
5 Reviews
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Baskets (2016–2019)
Looks excellent so far
22 January 2016
Any fan of Louie should also really enjoy this as he is one of the head writers. Like Louie it's beautifully dark, depressing, awkward, and absurd, without being completely over the top. I can't give it a star rating yet, as rating a show as a whole off only the pilot is silly, but I have to say I truly enjoyed the pilot much more than I thought I would and I was going in with pretty high hopes.

I will say this is not for everyone. Anyone who likes Zach Galafianakis because of The Hangover or Due Date will likely be unpleasantly surprised by this side of him. This is more along the lines of his older stand-up and his work with Tim & Eric.

Without spoiling anything there are some slapstick gags that would be considered "low brow" by some, but the fact that they are simply there and not acknowledged by anyone maintaining the somber mood of the show makes them much more hilarious than simply the joke itself.

As a final note, Louie Anderson is possibly the best casting choice in history.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
If you are older than 13-14, don't watch this show.
12 September 2009
Seriously you're wasting your time. I gave it a chance, even though it's on the CW. It takes a cool subject, vampires, and completely waters it down for young people. The actors are horrible, they're simply there for looks, and the script was probably written by a bunch of over caffeinated readers of Teen People.

If you like vampires, go watch True Blood.

On the other hand, if you're into soap operas, and the whole "OMG he said, she said, she likes him, but he likes the other one who already has a boyfriend although she's been getting kind of sick of him recently so she's leading him on even though it probably won't be going anywhere and so her best friend finds out and blah blah blah" kinda shows, then go ahead and watch.
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Delocated (2009–2013)
I'm sure the writers are well aware of what they've made.
30 August 2009
This show is coming from the people to blame for Wondershowzen and Xavier: Renegade Angel. If you haven't seen those, maybe you want to check them out before trying to watch this.

The show is about somebody in witness protection on TV, which is obviously ridiculous. Being the only person walking around NYC in a ski mask with a voice-modulator at all times is pretty obvious. The show is goofy and absurd, obviously. I think he's voice sounds funny as hell the way it is, same thing with Xavier's voice, and sometimes that alone is enough to make me laugh.

If you aren't into this kind of stuff, then you're not, and you should stick to some laugh-tracked sitcom on ABC or something. Not as good as Wondershowzen or Xavier, but still a show worth watching.
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Food Party (2009–2010)
I really don't know what I just watched...
22 August 2009
I'm really not sure what to say about this show. I would like to point out that I am 22 and watch all the goofy/random shows such as Whitest Kids U Know, Tim And Eric Awesome Show, Xavier: Renegade Angel, etc. This show is just insane. Even compared to those.

I gave it 6 stars because it did make me laugh a few times, although I couldn't tell you if it was because something was funny, or because sheer confusion gave me no other option. If you haven't taken a large quantity of drugs, I really don't see you enjoying this show. You have 2 options watching it: you can try to make sense of it, which will just leave you kicking yourself in the head, or you can just accept it for what it is, and then probably just find it extremely dumb.

For whatever reason I did watch a few episodes hoping that maybe it would begin to make more sense, and the answer is no it did not. Now if you want to watch something that is unlike anything you've ever seen before, this is definitely the show for you.
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Surprisingly good.
4 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well I went into this expecting a horrible straight to DVD movie, so I didn't have my hopes up. It's kind of slow moving, but there were a couple parts that actually gave me the chills. It got pretty psychologically involved with the main character, and was more of a thriller than a slasher flick.

Of course the ending was kind of stupid, as it turns out the guy wasn't actually crazy, there was a BIG SCARY MONSTER, OOOOHHHHHH!! It kinda ruined the whole mood and then the ending didn't really clear anything up since there were a lot of dead people including a cop accusing the main character, but whatever. For what it was, I was happy.
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