't think that the first two Potter movies were that great so when seeing this movie I didn't know which way the story was going to turn out but I was impressed! I reckon Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is much more action packed than the first two films which to me made it more enjoyable. The "scary moments" really helped the story flow, and gave older viewers a break from the more childish moments. The scene where Harry and the gang go back in time worked out well and is understandable, the other good news is that there is not too much magical jargon appearing in your brain as you watch the movie. Better still were guaranteed at least two more Harry potter films, which means Harry and Hermione will most certainly being going out, maybe we can even expect a end of year prom...?

Such is magic 9/10
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28 Days Later (2002)
With a cast of relatively unknowns '28 days later' is sure to impress.
18 June 2004
'28 days later' is one of those movies that only comes along once in awhile offering something distinctively new from what we have seen before. It offers a interesting storyline which is believable in the world we live in today. The characters are believable as they fight for survival in some suspenseful moments that are helped by that night, heavy rain and the wonderful lightning that some how seems to flash every five seconds.

Though this is probably the best British film I have seen I reckon the ending sucked compared to the vibe of the rest of the movie. It ended too quickly, and the alternate endings on the DVD are pretty pointless.

Anyhow this movie is more than what I expected and I hope some of these actors can use this film as the kick-start to their career, or Hollywood.

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Did the advertising cost more than the movie?
28 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoilers 3rd paragraph.

I guess I went into the cinema expecting disaster, since that is all the massive advertising campaign showed us. The visual effects in the whole movie probably only last 15 minutes altogether, with the rest of film focusing on a handful of survivors in New York. The movie borrows elements from Twister, Vertical Limit, Deep Impact and even feels a bit like Titanic.

The conversations that that characters have is quite amusing, the script writing is really terrible, in fact it is funny, probably funnier than the 5 or so jokes the movie features. The jokes are so lame that people in the cinema are still "laughing" a minute after the joke has happened, ahhhh Good times.

The movie isn't bad, but all I really expected is good effects. And yes the LA sequence is amazing, definitely the best effect in the movie, The tidal waves at the New York pretty cool, but the visual effects there don't last long enough to enjoy. So all the water that flooded New York then freezes, giving a chance for our characters to do the predictable, and search for medicine so save their friend. Of course stuff happens and they make it back just in time before the city freezes in 5 seconds. And some how the wooden door saves them, even though the building is made of marble or stone. (Well I don't know I haven't been to New York)

You should really wait for a DVD release to see this one, but I'm sure the advertising has convinced you otherwise.

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Average Joe (2003– )
Looks will always matter.
23 April 2004
Sometimes you wonder if these reality TV shows are real or not, and set up in anyway. I'm the average bloke my self, and this show portrays everything how it is, Looks will always matter the most. Seriously, I'd my self not lie saying looks don't matter, it is the first thing that attracts you to someone, you might be walking down the street and you see a hot chick/guy, your not going to be thinking about personality.

The show was obviously edited to what they wanted to show you, sadly none of the Joes had a chance, even though the hot guys had 30 million std's and were only up to increasing their "chicks I've had sex with count". The Joes had hearts, and we saw them get ripped apart.

Personally it would have been great to see the Joe win, but I knew it was doubtful. Maybe they could have done "Average Kate" one hot spunk, and 20 average women, that could have been interesting, but would have failed because us guys try to go for physical looks also, ohh and we are horny as hell.

Average Joe will remain to be the most successful portray of modern age relationships.
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I'm stuck on a ship, that's going to crash! - In two days!!
16 April 2004
The original speed movie was quite a hit and managed to pull off a new style of good tension and action even though most the movie takes place in the one location, the bus. Speed 2 is one of the worst movies ever, possibly even the worst sequel ever. Half the movie is filmed in low light conditions with a constant flash of lights adding to the incredible tension that the ship is going to crash, in two days. No I was joking, the lighting adds no effect at all into creating tension, It's more like a 40-minute seizure helped by a bad plot in the first place. It would have been embarrassing if Reeves signed on for the sequel, which was probably the best film decision of his life.
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Sucks to the max.
28 February 2004
I remember renting The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring a year or two ago. I started watching it, and got bored and switched it off in disappointment. A year later all of the LOTR fans go mad with the realise of Return of the king. Since everyone is so excited I decided to rent LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring again and give it another go. This time I almost reached the end of the movie before falling asleep. It is clear to me now I hate the whole LOTR franchise.

I don't understand why everyone loves it so much, is it the books, the cinematography (for sure) or the hairy director. And then there's the never-ending DVD editions, Executive edition, Extra extended edition, Edition with limited collectors item, ect. So when is the extra extra super limited edition coming out?? When return of the king comes on DVD they will probably bundle them all together with a 15 disc set with all the extra features you can handle.

LOTR must not be for me and I will not be watching the Two Towers or Return of the King. It's just as bad a dungeons and dragons.
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Stuck on You (2003)
Slighty above Average no brainer comedy
18 February 2004
Stuck on you is one of those Watch once type films. For a comedy, it's also pretty long which makes the unfunny moments seem to drag on and on. You guaranteed to laugh out loud a few times; these moments make the movie seem more like a sketch comedy. But who cares? I saw the movie for a laugh, and that's just what I got.


Should wait for rental.
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It sucks.
12 February 2004
I remember looking forward to watching this movie a few years ago. It is a major disappointment, and in my bottom 25 movie list. If there's anything good about this movie is of course Angelina's tit, digitally enhanced or not, And the cool wire fight scene.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider looks good, but does everything wrong.

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The last good Film of 2003.
11 February 2004
Perhaps it would be good to see this movie with Lucy Liu cast as "Nathan Algren" - The Last Samurai and Tom Cruise goes back to Woop Woop land.

OMG!! Then maybe the movie would mean something as someone more in the Asian culture is cast, and hey I'd even be a chick! -Yes! Propose, The Chick Samurai!!

With the brilliant gossip session over, I'd actually love to talk about the movie, It's entertaining and well acted for sure, but really nothing we have not seen before. You could call it another war movie where there is a final battle sequence at the end against both enemy rivals. And of course hence the name - The Last Samurai.

But everything is done as it should be, creating the last great Film of 2003.
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S.W.A.T. (2003)
A good watch.
30 January 2004
I enjoyed S.W.A.T in everyway. The film is your expected dose of action mixed with fine acting and effects that make you want more. S.W.A.T is not a bad movie, just because we have seen all the stunts before, it's how the stunts are done and acted that separates this action film from other failures like the STEVEN SEGAL MOVIES!!!. This is one for my DVD collection in a month's time, Bring on a Sequel!
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Whatever Happened to the Good Short Films??
13 January 2004
Like almost everyone else, I came upon this short film from my Rush hour DVD. Yes this Short film is very bad, but the reason why it made Brett Ratner into the business is because the Cinematography is good, he used most types of shots at the right times. He was also very persistent and sent the film to Steven Spielberg's office, ect. Well done Brett on the Rush Hour series and Red dragon.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
12 January 2004
I found this movie quite good. The opening death sequence isn't that good, all the gore looks noticeably fake, unlike scenes in Saving Private Ryan, but it's ok, what I liked most about Ghost ship is the Twist, and the funky soundtrack that plays as the twist unfolds. The acting is satisfactory for the lower budget actors and the sets and effects are of a quite high standard. This is a good movie, not as bad as it is made out to be.
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Tomcats (2001)
An Okay comedy
11 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I picked this movie of the DVD self wanting to see some teenage comedy and hot chicks. And that's exactly what this movie is. Nothing more, Nothing less. In the end credits there are some gags, I probably found the Michael and director (slight spoiler hint) one funnier than half the movie. I love these Teen flicks.
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The best World War 2 expirience to date.
11 January 2004
Saving Private Ryan is without doubt the best World War 2 movie to date. The attention to detail of the sets is amazing, especially the damaged German towns and the opening beach invasion. None of the gore through out the movie is left out and the viewers see what it was really like. This is a memorable movie based on a real event.

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Titanic (1997)
One of The greatist Movies Ever. PERIOD.
8 January 2004
It amazes me that almost 7 years later this movie gets criticized. Ok, so Titanic is the highest grossing film of all time, perhaps that's something for people to now criticize it with. This movie has appeared in `worst movie lists' as well as best. It seems that you will either like it or hate it, nothing in-between. Well I love it; I remember watching it over and over again when I was 10. (1997) The effects of the sinking are incredible, for now, and 1997.

I wont forget this movie, ever. And if you haven't seen it, you wont either. Even if you liked it or hated it, you will still remember.
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30 December 2003
20th Century Fox, Miramax Films, Universal Pictures:

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.

**Russell Crowe** **Paul Bettany **Edward Woodall** **James D'Arcy**

Directed by Peter Weir.

Then Peter Weir appears out of nowhere! -In his best film since Dead Poets Society. But what worries me is that Master and Commander is yet another film based on earlier books, like Dead Poets Society. Could it be possible that Weir gets his hands on a real script that hasn't been a book, it is then we may discover the further talent he may have. Without books, The Truman show was an exceptional movie…

Master and Commander, Pirates of the Car……( what ever) Is the `pirate' genre back?

Probably, but what do I know I'm just typing to my self. I'm not going to outline the storyline for you, coz imdb has it all. Crowe plays the captain of the ship, who is often referred to by his first name Jack Aubrey by his crew. We can see by this that the crew are closely bonded lads, but tragedy will strike… For these men on the sea, only one thing is worth more to them than grog, women – The film mixes a few jokes on the matter. All though Russell Crowe said in `A Beautiful Mind' he wasn't going to shoot anyone, he sure does in the final battle sequence of MaC. The movie has excellent battle scenes, short, but correctly done. This isn't a Non stop Naval battle movie with pointless action sequences, the film lets you bond with your crew before they die in battle, successfully making you be a part of the movie.

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Runaway Jury (2003)
Cusack owns the screen.
29 December 2003
WOW, another great performance by John Cusack. He goes from a Motel full of death (Identity) to a Court Room with Gene Hackman. And the same goes for Gene, Enemy of the state, to Enemy of the courtroom.

Ok so I no nothing about lawyers, or anything to do with Court. But I still enjoyed the film. My Knowledge of the story line is limited, as I didn't pay attention of the first half of the film. Maybe at the time it seemed boring as I was about to witness 2 hours of Courtroom jargon, how wrong I was. I guess the movie has a mid twist, 2 main characters, are connected in a way that you would never know at first… By the power of 2, they win the case. And yes, the final shot is them living happily ever after.

Case closed!
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Exceptionally Exceptional.
28 December 2003
Ok, so I never heard of John Nash? But who cares. I had never heard of Frank Abagnale Jr either. (Catch Me If You Can)

This movie is one you have to watch to understand. I still don't understand it, but I liked it. The story is slow moving, but entertaining, we see John Nash move through life, as a mathematician with the few mates he has. I enjoyed his tactic on the ladies at the pub, haha that was funny. The acting is one of the best I've seen. However in parts the script needs touching up.

A exceptional watching experience and today it receives 8/10.

**If you liked this movie see : Catch me if you can.
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My Wife and Kids (2000–2005)
It is a great show
26 December 2003
Ok, so It's the same old story, 2 parent's and a number of kids in a house.

But what is different about "My wife and kids" is that it is constantly funny. I'd say half the shows jokes are to do with sex, but it does work with the characters as they are teenagers. Oh yeh and Jennifer Freeman is way hotter! -And i reckon she fits in better. Anyhow this show is great so watch it! kthx bye.

If you like this show see, 8 simple rules, Simpsons, Malcolm in the middle.
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The Jerry Springer Show (1991–2018)
HAHA, at least it's funny
21 December 2003
Everyone knows what the jerry springer show is like. Jerry has admitted that SOME of it is made up, but I don't care, It's funny as. Infact I tape it often while I am at school. uh...

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Pretty boring.
20 December 2003
Ok first of all, I'm not a die-hard fan of the matrix trilogy nor do I understand the story line. Revolutions is boring. Ok so of course I loved "bullet time" In the first movie, and the free way chase in the second, but revolutions had no such action scene in it, Unless of course you find it entertaining to watch all those machine things invade the big base thing. For about an hour of film time, but I like to see thing in reality, yeah so I hate sci-fi movies. That's what the matrix trilogy is, sci-fi, It's often misjudged as an action film because of its impressive stunts, however it is both.

Well I found it boring, but you probably wont
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Identity (2003)
It doesn't get much better than this folks
12 December 2003
Walked to the shop, picked a movie, IDENTITY.

Well, the film starts of predicting many events before they happen, and switching between different characters after a Incident has occurred between them. Little did I think that in 90 minutes it would all make since. In fact I don't think I will tell you anything about this movie, it has so many moments where you think, "Oh so that's the twist" but then something else happens. The Film had me guessing constantly who dunnit, but it's not until the very end that the real twist is revealed. The actors were superb as was the cinematography of the water and the rain. I will be remembering this movie for many years to come; to me it has set a new era of suspense. If you haven't seen this movie yet get your hands on it now, and watch it at night...


If you liked this movie, see: Red dragon, what lies beneath, 15 minutes.
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8 Simple Rules (2002–2005)
It's just not the same with out John....
11 December 2003
I am a typical young Australian bloke. One night I was sitting by the TV with, actually a coke in my hand. I'm channel surfing' past friends, everybody loves Raymond, Sienfield, And I'm thinking, "Why is my TV filled with American sit com crap. So I switched off. It's now 7.30 and new shows will be on now.

WOW! There's a hot blonde chick! - What first got me into 8 simple rules. I started to watch this show even if the background laughing did annoy me. I honestly couldn't believe I just watched a sitcom. Over the next few months I was hooked into my couch on Saturday nights at 7.30. The show related to me in many ways, and the parents were portrayed perfectly. And above all, the show was funny. Watching this sitcom I gave others a chance, I now enjoy, "My wife and kids" and "Friends", but there's still some I hate...

Months later I heard of John Ritter's unexpected death. It was the first time I had been upset with anyone famous dieing, because I felt I was connected with the show. Now I find it hard to watch the show, and currently the network is showing older episodes with John still in it. For some reason now it doesn't feel right. And now I honestly think the show should now rest in piece.

How ever of course If you have never seen the show I suggest you do. It is a great show with original comedy. 8/10 for its time.
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