
90 Reviews
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
great flick
9 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
She had to do what she did and how she did it, no matter what. I know a lot of people will think she had many opportunities to get help but not in her case. Too many effed up cops around her. I am so sick of the corruption in and throughout the legal system, I can't imagine being in her shoes. Shame on ALL who made and are making life miserable for those who are doing the "right thing". How hard is it to be a "good-guy?" Obvious;u too hard for most!
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Semper Fi (2019)
Cal finally does right
9 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't like what Cal did but admired him for his "seeing the light" and making it right. With a Brother like his doing stupid stuff, he had no choice, or so we thought, in the beginning, but after his mistake is made right, it takes way too much time to make it :right, in my own opinion Too much "damage" has been done by the end for all concerned. I am very glad he made things right and it brings home, once again, the assassin justce system. I am truly disgusted by what happens in our court system. This should not be a recourse of action no matter what, but ultimately it is the only answer. The acting was great, the storyline was great, the movie was extremely good. I would highly recommend anyone watching this movie but I would also like to see some changes made in our legal system.
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21 Bridges (2019)
Good movie, same old plot
13 March 2020
The movie was a good mix of today's headlines and yesterday's news. The acting wasn't up to par for Chadwick, he is such a better actor than he portrays in this movie , Taylar did a great job and so did Stephan. The plot in and of itself was very Luke warm when it could have been so much better. The music was awful, and again, it could have been so much better. It was Ok for a film on a weekday evening at home, but in a theater? I'd ask for my money back.
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The Kill Team (2019)
A true story no one wants to admit to
13 February 2020
I am so sick of these movies detailing true life but no one wants to BELIEVE it! This crap happens and yes, with our soldiers, both men and women. Too many higher ranking people take their jobs OVER the line to just kill. It's about time the industry shows this. Our Military is not perfect, that's a fact! We civilians can say "thank you" as often as we want but there will be "bad apples" no matter what. Thanks for showing this.
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So Far: "Game of Thrones" Season 8 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Have not watched ending,will not
30 January 2020
I've heard and seen too much online to ever want to know what happens in the end. I am so disappointed that this shows two writers took the end and ruined a beautiful series. These characters have gone through so much and yet they received half a*%ed send-offs. No wonder they didn't get a single award in the end. If both writers are busy on new series, I think it is only logical to NOT watch or participate in their endeavors going forward. They deserve no "fan" base from here on!
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A Horror that is RIGHTLY done!
24 October 2019
I read the reviews and doubted my own sense for wanting to watch these episodes and I am so glad I took the time and energy to fully commit. I admit that I watched during the day and in limited time and still had to leave my light on at night and yet I am an adult! Go figure.. This interpretation was excellent. It couldn't have been done better had anyone else done it. Bravo to Flanagan. Every character, every scene was done meticulously and the ending well justified the means. I loved it, There were characters that were not the best but that made it even better, If anyone claims the ending was too tame or a "let down" they didn't understand the entire series, It was perfect, I personally enjoyed being scared to death and then having everything explained in a way that was acceptable, to my mind anyway.
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Johnny is getting older
20 October 2019
As with the first, this one had a good storyline, But fell far short of the actual events, Yes, it is all fighting but not done very well, John kicked ass in the first and even the second but this one showed more of his INABILITIES. He goes to the end of every fight except near the end? Doubtful. It shows his natural clumsiness, for no good reason, other than to slow down his final action scene? I am embarrassed for Keanu and this script. It could have been great but Halle's performance was so not important. It only showed how truly unimpressive she has become and how truly unimpressive keanu has become.'Make him great" again, not older and slower and clumsy. Bring back the John Wick of the first movie!
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Hated the commerciality
20 October 2019
I love musicals, I en love biograhacals but I didn't love this! Whoever decided to make this bio-pic into a musical may have had the right idea but not the concept, It was a big fail and so low budgeted. At least that 's how it felt.' If this was Taron's big chance to prove he had pipe what a let down. He sounded so amateurish. In fact the whole movie was amateurish. Not at all what I expected from Elton's camp. If he did approve this, bad on him, if he didn't than he should fire whoever recommended it. If you want a penny's worth of a bio pic, go for it, if you want something worthy of this man's contributions, then wait for a real writer to do it! This movie, in my opinion sucked big time!
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Midsommar (2019)
Stupid to zero in seconds
20 October 2019
I've watched my fair share of horrors, thrillers and dramas but this thing called a film is such drivel, I gave up enjoying after the first few scenes.. I only continued watching, after constantly taking breaks to do other thing,s all Damn day, just to see where it was headed. What a waste of time! It is so boring, so predictable and the lead Actress is such an annoyingly, clingy creature that I couldn't find one redeeming quality in her or even the movie, a real dud. The "guys" were so ignorant too, then they turned out to be such idiots it was ridiculous. After such nonsense of asking where is "so and so" and receiving absolutely assinsine answers, while the lead characters accept these answers without so much as a breath, it is insane. The Writer/Director was reeling from a broken relationship? and yet this is his final result? Dude, you need a more imaginative by- product.. ths was awful, absolutely awful. If I had to hear this girl cry or see her try to act one more scene, I would have destroyed my TV. Please please do not waste your time or energy on this stupid film, it made no sense and had not one worthy moment, If the Swedes don't take this personally, I will on their behalf!
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Love the Actor, hated the movie
17 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love Frank Grillo in everything he does but not this movie or even the other Actors. The script was lousy, the scenes boring and totally not worth it. After all he has done over the years, this is by far the worst. He can play a credible "bad guy" with the best of them, but this is one time even his acting or even "star power" couldn't pull it off, It is such a shame that many are either forced or even choose to do films that are third rate at best, I hope that Grillo does more movies with better storylines and acting, this is one not worth watching.
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Story was good, acting horrible
17 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cage has been doing films lately that are so "hit or miss" it's a wonder he employ"s an agent. I've always been a huge fan of his but I'm over the Actor's ability to find something "good" anymore. I loved the first movie about "Joe" the second was horrific. This new movie is so over acted by Cage, I laughed and shut it off. He was horrible, just horrible. It had moments and glimpses of the Cage I know and love but more so a too clownish Cage. Maybe he was trying to over compensate for some of the others not acting as they should or could have but there were far too many times that he was so overly dramatic, including near the end, that I made up my mind to never watch another movie with him as the lead again. Also, in the last 4 or 5 years Cage has been trying to prove to his audiences that he is still bedable by younger women! That makes these movies even more disgustingly "over acted". My God, Cage is old enough to know better and yet he does it over and over again with his bloated, aging body, If you're going to try and convince us that your are sexy, than at least work out or try to maintain what you had years ago, There are many male Actors his age or even older, who don't have to prove they are sexy, they just are, not Cage, not anymore. So stop throwing it in our faces, Be an Actor not a wannabe sex symbol.
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Aladdin (2019)
Waste of time
7 October 2019
I've had a very luke-warm relationship with "liking" Will Smith over the years. But this movie and it's Director were so very wrong on all counts. Guy Ritchie is a very good producer/Director for many projects, this wasn't one of them. Will has been on that road of egomaniac lately and this movie only made it worse. He could have phoned in this performance and it would have been better. I understand wanting to give lesser known actors more roles, but this was not the time do it. Very badly written, very badly acted, very badly done, period. It has nothing to do with putting it side by side with an animated film, either way, it failed, on so many levels. Not enjoyable or entertaining regardless of your age or bias.
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Frank and Ava (2020)
What a waste
19 July 2019
I feel bad for harry Dean Stanton's Last role but my God couldn't get through this film no matter what. Horrible, Horrible,Horrible!
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Had no idea..WOW!
10 July 2019
I had medical issues during this time and didn't pay attention to the news. OMG! This movie is an absolute must see. You'd think it was about the ongoing debate today over the rights of women's bodies but it is so much more than that. It is a true crime drama. It is disgustingly true and actually happened and so much more than what most would think, Please take the time to watch this movie.
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Arctic (2018)
Movie for every sense you have
8 July 2019
I loved the acting, the scenery and the dialogue. Mads was excellent. He siad pretty much the same thing over and over again,but each time they had a different meaning and you,as the viewer, could tell. A very under rated movie and I hope most will take the time and watch. It is so worth it.
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The Mustang (2019)
Great Actor, beautiful story
8 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'd give this a higher rating but I don't think the "real Mustangs" should be viewed like this or trapped and sold. I get the whole idea behind this movie and I applaud most of it. The acting is superb, the story worthy of being told but the message behind it and the actual "gathering" of wild mustangs is horrific. I know they are being hunted and killed and that is disgusting in the extreme. Making them into horses for the the patrolling borders may be a better life for them but ultimately, mankind is cruel. I do hope people watch this movie for it's content and acting. it is worthy of that much. The horses were beautiful when running free, that is my take-away.
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Andrew was great, movie, sucks
8 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Can't decide if the movie was trying too hard or not at all but it was way too long for the effort. It's pretty much a given the Ms Keogh is into wacky movies, but even this one was too over the top. Please pass this by unless you absolutely are into too long and dull movies without anywhere to go but space and death? OMG! I'd love to get back my time but unfortunately, I can't.
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Dumbo (2019)
Overrated baloney
8 July 2019
Any other person would have done a much better job at this beautiful story. Tim Burton ruined this movie! I hated every moment. Every scene had his classic wrought-iron fencing detail in the frames. He demolished a story that was great into so many sub-plots that were not. If you want to see a great baby elephant story, don't watch this drivel Go back to your quirky other stories Tim, and stay out of Disney movies and characters!.
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Mrs. Wilson (2018)
Too many unanswered questions
20 May 2019
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Still too many unanswered questions that clearly could have been handled at the end. Although Ruth is portraying her very own Grandmother, it still leaves me wondering "why" on so many levels. The acting was done well, the characters were in-depth enough for the piece but not for answering questions. Who the Hell is "Coleman" or the guy from the middle east and why no definite answers from either. I could never have gone on without more information. I certainly would not have taken to religion for the end all, that doesn't show strength, that shows confusion and manipulation from the church. Typical of a Priest to condone that. If this was taken from her (Alison) memoirs than she left a few things out for her own children to interpret.
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Two stars for the Actors only
3 May 2019
This was by far the worst movie I have ever seen of these two women. The acting in itself was bad enough, but put the lack of story and credible history behind it and you have zero! I was so looking forward to these Actors sinking their teeth into this that I was appalled by movie. There is literally no time reference to Mary's age at marriage, motherhood or death. There is no mention of Elizabeth having had the "pox" or the scarring afterword, that I was dumbfounded by this. There is so much drama and history behind this time and yet this movie fails miserably to deliver any facts worthy of being filmed by this production. I give this a big thumbs down and do not recommend it to anyone, not for pleasure or facts.
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Jonathan (2018)
Huh? Didn't get far
15 March 2019
I love Ansel, but his choices the last few films are not great. Maybe for more "broad-minded" people? I don't know why this was listed under "Sci-Fi" either, nothing about it was that. It was okay in the beginning, but then it got slow and just plain dumb. I honestly didn't or couldn't follow what was happening due to either a bad script or not enough story-line. The characters were just never fully developed for me. doubt I'll recommend this movie to anyone. If there is anything to learn from this movie it would be a dark take on narcissism. It's unfortunately where so many are headed.
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5 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was so looking forward to this movie after having seen "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" with Rooni, this was not even in the same league, I don't blame Claire since I felt she did quite a good job, but there was literally no story line. I couldn't hear some of the dialogue and the story line did not explain this movie, or at least not to me. I couldn't follow anything. Why was there an African-american there? what were they trying to find and why? Why didn't the blonde sister go with the darker haired one when younger? What line of work was the father in and what did he do for a living? Why was he so evil and with his own daughter? Did he abuse the dark-haired one too? Way too many questions and not enough answers. Just couldn't follow even though I watched the whole thing. Time wasted
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Horrible in every sense
5 March 2019
Too slapstick and stupid for anyone with a brain. Yes, there are laughs, I'll give the movie that, but not much else. This should have been rated for YOUNG ADULTS, I doubt anyone older than 30 will say they truly appreciated this movie. I remember when it came out and it so exciting but then you watch and realize even though things are so very stupid, you are supposed to laugh at their ignorance and childish behavior.
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Blue Night (2018)
Great concept, poorly executed
27 February 2019
The cast was great, the story line simple but devastating, execution was horrific! I completely understand where the movie was trying to go but it never got there, Any bad news would have played better with a different script or even Actor, This was so over the top in too many scenes and underwhelming in others, it was a joke. Not to mention a bore to sit through. What the Hell were they thinking? There isn't a Human Being I know who would have acted/reacted the way SJP did throughout this entire fiasco. I get the whole under play of emotions, or over play, in some cases, but this was just too boring and stupid. I think "Carrie" tried way too hard to not be "Carrie" and failed miserably. This was not the time to prove that women can get younger men, it made Taylor look bad for taking this role, so not believable. Not a shining moment Sarah. A little bit more info in the end may have helped, but I doubt it. I agree with others, the lift driver was the only thing good about this movie
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No open mind needed, bad
21 February 2019
The entire movie reminded me of a second rate demo without much meat. It didn't live up to the hype and I spent too long trying to watch something that was intended to add "hate" to an already "hate" culture. It missed the make by a mile and made no sense. It truly didn't have a great story-line, only a premise, one that we hear and see too much of already. Young kids know the drill, he clearly wanted to "impress" a young lady and for what? If that's the thug life, you can have it.
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