2 Reviews
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Heaven's Gate (1980)
This is one of the finest movies ever made.
1 January 2010
It is interesting to look at the rating distribution for this movie, and to read a few of the many reviews. The proportion of "10" ratings is unusually high considering an overall average rating of "6.4". Without reading the reviews, this would suggest that it either evokes extremely positive or extremely negative impressions. I am of the former. I consider the film brilliant in all ways.

Starting with the performances. Kristofferson is outstanding as a man raised in a world of the privileged, who leaves Harvard upon graduation to focus his youthful idealism through law enforcement, helping immigrants who have come to the U.S. looking for a better life. He is doomed to return to his roots and wealth, but only as an empty shell of man whose life ends with the death of his true love in Wyoming. I have seen Kristofferson in several other movies, with this being the only one suggesting acting ability: why this ability surfaced in this movie, never to be seen again, is an interesting mystery - anyone have an answer? John Hurt is magnificent as the oratorically gifted intellectual whose inclination for self-indulgence wins out over his awareness and conscience of the injustice around him. We've all met someone like Hurt's character in this movie, and been both saddened and disgusted at the wasted potential.

Christopher Walken is excellent in a complex role that stirs feelings of revulsion, sympathy, and admiration. A "hitman" for the cattleman's association who develops concern for the immigrants, perhaps because of his desire for Ella.

Sam Waterston does well as the dispassionate head of the cattleman's association. It's clear that his power comes from wealth and not from strength of character, yet he is unyielding in defending his position, even when confronted with the potential of mortal harm.

Isabelle Huppert is perfect as the Ella, a madame who runs the bordello that serves the community. The love triangle between her, Kristofferson, and Walken is sophisticated and open to changing viewer opinions throughout the course of the movie.

Jeff Bridges shows his acting prowess, at this early stage in his career, as the apparent mayor and manager of the immigrant community general store.

Richard Masur produced his all time best performance for this movie as the Irish conductor whose sympathy for the immigrants is his eventual undoing.

In going through this list of performances, I am reminded at just how rich is the character development in this movie. In watching this you get the sense of knowing these people and developing strong feelings for each.

The settings of this movie are diverse and detailed. The opening graduation day at Harvard, the immigrant roller rink, the dusty town of Casper, the final battle between the cattlemen and immigrants, beautiful in its simplicity, and the return to lifestyles of the rich and famous, all create indelible memories. They also provide the dramatic contrast and turning points for the movie: idealism-to-realism-to-emptiness.

I think the basis for the hypercritical reviews of this movie, at the time of its release, could be used for teaching a course on the influence of the media in shaping public perception. If you haven't seen this, I strongly recommend giving it a try.
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Gorky Park (1983)
If you like mystery dramas give this one a try.
31 December 2009
This film has stood the test of time and repeat viewings for me. Have watched about 10 times over the past 20 years and each time I am totally engrossed. Excellent crime-mystery drama. The dialog in this movie is as good as any I know. Scenery and the settings make you feel like you are in Russia during winter: bleak and frigid. Performances by Hurt, Marvin, Dennehey, and Bannen are all solid if not outstanding. Some may be put off by English and Americans performers posing as Russians, but don't let the lack of dialect authenticity get in your way of enjoying this gem. For comparison I would rank it with LA Confidential within its genre.
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