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The Platform (2019)
Hell is the other people
9 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
With 333 levels holding 666 people - and absolutely nothing else a message that's easy to see is Sartre's L'enfer est l'autres (Hell is other people): there's more-or-less enough food for everyone to be distributed but human nature stands in the way and creates hell instead of a more just society.

The other several levels of meaning that caught my attention included that people above you will never listen to you and how the exact same people act so differently on different levels (as in human society's levels of riches). However one huge difference compared to reality in this model is that people don't randomly change places on the social (financial) ladder.
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Rossz versek (2018)
Teen spirit. Will make you want to write poems
9 June 2020
Being Hungarian and in my early 30s it's an especially nostalgic movie for me. It resembles plenty of the director's first (diploma) movie, Van valami furcsa és megmagyarázhatatlan. While at times difficult to watch and is certainly not not a high budget movie with practically no special effects it touches on something beautiful of one's memories, wishes, dreams that might be long forgotten. All of it in a European, Hungarian, Gábor Reisz-esque way...
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The Captain (2017)
No redemption
2 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While most reviewers talk about a "clear message", I just couldn't wait for - not a Hollywood style happy end but - some kind of redemption, positivity, crumb of hope: something bright. It never came. Getting to know that the movie is almost entirely a true story makes me shiver but even if it wasn't it would evoke the Five Fingers Death Punch song's refrain: "There's a demon inside"

A deeply disturbing, dark but excellent movie.
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The Citizen (2016)
Budapest, Hungary post-2015: watch it if you'd like to see more clear
17 November 2019
I'd recommend this movie to all people deeply interested in Budapest, Hungary these days.

It's a slow paced movie about a black, African refugee speaking intermediate Hungarian living in the capital trying to get Hungarian citizenship. It'll give you insights in Hungarian bureocracy, society, way of thinking and life of today.

Besides appearing on Netflix, the sign that made me watch it was that I met the main actor driving a tram: he's an actual African person living in the country for decades.
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Obvious Child (2014)
A mirror on modern society
17 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It made me laugh. Big time, on several occasions. The main character was more than 3 dimensional: she was fully real: I felt I got a new acquaintance.

The movie is about nothing -much like the life of many 20-something privileged ones-. And it shows this heavy-light nothing with humor, style and eventually a somewhat dark look at the reality of abortions.

It might make you angry and you'll judge the movie and the main character. Yet, it's everyday reality you are looking at. (You'd be probably surprised to know how many people have how many abortions.)

We have a 14 month old, beautiful child. Before he was born we were sure that the right to abortion is a great thing. Now we aren't so sure any more. Yet, who am to judge anyone, including a fun, late 20s, bit lost in life girl?

"Now that I have one I can talk about abortion." I guess as a male I'll always be excluded from this conversation: and probably for the better.
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The 5th Wave (2016)
One to five, no threes...
14 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
...was the motto of "fingershooting" during the kick-off meetings of the US company I used to work for.

It came to my mind because most of this movie was as stupid as those brainwashing-style meetings.

It's a teen movie -> fair enough. It's a catastrophe movie -> fair enough. It features a lot of children -> fair enough.

But almost all action being completely predictable, the most important and featured moments is a Twilight-style teen love story, terrible inconsistencies every single minute, child soldiers in post-apocalyptic US, full make up when there is no electricity or running water - and similar things spoiling one's experience movie most of the time makes this one a below-average experience even on Netflix.

And yes, from the 5 waves the 3rd doesn't exist. Awkward
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Spectral (2016)
Eastern Europe is a mess / But US Army comes to help
13 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie randomly on NETFLIX when my 4 month old didn't let me sleep. As the movie started I checked the IMDb rating and trailer on my phone with my free hand and I noticed it was shot in Budapest. So I gave it a go: my wife, very exhausted joined too.

The good: It was attention-taking most of the time although we laughed on the most emotional scenes. The soldiers did move / act like soldiers from a sci-fi / near future world. Budapest looked good with it's fantasy / gaming elements as a power plant / weapons research facility and huge buildings added to it. Budapest has already been on screen Berlin, Paris, Moscow, etc. - but Chisinau, Moldova? That was fun! I didn't regret watching it in this state.

The neutral: It was a B category movie. (I haven't seen one for a long while.)

The bad: Acting was terrible throughout (except for some soldiers). Okay, I've just said B category. One of the key points is a US Army military engineer's conflict that his work that destroys a lot of things - shouldn't be used to destroy human life. Yeeeeep, sure. speaking foreign language - a mixture of Romanian and Russian (the 2 languages spoken in Moldova, both being popular but you always use one of them with a person and you certainly don't mix the two during the same conversation) + adding Serbian (someone suggested Slovenian) words (why?) The US Army seems to be on the same side with the elite Communist soldiers against the "insurgents": the people of Moldova. Although allies no local soldiers are taken to fight - rather a fragile office woman with no combat experience gets to go. 'Cause she is American, I guess. US Army soldiers love children who shoot at them from AK-47. Did I mention that the whole movie's premise was totally stupid? If you shoot a movie in Budapest, using dozens of the major landmarks of the city - why wouldn't you call it Budapest? After all it's Eastern Europe too, isn't it? I thought this was a but like a war movie where people will fight (we are supposed to be in a civil war) but it's only the GOOD US soldiers fighting... ...ghosts (?)

All-in-all: 4,5 / 10.
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An embarrassing hour
13 April 2018
The reason why I'm writing this review is my surprise on how few criticized this weak, empty, stupid movie.

Although I haven't watched too many lately, I love comedies. I'd watch Ferris Bueller's Day off, Wayne's world, Hot shots 1-2, Naked gun, Airplane!, other Leslie Nielsen movies, Kickass, parodies, etc. any day of the week and could even enjoy movies that are very far from perfect and miss plenty, like Bridesmaids.

Having found this one on a "best of" list next to great movies and finding great actor Michael Caine there, it was more than embarrassing to watch the first half an hour attentively and fast forwarding the rest, stopping from time to time to give a chance at scenes.

I laughed 4-5 times though. (Hence not 1 but 2 stars),

I deleted the other movies of Steve Martin from my computer right after watching.

My main reason for writing this review was to give hope to people who love comedies but totally disliked this movie.
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A courageous (but far from perfect) tale of subjective happiness
17 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first really good thing about this movie is that it makes you think and challenges you to find meaning in it (rather than turning your brain off).

I laughed out loud several times and praised the originality of the first half an hour.

Then it begins to be repetitive and some jokes were really painful (farts, farts and farts...)

Then, the end made me think a lot (I rarely write reviews) about the fact that if we think we are happy, we really are happy: no matter about society's prejudices, consequences and constant farts.

While it's worth a watch I can understand those too who walked out of the screening on Sundance festival
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Babies (2010)
Watch it if you have one or want a baby (but don't expect controversies)
14 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We have a 5 weeks old baby. It was great - and very interesting to see this movie, primarily because
  • you never take a peak into lives of forgotten African (Namibian) or Asian (Mongolian) cultures and from Europe Tokyo, Japan seemed very unusual too
  • there is plenty of cuteness and tranquility in the fact that the 4 babies reach age 1 without any major issues. It calms you down as a parent
  • apart from babies you see beautiful landscapes and animals too

  • this movie fails to address the facts that living anywhere as a baby in the world is NOT the same (2 out of 1000 infants die in Japan while 36 do in Namibia, not to mention diseases, pain, etc.)
  • we see the good, the smile, the cute and we see... ...boredom. But many of the other emotions as worries, health issues, etc. seem non-existent
  • you need to think long and hard until practices like circumcision and excision come to your mind

All-in-all: a good movie. Cute. Will make you smile. Will make you laugh. You might get some ideas what to do with your baby. Will make you think everything's all right. In Black Africa too. Don't expect a too much in-depth experience.
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A Man Escaped (1956)
Couldn't take my eyes off...
18 December 2017
An ultimate story! What else do you need for a perfect movie: a story of a niemand: an anonymous soldier / partisan that is sentenced to death. And his head is set to escape: and the same way as it happened in reality, he escapes.

A tense, existentialist movie - that, for once has a (most simple) story.

I wasn't bored for one millisecond...
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Watch it in Warsaw!
1 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to write this review because the most popular reviews rate this movie 1.

Now, this movie is not very good (the script is terrible couple times, the whole movie's playing on your feelings, it's a Hollywood cliché with a happy end and the English they speak with the unknown accents) - but it's watchable because it's based on a true story and tells a very remarkable story. Acting is good too.

I've watched it in Warsaw, Poland and seeing (and knowing) the same places that are featured in the movie and how Poles think about the WW II added a lot to the experience.

You might want to rate it 6 or 5, I'd understand. But 1 / 10 gives you the wrong idea. Let alone the top comment that implies Nazis were all right / the good guys
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About Time (I) (2013)
"How can you talk about love and confidence when the husband has a bigger secret than cheating with 4 women at the same time?"
14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think this review is going to help a lot of people understanding or appreciating the movie. Because I don't like this movie. But it has stayed in my mind and bothered me for quite a while. It's time to finally write and forget about it.

If I had to sum up this movie I'd use Honest Trailer's line for The Notebook: "The movie your girlfriend will make you watch"


(I could not format this, sorry)

I think this movie appalled me through and trough and over and over again because there are so many people with so many superpowers. Money, power, science - and everybody seems to mind their own business (not even traveling or looking around in the world!), just like the main character in this movie. It's a sad thing. If a guy like this existed he wouldn't give a sh!t about more than 10 people in his life. It's terrible...
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Silence (I) (2016)
God's true challenge: will you walk out or bore to death?
20 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you like Scorsese and you are interested in a religious topic go no further than his underrated "The last temptation of Christ" from 1988.

However ff you give a chance to Silence, hope for no mercy. It's more than 2,5 hours of sheer boredom during which 3 out of 10 people walked out of the cinema and left us often wondering whether we were watching a really boring movie - or a comedy / self-parody.

A movie that uses 1 dimensional characters with no development and to whom you feel no connection - and watch them do completely senseless things in a world that neither you nor they understand: it doesn't seem to make sense. And it really doesn't.

The only positive thing of this movie is how memorable it was watching it: we found ourselves laughing at the (supposedly) most touching scenes, we saw people walking out in the middle of the movie and kept wondering: is it really the movie we had paid for or has there been some mistake in the projection room?
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Religious fanatics are NOT the good guys...
5 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie deals with a very unlikely true story - and does a good job. In my opinion not comparable to Private Ryan but nevertheless: good job. I'd give probably 8/10 for this.

The message however that this movie transmits is that the main character is a HERO and his behaviour might encourage people to follow his example.

I completely disagree with the message and liked the fact that the captain in the movie gave all normal, logical reasons to stop the actions of our "hero".

If you want to stop violence it's NOT the best way to heal soldiers so that they can kill more. Risking your life to save Japanese soldiers who are killed by his comrades soon is another reason to dislike the guy. If you want to help your comrades touch the gun you are given and finish basic training rather than risk prison for not obeying orders. 9 out of 10 guys like our hero probably never made it to the battlefield because of their fanaticism.

Bottom line: he's definitely not my hero but the movie is well-made and watchable once.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
Misbehave, eat, splurge
17 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many things fundamentally wrong with this movie as well as with many details. Most have already been mentioned before me so I'll just rage a bit. 1, uses double standards, to say the least: if you are white and rich - "go out in the world to discover yourself" / if you are brown and poor: go for the arranged marriage no matter how much you'd love to study and find love. 2, even though the movie tries to be a feminist statement what we see is that a woman is nothing without a man and finding yourself EQUALS to finding a man 3, the shallow, stupid, irresponsible protagonist seems to be shown as a HEROINE (!) - an example to follow 4, "You'll lose all your money in 6-10 months" - eating gourmet food in Rome, not working for a couple months and traveling to 2 new continents? Well, well, well... 5, Rome, Italy is NOT a 3rd world country with no running/hot water. Though I lived in Italy I never heard anyone speaking the kind of English you hear in the movie (great English with extremely heavy accent). 6, There already are so many shallow and dumb people: why do you try to cater for them a shallow and dumb story (okay, other than because you earn well with it)? 7, Leaving an unhappy marriage, traveling to discover the world and living in new environments is a very brave thing. However: - not consulting with your husband and not having any communication about a divorce; - discovering the world means to you that you meet Americans who are just like you in India; - going to random places where you seemingly spend a lot and all you get to know is things you could understand from an "Italian / Indian / Balinese Stereotypes" paperback - this makes you shallow and below average. 8, Julia is completely indecisive. The one decision she makes throughout the movie is to keep up her schedule and balanced life. The Balinese medicine man convinces her with one sentence that she decided the wrong way. So she changes her mind immediately: puppet, Puppet, PUPPET! 9, Since Pocahontas we know that not all Hollywood movies need to have a 100% pinky-shiny-happy ending. Maybe Julia doesn't know it.

There are good things in the movie though: - you get hungry for a good pizza & fresh pasta - landscape shots, travel suggestions (Italy, India, Bali) - you'll probably feel superior to 95% the characters shown in the movie while utterly superior to the people that like this movie

This is one of the very few movies that made me angry lately.
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Argo 2 (2015)
Refreshing Hungarian movie
8 March 2016
During the first 5 minutes we thought that we sat in for the wrong movie at the cinema: it was perfectly done, Hollywood style of the newest action feature.

After this intro one gets to a new level of the vulgar, exaggerated Eastern European humour one expects to see after having seen the first part (the second part is understandable without watching the first but I believe it gets better with watching both parts).

If you haven't been to Eastern Europe or I might risk even you haven't spent a long time in this region of the world chances are that you won't appreciate the jokes. Jokes are funny if they relate to reality and me and my friends: we laughed out loud at least half the time...

Great to see that in a short time after Liza the fox fairy (Liza, a rókatündér) there's another Hungarian movie that brings in a new, far away culture (this time Japan) unexpectedly to this action-comedy.

If you do know whether to watch it now or no: give it a try, watch the first 5 minutes, you'll love it and then in the next 15-20 you'll get the flavour of the kind of humour of the movie.

If you liked the first part probably you'll love this one: at least this is how it went with me. Enjoy!
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Sicario (2015)
The most you can take out of a crime story
11 November 2015
This movie takes you to the hidden stages of Mexican drug war and secret US intervention to it through the eyes of a woman (who's anyway well trained agent from a commando unit) who tries to strictly follow regulations during shady action.

The genius of this movie is that we know nothing of the plot revolving around the main actress, we know nothing about the people that pull the strings and we are in the atmosphere of wanting to know more - just like agent Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) who even has hardships getting to know her new colleagues' names and identities. Before every decision of hers we are just as anxious and confused as she is: should I do it / should I not do it?

The grip of the movie, the tension of the action doesn't cease for a second from minute 1 to minute last.

Can someone make a difference with a spotless heart and a pure goal in front of her eyes in a world of wolves?

Don't miss this movie. An unusually multi-faceted movie in this genre that's perfect for those that want to see drama as well as for those that want to see action. Don't miss this movie.
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The Cuckoo (2002)
The real thing!
24 August 2015
One of the best movies I've seen lately.

Three different languages: Russian, Finnish and Sami (Lapp) and 3 different cultures: an army captain, an educated soldier that wants to leave the war and a Lapp woman taking care of her deer farm alone for years who could be 16 or 30 years old.

What do 3 people do with each other who literally can not understand a world the others speak? Do they try to learn to communicate? Do they kill each other? Do they hate or love each other?

I have felt enchanted over the whole movie showing real human destinies of the last days of WW II without great morals, exaggerated action or acting.

Can only recommend!
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Early spoof from Soviet Union
24 August 2015
I have to admit I have a soft spot for spoofs, slapstick comedies like Airplane or Hot shots. I never knew any non-American movie like these existed and the Soviet Union would be on the bottom of my list of countries that would produce one.

And here we are. My expectations of propaganda, political message and social morals were unfounded: it's a light Russian-speaking comedy (the Italians in the movie speak Russian) with Italian and Soviet stereotypes from mafioso to secret police officer with a lot of explosions, car chases, damage to historical sites, nice shots of iconic sites in Russia, a lot of laugh while the highlight being the female protagonist visibly enjoying the movie at least as much as the viewers...

Good fun for the whole family and nostalgic to those who grew up in Eastern bloc countries.
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Malcolm X (1992)
Read the book too!
18 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the movie recently after reading the book on which the movie's based: Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley. Probably the movie would have been more exciting and would have kept my attention more if I had watched the movie first.

While the book is a life changing one (nominated by The Times as one of the 10 most important books of the 20th century) the movie has more and less successful parts in portraying Malcolm's life.

While it catches your attention and does a great job showing the youth of Malcolm, in my opinion it fails to present the many long years he spent in prison and developed a widespread knowledge that allowed him to become a great debater from close to no education before and only showed flashes from his 12 years spent in the Nation of Islam. Still, the movie's 3,5 hour long - little too long for me.

After reading the book I felt he was a great teacher and fighter for human and minority rights while after watching the movie I had the feeling that he indeed preached hate - as many of his critics claimed.
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Homage to Budapest, 2015
5 August 2015
Interested in how life is in Budapest in 2015?

Here you'll find a great testimony of a 29-year old and his group of friends: Budapest people that could be any of us. The main character, Aron is after university, after a break-up and before knowing what he'd really like to do with his life.

While couple scenes are set in Lisbon, Portugal the movie really is about Budapest featuring popular pubs, restaurants, well-known streets and squares, the atmosphere of the Budapest night and the life and thoughts of close-to-30 and little-after-30 guys.

Have your calculator ready for counting how's the salary of the guys in euro/usd or any well-known currency and have your ears ready for Hungarian language. After the movie you won't mix up Bucharest with Budapest, guaranteed!
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Rams (2015)
Iceland, countryside and brothers
1 August 2015
I had the chance to watch Hrútar / Rams in a cinema in Reykjavik after traveling for 11 days in Iceland. Watching this movie was the highlight of our 2 day long stay in Reykjavik.

During the story we get to know a world that coexists with our modern Western world and of which we know nothing: elderly brothers taking care of and working with sheep.

While one shouldn't expect a Rambo-style Hollywood action movie, the pace is good, there are dramatic and comic scenes following each other in an easily-watchable way with nice shots and great acting (one doesn't think that he watches actors but real life).

I would have loved to have more insights on the life of shepherds and know more of the antecedents but the story told in the movie is a dramatic, full story while the movie is a very well done independent-type European movie.
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A Brazilian animation movie that is new, artistic and very difficult to take in
1 November 2014
First of all - make sure you are full of energy when sitting down watching this movie.

The movie will bring you into a whole new world. Absolutely unknown ways of expressing landscapes, people, feelings, war, nature. An artistic visual trip that'll have shapes, figures and structures staying in your mind while I had hardships following the plot and understand the jumps from certain scenes to next ones and jumps in time.

I don't think the movie is even close to my animation favourites from Studio Ghibli (Howl's Moving Castle, Grave of Fireflies, etc.) or for example the movie Waltz with Bashir but I recommend the movie for those who love new solutions and ideas in visual art and animation movies.
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Fury (2014)
A war movie resembling Saving Private Ryan that might make you think
30 October 2014
Just watched Fury and the movie -unexpectedly- made me think of several subjects I never thought before.

While showing the horror of WW II very naturalistically the movie brings in a lot of already-seen-already-felt emotions from other war movies, uses techniques we all know very well with very good acting in this definitely "male" topic one can easily feel the senselessness of war. It still comes second after Saving Private Ryan from US WW II movies for me.

At the end one might think about the feeling of duty - sacrificing one's life consciously for an order in an obvious suicide mission, fighting till last breath (both on US and German side) when you might not have too much to do with what you are fighting for.

We are not here to judge what is right or wrong. [...] Our duty is to kill Germans. - as we can hear from the Wardaddy (Brad Pitt), commander of the tank called "Fury" before forcing the newcomer private (Logan Lerman) to shoot a German soldier. A mentality one could find in any army unit from SS to any present (from North Korean to ISIS) army. Duty comes first even if it is about killing others or a suicide mission. Whether you come out as a hero or a devil is the future's dilemma.

And while it's a commonplace that winners write history it's interesting to think a little bit about who'll become winners and what fanaticism it takes to win a war.
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