
2 Reviews
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7 July 2003
Hrm. This miniseries started off so incredibly well, I was really drawn into the story and ideas presented. It was something unique, something daring. The first episode was just fantastic, from start to finish.

However, the second (and final) episode was very disappointing, from perhaps the half way point. There is one huge gaping plothole, in particular, which invalidates the entire last half an hour, including the pretty stupid ending.

Despite what people might say, I don't think the end was intriguing, or even satisfactory, it was just...silly. I won't go into details and spoil it, but for me it just didn't click at all. It's a real shame, because the first episode was, as I said, fantastic.

Also, the character of Judith really, really grated me. She whines constantly, and her behaviour and actions make no sense. The 'revelation' she receives towards the end is completely bonkers, the show doesn't even entertain HOW she could have possibly reached that conclusion (this is the big plothole that I mentioned before).

I think it might be best to just watch part 1, and leave the conclusion to your imagination.
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Fantastic sequel with brains - despite what others say
31 May 2003
Like many, I went into The Matrix Reloaded totally thrilled at seeing a new Matrix film, but I didn't really know what to expect. What I got was a two hour long movie that I loved just about every minute of.

It's true that Reloaded leaves many questions unanswered, but personally all that does is make me more excited to see the next one, and makes me eager to discuss with my friends possible meanings and situations that might arise in the next chapter.

As I'm sure everyone is aware by now, this film has received an awful let of negativity, and I really can't understand why. I won't use the token "people don't understand it" phrase, because I'm not so sure. I think a lot of people do understand it (and mark my words, there IS a lot to understand), but they must have some sort of profound distaste for a sequel to the Matrix for whatever reason. Maybe they don't like that it has a totally different tone and goal than the first one. Who knows.

And, indeed, a different tone it has. There is a lot more open discussion of philosophy in this film, as I'm sure most people are aware, but it's not pretentious in the slightest. People have been harping on lately about how the Wachowski brothers are insulting the intelligence of the movie going public with the way the discussions of causality, choice, and purpose are presented, but I don't think that argument has a single leg to stand on.

The dialogue presented is first rate, never is a conversation pointless, and never is a discussion all that it immediately seems to be. There are a number of very interesting new characters brought into the saga, while old favourites remain; the Oracle is still baking your noodle, and this time she's joined in her provocative thinking by the Merovingian, who's purpose I will not divulge because I don't want to reveal anything at all about the plot, or relevant sub-plots. All I'll say is, don't roll your eyes and switch off as soon as you hear his accent. Listen to what he's saying. Think about it. Is he right?

So far, this review isn't what you'd expect a review to be. In some ways, this film defies such conventions. It has been said that the first two acts are nothing but violence, and the latter part of the work is too conversation based. This is, to put it bluntly, a lie. Interspersed throughout the film are some fantastic confabulations on such things as destiny, symbiotic relationships, causality, choice, purpose, and the reality of situations presented. There just happens to be a very long one towards the end.

It was the choice to do just that that impressed me most about the film. There's a phenomenal amount of meticulously crafted action sequences, which I'm sure everyone was expecting, and then the brothers Wachowski go and turn your world upside down at what is, more or less, the climax of their movie. Pay close attention, things happen very fast.

The film was, in some ways, a victim of it's own success before it was even released. People didn't know what to expect with the first one, because it was such a low key release. Now, so many people have so many preconceived ideas of how the Wachowski brothers should make the film they want to see that their minds are closed to anything *but* what they want to see.

Consequently, if people went in wanting to see action along with their own ideas of what and how the plot should be and unfold, then they'd accept the action as being good and reject everything else, saying it's simply not good. Free your minds, people. Accept it for what it is, try to understand what it wants you to understand, go with the flow. It wants to present you with some intriguing ideas and conversations. Listen to them. You might just like what you hear.

I say most assuredly that a lot of people decided not to like the work before they'd even seen it. I think now is the time for them to try and understand why.
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