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moneys worth
28 June 2014
Been to all the transformers. This is a brand new cast and somewhat different story. Gets going pretty quickly. Especially interesting was all the Chicago shots and a close view and extended scene at the old closed down Uptown Theater at Broadway and Lawrence in Chicago. This is across the street from the old Rivera Theater. This movie does not feel like you were cheated. It actually seems like the combined a part 1 and part 2 so it is like 2 films. If you like action then this is it. Walberg does fine. And his 17 year old daughter in the film can actually act. The interaction between her and Walberg is new and refreshing. She is a good actress which is a big step up from the other Transformers.

The actual transformers Autobots and companies are great. In this film the actually carry on conversations. There is also reference to prehistoric times. This film is fast paced and can wear you out but that is a good thing. This film is not for wimps. The 6.6 score is OK but for action and fun its more an 8 or 9.

Some of the old relationship stuff is less in this film and no weird parents. There are many great shots of Chicago. Many shots include the lake and so much more. The film continues with the international theme as the other movies. It is interesting when the film moves to China and Hong Kong. This film is not confusing. Ultimately the acting is an improvement in this Transformers. This film has as much action as the others. Even more. If you like long and strong action films this is it. You certainly get your moneys worth.
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Prisoners (2013)
a good film
21 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I first must say I am going to give a major spoiler later in this review but I will try and keep that a little vague. I seldom put spoilers in reviews but this film is complex and I must bring up the turn of events. As far as acting goes this is Jake Gyllenhaal's film. He is excellent throughout and the most human person in the film. His character is certainly who I identified with. Jake Gyllenhaal's acting progressed and was superior in the last part of the film.

This is certainly not a liberal film and not conservative either. The ending was clear and I do not see any ambiguousness in the ending either. It was obvious what was happening in the last 30 seconds. Further even the small comment early in the film about being against deer hunting when we sit around eating hamburgers at McDonald's with industrialized slaughter to feed millions is absolutely a good point about society's hypocrisy. But I don't want to deviate from the plot. This was just one tiny early sentence in the film.

I do believe the film could have been just as good with a little less brutality. I am especially referring to the water part which was not needed. In the middle I wasn't sure if I would like the film. But ultimately I would say it was a top film. The acting and the story was fine. The religious angle actually changed as the film played out. Now for a major spoiler. Who would ever believe that the priest may actually have been correct? Was this a war against God? I will say no more about that.

Ultimately, this film could not be entirely judged to be dark. Certainly the cop was intense and believable. There was some deserved justice delivered even for the brutality. Although the legal penalties were not reached and i will leave that vague. The final 10 minutes was riveting. And even some fast car scenes were very effective because of the depth of the plot. i have tried to be somewhat vague for those who have not yet seen the film. And the ending was very clear to me.
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Getaway (I) (2013)
cool, very fast paced adrenaline film
31 August 2013
This low budget movie is cool to the max. Obviously, if you don't like action films then I would skip action films and definitely not review action films. I like action films so I am reviewing this in light of that. For example, I loved Man of Steel and admired the innovative use of only one camera throughout in that great film.

Getaway is, however, a fairly low budget film with little or no CGI that takes off in the first second and continues for virtually every minute. At least 70 minutes of car chases without shame. This is about 10 times more car chase than Fast and Furious. It probably leads movie history with that.

The plot plays off as a bit mysterious for a while. But it triples down as an action film with a touch of Gone in 60 seconds Taken, and the car chase in French Connection. The violence is all basically car crashes with none of a brutal type of violence that occurs in some films. Interestingly, there is no swearing or brutality. The film did at times wear me out but that is OK. It does use some of the shaky camera technique of Crank, not a film I really liked.

Getaway is not trying to be a classic or heavy film. It is interesting how we never see the faces of police in cars reminding me of how we never saw the face of the truck driver in the greet Steven Spielberg film: Duel.

Another point here is the story is driven by a guy trying to save his wife which is more noble of a message than in most films. Also, Selene Gomez is just fine as the young reluctant companion. She gets pulled in to the story and clearly it is explained how she is pulled in. Selene is such a great example of a young lady with class going in the opposite direction of Miley Cyrus. At one point her character stated that there is nothing wrong with a young lady wanting to drive fast cars. Gomez is delightful in this part.

Anyway this film is not preachy in any way. A guy wants to save his wife. Again this is pure action in the streets of Sophia Bulgaria. There was one car chase with long fairly far away shots near the end in open very little traffic which was quite unique.
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The Town (2010)
You are suppose to like it overrated
25 September 2010
This is one of those films that you are suppose to like. There is a buzz going around that tells everyone this is a good film. There a quite a few brutal scenes. And a couple of love scenes which are quick and well these are boring people in that department. All of the characters are mean in one way or another. The lead actress seems like she has a sinus condition. The acting is suppose to be great and dramatic but not in the same planet as Shutter Island acting wise.

There is a lot of meanness which doubles as realism. Johhny'y Depp's Dillinger film was far more interesting. In this film the bad guys almost are suppose to be good but they still are quite mean. Of course we have graphic scenes of where people are shot or close ups of beatings. That is the new realism. In the end there seems to be no point. It is in some ways TV like. Shows such as the Sopranos dwell on psychology and soap opera stories. Even the vaunted God Father was mostly talk. These films are not in the same league as the old Jimmy Cagney, Bogart, George Raft gangster films. Affleck is not in the same league as DI Caprio or Johnny Depp.

This film is way overrated.
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Salt (2010)
audience cheered
25 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for total realism stand at a bus stop for two hours. It's free. Seriously, I remember one of some well known critic's favorite films was of watching someone paint a painting for three hours. If you are looking for a film that is more James Bond than James Bond with a little Bourne thrown in then see Salt. But you will have to wait and see how this film turns out and who the real heroes are. The film is nothing like Shutter Island or Inception which were good but were psychological and mind bending films and are not thrillers. It is certainly nothing like Toy Story either which is a kid's film. There is no point to try and compare it to films that are not in the same genre. This is not a film for people preoccupied with gender, age, always trying to make a new concept or other things. It is a film full of imagination and excitement. It is great to see a film directed with no CGI. It is just done better, more interesting and was a surprise. Also, It is also interesting that a major Russian spy ring was broken up in the US this last month.

Jolie starts slowly and picks up speed like a railroad train. She is the best actress, hands down, of the era with films like this, Changeling, Mighty Heart and Beyond Borders. Jolie could get nominated for this film. She is completely versatile and pulls viewers with imagination into her films perhaps the best in Hollywood history over her career. Amazingly there is a major physical appearance change she makes in the film that I believe even her physical appearance at the Hollywood premiere was supposed to be slightly deceptive and made the movie physical change even more interesting. There was a point where I noticed early in the film that Jolie's face seemed so much slimmer than usual and not her usual self. After a scene regarding teeth, you will be surprised at a physical appearance change, . Then there was even another change later in the film. The film rocks and rolls and is quite the opposite of the image of mindless American girls on their cell phones 24/7 who have no individuality. In reality, this is an inspiring action packed performance. There is so much depth to her character, intensity, mystery, and excitement. It is written that way but only Jolie can bring it to life.

A subtle look from Jolie can mean so much. I believe it is Jolie's intelligence, knowledge of world affairs, and experience in foreign countries and war zones in real life that allows her to be so much more intense and interesting than most actors.

Great action thriller. The director did not feel the need to try and be falsely realistic by forcing lots of awkward swearing, pointless disturbing images or other phony realism that many modern films put in. This is not an art film, it is an action film, and an excellent one. Don't know if there will actually be a sequel. It had an exciting ending and could have kept going. It certainly could have a good sequel. I expected a lot going in and it was great. There is also a fine supporting cast. It is worth seeing on a full screen. I am not going to give away any twists and turns for those who have not seen this excellent movie. Man, it was like being there.
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The Last Song (2010)
30 April 2010
Don't like any of the Hanna Montana songs or her early career. So went to this film expecting the worst. the film actually turned out well. Not a chick flick but more of a drama. Miley Cyrus did a pretty good job considering her goofy early dramatic and music work designed for popular appeal to certain kids. This film is actually interesting with good acting by the brother, father and the rest of the cast.

This film had an interesting story and is the kind of film I would not have even gone to had there been anything in the theater I had not already seen. it actually could be liked by any age. I, personally, think that Miley Cyrus may change direction in her career. She recently took her real fathers name in an official name change. I expect that Miley will not follow in the footsteps of other Disney losers like Britney Speers and Lindsay Lohan. This film is a step in the right direction but her recent American Idol appearance was pretty bad. The film is worth seeing.
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Fighting (2009)
some would hate
13 May 2009
Some suburbanites might hate this movie. But anyone who has had to fight for survival would appreciate this film. Comments such as this film is about derelicts and others like these would be a misrepresentation. in fact, the film does portray this story from a underdog's point of view. The sign on the door that says "rent due" actually happens in the real world. But for those who look at an apartment building and say "how can anyone live like that" will hate this film. This film is not for those who wince at the sight of a panhandler or for those who believe poor people with dreams are losers.

This film is like Rocky 2009. The lead actor has a kind of James Dean style He is befriended by a fellow who is always looking for a way out of the hard life and that is similar to Midnight Cowboy. This film is also like Paul Newman's "The Hustler" or Steve McQueen's Cincinatti Kid. The down and out female lead compares the young fighters name to that of a knight. Those who have lived and struggled in the real world would probably appreciate this film.

The purpose of this film is not to show how much blood it takes to revolt the audience or to push "the envelope" by being weird. The recent film The Wrestler was also a good film but the graphic and overwhelming film shots hurt that film. This film is just good old fashioned film making with a modern script and well acted. This film The Fighter is not about violence. It is just a good story with some good fight scenes. It is also somewhat like Slumdog Millionaire in its overall point. This film could be watched by mature teens and mature kids. Charles Dickens might also appreciate this film. This film is highly recommended.
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Watchmen (2009)
mean, awful soap opera
9 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a mean film pretending to be a comic book movie. This long movie seems like it will never end. All of the characters become unlikable except for possibly Rorschack. This film is a violent soap opera. Obviously this fits into the hate America films completely. I will just mention a few of the bad points. The North Vietnamese are portrayed as victims of America and those scenes come straight out of the North Vietnamese propaganda films that the North Vietnamese released during the war. Of course, in real life, soon after the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam, millions of people were slaughtered by the North Vietnamese. This movie may pretend to be conservative at moments but that will only affect those who do not know why they are conservative. The movie is anti everything to the core.

This film has scene after scene of having to look at one of the main characters naked. The other characters are mostly jerks. The film is unrelentingly depressing with not one moment of real action or adventure. The only action is just brutal gore. One unfortunate growing trend in some films is to show good guys with flaws. To basically say that good guys do not exist is to say that nothing really means anything. It is the opposite of what Americans have believed for centuries. It is a mental head game. In many ways it just celebrates darkness and makes everyone weaker. This film takes this to the utter extreme. These good guys are killers, rapists, impotent. or weird. It makes you want to run from the head games of this film. There is nothing real here. It is just one big dark head game. Stop the head games and get real.

The one good line comes from when one of the characters put into prison with convicts he was responsible for having arrested says "I am not trapped in here with them, they are trapped in here with me." One line in almost three hours of a boring violent, misleading, depressing and pointless film. This film is the opposite of The Dark Knight. That film had moments of darkness but was a good film. Watchman is dark with nothing else to it. Scene after scene of undressed people, love scenes, soap opera mentality, boredom, and moronic moments make this in my top twenty worst movies list.
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CC2C (2009)
surprising and imaginative
21 January 2009
This film was a real surprise. it is playing at only one theater in the Chicago area. I came upon this film by accident. This film is full of imagination with some comedy. It is subtitled but it is very far away from the suburban humdrum mentality of so many comedies. The film is slightly like Forbidden Kingdom with Jackie Chan. But this film as a variety of aspects. The film is subtitled and is clearly connected to Bollywood. There are a few moments that breakout into dance and song which might be something audiences are not used to seeing.

The film also jumps to comedy and action. There are plenty of action scenes. the lead actor is quite funny in a jerry lewis sort of way. But at times he is quite serious. The main actress is excellent playing more than one part. The film is subtitled but that is easy to get used to reading. There are also a number of excellent lines concerning themes like honor and loyalty for those interested in those ideas. It is an amazing blend .that may not be for everyone but this is not cynical humor. It is just plain funny at times. Pretty good music except for the closing credits. This film has many scenes by the Great Wall of China which is very interesting.

I have never seen a Bollywood film but this certainly at least seems related to Bollywood. it is interesting that this film influenced by Bollywood is out at the same time as the excellent adventure drama Slumdog Millionaire.
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not bad
16 January 2009
Slumdog millionaire is an interesting film. Apparently the Millionaire show is shown in other countries with different hosts. The film begins in the slums of India and follows the growth of some kids. The center piece and structure of the film revolves around the game show. When the main actor becomes old enough to be on the game show he is not in the extreme poverty of his youth but he is still struggling. The show may be a ticket to a better life. This is a driving force of the film. The viewer gets to see flashbacks and real time scenes but it is not difficult to understand.

So much of this film seems to be something i can relate to. Some viewers will find they have more in common with these people from India than they do with some of the middle class Americans portrayed in some comedies. It would be easy to identify with the characters in this film for some people. You will have to decide which character you like the most. There was another fine film made in this area of the world: City of Joy with Patrick Swayze.

The characters in this Slumdog Millionaire think out of the box and some present situations to show honor, betrayal, or loyalty. The film is a drama and adventure. Yes the outhouse scene was revolting and the one short gross scene per movie convention is unfortunately in this one too so I will only watch the film once.. But ultimately, this is a very good film and worth seeing. It is appropriate for mature kids.
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B movie
16 January 2009
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I wouldn't call the film boring. We were lucky enough to get in the 10PM sneak preview which completed a good night. The theater was pretty full and there was not as much noise as I had expected. The film revolves around a maniac dressed in a dark coal mine outfit and mask. Expect to see this as a Halloween costume. Throughout the film, the killer would suddenly appear in the dark outfit and attack a victim. The film is definitely gory.

It does follow a plot with a story and in that way is much different from Saw which has no plot or story. The 3d effects are pretty good but not nearly as good as Journey to the Center of the Earth. The main problem with the film is a ridiculous long scene at a motel that seems to go on 15 minutes. This scene is one of the worst in movie history and come across as twisted comedy. It does not fit in with the film. The film is definitely not for kids. To make it worse, the scene is referred to later but it has nothing to do with the story.

Eventually, the film becomes a whodunit about who is the maniac in the coal miners suit. The ending could have been better. This is obviously what they used to call a B movie. This means not top directing, acting and producing. It has a lower budget and is called a B movie. Some B movies can be great., but not this one. The idea of a crazed mystery coal miner is pretty good. It was certainly better than Saw and some other films. This film is not boring, at least. But ultimately, the film is not terrible but does not make it because of the gore, motel scene, and ending that could have been better in my opinion.
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never forget
16 December 2008
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Accidentally or not, this film is not about lost innocence. It is terribly tragic, sad and even depressing but it is not about lost innocence. It in many ways celebrates innocence in the most horrible of circumstances. Whether that is what the writer intended, I do not know. But that is the result. I had life long studies of the Holocaust. This is certainly an excellent film concerning the Holocaust.

The goodness of the characters is stunning amid the horrible darkness of the Holocaust. Both children retain there innocence through every moment of the film and even hold hands at the worst. They play and have fun no matter what the circumstances. They don't need money, cell phones, video games, big houses or mountains. They have they innocence and imagination that all people are meant to have. This is clear in the scene in which one of the boys is offered a chance to leave the area. He refused to leave. This seemed to bewilder some of the people in the audience. But the boy had a great friend and had great fun on a daily basis with his friend. He refused to even consider leaving to go back to his great world in a nice city or anywhere else. This reminds me of the way kids can play in the worst refugee camps in the world and still have fun. It is not how long you live but what is in a person's heart that matters. This is another deep meaning of this film.

There are a number of fine people in this story who show their goodness as ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. The worst and best of humanity is often seen in real life in war or genocide. The mother is a fine woman who rejects her husband's involvement in the Holocaust. The Grandmother is another who rejects the evil philosophy of the Holocaust. Pavel is a very good man as the slave houseman and shows incredible decency. In contrast, we see the worst in human nature in the father who is the commandant of the death camp. Also the immature and pure mean young Nazi soldier is a cruel man. This film also illustrates the importance of empathy, sympathy and the ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. There is also the 12 year old daughter. The 12 year old daughter is copy cat entirely brainwashed by Nazi propaganda. She is the utter opposite of the historical figure Ann Frank. Even this girls affection for the mean Nazi soldier is nothing like the genuine affection by Ann Frank of a teen boy in the tremendous old film Diary of Ann Frank.

The young German son of the Nazi commandant slowly comes to terms with the evil system of the Nazi's. He is, in effect, an 8 year old member of the German resistance without even knowing it. He also has the ability to know when he is wrong in the scene in which he apologizes to the inmate boy for not telling the truth about something to the mean soldier because of fear. He is also blessed with the ability to see truth. His young rationality allows him to see through the lies that Jews are somehow not human. He comes to see that his father is consumed by evil. Yet, he balances his enthusiasm with truth. We also, see the great respect the prisoner boy has for his own father. Power, status, and money mean nothing to these children.

Ultimately, this film is terribly tragic. It reminded me of Anne Frank who was a real life person who maintained her strong heart in the midst of terrible circumstances. It is this belief that sustains good verses evil. As long as someone believes in this spirit these people were ultimately victorious. The old saying of "never again" can also include "never forget" these individual people who had so many tragic stories and so many moments confronting incredibly powerful evil forces.
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not bad
16 December 2008
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The Day the Earth Stood Still is a remake of a classic science fiction film of the same name. This film retains some elements of the original story. The alien and the robot come to earth on a mission. This robot is far larger than in the original. But the robot in the original conveyed far more dangerous feeling. One of the main parts missing from this film was the brilliant encounter between the robot and the female lead and child. In the original. The robot is going to kill the woman unless she can remember the code words that prevent attack. That was a dramatic moment that was entirely missing.

Another main facet of the original film was the danger that the alien man was constantly encountering. In that film, the robot was instructed to destroy the world if the alien man dies. There were many scenes in which the alien narrowly escapes in the original which made it a classic science fiction thriller. This film reverses that and the alien is obviously invincible and it is the earth people who are consistently in danger. In this film humans are very weak and so there is very little dramatic tension.

There are obviously some larger points that the film is trying to present. The point about history early in the film is more or less incorrect. The Secretary of State makes the academic point that in history the powerful civilization or country are always victorious and used Columbus and and American Indians to support that point. The story then adds that now humans are weak and the aliens are the superior force similar to history. That view of history is not correct. It is quite the opposite. The powerful pagan Roman Empire attempted to wipe out religious people but today that empire is gone and Jews and Christians remain. The powerful Soviet empire attacked and subdued Poland and today the Soviet empire is gone and Poland is free. The Nazi super military force attempted to destroy the Judaeo civilization and the Nazi caused great grief but are now gone. The use of Native Americans as an example is also faulty because that encounter took place over hundred of years and not in a massive invasion. It could be also argued also that the Great British Empire was defeated by the weaker American forces in the American Revolution. Napolean's powerful nation also was initially victorious but eventually came crashing down. throughout history it is ideas that refuse to go away. it is true that the more powerful North was victorious against the South in the Civil War. But all these cases, have different outcomes and the interpretation of history is incorrect in the film.

Another large point in the film is concerning technology. The alien comes to earth deeply concerned with environmental issues. The environment and technology are two separate issues. But, inadvertently or not, the film ultimately seems to be questioning the overwhelming technology that is so much a part of the modern world and less about pollution. It makes one think about how computers, cell phones, cars, airplanes have made the world less personal. With families and friends constantly separating and spreading out all over the world. The film seems to propose a simpler less technological world in which people don't speed through life on cell phones etc. The film is very blatantly trying to be about large issues and sometimes the story almost seems secondary. it does refer to how ordinary humans or aliens have to respond dramatically in extraordinary circumstances when on the "precipice."

Of course with science fiction, literature ,or art, imagination is required to appreciate it.

The original is more of a good story and a great classic. The robot in the first film was great and the characters really stayed with the viewer. The acting in this film was pretty good. The boy did a pretty good job especially the final part. This film is not too bad.
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Religulous (2008)
greatest movie ever?
16 October 2008
This is perhaps the greatest film ever made. I believe that Svengooli will put it on his show soon. It is not as good as Creature from the Black lagoon or many others. The more I think about it, it was not very good. Quarantine was way better.

This film is the opposite of Expelled. Expelled explains the flaws of evolution while this film is a theory that Bill Maher proposes about various religions. Maher speaks of tolerance frequently. Maher is consistent in his belief that all religion is not tolerable. Most violence in world history is caused by religion according to Maher. He sees no difference between radical Islam and all Christian churches. He smashes baptists, Catholics and all churches.

Maher crushes the Mormons but everyone does that. He despises Evangelicals also. What can you say. The funniest part is when he tells some guru that his hair is on fire and the guys goes running. Most of his positions against religion are based on humor and he does not really go into the deep logic of a film like Expelled which is way better than this. Maher is a funny guy who seems torn up without showing it. Maher argue with a lot of people. An actor who played Jesus and gets into a theological discussion with Maher actually out dueled Maher at times. Another film out there right now that is a must see is American Carol. That film is the opposite. Can you imagine the Pope hijacking an airplane? Not likely.

If you see the Religulous stay till the end of the credits.
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Eagle Eye (2008)
not PC with slight spoiler
28 September 2008
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This film is not PC. It is a great action film. This film is brilliant. Brilliant is the word. In many ways the film is brilliant. I was not expecting a brilliant film but the film turned out to be more brilliant than I expected.

The acting is brilliant. The girl really has that Rachel Weisz charm and is brilliant. The chases were fine and the airport chase was brilliant and top of the line. Thornton also is brilliant as an agent. The score was good, even brilliant. I plan on purchasing the score. There is no political statement that I can find. Clearly technology is an issue but not really used as a political point. The final scene in Washington DC is exciting and brilliant. This film has sort of a Vantage point feeling to it which was an even more brilliant film.
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Bad Expectations
24 July 2008
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I went to Dark Knight expecting the worst. I had read on this site that this film was overwhelmingly dark, negative and depressing. Many reviewers acted like they liked the film because it is so dark and pessimistic. I personally don't like dark films. I loved Journey to the Center of the Earth and rank that as the best film of this year as well as a Chinese orphan film and the under rated Kit Kitredge. But II hate pointless and depressing stuff like The Sopranos and I never liked The Godfather series because they were boring and dark with dead horses being major moments. Its true that Dark Knight has been ranked higher than The Godfather, Citizen Cane and Apocalypse Now. But those films were terribly over rated. You want great mobster films than check out Cagney's White Heat or Angels with Dirty faces or Humphrey Bogart's great gangster films not modern soap opera mobster films like Bugsy.

This Dark Knight was hyped to be gory and grim so I almost did not go. The first 30 minutes of the film did have some gratuitous violence and I would have cut a few of the Joker's violent attacks but the film survives that. The great film Rambo is far more gory. The beginning of the film seems more like a mobster and crime film than an action film but that is OK. But then the film seemed to build. In my opinion this is not a film about flawed heroes or that good and evil does not exist.

It is really a film that is about Batman against the Joker. The joker is truly evil. The film has very little psycho babble. At first the Joker explains that his evil father is why he grew up to be evil. But later we see that the Joker is a chronic liar with a different lie about his ex-wife and cannot be analyzed. The Joker's past is not important. The Joker (also called the clown) exists to destroy the world. He also exists to change good people into bad people. Everyone has encountered the kind of people who want to change you in real life. Each one of us has had to deal with people like the Joker.

But who will go bad. Will Batman go bad? Who will go bad? Remember Anakin went bad in Star Wars. This film is essentially about endurance against evil.

The acting in this film is excellent. The supporting roles with Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman are excellent. These are the two finest character actors of out time. Michael Caine has been around a long time dating back to his early films: The Ipcress File and No Time for Heroes. The other actors did fine. The female lead was fine and not as bad as some reviewers say. Ledger did a great job as the Joker. At times he seemed like the insane Jack Nicholson in the Shining and even Harpo Marx. Batman himself did a fine job. The Batman series has been OK for me but not in my top movies. This Batman is far superior to the others.

Batman and Bruce Wayne are both interesting characters and better than the wimpy Iron Man when he was not Iron Man. The special effects also work and the Bat Bike would work great in James Bond. The ending works but as some have mentioned the last few seconds could have been after the credits. This is a surprising Thumbs up for Batman, The Dark Knight. The person with me mentioned that the music from the Batman TV series should have been played. That would have been a good thing to put in the credits at the end. This is a surprising thumbs up for Batman, The Dark Knight putting it in my top five films of the year.
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Fine film
16 July 2008
This is a fine film for all ages. Obviously, the cynics and pessimists will not like it. Sure this is science fiction or fantasy. I would expect that people who do not like science fiction or fantasy will find this film not realistic. Of course that is a criticism of the entire genre of science fiction. Same goes with the genre of fantasy.

Of course Star Wars was science fiction and no one really believes that the Stars Wars universe really exists. The same goes for fantasy in which no one believes that unicorns really speak in Narnia or that Lord of the Rings really happened. Basically if you do not like fantasy or science fiction you will hate this film.

This is equal to or better than the excellent Indiana Jones. It has less comedy and is more dramatic. It is also less violent and is fine for any age. This film is also way better than the 1990s version of Journey to the Center of the Earth. There was also a version of Journey to the Center of the Earth in 1959. That 1959 Journey to the Center of the Earth with James Mason was also a good movie but quite a bit different than this one.

This new film reminds me of the original Time Machine with Rod Taylor. It has a genuinely strong tragic moment and has the feel of the great Robinson Crusoe on Mars from the sixties.

The acting was no problem and the mountain guide was a nice change of pace because she seemed real and not a fashion model. The teen is fresh off the fun film Firehouse Dog. And Frasier turns in his usual good performance. The film is full of excellent special effects and you will get your money's worth. I highly recommend this inspiring film for science fiction and fantasy fans. It is one of my favorites.
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Grapes of Wrath, Tree Grows in Brooklyn
9 July 2008
Kit Kitredge, An American Girl is a classic. This film falls into the category of its a Wonderful Life, Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and Grapes of Wrath. The acting is fine but not formal. The mother of Kit surely deserves an Academy Award. This mom is real and not just another self superior empty mom as played in an empty way in some family films like the mom in Drill bit Taylor. She is the opposite of the mom in Drill Bit Taylor. This mom in Kit Kitredge is wise. She has elegance but is also real in her struggles. This is a mom that anyone could look up to. She reminds me of the strong performances of Andy Griffith. Her final scene was one of the strongest acting moments in film history and I have seen over 8,000 films. She shows the full range of emotion and gives a performance reminding me of Claudette Colbert in the 1944 Since you went Away. The film also has a style similar to the live show Annie.

This film moves at a fast enough pace to keep all ages happy. It reveals the era of the Depression with total respect for the people of the era. My family lived through the depression so I know this is authentic. It is a little like the old Nancy Drew but with tremendous involvement with all the characters. The film takes the high road in which moral decisions are clearly understood. There is also a mystery and it is interesting. All the acting is fine and there are a great variety of actors of all ages.. This film reminds me that movies are not suppose to be aimed at one particular age group in order to improve ticket sales. This is just a good old fashioned movie.

Frank Capra would be proud of this film of the underdog against a series of obstacles. The only sad thing is that it has sold so few tickets. I suspect this film will linger for a long time and rent many DVDs. It is a film that could be shown to people many years from now. I highly recommend this movie. American girl refused to sell out their integrity in order to sell tickets. I hope American Girl makes more films. Great film.
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political correctness
17 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most politically correct action film of the last 5 years. There is no story. The American army is evil. All the villains are men who wear medals and ribbons. It is an anti American film to the extreme. They throw in a British army villain because they Hollywood liberals hate the fact that we are allies with London.

No adventures here in this film. Scene after scene of hospital stuff and close ups of bruises. If you like medical scenes than this is the film for you. The film goes down hill fast after a decent Brazil opening. It is obvious that the film is anti military and wastes our time. We thought the new film would not waste so much time on medical stuff like the one a few years ago. This one is worse.

We also get the soap opera father daughter problems. The female lead is a phony sickening sweet annoying person. I seldom criticize female leads but this one is terrible. Lines like "its OK, I like it" and her switch from sweetness to her profanity laced tirade against a cab driver are pathetic. She condescends constantly and has an air of knowing all things which is horrible. My least favorite lead in a decade.

The best part of the film was Ed Norton's acting and a decent fight scene at the end. Not enough. The television show was so good and had meaning. The villains are wimps and all soldiers are portrayed as evil or stupid. I am sure that people in other countries will believe that the American Army is truly evil. This is a shame when our real soldiers are nothing like this. This empty hate America film is depressing. Hulk is my least favorite film of last three years.
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great for right viewer
15 June 2008
Crystal Skull was great for the right viewer. Unfortunately, many people don't really like action adventures anymore. Soap opera obscene comedies that degrade the human race are much more in demand. Ideas of heroism and honor are now disliked by many viewers. Thus Indiana Jones is out of date because it is about heroism. It is out of date because it supports the idea that knowledge is the true treasure.

Obscene films are popular now and are considered realistic while adventure is always blasted. If you are looking for obscene self hating comedy than this is not for you. This film has action and is exciting. The young adventurer does a fine job. And Ford is at his best. There is no graphic love scenes so this is fine for all ages. Unlike Iron man which had a deeply uncool love scene for youngsters. And the leads here were confident where as Iron Man is really a self hating idiot. The heroes in Indiana Jones have confidence which for some reason bothers some people. The villains are clearly villains and the story was clear cut and even surprising at sometimes. This film went the opposite direction from Rambo which was a violent but good film. Jones is not brutally violent but has lots of action. Of course all movies are based on imagination and the job of a movie is not to be a realistic documentary.

Unfortunately, many in the audience were immature and did not know when to laugh so there was laughing in the wrong places. I do not think that there was that much self parody and the comedy was fairly straight forward. Everyone with me felt they got their money's worth. The only problem was a few bad apples in the crowd. There was applause and booing at he same time. The audience could have had a riot because some people loved it and others hated it. I would pick a daytime performance which has a better quieter audience. The daytime audience cheered.
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New low
21 April 2008
This film finds a new rock bottom. The theater was unfortunately full. The buzz from this film was very effective in bringing millions of people to spend money on this film. How do slime films like this manage to make so many people between fifteen and twenty five think they have to see it. This film is full of gross stuff that is degrading to the audience and degrading to this country. Of course, it will also degrade worldwide audiences.

This terrible streak of nasty, gross, immoral, and despicable comedies began around the time of the sleazy American Pie. This idea of comedy is to keep pushing the envelope further and further into absolute decadence. Hollywood has convinced movie viewers that each one of these movies is extremely important to see. But these films are worthless. The bottom has fallen out in film comedy and sleaze and bad taste is now the norm. Comedy has now become a tragedy.

Occasionally a comedy is decent like Drillbit Taylor. In general, Hollywood thinks that we are sleazy idiots.

This is surely the darkest review I have written. But this film has hit rock bottom. A reviewer once stated that comedy allows Hollywood lowlife to push garbage more than any other genre. It wont be long before Hollywood release another destructive film.
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Lock them up
20 April 2008
This film attempts to question an unquestionable theory. This film questions this theory. This film is a subversive film. Students should never doubt there teachers and this is a subversive film that might erode confidence of students in the authority of the school system. Obviously the world can see the obvious ability of dog breeders to create changes in a species such as breeding for larger dogs. In this sense evolution has been created by the breeders.

But what about the idea of changing one species into another. It is true that there is no direct evidence showing that one species has changed into another. For example, no dog has been bred into a cat, etc. But that does not mean evolution is not true. Obviously there are many different kinds of animals in the world. These animals all have eyes, ears, and hearts. So it is obvious that they all probably come from each other.

The definition of theory is "something unproven but something quite possible." Many theories have proved to be wrong such as for a thousand years scientists said the world was flat. For a thousand years scientists said germs did not exist and that infections were bodies "evolving" incorrectly. Pasteur questioned the theory of infection and proved that infections came from germs and infections did not come from evolution. He was driven out of Paris for that. The question is should American students be made aware that evolution is a theory and that some scientists have challenged the theory.

Should humanity be allowed to explore other ideas about how life got here. Most think not. Students should not be allowed to question the theory or be given any information that conflicts with the theory of evolution. I have attended graduate classes in Anthropology Human Origins and surprisingly, evolution is questioned. But these questions are not appropriate for young people high school, or grade school or the masses. Certainly zoos, museums, science channels, and schools present evolution as fact. But the idea is questioned in a few advanced college classes. Unfortunately, some colleges censor or even fire teachers who even question the concept.

This film concerns the attack on academic freedom. The film also ties Darwinism to the attitude that Hitler had toward many groups of people and Hitler's disdain for weakness which led to many deaths. The film is correct that Hitler's book Mein Kampf centers on his hatred of weak things. I have read it and Hitler also despised democracies believing them to be weak.

But are the masses ready to hear the questions this film presents? This film thinks so. Just as prayer exists in White House ceremonies but not in public schools. The teaching that evolution can be questioned would be destabilizing and cause too many questions among young people. Though well made, This film rocks the boat and that is not a good influence.
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Owen Wilson's film
13 April 2008
This film is worth seeing. Owen Wilson does a fine job once again. This film depends on a strong performance from Wilson. Wilson has come along way since his supporting role in the Haunting. Wilson is now a star.

The supporting cast does a good job. The youngsters are fine with each having his own style along with the Harry Potter look alike. The arrogant bully is played fine. Drillbit's pal seems familiar and fits in fine. The film is mostly appropriate for all ages but you might want to send kids for refills during the brief implied love scene in the school.

I hope this comment is helpful. They should give prizes for clicking "comment useful." This film is thumbs up with a good ending.
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The Ruins (2008)
Day of the Triffids way better
12 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This bottom of the barrel film was just about one gross out after another. The great science fiction film Day of the Triffids. This stupid film begins with the Americans making fools of themselves by being loud and low life in a resort in Mexico. It is these kind of loud vulgar types of tourist Americans that so many countries hate like France. So all of the main characters are jerks except the German.

Then we get to see about 20 minutes of a graphic double amputation of legs. There are many more graphic scenes and the children in the audience seemed near hysteria. The only good acting came from the German, the bearded fellow and the old villain leader of the Mexican gang. But the best acting belonged to the cab driver who had one line which isn't saying much. This was not even a B movie.
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10,000 BC (2008)
surprisingly good
20 March 2008
I went in expecting a bomb because of all the rumors that this film would be awful. I only went because the Norton kids movie was so politically correct, I could not take it so we changed theaters. That turned out to be a lucky switch.

This film, 10,000 BC started out a little odd and seemed like there would be no story and some of the lead characters seemed pretty strange. But the film slowly picked up steam. It has a real story that draws the audience in. There was no heckling in the showing I attended. And I was surprised so many people were talking like they liked it after the film. This is not a hardcore intense film like Brave Heart or The Patriot. But the film has themes of freedom, liberty, honor, honesty, friendship, and love.

It had shades of Apocolypto or 300 but with far less gore. It also seemed like some of the old Doug McClure science fiction films. It was far better than One Million years BC or Clan of the Cave Bear. It was not attempting to be an Academy Award winning film. The people of all ages liked it and nothing was inappropriate. This was fun and does not promote bad things. It was good.
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