
34 Reviews
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
FANTASTIC! watch original Spanish with subs!
10 April 2024
This was Fantastic, i didn't want it to end. Lots of action, Plot twists, excitement and Emotion. I'd love to speak Spanish, so i searched alot to get English subtitles for any series that did not have them, as the dubbed versions would surely spoil it, which could well explain many negative reviews i'm noticing. Dubbing is awful, as are the very tone of the voices, totaly destroy the reality of the Spanish Original.

I got comfortable with subtitles watching some terrific korean movies in the past and would simply never waste my time or a movie watching dubbed. You really get attached to the characters in a production such as this, and that is a sign of a great series, which was often a rollercoaster, with highs and lows, regarding some of the characters we'd became so attached to.

Watch True Spanish with your language subtitles, anything other will be pointless & wasteful.

A 9 from me, which is highest mark i've ever gave, sad it's ended, as all things do, be good to see these characters in other productions.
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Tense, scary, weird, unsettling, unusual,but compelling
9 December 2023
This could easily be a 9 rating, that's how well done it is, personaly i don't give anything a 10, as nothings perfect. There are no faults here. It is acted extremely well, with julia roberts being my favorite, as i feel she had the best character & lines/attitude.

It was Tense, scary, weird, unsettling, unusual,but compelling & it is rare for any movie to really captivate the viewer & maintain the sense of Menace, fear, & unknown. This was different in a BIG way & top marks for being able to sustain effortlessly the eerie unknown throughout.

I was shocked and somewhat offended when reference to the handful of evil people who ARE controlling most of this planet was referred to and dismissed, as that is a simple FACT researched by various people many years back until presently. They own ALL major organizations & you can research this yourself, as many have done, or go to fallcabal or stopworldcontrol and see the evidence for yourself, which has already been researched and compiled freely for you to view.

I look for movies that really absorb your attention, & they are few these days, this one hit the jackpot,Ominous, yet brilliantly done on many levels.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Nothing here to really engage the viewer
2 December 2023
Well, i normaly will not spend more than 20 minutes watching a movie/tv episode, if it has not yet Drawn me in, but due to the high rating and Paul Giamatti, i stuck with it, hoping it would "start up" at some point, but it never did, it just meandered along without ANY real connection from myself, nothing about it engaged me at all.

It is lacking throughout and not just in parts, there was nothing to "draw you in", nor FEEL concern for anything going on, or any character.

Paul played his part Completely as always, a real quality actor, but even he cannot inspire any real engagement with this movie.

I would not pan it, nor guide people away from it, but i am bewildered at the very high rating, over 9 i think when i first looked, now at 8.2 and i expect it will drop further as we get more legitimate ratings from more viewers.

It is simply NOT agreat movie at all, which c ertainly a 9 would indicate. If i were to be negative, i'd say it was more like a couple of episodes of a so so TV series and NOT a great movie.

I think most watching shall be waiting for it to "take off" as i did, which it will not, and when the more realistic rating of around 6 settles in, people won't have such high expectations.

Possibly if some dark humour had been injected into it, may have helped, but as it is, it's fairly uneventful, lacking humour, or anything to really engage the viewer.
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Different, dark, tense, violent, well acted
19 November 2023
Based on review score of 5.6, didn't really expect much, and as with all movies i watch, if it had not caught my attention,(drawn me in) within 20 minutes i'd have turned it off And on to the next one.

So i did watch the entire movie, as it certainly caught my attention. I liked the two main characters, especially the gal as she was fiesty.

The film was certainly Different, also Dark, tense, Violent,, but not Too much that i couldn't watch, as in the latest "Saw" movie.

It was very well acted and could have been a much "Bigger" movie and more on peoples radar, with just some extra attention to detail, mainly in latter stages and interaction with the main characters in ending scenes, which did not inspire "Real concern" and "Connection" with them and their interactions. It is still well worth watching and one of the few in recent times that i'd watch all through.

Very decent movie, which i think deserves a higher score than it has. Even though it seems missing slightly to have you caring more for the main charcters, it is still a worthy watch.
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Lioness (2023– )
23 September 2023
Initialy wasn't expecting much from this, but it soon opened up to an outstanding series with brilliant acting & story, very realistic & believable. I did find it "Heavy going", early on, or "hard hitting" you might say, in all areas of the story, not just the military aspects, but it soon became quite compulsive viewing, which is the sign of any great production, you want to be really drawn in by the story, the characters & i certainly was in this. It is really quite refreshing that something of this standard is being made, it really is top notch in all aspects, with both female leads being really outstanding, but every outstanding series or movie has quality throughout & that is the case here with regard to all the acting, you realy "Felt" for the female characters, it was ALL "very REAL", which i imagine is not easy to do, nor is it common certainly in recnt years, where most movies etc, are so weak, uninteresting.

I also love and seem quite drawn to anything which has strong female characters, And there is an abundance of them in this series.

Really fabulous and quite addictive after first episode.

Would be terrific if it continued with the same impact/standard, but as it stands with this one series, it is with NO doubt, this is within a smal group of thee best series made in recent times & will certainly captivate you and hold your attention, which any great series will do.

Many times i see ratings of 10 for really weak movies, which are completely false ratings, in this case anything less than an 8 is false, it is that good, could easily be a 9.

I notice this was created by Talor Sheridan whose name i recall from the equaly outstanding 1883 western drama, & the very watchable "yelowstone", what a talent to create such oustanding dramas of completely different subjects.
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Uninteresting & kinda Weak
16 April 2023
Well i normally give any movie or TV series episode 20 minutes max to capture my interest, & if not by then it's off & on to another.

I watched the entire first episode solely due to my interest in Riley, who is without doubt a quality actress, if not for that fact it would have been off by the 20 minutes, as i found it weak in general & overall uninteresting, certainly nothing that would capture one's interest for further viewing. I'm not sure i'll bother with any more episodes.

I doubt this will be remembered as one of Riley's better choices in acting roles, however maybe it will spark of a singing career, as she does seem talented in that regard.

For me it just lacked any real substance or reality, implausible, & weak writing. I doubt it would have had any degree of success if not for Riley, but one actress/character cannot sustain interest throughout a whole bunch of characters & pretty weak story writing.

Look forward to seeing her in more quality movies or more interestingly written series.

It's a low 4 from me, which is basically "Not absorbing, or holding attention score", like most of which is churned out these days.
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Stromboli (2022)
Easy 7
6 February 2023
An easy 7 from me, very "Different" film here, i found quite moving at times, well made, acted and a REAL movie that easily stands out from most of the rubbish that passes for movies these days with ridiculous 10/10 reviews, a red flag right away, as even the best of movies would not be perfect.

I don't want to reveal any of the story, which surprised me, as i wasn't expecting much, and if any movie isn't holding my attention by 20 minutes, it's off and on to the next.

So i'd say that i expect this will certainly be at least a worthwhile watch and hold your attention throughout.

I liked it.
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Authentic old west
24 October 2022
I'm interested in anything Gina carano is involved in, also westerns in general & anything with any native american input, which this had a sprinkling of.

I was not aware the husband was none other than cowboy cerone, initially seemed a serious no nonsense character, totally realistic in the early scenes, although seemed to drop out of that character in later scenes.

It was generally well acted, and quite authentic i thought, mostly, it did get somewhat violent in later stages. If cowboy cerone had kept in same mode throughout he started with, along with having a bit more "Edge" in general, it could have been a real serious movie. As it was i would say certainly authentic and generally decent, although a bit patchy. It's difficult to keep interest in a movie that centers mainly in one specific area as this did, even Tarantino failed at that for me, can't recall the name of the movie, but set in one room & i quickly lost interest, so with that in mind this was ok to decent and could have been really something with slight adjustments and promoting more tension throughout. Gina Carano has potential to be huge star, she has the likability factor, eye catchingly good looking & can certainly act, good to see her involved in my favorite movie theme, the old west.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
No more than decent, lacking sparkle, kinda bland overall
5 October 2022
I knew from the very short preview before the series came out, that there was not any likable characters in this & now that it has came out i see my feeling was correct. In the original there were MANY likable characters, although they,d get killed too soon. There is not one beauty, where the original had multiple. It is just lacking overall, with bland characters. The actors are certainly not bad, just lacking any sparkle, or "character" which would endear them to the viewer, for me it's rather bland, although i keep watching it hoping it shall turn a corner and burst into life, yet it does not, it just meanders along. Authentic looking for sure, nice dragons, yet overall "Sterile", possibly bad casting & not an interesting enough story. Even after 7 episodes i have not developed ANY concern nor likeness for ANY character, so obviously where the story meanders to will have little effect unless they inject it with some Real characters/actors whom you have SOME feeling for. It's not terrible, just lacking sparkle & somewhat mundane overall.
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Blonde (2022)
could have been fantastic, ultimately disturbing, distasteful
29 September 2022
Unsure just what to make of this. I was so looking forward to it,& the actress in lead role is undoubtedly fantastic, & there is no doubt Marilyn was a troubled soul, but this movie & it's overall slant has depicted her in the most damaging & disrespectful way imaginable. It really is very dark & seeks to portray her in the dimmest light possible. As it progressed my interest faded as there was pretty much zero attempt to show just why she is still adored to this day. I suppose you could determine it is very one sided, highlighting only the dark & seedy side of the industry, yet unrealistic in my view. I cannot accept it was so bad that an actress could walk in a room & was immediately bent over a desk & her knickers pulled down, i can't accept it was that blatant nor that actresses simply accepted such with zero protest.

I have read many books on Marilyn & found more about her reading about another Actress i'm fascinated by "Elizabeth Taylor" , a book by one of her husbands Eddie Fisher, who relates a story of Marilyn at a club where Frank Sinatra was singing, or owned the club, & Marilyn was very drunk & got the mike at some point and was ranting & frank had a couple of goons lift her out of the club. Eddie says she was like that Alot, & although he was involved with many famous woman in his earlier days, he simply did not find that attractive & had no desire to pursue Marilyn. So yes, we understand from this account that she was often worse for wear but she couldn't make all the movies she did without being on Top form much of the time also, & i think not showing ANY of that is where i lost interest and really found the movie quite disturbing really. I certainly could not recommend it to anyone & feel it is a chance lost for the actress was fantastic, she deserved better & so did Marilyn.
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Elvis (2022)
Surreal & ultimately heartbreaking
7 August 2022
This had quite a dreamy surreal feel for me, like it was all a dream, unlike a "Regular" movie, kind of disjointed and odd with the colonel telling the story.

Austin Butler was fab for sure, the music was all great, not just the Elvis music, ultimately it was heartbreaking at the latter stages.& i immediately thought how heartbroken Pricilla & Lisa marie must have felt watching as the ending drew near.

It was very well presented,visually yet in a surreal sort of way, a thread of more Reality was lacking i think to cement it all together as it's somewhat like a jigsaw of scenes joined together without some sort of glue in the form of relationships evolving other than the almost cartoon like colonel narration. It is certainly different & does tell the story for people discovering Elvis, although in a kind of distant fashion.

It will be noted more for Austin Butlers performance more than anything.

If you dig out early black & white performances, Reddy Teddy for 1! Then the 68 comeback, That's the way it is, Elvis on Tour, you'll see the real magic that was Elvis, or just hear his voice from any recordings, he really was magic.
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bland uninteresting rubbish
29 June 2022
10/10 review is always an alarm bell as few if any movies justify that score, i tried to watch based on the almost 8 rating from reviews, which i think must be from members of the cast & shall quickly be found out to be false and given it's more appropriate rating of below 5, a 5 and above being a watchable movie.

There is nothing of interest here, just boring disjointed nonsense with no redeeming qualities, nor interest at all.

3 for effort, but really 1 or 2 would be equally justifiable.

It's just bland uninteresting rubbish, & the ridiculous high ratings from friends or actors in the movie just highlight that, your fooling no one, but yourselves.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Utterly heart wrenching
24 June 2022
I've always loved wild west movies, especially anything involving Native Americans, and i've watched all of them. They are uncommon these days, even less so, for a good one to appear, i think the last one i recall was "The Revenant" As there have been few good movies in recently i did a search for best TV series & after much searching this finaly caught my attention, as i knew it would be quality with "Sam Elliot" being in it, & it was interesting to see the name of "Faith Hill" with her real life husband i beleive, "Timm McGraw also, ALL of whom were simply outstanding, Really! In fact everyone in this was perfect in their role, none more so than the actress playing the daughter "Elsa", who soon became the focus for me, with her portrayal of a youngster having to grow up quickly in a very harsh environment, which she did better than anyone else could ever have in every way, this coupled with her radiant natural beauty,& strong free spirit, she was almost angelic as the series progressed.

However,After the first 2 or 3 episodes, i could see where this was going and actually wondered if i need put myself through this, as "Epic" or "Magnificent", you could well describe it, I found it Utterly heart wrenching And am still pondering was it worth it to witness the magic of the daughters character with her boldness and zest for life,love & freedom? I'm unsure, yet i am sure, you best have a strong heart to take this on, & if you have a hunger for similar, look up "lonesome Dove", if you haven't seen it.
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True Things (2021)
solid six
21 June 2022
There are few films i will watch till the end, i give at least 20 minutes and if it is not absorbing me by then, off it goes and on to the next. It is not outstanding at all, it's general theme or feel is slightly disturbed, like the main character, but i was certainly intrigued to find where it would evolve to. In the end it was a little quirky, if not "deserved" ending, which did not really bring closure to the main characters "position", or State.

However, i say again i was interested enough to know what may become of the main character, played by Ruth Wilson, whom i have not seen nor heard of before, but i think she is fantastic. I was inspired to write this review because of a rather bad one i saw, due to how good i KNOW she is. There are no sparks etc coming from this rather unusual film & it does have a somewhat "Depressed" feel to it, due to the main characters overall state, so not to everyone's taste, but it is certainly no less than a 5, & i give it a solid 6 for Ruth Wilson's ability alone, which inspired concern/care for her, along with being intrigued with what would ultimately become of her, and not any actor can do that. So yes, it's a sort of downbeat study of an unhappy, unloved young woman, but certainly well acted, which puts it well above much of what appears these days masquerading as "Movies". This IS at least a well acted Movie, downbeat, yes, not to everyone's taste, but a Real movie none the less. Hope to see more of her in future, certainly she deserves such, which no doubt film MAKERS will realize after seeing her here.
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Exciting & well acted
10 June 2022
I liked this way more than expected, found it well acted, tense, exciting. A good movie well worth watching & way better than much of what is appearing these days, many of which don't even deserve to be called "movie", if even be made & promoted as such.

You won't regret passing some time with this one, and it will hold your attention, where so many others will not.

I give any movie 20 minutes minimum to hold my interest, absorb my attention, if it's not doing that by 20 minutes, it's off, & on to the next, so for that alone, it gets my stamp of approval, solid 7 from me.
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My Dead Dad (2021)
3 June 2022
Well with a rating of over 7 i assumed i had at least a watchable film for tonighty, but Nope!

I always give any movie 20 minutes in which to draw me in, hold my attention, but i should have know with a 10/10 rating from the reviews, that's always a sign it's crap, which it is, utterly uninteresting, boring , zero good points at all.

I don't know what goes on past 23 minutes i gave it, which is way more than i would have, had it not had a rating of over 7, which of course is a shallow lie, and quite stupid one at that. Not sure any movie has a genuine 10 rating, very few i'd imagine as that figure denotes Perfection, which even directors etc would not claim. So stop entering these idiotic false ratings u ridiculous infantile brats, as your lie shall quickly be exposed and the trues rating of unwatchable be quickly revealed. Time waters!
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Tension throughout
16 May 2022
Good movie, well made, female lead is fantastic actress, a few unrealistic moments, but did not take away from the overall production and good acting, nor the tension, which it held for me throughout.

Certainly worth watching and MILES better than much of the absolute trash appearing which often have unrealistically high ratings.

In fact i was inspired to review this due to the less than expected rating it has.

Believe me, i will not even go past 20 minutes if a film is not holding my attention, which these days is mostly the case, so it was pleasing to watch this to the end even with a few unrealistic moments, without these i'd have gave a solid 7, as it is, a safe 6 indicated well worth watching.

And hope to see more of the female lead, she really is talented and deserves many more great roles.
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Wacky & Funny
4 May 2022
Well, this was a surprise, wasn't expecting much, but this had some real funny moments, totally wacky and funny with it. You WILL laugh at some great scenes/lines, well delivered. You can't have too much laughter.

The woman playing the lead character is a gem , i bet she could tackle any kind of role.

Good stuff.
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The Survivor (2021)
They DO still make good movies
2 May 2022
They DO still make good movies. This is one, & i can understand many folk rating it a 10 Films based on truth are always good very well acted and good to see danny divito in a serious role.
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Bull (2021)
Unnecessarily violent
8 April 2022
Unnecessarily violent, not a badly done film or acted, just basic, but definatley Unnecessarily violent.

You really don't want to put yourself through this.

As i watched (SOME of it) i thought to myself " Is THIS really what we regard as "ENTERTAINMENT," I think not for me. I had similar Uneasy feeling when i watched "Goodfellows" as a teenager, as i KNEW people portrayed in that movie actually existed, although it was a very well made production based in fact.

This is nowhere near that class nor based in fact which makes it over the top pointlessly violent and not even a true story, which made it a bit nonsensical for me, & very basic also, couple of good actors, but better parts/productions are what they could do with.

Unless you want disturbed for very little entertainment, i'd certainly give it a miss.

Unless a true story, i'd opt for something with more substance, which this has little of.
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Tense & holds your attention
1 April 2022
Tense & holds your attention, well acted, well made, definitely a throw back to decent quality movies we used to get regular. Bit of a rarity these days.

Steady 7 for me.
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Walk With Me (2021)
Decent movie for sure
23 March 2022
One of the main characters is a quality vocalist, good acting all round, many touching moments, a solid 6 from me, no less.

A film many will love, certainly worth watching for most, well done.
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23 March 2022
How did this so called "Movie" ever get a rating of 8.2? Which it had when i 1st noticed it. I normally give any movie about 20 minutes to "Draw me in", & if it's not absorbing my interest by then it's not going to. I gave this over 30 minutes as i assumed it could be great with this rating,but certainly watchable.

NOPE! After 30 minutes i don't have a clue what it's about, it's not funny, there is no-one interesting in it, it's bland , uninteresting, so so actors, but most of all, absolutely NOTHING that would hold your attention.

I only download movies that have a 5 rating or higher, as below that are always awful, so i can only give it a 4 , as in my view it's unwatchable. Disjointed mess with zero story to hold it together & uninteresting bland characters & just pointlessly boring.

Move along folks, nothing to see here.
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13 Minutes (2021)
Very well done
21 December 2021
I wasn't expecting anything from this, or that i'd even watch it all, as i normally give a movie around 29 minutes, & if the story is not drawing me in by then, i turn off and try another. So this was a surprise as this was very well acted, interesting enough,& devastation was very convincing. I usually avoid disaster type movies, but this was different as it is not your typical movie where you expect it full of carnage, actually it focuses on various individuals lives, how they intertwine & only in latter stages does the natural disaster emerge. For these type of movies this was very good, REAL actors, which are a rarity these days, & i give it a solid 6, well worth a watch for sure.

Another review complained about "low budget", etc, & gave dismal rating, Well , this is NOTHING like the avalanche of low standard,NO story, bland, talent less acting, cardboard sets trash we've had as common place these days, most of which is unworthy of even a rating.

THIS IS a Movie, Decent at least & well worth passing time with, if that's your intention.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Dreary & Pompous
13 December 2021
A dreary & pompous time in history should not really be the subject/focus for a big movie, but here it is, with an uneventful story apart from the Duel the title eludes to, however, as good as the fight scene was done, it's a short time to suffer the uneventful dreariness, and unbearable to look at, Matt damons ridiculous hairdo.

I did watch it all, though not holding my attention, was glancing at it from my computer screen, which was of more interest. Overall dreary, as this period in time dictates, unless there are lots of battles, which there aren't here, so it's a mundane dreary 5 rating from me.

Need more depth to a story to make a movie.
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