
7 Reviews
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"Prepare to be drained of all individuality and spirit" "Yup, high school"
12 December 2003
It's been a while since I've seen a good adaptation of a TV series into a movie. Not only is the plot interesting and exciting, but the humor is top-notch. Starting with a simple mix-up between Latin the language and Latin the ethnicity the movie stays true to the series' style of blending hilarious one-liners and dialog exchanges with fast-paced invigorating action sequences. Recommended for any fan of the series or anyone who just wants to see a good movie.
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Kim Possible (2002–2007)
And to think I almost lost faith in cartoons...
25 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers

"Kim Possible" is, quite frankly, one of the best cartoons that I've seen in a while.

The humor is of a higher level than most others. Not only are there a vast amount of original jokes and humor (some of which make you examine villains and their plots a little more carefully) but the writers manage to successfully lampoon a wide variety of movies and TV shows (The Indiana Jones spoof/references in "Monkey Fist Strikes" had me in stitches).

Overall, it's the best cartoon to come out of Disney in a while. If you have the time, catch some episodes. Chances are you won't be disappointed.
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Films Like These Give Parody a Bad Name
31 August 2003
This is the second-worst parody I have ever seen (the first being "Naked Space"). There were one or two good jokes, but not nearly enough to fill an entire movie.

I was watching this on TV during one of USA's Halloween marathons, so I didn't waste any money buying it on video. The main problem is that the writers tried too hard, and don't even pay heed to a rule they give in the film itself.

Many people would assume that it's easy to write a parody- throw in some goofy sight gags, one or two halfway decent jokes and you're done. But it's not as simple as that. Parodies are one of the harder film genres to write. Each gag (no matter how bizarre or outrageous) has to make sense. You can't just throw in something that's completely random. It doesn't work that way. The sight gags have to be carefully executed, and, if you repeat any, you should only do so three times (complying with the "threes formula").

Another thing- you can't rely on just sight gags. A successful parody has to incorporate multiple types of humor (one of the reasons they're so hard to write). You need sight gags, word play, social commentary and flat-out jokes- all the while having to keep in context and fitting into the story.

Not as dumb as it looks, is it?
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Scream (1996)
Brilliant, Subtle Satire
17 July 2003
What I think most people miss when they watch this movie, is that it's not really a slasher flick, but more a satire on them.

When I saw it, I was expecting a basic horror movie, but as I watched it, I realized that it was more of a goof, taking a swipe at the horror genre. I mean, come on, there are so much references and goofs on horror movies that I couldn't help but think that. Like one of the Killers' lines during the opening scene: "Don't you watch That's the kiss of death. You might as well go outside to check out a strange noise or something."
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Am I Missing Something?
1 June 2003
Was I missing something when I saw this movie? Does everyone really think that this movie is that spectacular?

First of all, I read the book in English class before I saw the movie, and hated it.

In the first place I found it too whiny. Second, I hated the characters and couldn't identify with them. The mother is an over-assertive, self-centered, cold, heartless woman, who is so obsessed with keeping the family image perfect that she refuses to acknowledge that any problems exists. Then there is the father, who is a spineless little excuse for a man, who lets his wife walk all over him and his son shut him out. Finally, there is the son, who is so whiny, stubborn and pathetic that I couldn't force myself to feel sorry for him.

After reading the novel (which everyone in my class, including the teacher hated), we were forced to watch the movie. I was hoping that the movie would be better than the book, but my hopes were crushed within the first five minutes.

But maybe I'm missing something. Maybe I had to be there. Hey, if you liked it, don't listen to me. To each his own.

But, for everyone else, if you want to read a good coming-of-age book about a teen coping with family troubles and the death of his brother, read The Catcher in the Rye.
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Big Trouble (2002)
Loved the Book
22 December 2002
The old saying that the book is better than the movie rings true. The book was awesome, Dave Barry at his best. The characters that he creates are brilliantly sculpted, each having a back story and an interesting personality. Yet, while the movie wasn't all bad, they messed it up pretty badly. The screen writers take some liberties and change a lot of aspects of the book. For instance, language cuts, plot cuts, and changing some minor points. Still, these little things are enough to make a difference. In my opinion, the book was far superior. I don't think that 'Big Trouble' was meant for the big screen and is better off in book format. Trust me.
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The Album is Better
22 December 2002
This movie is proof that the Firesign Theatre's best medium is radio. In the movie, they are in fact lip-syncing to the album of the same name (NOTE: The album *is* available(on CD), at In short, skip the move, go straight to the record.
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