
10 Reviews
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Match Game (2012– )
Bad But Not That Bad!
18 March 2014
I am surprised by how overboard negative a lot of your reviews are fellow people.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that Match Game is a good show, it is not a good show.

But it is not a one out of ten or the worst game show ever or "garbage" or whatever else you are calling it. It is a growing concern to me that people always jump to one out of ten if they dislike something and calling it the worst movie ever, or calling something ten out of ten and he best movie ever if they like it at all. There are all those other numbers in the middle!

I give Match Game a four and I think it is slightly less than the average shows it is up against.

I say it is not very good for many of the same reasons you do. The contestants seem both bored and boring. The host is not very funny or personable but at the same time I sometimes find it refreshing that he is different from the other TV show hosts out there. The panelists and in particular Shawn Cullen and Debra D. are really awful and not very creative or funny at coming up with good fill in the blank answers.

Let's remember there are more ratings than just one or ten okay? It makes things more fun and much more fair.
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Amazing Drama!
18 March 2014
First off the most obvious thing about this movie that makes it so great is the acting, and I don't mean just Edward Norton I mean the entire cast. The girl from Charmed (the movie) and The Water Boy is really great though I can never remember her name. The leader of the racists, the fat racist guy (also the friend in My Name is Earl I'm pretty sure), Elliott Gould, the mom and even the little brother (and teen aged and child actors are usually awful to me). The cast of this movie is really great and make it so believable.

That said obviously Edward Norton is the heart of this film. He is really awesome in this movie and gets the audience to both loathe how horrible he is but also sympathize and pity him and the life he has led and want him to earn redemption.

I don't want to give away the ending but the movie is a great drama with a fantastic climax and Norton deserved the Oscar for his portrayal without a doubt!
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The Lorax (2012)
Very Fun!
6 March 2012
The Lorax is a very fun movie that I'd recommend taking your kids to any time.

It's so fun! The characters are very funny for kids and adults too especially the little fish! The fish are so funny they act like a kind of a chorus or something in the story.

The Lorax himself is a great character, very nice and likable with a great voice.

Worth seeing for sure.

Movies are getting more and more expensive but this movie is fun and has a good message.
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When Will This Show Die?
29 May 2011
Little Mosque on the Prairie is completely terrible. The acting is some of the worst I have ever seen in my life. The writing is so terrible it is almost as if someone is intentionally writing a bad show as a joke or maybe a parody of a bad show. The show is just stupid with predictable stories and even more predictable jokes that you know even before the characters say them. I hate this show so much it is baffling even to myself. The acting is what irks me the most because every single one of these characters is just putrid. I don't know how or why this show got put on TV but if there is any justice it will not be back again!
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Bob & Doug (2009–2011)
Not Terrible But Not The Real Thing
16 October 2010
This version of Bob and Doug McKenzie is not as terrible as I think a lot of people are making it out to be but it definitely is not a great show either, I am not one bit surprised that this show did not last very long as a TV show, it is too bad though because I really hoped it would do well and hopefully be as funny as the original Bob and Doug McKenzie movie especially was (Strange Brew from like 1983 or whatever) and also their old sketches where the characters first got their starts as a joke about Canadian Content Laws back on SCTV series before that. Of course after all those years they are older and probably lost a step and Rick Moranis retired and everything, it won't be as good, also not much in the world would possibly be as good as the hilarious Bob and Doug and Strange Brew were, but I wish it was a little better because these characters and these actors deserved better.
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Riff-Raff (1991)
Good Film, Great Acting!
14 October 2010
This is a good film but what is great about it truly is the acting. I agree with the other poster here that the acting is phenomenal and the main actors in this movie truly shine as though they really are the characters they are playing in this film, 100% believable in their roles. Big congrats to the cast of this one for their great work. I only saw this by happenstance because my friend taped it on a cable channel years ago by mistake and we were looking for a tape to record a show while we were out and I said not to tape over this because it looked interesting, how about that? It's about the working class in England and seems to be very realistic about these hard working people who sometimes have very dangerous jobs they simply don't have any other choice of making a living. I am surprised never to have heard of this movie before but if you get a chance to watch it I would say check it out for sure if you are a fan of good acting :)
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Great Movie!
14 October 2010
This is a great movie! I thought that all of the acting by every single actor in the movie was just bloody fantastic. I thought that every one of the characters in the movie was very believable and all of them brought me to certain emotions, it was just a great story told in a great way and again what sold it all to me was the great acting by everyone involved from the stars on down to just the supporting bit players who make this movie work. Great big kudos to the director for getting such wonderful performances out of all of these people, I would definitely recommend seeing it to any fan of movies and/or fans of great acting.
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Quite a Bad Show
1 February 2010
I watched this show again a couple of times this season and didn't even know that they had a new cast. Obviously I knew Rick Mercer left but the other guy is also gone. The show was really bad, not funny for even a moment. The sketches are really pathetic and so are the characters. Gavin (one of the newer cast members) can do some okay character pieces but all of the characters are basic stereotypes and annoying. Mark Critch is one of the most annoying people I have ever seen on TV. I hate what CBC is doing now the comedy shows they make are pathetic. Air Farce is gone but now we have Ron James and still 22 Minutes, any comedy that isn't pathetic jokes by Newfoundlanders, CBC? Get rid of Mercer too because even he is not funny any more. I'm ashamed of the shows CBC is making nowadays.
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The Ron James Show (2009–2014)
Who is Responsible for Crap Like This?
1 February 2010
I have seen Ron James do live comedy on TV before and he's really unfunny. All he does is talk fast and use a lot of metaphors, I couldn't even watch him for more than one minute. But I can understand that some people like him (I guess older people like him as in my parents, my Dad likes watching his comedy shows). This show is just terrible though. The jokes are all so bad they make you cringe, the stand up is the same talking-fast-unfunny mess I was talking about, the animation was really bad and also not funny. The acting was terrible... especially Ron James who for some reason is in every single stupid sketch. This is one of the worst shows I've ever seen and it pains me even more because I know my tax money is paying for it. Booo!
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Dark Rising (2007 Video)
Quite a Bad Film
1 February 2010
This film has a very simple but somehow very bad plot. The entire movie is about a girl getting sucked through a gate to another dimension then years later it gets opened again by a witch while a group of friends (including the lead actor who is having trouble getting over his ex girlfriend who is one of the other campers along with her new partner... another girl... that's right they're lesbians and there is some nudity of course for no particular reason). Unfortunately demon follows the now adult girl back through. Also unfortunately, none of this is ever explained. Where exactly were they? Where did the demon come from? How did she survive as a child in a place full of evil demons? Who the hell trained her and made her a gladiator type outfit? The acting is terrible I think but it's hard to tell because the writing is so bad maybe there was just nothing they could do with it. I give it a three because the wrestler was pretty good and the effects were pretty fun even though they were very cheap. I would not recommend it, it wasn't quite bad enough to be funny.
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