
17 Reviews
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Boy Wonder (2010)
Definitely one to own.
8 December 2011
The film is about a young boy from Brooklyn witnessing the murder of his mother and becoming obsessed with finding her killer.

So let's start with the cast, a group of talented, relatively unknown actors.

The lead character 'Sean Donovan' is played by Caleb Steinmeyer who you might of glimpsed as a young John Locke in an episode from the Lost TV series.

Zulay Henao stars as 'Detective Teresa Ames' a high achieving police officer who has just made the transfer to Brooklyn.

The other main character 'Terry Donovan', Sean's father, is played by Bill Sage.

Before watching this film I actually checked out the review on IMDb and the low 6.6 stars that it is rated do not do the film justice at all. Although it would appear only a couple of hundred people have cast their vote. Making this relatively unknown film a delight to stumble upon.

The film starts 10 years after Sean witnesses his mother being gunned down in what appears to be a simple car jacking. He has an estranged relationship with his father Terry a former alcoholic who used beat him as a child. A quiet hard working lad at school Sean has a secret life that nobody knows about. Owing to his mother's death he feels the need to make up for when the justice system fails and criminals get away with murder.

As the film progresses Detective Teresa Ames takes an interest in Sean and finds out that her latest high profile case is linked with the death of his Mother. I could go into more detail but feel it would spoil the viewing experience.

The unknown actors perform to a good standard and the storyline is written very well. A healthy dose of action helps glue the whole film together.

Boy Wonder is out now to rent or buy on DVD/Blu Ray and I highly recommend it, not one to be missed!
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Average Viewing Fodder
15 December 2010
Literally hundreds of these Spoof films seem to have been made with the majority of them being absolutely rubbish.

While this movie isn't bad it certainly isn't good either. I actually watched it through to the end, so something made me keep watching (although I'm still trying to figure out what!).

A couple of familiar faces in the cast but mostly no one I'd seen before and the acting wasn't anything special, probably down to the slap-stick script.

The plot is a combination of three films; 300, Gladiator and Troy. Which at times is quite confusing because they pick and choose the parts they felt like, not necessarily what would of worked best.

There are some topless scenes every now and again which are so often guaranteed in movies of this calibre. The main lead plays his character well enough and I'm sure you'll be seeing him again in similar movies.

All in all probably only worth a watch if you have nothing better to do...
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MacGruber (2010)
Funniest Movie I've Seen For A Long Time.
30 August 2010
I saw a trailer for this film which looked pretty good so I decided to watch it.

The trailer doesn't do it justice. Absolutely Hilarious is the best way to describe this movie. I had seen the previous sketches and the film is so much better.

Don't get me wrong many will probably be offended by the coarse language used (hence the bad reviews) and the antics MacGruber gets up to. But if you are not easily offended I'm sure you will enjoy this movie as much as I did.

A Cheesy, Offensive, Action Comedy that I couldn't stop laughing at. Definitely one to watch again and again.
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Salt (2010)
A Good Film, Definitely Worth Seeing...
21 August 2010
Okay, so I was a bit apprehensive before watching this movie as had heard it referred to as a Female 'Jason Bourne'.

I finally got round to seeing it and was glad I had. I'm now going to make a list of a few issues other people have commented on and give my opinion.

1. 'A Female Version Of Jason Bourne'

Undoubtedly people will compare this movie to the great 'Bourne' films. I don't think this is a bad thing personally. To say this movie has the same plot as the Bourne films would be untrue. There may be some similarities but at the end of the day if you watch the film to the end you will see the plots are only loosely similar. It does have a similar style to it though that the 'Bourne' films did very well.

2. 'It portrays Russia in a Bad Light'

Seriously, I don't understand how anyone can say that. The idea of this movie is to entertain, which it does. The movie is fictional, as in made up! So the films interpretation of Russia is irrelevant. In Action Movies 'Good versus Bad' is an important part of the plot to get you rooting for the Lead character. I'm sure there have been Russian films that have made the Americans out to be the bad guys. It's nothing personal, it just adds to the plot.

3. 'Plot Holes'

Anyone who has written reviews saying the plot has major flaws in my opinion is wrong. All you need to do is pay attention to the movie and watch it through to the end and everything will make sense. I actually enjoyed guessing the plot twists throughout the movie. Questioning the plot as you watch the movie isn't a bad thing it's simply done to make you keep wondering if she's good or bad.

4. 'Bad Ending'

I personally didn't see anything wrong with the ending, why not leave it open for a sequel? I definitely would like to see one or more. Why do some people think that everything has to be tied up in a neat little bow?! It doesn't have to be. The ending leaves it up to your imagination (something many of these 'bad' reviewers seem to be missing) as to what happens next or until they provide a sequel.

5. 'Jerky Camera Work'

The camera work and directing seemed to be spot on as far as I could tell. Why should the camera be stationary during fight sequences?! People move during fights so that means the camera has to also. Otherwise you'd end up with one dimensional fight sequences.

6. 'How can Jolie's slender character dispatch trained agents with such ease'

As referenced in the movie she is a HIGHLY TRAINED AGENT. With advanced hand to hand combat etc.. Special forces are trained how to take people out quickly, efficiently and use their opponents body weight against them. Also you see several times in the movie she gains leverage by jumping into the air and getting all her weight behind her punches/kicks. Which makes it not unreasonable to think she could knock someone out. As for them being trained agents the movie doesn't specify what level of combat training they have. You seriously think the average FBI/CIA operatives would be trained to the same level as a special forces field agent?! It's like saying an average sized Security Guard would be a match for a under sized expert martial artist. Her lesser weight class would not be an issue.

So those were my answers to some common complaints from narrow minded critics.

I highly recommend watching this movie. I've given it a 9/10 as it is a very good action film. You can't fault the Acting or Dialogue. The stunts are brilliant except one of the jumps from truck to truck was a bit to big to seem believable. The plot keeps you guessing the whole way through. Oh and of course who doesn't like seeing Angelina on the big screen?! Probably one of her best movies ever, second only to her superb performance in Changeling.
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Tekken (2010)
If you're into the games you'll probably enjoy it.
7 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
All round not a bad effort of converting Video Game to Film. It's in the same calibre as the Mortal Kombat films. Not amazing but worth a watch just to see the characters brought to life.

I have one main issue with the film though. There are several key characters I would of like featured in this movie that didn't make an appearance, although I am pretty confident that there will be a sequel or two so that might be why.

It would appear that this film is based from the Tekken 5 game. As it features fighters that only appear in that version. Personally I would of like to have seen several of the earlier fighters.

Eddy does feature in the film and they really did there homework when it came to his fighting style. It looks just like it does in the game.

In a couple of the fights weapons were briefly used which I did not understand the need for as it is supposed to be hand to hand combat?!

Heiachi Mishima in the games is quite muscular but in the film comes across as a bit small, they got the hair right though.

At times it's a bit cheesy and camp with minor characters cheering for the combatant at the time, saying things like 'All Right' and 'Way To Go' etc. you get the picture.

Costuming definitely deserve credit for making each character dressed properly although I wasn't to hot on Nina's pink costume, it didn't look right. Guys, you will definitely appreciate Christie Monteiro's outfits though...

On the whole an average martial arts/action film for people that don't know the Tekken games.

For fans of the game you'll comment on how you could of done things better but admit it's a decent adaptation none the less.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Good enough
23 July 2010
If you see the cast featured in this movie and think wow, then you'll probably like it.

If you're not a fan of the comedians in this movie chances are you wont like it. I personally tend to like anything Adam Sandler is in and this is no exception.

Kevin James is his usual goofy self, Chris Rock has done better movies but is still decent in this one. David Spade was average as the whiny singleton. Rob Schneider was okay and Madison Riley as the character of his daughter OMG! Smoking Hot!!! I definitely want to see more of her! I did feel quite old (i'm only 27) when I found out that she was only 20...

All the acting was up to scratch and there were several hilarious moments.

A feel good, funny, family film.
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Splice (2009)
A Bit Sh*t...
23 July 2010
Okay so I watched this movie last night.

In terms of a horror movie it's not scary and in terms of a Sci-Fi movie it's average at best although the plot held premise.

Definitely a straight to TV movie. I wouldn't be surprised to see it on the Sci-Fi in the future.

The plot is decent enough, the special effects are probably the best thing going for it. The acting didn't really do anything for me, I didn't care for any of the characters in the movie.

There are no big screen stars cast except for a minimal part played by David Hewlett from the Stargate series (not a big actor but good enough in them).

This film could of been much better if they had managed to get some well known actors involved and injected a bit more action into it...
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Not as bad as people are making out...Take it with a pinch of salt!
21 July 2010
There are quite a few negative reviews here on IMDb and after watching this movie I decided to give my opinion.

If you liked 'She's Out Of My League' chances are that you'll like 'Sorcerer's Apprentice'. Keep in mind that this film is aimed at a younger audience.

Jay Baruchel has got to be one of the luckiest actors at the moment after recently being paired up with the incredibly beautiful Alice Eve and now in this film with the gorgeous Teresa Palmer.

There are people who say that the writing is cheesy but what do you expect from a film aimed at kids. I enjoyed the film and at times found myself laughing out loud.

Cage provides decent acting in his role, considerably better than he was in the abomination that was 'Kick Ass'. Baruchel's acting is very much like he was in 'She's Out Of My League' but he does it well enough so why change it if he's getting movie offers, plus he's still young enough to develop his repertoire.

Some people have made reference to the special effects not being brilliant but I didn't notice much difference to the stuff you'd see in the Harry Potter films.

To sum up - Maybe not a big enough film to go and see at the cinema but can easily fill a slot on a lazy afternoon in-front of the television.
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City Island (2009)
Flawless Comedy Drama
19 July 2010
This movie was absolutely brilliant. From the acting to the plot and beyond.

I only became aware of it's existence after Andy Garcia appeared on Top Gear last Sunday where they showed a clip, I looked on here and saw it had a decent score (7+) so decided to watch it.

All the actors play their parts well and Garcia is especially good, then again what do you expect from such a talented veteran of the movie industry. Plenty of moments to laugh at throughout the whole film and although it's a lower budget movie it doesn't really matter.

As you can read from the film description it's about a dis-functional family and the secrets they keep from each other.

Possibly the best movie in the Comedy Drama genre I've ever seen or certainly for a while at least.

Great casting, acting and writing make this film very difficult to fault.

A must see!!!
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Doesn't Stay True To The Game...But A Good Film...
30 May 2010
I am a huge fan of the games and was disappointed that the film did not stay true to the plot of the Sands Of Time game. There are too many conflicts between the game and film to go into them all. If you've played the game you'll notice them straight away and continuously throughout the movie.

Jake Gyllenhaal's acting is nothing special and all the stunts would have been done by a stunt man so can't say he contributes much to the movie.

Gemma Arterton's acting as the Princess is at times very annoying and irritating but that's probably down to the writers.

There are several cheesy jokes in the movie that we could of done without that at times undermine the credibility of the movie and remind you that Disney had a hand on the cookie jar.

None of the cast have any 'foreign' accents yet this movie is based in Persia!

The action scenes are great and if you don't compare the Film to the Game then it has a good plot.

A good film that is worth seeing but will ultimately let down devotees of the game by not sticking to important details of the storyline.
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I turned it off after 20 minutes...
23 May 2010
Oh dear, very few films have made me stop watching before they're finished. This film made me stop watching it before it had really started!

The acting is like something you might see on a Soap Opera or Sci-Fi channel movie. The fake accents are awful. Not one character in the film made me believe they weren't just reading lines from a script.

20 Minutes in I decided that I couldn't take anymore of this tripe so turned it off. Looking at the other reviews of this 'movie' it appears I saved myself from wasting time.

I didn't even get to see Billy Zane much, then again how many good movies has he been in???

The trailer made it look watchable but it's not!!!
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Not Really A Film, Something Artistic Maybe...
22 May 2010
Okay I wouldn't necessarily call Valhalla Rising a movie, it's more like someone was trying to be Artistic by making it.

Do not make the mistake that I did thinking this was going to be an Action film, it's not! There are a handful of fight scenes in the beginning of the movie, I expect to keep you watching. But it never turns out to be the great Viking Action Movie I was expecting.

The acting is consistent, although there are only about 10-20 lines where people actually say anything in the whole 90 minute film.

The sound track is mostly quiet ambient sounds that attempt to build the tension in the movie. The film does build tension as it goes along but never releases the it in the way you'd expect.

The plot had potential but goes horribly wrong towards the end of the movie (I wont spoil it for you if you do bother watching it!).

The way the whole film is set out from the camera work and effects to the meandering plot, it seems that Valhalla Rising would be better suited in a Museum or Art Gallery. I'm sure that there will be many 'Art Types' that will use big words to describe how 'great' they think the movie is and the directing.

I finished watching this movie feeling disappointed and upset about being suckered in watching it to the end. However if you like 'Arty' films then watch it by all means.


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Watch The Original!!!
29 April 2010
How can this movie have the same name as the Original Classic?

OK so it's got some great CGI, but that's all!!!!!!!!!!

They differ so much from the original story don't go expecting to see an updated version, it's not.

A completely Americanised version of the classic Greek myth. So many films are coming out like this and people that don't know any better are lapping it up.

If you thought Avatar was a masterpiece of story writing and acting (which it's not!) then watch this and you'll like it.

If however you saw the amount of flaws with Avatar and got irritated by them don't watch this film. You'll be screaming at screen...
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Kick-Ass (2010)
19 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear, where do I begin?!

Chances are that you'll only enjoy this sorry excuse for a "movie" if you are no older than 12 years old or have a thing for a 11 year old girl dressing up like a cheap hooker, from the bad make-up to the awful purple wig.

This "movie" sucks from beginning to end, a complete waste of nearly 2 hours of your life!

For a start there are no big stars in this "movie" apart from Nicolas Cage who looks ridiculous with the moustache and must be regretting getting involved in such a pile of trash.

I can't believe how many people have given this "movie" a good review. They must all either be idiots who get a kick from seeing 11 year old girls saying the "C word" and fighting fully grown men or actually all be pre-teens who managed to sneak in to see it with fake I.D.s

The high age certification for this "movie" is correct due to the obscene language and over top fight scenes which contain a lot of violence and gore, mostly done at the hands of the 11 year old character of "Hit Girl". However this means that the only audience who would put up with the flaws and holes in this "movie" are too young to see it!

Hundreds of Clichés and stolen lines from far greater movies are found in abundance, from the robbing of the classic Scarface line "Say hello to my little friend!" to the typical "guy gets girl" tripe that seems so frequent in movies nowadays.

None of the Super Heroes featured in this "movie" have any special powers but are more based on the Batman style of crime fighter. A vital plot flaw that is called into question when "Hit Girl"(the 11 year old foul mouthed "super hero") has a one-on-one fight with the big boss man and he kicks her very hard in the face. She pretty much shakes it straight off as if it was nothing. If a young girl got kicked like that for real straight in the face she'd more likely be dead or in traction with injuries instead of just having a bloody nose. Further on in this unbelievable fight sequence she gets thrown into a solid table with such force that it breaks yet she still remains conscious.

If you like watching badly acted, flawed abominations that call themselves "movies" than this will be right up your street.

If however you actually have a brain or can't stand child exploitation for cheap "laughs" you'd probably rather kick your own ass than watch this "movie"!
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It gets better halfway through...
9 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
They do say that the majority of sequels never live up to the original. Sadly this is the case for this film.

I really enjoyed the original and couldn't find many flaws within it, All Saints Day is not so lucky...

I don't know where to start, the film opens well enough till you are introduced to the Boston detectives again. They appear to have been made in to "The Three Stooges" as babbling idiots who argue amongst themselves in almost a slap-stick manner.

Then we are introduced into the FBI character played by Julie Benz(Outstanding as Rita from Dexter) who puts on an horrendous southern accent that does not suit the part or sound believable. This is not the only time a character with a bad accent appears in the film Cliffton Collins Jr plays Romeo who's accent changes between Mexican & Irish throughout.

No offence to Julie but would Defoe not do the sequel? Also they try and copy the way Defoe's character would analyse a crime scene. But instead of listening to classical music to focus she puts earplugs in and you hear a heartbeat. Not the same impact that Defoe's character had! This sequel is over the top cheesy from the bad clichés to the terrible jokes. One minute you have a close up of Julie's high heels as she's walking along with a backing track of some old cheesy rock song. Next you have a fight scene which is trying to be like an old 70's Police TV Show complete with 70's music and the good guys wearing shades! It seems to me that Troy has just tried to insert so many different styles into this film along with some terrible writing and accents that didn't suit the characters.

Despite all these failings mentioned above there is some redemption in the fact that The Saints themselves are on a par with their acting in the original. Billy Connolly plays his character well. The story line wasn't bad either.

If you have seen the original chances are that you're going to make the effort to watch this sequel. Be warned do not go expecting it to be the same calibre of movie.

If you haven't seen the original, why not? Go watch it right now! Only watch this if you like cheesy cliché filled movies.

I gave it 5/10 because it's just an average film nothing special.
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A Top Action Film That Entertains From Beginning To End
28 February 2010
The trailer to this film does not seem to do it justice. I never thought John Travolta playing a lead in an Action film would work and as for his Co-star I hadn't heard of him before watching this title.

To my surprise I enjoyed the film completely. Travolta was convincing in his character as was Myers. The action was pretty non-stop except when they were linking the scenes together.

Travolta came across as a seasoned action hero and although his character seemed a bit one dimensional you gain a bit of an insight towards the end of the film.

Myers played his part well as a wannabe Spy. You also sense that something more was going on in his characters past but the story never really touches on it.

From Paris With Love kept me entertained the whole way through. The plot was pretty basic but then again what do you expect from an action film!

Definitely worth watching if you fancy a classic action film.
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A Serious Man (2009)
A film that you will probably only get if you are religious or Jewish
8 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I only watched this film due to the high rating here on IMDb as generally anything over 7 stars is decent.

I am not a religious person and perhaps that is why the film confused the hell out of me. Admitedly i was intrigued enough to watch it to the end. I was furiously annoyed with the ending and wished I hadn't wasted nearly 2 hours watching this "film" hence posting my review.

The acting isn't bad but seems one dimensional and there doesn't appear to be any depth of characters. You keep expecting the main character to go "postal" but does nothing of the sort.

As for being a Black Comedy I have watched many films of this genre and it barely made me give a wry smile at times. The true comedy is the Coen Brothers making a film that I watched to the end only to wish I hadn't bothered.

Knowing about the Jewish faith would probably improve your understanding of this film, however the only message an "Atheist" like my self can obtain is that if you are done wrong repeatedly that is doesn't make it OK to do something that is "unethical".

To sum up: Only worth watching if you are either religious or have nothing better to do for 2 hours of your life!
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