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A wonderful adaptation
28 August 2017
I remember seeing this movie over ten years ago in the cinema and even back then I thought it was a great movie. Even though it's not as good as the book (which has always remained a classic in children's literature), I consider this film to be The Lord of the Rings for kids and like the Lord of the Rings, it was filmed in New Zealand as well and some aspects reminded me of the Lord of the Rings trilogy like the effects or the action scenes or the fact that it all took place in a fantasy world. I enjoyed all the actors that played the Pevensie children and I loved Liam Neeson as the voice of Aslan. I'm very glad that I read the book before I saw the film. I also enjoyed the two other sequels. But I think the Narnia movie trilogy is kind of underrated. While it's nowhere near as good The Lord of the Rings trilogy, they deserve more credit.
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Ratatouille (2007)
Another Pixar classic!
4 August 2017
Pixar has given out a lot of classics over the years like Toy Story, WALL-E, Up and Finding Nemo and Ratatouille is up there with them. It's a great story about following and living dreams no matter what. I loved this movie since I saw it in the cinema ten years ago. Pretty much everything about it is great: the animation, the story, the humour, the screenplay, the voice-acting, even the music. Everyone, both children and adults, will find this movie appealing.
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An underrated masterpiece
20 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't understand why The Last Samurai got mixed reviews by critics because it's such a powerful and beautiful movie. In fact, it's up there with other sword fighting movies like Braveheart and Gladiator. But at least, it was a success with audiences and at least Empire Magazine gave it a five-star review.

But all that aside, let me just say that I really enjoyed the film. The two lead actors, Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe are superb in their performances. Tom Cruise plays Captain Nathan Algren, a traumatized soldier who finds peace when he's taken prisoner by the samurai warriors and he learns how they live and their culture and language and even becomes a father/husband figure to the family of the samurai that he killed in battle and even becomes a samurai himself. To me, this is Tom Cruise's best performance of his career despite what people might say about him but he's acted well in other movies like Rain Man and Born on the Fourth of July. Ken Watanabe plays the samurai leader, Katsumoto who is in conflict with the Japanese Emperor and politicians because he wants to keep the old culture and traditions and honour of Japan alive and goes into battle against the modern Japanese army and I'm glad Watanabe was nominated for an Oscar for his performance.

The action scenes and battle sequences are as compelling as the story. And I like how they depict the locations of 19th century Japan at one side, a revolutionary city and at the other side, a vast and beautiful countryside. The cinematography is shot beautifully and the rest of the cast do really well too.

So in conclusion, I just want to say The Last Samurai is one of my favourite movies of 2003 (a rather good year for movies) and I recommend to anyone who likes great drama and action.
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The best Harry Potter movie ever!
15 April 2017
The reason why I think Goblet of Fire is the best out of all the Harry Potter movies is because it's the most exciting, action-packed, darker, suspenseful or even romantic.

One of the things I loved about it was that it was the one with the most new characters: Victor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Declour, Rita Skeeter, Cho Chang, Mad-Eye Moody, the Patil twins, Barty Crouch Sr., Barty Crouch Jr.. They also did a really great job on the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The tasks were so action packed and fantastic. My favourite character in this one is Mad Eye Moody. Brendan Gleeson was so great as him. And he's probably one of my favourite actors from my country.

Another thing I really liked about the first touch of romance in it. There were a lot of fine girls in this film: Hermione Granger, Cho Chang, Fleur Declour and the Patil twins. One of my favourite scenes was the Yule Ball. Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) looked so beautiful in this scene! One of the biggest things about this film is the return of Lord Voldemort. I just loved all the special effects and magic and how organised the plot is. The Harry Potter books and films really inspire me to become an writer myself. Also, happy birthday to the very talented and beautiful Emma Watson!
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A nice ending to the Shrek series
10 April 2017
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Granted Shrek Forever After may not be as good as the first two movies but it's an improvement of Shrek the Third which disappointed many fans. But Shrek Forever After gave a nice ending to Shrek and I think it deserves more credit and a higher rating on IMDb because it has a good story, good comedy and a good villain (Rumpelstiltskin).

I like how it starts off with the King and Queen of Far Far Away almost making a deal with Rumpelstiltskin in order to break Princess Fiona's curse but the deal is interrupted when they find out the Shrek saved Fiona. Rumpel becomes vengeful because of Shrek and wishes he was never born. Then we see that Shrek misses the days when he used to be a real ogre even though Fiona tells him he has everything. Then Shrek meets Rumpelstiltskin and is tricked into signing a contract with Rumpel thinking that it will give him just one day to be a real ogre. At first, Shrek is thrilled because villagers are afraid of him and he can do whatever he wants. But then Shrek finds out he's been taken to an alternative reality and sees how things would've turned out if he was never born. Like Donkey is afraid of Shrek, Shrek and Fiona have never met, Puss is fat and Rumpel is in charge of the Kingdom of Far Far Away. And the only way Shrek can get his life back is sharing True Love's Kiss with Fiona.

Granted Shrek Forever After uses the same kind of story as It's a Wonderful Life but I think it deserves more praise because I like how it shows what everything would be like if Shrek never saved Fiona from the Dragon's Keep. And I like in the end, Shrek realizes that his life is perfect because he has friends and family.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
A great come back for Mel Gibson
19 March 2017
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I like Mel Gibson as an actor and director but I think he does better as a director and Hacksaw Ridge was a great return for him and it turned out to be one of my favourite war movies alongside Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now and Saving Private Ryan. But what makes Hacksaw Ridge so special is that it's based on the true story of Desmond Doss (played brilliantly by Andrew Garfield), a Christian soldier who refuses to take up arms and becomes a war hero in the Battle of Okinawa in World War II by single-handedly saving over 70 soldiers without firing a single shot nor killing anyone and in the end is awarded the Medal of Honour. And it just goes to show you that miracles can happen anywhere at anytime to anyone. I'm also glad that Hacksaw Ridge was a success both with critics and audiences and did well in awards season by winning 2 Oscars for Film Editing and Sound Mixing but I think Andrew Garfield should've won the award for Best Leading Actor instead of Casey Affleck because Manchester by the Sea is really overrated and underwhelming. I mean Garfield's character was more challenging because he had to play a real life war hero and had to put on the accent as well. But in conclusion, I just want to say I really enjoyed Hacksaw Ridge and I hope we will get to see more of Gibson and Garfield in the future.
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RIP John Candy and John Hughes
4 March 2017
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To me, Planes, Trains and Automobiles is John Hughes's third best movie (next to Ferris Bueller's Day-Off and The Breakfast Club) and it's also the best movie of both Steve Martin and John Candy.

It's a funny story about an uptight businessman called Neil Page who is trying to get home to his family for Thanksgiving. But along the way he gets stuck with a good-natured but annoying blabbermouth screw-up named Del Griffith. The two of them go on a really rough trip home (most of it is Del Griffith's fault), especially Neil. But I like how Neil can't stand Del after all the trouble he got him into but in the end Neil learns to appreciate Del and considers him his friend and even invites him to spend Thanksgiving at his house.

As well as being a great comedy, there are also some dramatic moments. Like when in the motel room where Neil rants about how annoying Del is and how he talks too much but Del responds with his touching "You wanna hurt me..." speech and that he likes who he is. And it's also surprising at the end when Neil learns that Del is homeless and his wife has been dead for years.

It's also sad to know that John Candy (1950-1994) and John Hughes (1950-2009) are both dead because they were both legends of their time. But the funny movies that they made like Uncle Buck, Home Alone and of course, Planes, Trains and Automobiles will remain classics for years to come.
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Disney's First Feature
3 March 2017
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It's hard to believe this movie is Disney's first animated feature and it's even harder to believe that it's 80-years-old. But it still holds up even today and it was a nice start for Disney. I mean it has catchy songs, lovable characters (especially Dopey), funny humour and lovely animation and charming music.

The characters of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs are all charming, lovable and memorable. They all stand out in there own way, but my favourite is Dopey even though he doesn't say anything but as Walt Disney himself put it "He's nice but sort of silly". But that's what I like about him; he's clumsy and funny.

This film is a classic in it's own way and it was one of the highest grossing films ever around the time it was first released. And it's enjoyable for both kids and adults. And it's also one of the few films that made me cry. I mean, yes, the film made me smile a lot because it's such a charming feature but the scene where Snow White is in sleeping death and the seven dwarfs gathered around her and crying is such a sad scene that it made me cry as well. But it's ending is very uplifting when the Prince kisses Snow White and breaks the sleeping death and they all live happily ever after.
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Samurai Jack (2001–2017)
The Samurai Called Jack
26 February 2017
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Samurai Jack is up there with some of my favourite animated series because it's a show with great action, science fiction, fantasy, animation and good vs. evil. It tells the story of an extremely skilled samurai warrior with a magic sword is sent far into the future by the evil shapeshifter, Aku and the samurai, who goes by the name Jack, must travel the world in search for a way back to the past and defeat Aku while being hunted by Aku's bounty hunters and minions and helping those in need.

It's not hard to see why Samurai Jack was a success with both critics and audiences and how it won 4 Primetime Emmy Awards. Most of the episodes are brilliant but some of my favourite episodes are "Ultra Robots", "The Beginning" and "The Spartans". And I'm also glad that they decided to bring back Samurai Jack after over a decade and make new episodes and a whole new season and hopefully it will end Jack's journey and maybe we will finally get see Jack return to the past and defeat Aku and we could also find out what Jack's real name is as well.
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Rocky (1976)
Rocky through the ages
28 July 2016
For this review, I'd like to go through all the Rocky movies (including the most recent Creed) and talk about their good points and their bad points.

Rocky - The first one is obviously a classic and the best out of the series and made people like Sylvester Stallone a superstar. It takes a simple but touching story of the underdog boxer and rise to have a chance to be a champion.

Rocky II - I felt was kind of the same story and was a little cheesy but it still carried the spirit of the original.

Rocky III - Like the second one, was cheesy but it was entertaining. But I like how Rocky was doing more boxing and had more drama and Mr. T was a good villain even though he talked too much. Also it featured a great song, "Eye of the Tiger".

Rocky IV - Again like the two other sequels, cheesy but still entertaining and it had another great song "No Easy Way Out".

Rocky V - I know this one disappointed a lot of fans but I thought it was okay but I can understand why people didn't like it but I don't think it deserves to be hated.

Rocky Balboa - Was redeeming and I like how it has a lot of references to the first Rocky.

Creed - Finally, this one was another great comeback for Stallone as Rocky and gave Michael B. Jordan his big break as well.

But you can't beat the original because it's the first and a classic, like I said before. But I'm still looking forward to the sequel to Creed next year.
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Avatar (2009)
I love this movie! Who cares what the haters say?
15 July 2016
Frankly I don't care what anybody says about Avatar. Whether they say it's overrated or it didn't deserve to be the highest grossing movie of all time or or it's unoriginal or it's too long or boring or it they say "this is better than Avatar" it's still up there with some of my favourite movies of all time. I mean people were the same when Titanic was released; a lot of people called it overrated but that didn't stop it from winning 11 Oscars and being called a masterpiece by many others. James Cameron has made a lot of great movies in his career like the first two Terminator movies, Aliens, True Lies, Titanic and Avatar is up there with them.

I was blown away by it when I saw it in the cinema. It was like I was actually on the planet Pandora myself. I know the movie takes stories from other movies like Disney's Pocahontas and The Last Samurai. But I mean look at The Lion King for instance, it used the same story from other stories like Hamlet and Moses and it's considered one of the greatest animated movies ever made. And sometimes originality isn't always a good thing; I mean look a Twilight. Do you think it's a good idea to have vampires sparkling?

But anyway let me tell you why I really enjoy Avatar, I enjoy pretty much everything about Avatar: the action, the effects, the characters and even the story. I mean I like how Jake Sully as a nobody but as the movie progresses, he becomes a hero among Na'vi and brings them all together to face off the humans who are destroying their planet. In fact, you might say that Avatar is more about special effects, but it just shows that anybody can become a hero no matter who they are. I also enjoy Zoe Saldana as Neytiri and Avatar (as well as 2009's Star Trek) made her a superstar and the romance between her and Jake Sully. And the battle scenes are just as epic as battles scenes in movies like The Lord of the Rings or Braveheart. And I like like the dramatic moments as well.

So in conclusion, let me just say Avatar is #14 on my top 30 favourite movies list and I recommend everyone to see it and I look forward to the sequels in the near future.
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A very underrated animated classic
10 July 2016
The Prince of Egypt has always been one of my childhood favourites because I remember even seeing it in the cinema, and even back then I thought it was a great movie. But I can't imagine why it's so underrated. I mean sure, it might've been a hit when it first came out, but pretty much everything about it is just epic: the story (even though it's taken from the Bible), the animation, the characters, the music, the visuals, songs and even the voice-acting. I mean a lot of big actors like Val Kilmer, Sandra Bullock, Ralph Fiennes, Michelle Pfeiffer and Patrick Stewart all starred in this movie.

I think one of my favourite things about this movie is how the characters develop, particularly with Moses and Ramses. Like Moses starts out as a goofy, reckless, young prince who likes to play pranks. But when he finds out that he's Hebrew, he becomes more of a sympathetic and insecure character. But when he is to return to Egypt to free the slaves, he becomes a very determined leader. As for Ramses, he starts out as young prince who wants to live up to his father's expectations. But since he loves Moses as his brother, he can also be sympathetic as well. But when Moses asks Ramses to let his people go, he becomes very much like a villain; hostile and ruthless. Also the conflict and relationship between Moses and Ramses adds to a lot of the drama into the film because it's like something from a Shakespeare play. They're both brothers and care about each other, but they reluctantly have to against each other.

One of my favourite scenes in this film is the burning bush scene because it's one of the scenes that shows how beautiful and impressive the visuals are. I mean it doesn't really look like fire, but it looks like something not of this world and the voice-acting by Val Kilmer(who also plays Moses) is very well done because he makes the voice of God sound very powerful but also loving and caring and soothing at the same time.

But one of the things that bothers me is that the plot seems a little rushed, but that often happens in animated musicals. But the songs help tell the story and tell what the characters are going through. Also, The Prince of Egypt is a lot more dramatic and darker compared to other animated features, like there's not much comedy later on in the film but not like that bothers me.

All in all, The Prince of Egypt is a powerful, beautiful and impressive epic that should be more appreciated.
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Smallville (2001– )
An interesting look on the origins of the Man of Steel
15 May 2016
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I've watched the first five episodes of the first season of Smallville and I just want to say I'm glad they decided to make a TV show about Clark Kent's life as a teenager in Smallville because most movies that are based on Superman never really focused on that part of Superman's mythos like Clark Kent growing up in Smallville, being a high school student and his love for Lana Lang.It's a nice combination of adventure, drama, science fiction and romance. In fact, it has pretty much everything that makes a great TV show: smart characters, a wonderful cast, excellent acting, a good theme song, a nice setting and sharp story lines. I particularly like relationship between Clark Kent and Lana Lang. Not only is Kristin Kreuk a pretty face but she also does wonderfully playing Clark's love interest. And Clark will do almost anything to win her heart of Lana and he must also compete with her boyfriend, Whitney. I also like how they made Clark friends with Lex Luther after Lex ends up in a car crash and Clark saves his life, Lex feels he owes everything to Clark and will help him out with anything whether it's trying to help his family or trying to win over Lana. And I like how they come up with a different villain in each episode with a different superpower. It's too bad Smaillvile only has a rating of 7.5 on IMDb because I think it's up there with other great superhero TV shows like Gotham or Daredevil even though I've heard the show went downhill after the first season. But I'm just going to continue to enjoy watching the first season.
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Tiny Toon Adventures (1990–1995)
A classic '90s cartoon!
17 April 2016
Tiny Toon Adventures was probably one of my favourite cartoons when I was growing up and it's still one of my favourites grown-up as well. I mean now that I'm older, I understand the popular culture references in the jokes and comedy. And I just like pretty much all the characters (except Elmyra). They're funny and clever and I like how most of them resemble and have the same traits as the classic Looney Tunes. But my favourite character is Plucky Duck because he was probably my favourite character of the show as a kid and to me, he's probably the most memorable character besides Buster and Babs. As for the humour, I really like how they mix it with popular culture, like movies and TV shows and celebrities, and '90s references and life in high school/college in Acme Looniversity. And watching this show also makes me wish I was a kid living in the '90s again because that's what this show represents; how great the 90s were. And I also like how Tiny Toons was produced by one of my favourite directors, Steven Spielberg. But it's just a pity that Tiny Toons isn't shown as much back in the day and it deserves a higher rating on IMDb than 7.6. But at least, I still have the first season on DVD. And to me, I think Tiny Toons is a better cartoon than Animaniacs because Animaniacs was too all over the place. Also happy birthday to the voice of Plucky Duck, the late Joe Alaskey!
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Titanic (1997)
Such a beautiful film!
19 March 2016
Frankly I don't care what cynical people say about Titanic whether they say it's overrated or it's too long or it didn't deserve to be one of the highest grossing movies of all time or it didn't deserve to win 11 Oscars. I mean I'm a guy and I'm not ashamed to say Titanic moved me to tears and is one of my favourite movies. There is a reason why it won Best Picture at the Oscars as well as many other rewards.

It takes the tragic story of Titanic and mixes with a classic love story as well as adventure and some horror and turns it into a film that is so beautiful to look at. Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson and Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater make such a wonderful and beautiful couple and act their parts perfectly. The movie is also brilliantly directed by one of my favourite directors, James Cameron and this is up there with his other masterpieces like Avatar, Terminator 2 and Aliens. Not to mention the music matches well with the movie thanks to the work of James Horner's score especially with the love scenes.

But even a movie as sad and tragic has a happy ending. Like I know people didn't like how it ending or thought it was confusing but I mean it actually that old Rose died in her sleep and she's with everyone who died on the Titanic, including Jack of course. So in conclusion, if you've never seen Titanic and you like movies, prepare to have a new favourite movie.
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Ed Wood (1994)
A fascinating tale of one of the worst directors of all time
20 January 2016
This is probably one of my favourite Tim Burton movies alongside other classics like the first two Batman movies, Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuce. Not to mention it has Johnny Depp in one of his finest performances. This kind of movie always puts me in a creative medium, especially film. I like how Burton directs and Johnny Depp portrays how passionate and driven Ed Wood is about movie-making even though he wastes people's money and people think his movies are terrible and most people hate his style of directing and don't approve of his lifestyle like his transvestism. But I like how they focus on the story of how he made movies like "Glen or Glenda", "Bride of the Monster" and "Plan 9 from Outer Space". I also like Ed Wood's relationship with washed-up and frail actor, Bela Lugosi (played brilliantly by Martin Landau). But it's also a nice and funny story about living your dreams even though it may turn out to be the way you like.
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An underrated sci-fi TV show
11 November 2015
I'm a big fan of the first two Terminator movies, (who isn't?) and I just finished watching the first season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and I just want to say I enjoyed every episode of that season and it turned out to be one of my favourite TV shows! I can't wait to watch the second season!

Sure, it may not be the same without Arnold Schwarzenegger but it's definitely worthy of the Terminator franchise. And the TV show is a lot better than Terminator 3, 4 and 5. I just wish it hadn't ended so soon just after two seasons. Same with Firefly (which barely lasted a single season!).

But one of my favourite things about The Sarah Connor Chronicles is that it's filled to the brim with references of the first two Terminator movies. Also the cast are great and I love Summer Glau as a protector terminator, Cameron Phillips, Lena Headey as Sarah Connor and Thomas Dekker as John Connor. I even enjoyed Brian Austin Green as Derek Reese, Kyle Reese's brother.

I think this TV show deserves more credit and recognition (not to mention a higher IMDb rating). But at least it was still nominated for four Emmy Awards. In fact, I think it's up there with other classic sci-fi TV shows like The X-Files or Firefly or even the Star Trek TV shows.
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The Godfather (1972)
Marlon Brando at his best!
1 November 2015
Of all the movies I love and admire, I just have to say The Godfather is my favourite movie ever. I could go on forever talking about how great it is. It's beautiful to watch from the opening monologue to the closing-door ending. I know it's kind of cliché to call The Godfather your favourite movie but I mean how could you not? It's pretty much perfect in every way: perfect acting, perfect directing, perfect writing, perfect pacing, perfect music, perfect cinematography etc. Not to mention it has one of the greatest actors of all time, Marlon Brando in one of the most iconic performances of all time and it helped restore his career. And it made actors like the great Al Pacino a superstar. In fact, The Godfather changed everything in terms of movie-making. Anyone who loves movies, should definitely see The Godfather. It's too bad Marlon Brando wasn't present at the Oscars in 1973 because it would've been amazing to see him give on speech on winning the award for Best Actor in a Leading Role for a second time and thanking everyone involved with The Godfather.

But even I'm surprised to call The Godfather my favourite movie ever because I'm not mad on gangster movies. Like I think Goodfellas is really overrated and I think Scarface with Al Pacino is nothing special. But I also think The Godfather: Part II is a masterpiece as well even though it's not as good as the original and it doesn't feel the same without Marlon Brando. Though I've never watched The Godfather: Part III but it's considered by many to be very disappointing so I choose to stay away from it.

But in conclusion, to put it rather bluntly, if you don't like The Godfather, it's hard to believe you like movies.
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Batman Begins (2005)
The best and most underrated in the Dark Knight Trilogy
24 October 2015
Eight years after the infamous abomination Batman & Robin that killed the Batman franchise, Christopher Nolan stepped in and started a whole new series a darker (even darker than the first two Tim Burton Batman movies) and realistic level.

Now at first, I wasn't mad on Batman Begins because at first I thought it was boring and it took a while to get to the part where Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. But after a while, I loved the film. In fact, it turned out to be my favourite Batman movie even though I really like the first two Batman movies by Tim Burton.

I really like how we get to see the origins of Batman like the tragic death of his parents and becoming a martial arts expert in somewhere in Asia. Also I think it's clever how they made Batman act like a ninja than a superhero. Christian Bale is really good and intimidating as Batman but I think he's not as good as Michael Keaton's Batman. But also I think the rest of the cast did very well like Katie Holmes, Liam Neeson, Michael Caine and Cillian Murphy. But I can't understand why Katie Holmes was nominated for a Razzie for Worst Supporting Actress. I liked her as Rachel and she was a lot better than Maggie Gyllenhaal; not to mention better-looking.

It's too bad The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises weren't as great as Batman Begins. I mean I think The Dark Knight is really overrated. I mean most people seem to be overglorifying it just because of Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker and his death. But The Dark Knight Rises was brilliant and gave a nice ending to the trilogy but I don't think it wasn't as fresh as Batman Begins. By the way, happy birthday to the creator of Batman, the late Bob Kane!
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Truly one of the best sequels ever made
17 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to believe that Terminator 2 is over 20 years old and even today it's considered a masterpiece and Arnold Schwarzenegger's best. As a matter of fact, I'm the same age as the movie! I mean the first Terminator movie is a classic also and gave both Arnold and director James Cameron their big break. But Terminator 2 is what cemented it all and took the franchise to a whole new level. I mean pretty much everything about it is excellent: the acting, the writing, the action scenes, the music, the visual effects and the characters. It even had a couple of surprises and twists for us as well.

One of the things I love most about movie is the relationship between John Connor and the Terminator which how John bonds with the machine and teaches it how to be more human and understand the importance of human life and emotion. In fact, the Terminator becomes a father figure (similar to how Ripley becomes a mother figure to Newt in Aliens).

As for the acting, everyone knows Arnold Schwarzenegger can't act, but still you got to love him as the Terminator because that was the role he was born to play. Also Linda Hamilton was incredible reprising her role as a heroine specializing in guns and weapons. And this movie was a nice introduction to Edward Furlong since this was his first movie and he managed to pull off as a rebellious kid yet always tries to do the right thing. And Robert Patrick made an even better villain who is menacing, intimidating and powerful. In fact, he was almost unstoppable if it wasn't for that steel mill.

So in conclusion, Terminator 2 is one of my favourite movies of all time, as it is for many other people as well. I just wished they hadn't made the two other sequels. I mean Terminator 3 was disappointing but Terminator 4 was okay but I haven't seen Terminator 5 yet. I mean it got bad reviews but a lot of fans seemed to have enjoyed it. Even James Cameron said he liked it so maybe I'll give it a try when it comes out on DVD. But I seriously doubt it could as epic as Terminator 2.
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The Gold Rush (1925)
Chaplin's best!
9 October 2015
Charlie Chaplin is of course, famous for making silent classics like City Lights, The Circus, The Kid and Modern Times with is iconic character, The Tramp (or the Little Fellow as Chaplin called him or the Lone Prospector), but this is the film that he'd hoped to be most remembered for and he truly is! Plus, it's one of his personal favourites and it's also my favourite film by him.

One of the reason's why this is Chaplin's best is because it has some of the Tramp's most memorable and funniest moments. Such as the "dancing" with rolls, the cabin over the cliff and when Big Jim imagines he's a chicken. Also, I like how Chaplin himself is narrating the film and it gives a nice touch because he has more of a presence in the film. And Big Jim McKay (Mack Swain) is a great comedy sidekick.

It also has, in my opinion, the best ending because the Tramp goes off rich and famous with his friend Big Jim and he gets the girl of his dreams, Georgia (Georgia Hale).
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First Blood (1982)
Sylvester Stallone's best movie ever!
9 October 2015
I loved this action flick and I'm not even a big fan of Sylvester Stallone (I prefer Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger). I mean the only movies that I like by him are this, the first Rocky and The Expendables (particularly the second one). But if Stallone starred in movies more like First Blood than just cheesy action movies more about violence than a story, I would watch them more.

It tells the story of John Rambo, a veteran who is a former member of elite group of soldiers who fought in the Vietnam War. He is still traumatized from his war experience and doesn't have a home or any friends (since all the other elite solders are dead). Sheriff Teasle then arrests him for vagrancy. But when things get out of hand, Rambo flees and starts terrorizing everything that stands in his path (even without killing them). But his former commander, Colonel Sam Trautman tries to talk some sense into him and stop from what he's doing.

Not only is this one of Stallone's best movies, but it also helped the launch of action movies during the '80s like The Terminator or Die Hard or Lethal Weapon. But I think it's pretty underrated as well, I mean it didn't even get one Oscar nomination. And in this, we actually see Stallone give a big emotional speech about Rambo's hatred for war and watching his friend die right in front of him.

If only Rambo had died (which is what happens in the book) we probably wouldn't have the silly and unnecessary sequels that have nothing much to do with the original
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Another Alfred Hitchcock/James Stewart triumph!
14 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of both Alfred Hitchcock and James Stewart and I really like their film collaborations like Rope, Rear Window, Vertigo and of course, The Man Who Knew Too Much. But in my opinion, this remake is probably one of Hitchcock's more underrated work. But I'm sure it was a hit when it first came out in 1956 and it even won an Oscar for Best Original Song. But I think this film deserves a higher rating on IMDb than 7.5. But I have to say, I never actually watched the original movie of 1934 and this is pretty much the only movie I've seen of Doris Day. But she and James Stewart did a great job as a married couple trying to save their boy and stop an assassination in London. And I've also heard that Doris Day mostly starred in romantic comedies and musicals and this one of her few serious roles but she really proved herself as a drama actress. And this remake has pretty much everything that makes a Hitchcock movie a classic: great acting, great mystery, great cinematography, great directing and great storyline.
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An underrated sequel
12 June 2015
I grew up watching the first two Jurassic Park movies and I was crazy about dinosaurs as a kid and I used to have lots and lots of dinosaur toys. The first Jurassic Park movie is a classic and is up there as one of Steven Spielberg's best who also one of my favourite directors.

But what I can't understand is why a lot of people didn't like The Lost World - Jurassic Park. I mean sure it may not be as good as the first one and it has flaws and plot holes and some cheesy dialogue. But I mean even the first movie had flaws, plot holes and cheesy dialogue as well. But I think The Lost World deserves more credit because it has more characters, more action and more dinosaurs. And I also thought Jeff Goldblum did just as good a job as the main protagonist as Sam Neill did.

I also can't believe that this movie was nominated for multiple Razzies including Worst Screenplay and Worst Sequel. I mean I can understand why bad movies like Con Air or Batman & Robin for nominated for Razzies but The Lost World just didn't because those movies were far worse.
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Malcolm in the Middle (2000–2006)
And they say The Simpsons are a dysfunctional family
3 June 2015
When I first heard of Malcolm in the Middle, I wasn't interested in watching it. But when I finally gave it a chance I was practically hooked on it. It's too bad that the show's ratings declined as the seasons went on and even though some episodes/seasons are better than others but it was still a very popular sitcom in its day . In fact, it was probably as popular as The Simpsons or Futurama.

My favourite season of the show is probably the second season because it has a lot of memorable and funny episodes like The Grandparents and Casino and Bowling (which is considered by most to be the best episode of the show).

But I have to admit the show does have its annoying characters like Malcolm or Lois. I know its weird to say the main character is annoying but Malcolm a lot of the time is a whiny know-it-all and nobody likes a whiner or a know-it-all. And Lois is such a loudmouth and control freak sometimes I just want to punch her in the face. But aside from that, the funny characters are great, especially Hal and Reese and sometimes even Dewey and some of the supporting cast. But my favourite is Hal because he's a dim-wit and a screw-up and often gets himself into trouble. But other characters like Francis and Jamie seem pretty unnecessary and I think the show should just focus on Hal, Lois, Reese, Malcolm and Dewey.
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