
17 Reviews
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Marvel: Making films just for the heck of making films.
8 March 2019
Absolute garbage are the words that come to my mind after the credits rolled. I wish they spent 1/10th the budget in making a script and a storyline rather than wasting everything on un-funny, desperate, and mis-timed jokes. The whole script is a joke in itself. So are the villains. Nothing against Brie Larson. She looked badass and a perfect addition to the Avengers but Marvel killed her character. Nobody needs an oversmart, invincible, miss know-it-all heron Where's the fun in that? the fight scenes could've been the saving grace for Marvel but even they sucked to the core. The entire first half is like watching a 90s action film. The second half seemed to be picking some pace but then again wasted because of weak villains and non existent storyline. Dear Marvel, Please don't screw up the end game.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Average at best. Over-hyped unnecessarily.
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film is about an unacknowledged story of WW2 where 400000 men, on a beach, were struggling to survive. Movie shows that despite large in number but still helpless to fight, 300000 soldiers were rescued off the beach by civilians. And instead of getting booed for their cowardliness, they were respectfully welcomed in their homeland. Basically showing a fresh perspective on war that sometimes survival is also a victory.

The moment you walk out of theater, you will forget the film. No strong characters, unnecessary time line shifts to show a straightforward story made me loose interest in the film. IT IS JUST AN ORDINARY FILM.

What could've made it interesting? A focus on how the French sacrificed a lot as an allied force knowing that only 30,000 can survive and British were the first preference. A focus on why only 30,000 soldiers could be saved. This is an interesting one. The water at the beach was very shallow and only one ship could sail ashore at a time during high tide (every six hours or so). A proper background of the events that led to 4000000 soldiers stranded on the beach. It was one of the most clever plan by Germans to make them helpless. Leaflets were thrown (start of the film) asking the french to look at the map. They are surrounded by German army on the front and ocean on the back. There is no way but surrender. However the french saw the shallow ocean as an opportunity to escape ad survive. All these details are missing.
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Godawful film!
16 July 2017
This is a humiliation for a series we all loved and adored. Ceasor's character is completely downsized. There is NO WAR in the film. The ending is bogus and outright stupid. There are hardly any dialogues. The entire film is like a slideshow where characters take a lifetime to complete an action. By the end of first half, I could hear bunch of people snoring and the rest complaining why they bothered watching the film. This film deserves a Razzi. The only silver-lining is the first 10 minutes. How can you fail so miserably despite have such an amazing production value?
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Heart touching, eye opening. Respect Inde games and developers !!!
23 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever imagined how being creative becomes a curse? Imagine yourself as amongst the 100 chosen individuals in entire human race blessed with the power of most amazing imagination and a will to show that imagination to rest of the world. The sacrifices you make while making your childhood dream come true is unimaginable to the extent that the same creativity for which you were identified from any other ordinary human being becomes a taboo. No social life, no personal life, no money, no luxuries of life just a huge burden and frustration of completing what you have started.

The plight of indie game developers makes me shed a tear not just because the amount of frustration, time, effort, expectations but because of a will to express yourself through your art and in the process, loosing everything or i should say missing everything out of life. Video Games are the biggest irony that could happen with the very person making it. How can a dream cost you more than your life?

This documentary perfectly portrays the life of a person on the other side of the screen. Makers of FEZ, Super meat boy, braid presenting an account of their daily life, their personalities and the amount of torture they have to face every single day of their life. Be it an army of online trolls beating the s**t out of their aspirations and creativity or getting a certification for selling their art to the world. Its all there and its truly heart breaking and eye opening for an ordinary person like me.

Documentary showing how the idea of making games as the sole activity you are going to do in life, how it all started, matured adults watching the drawings they made when they were 4 and crying their heart out because they have turned those drawings into a language of communication between them and rest of the world is truly moving. Even if you are not into games, just watch this thing and you will explore an entire new world which no matter how pretty it looks from outside, is a tale of pain and suffering and the only sunshine they had is when it gets released and in just few hours thousands of reviews start pouring in, praises from all over the world, breaking records and finally an achievement they have been waiting for so long. One of the greatest documentary i've ever seen in a while.

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bad direction, dull, boring and...Dev Patel !
25 June 2012
what looked like a promising adventure turned into a sore experience. sure it looks good on papers but it is quite the opposite just like the hotel itself (ironically). its a story about bunch of old people bored with their life and looking to spend their retirement years in India. Started off quite slow (first 10 minutes) but the moment they set foot in India, thats where the fun starts and is the only watchable portion of this film. After that the graph kept on going downwards. many little stories kept brewing up which at the end of the film, leave you asking, what this movie is actually about? Although its shot in Jaipur and characters keep telling each other that they visited this temple n that place. Their is amusingly not even a single shot of those places and Jaipur as a whole. Dev Patel, probably the worst acting performance i'v seen in any movie and is the major downfall of this film. Rest of the cast did a fine job. only thing apart from that portion(enjoyable one) is the autobiographical notion added by Judi Dench. very bad direction and all in all a very boring, confusing and forgettable movie.
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Hugo (2011)
Dreams and imagination are often indescribable but not this time! Unfortunately an empty dream.
25 February 2012
story: Hugo is an orphan boy living in the walls of a train station in the 1930s in Paris. He fixes clocks and other gadgets as he learned to from his father and uncle. The only thing that he has left that connects him to his father is an automaton that doesn't work. Now here is the kind of film that divides the audience into two equal halves. The decision weather the film is good or bad depends completely on one's point of view. On one hand, it is something more than just a visual treat. It is film making at a whole new level (cinematography n vfx wise). this film is a craft that only an artist can understand. Whereas, on the other hand, it is an empty candy wrapper. It is void, null, blank, hollow and similar adjectives. Both are right according to their point of view !

Unfortunately, i fall in the 2nd category......the adventure which the movie screams about is non existent. Movie just goes on at a constant pace without an iota of fluctuation. film is catastrophic in the sense that almost entire film is shot in a train station(only a part of station), repeated loops of same imagery makes one feel nauseated. Main storyline is hardly of any interest. Its just plain dull. the character of HUGO and Isabella are unlikable and underdeveloped. they just lacks the punch. Its like gazing into an A4. In simple words 'it is boring as hell' ! For the storyline part, it is in 2 parts. (spoilers) 1st part is the first three lines of this review. 2nd part is about a depressed and broke film maker who want to forget about his past. Had the film is about only the 2nd part, i would have given it a 10/10 and maybe entitle it as a masterpiece. Trust me It was that good ! Apart from that, probably the best ever looking film i'v seen in last 3- 4 years. Visuals, art direction, cinematography -> every single frame is speechless stuff. It is beautiful! like an imagery which forms in your mind when you read a novel or a story book....something that can't be expressed practically. I can go on and on about it but that would only make this review long. best characters: station inspector and Georges melies(film maker). For me, it is epitome of beauty and i can't imagine a more beautiful movie than this one. I Bow before you Sir. Scorsese, you will always be the greatest director ever born on earth.Apart from that, as i said, It is an empty candy wrapper ! ps: went in with no expectations and presumptions. Unadulterated review !
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Sweet and romantic story about 1st love at early age !
15 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
feeling short of words to describe this one :') what a brilliant movie :) brought back few old memories :*( .very very delightful to watch :-D ........ one f d sweetest and funniest romantic movie :) in <3 with that gal and The boy is my exact replica :D

missed dose good old days when a strange feeling makes you helpless every time you see a beautiful girl :P Each n every change in a boy's life ,when he finds his true love, is shown so perfectly. Enjoyed it a lot.

a must watch family movie for all !

Aw at ending :P rating - 9/10...amazing flick :)
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Classic ! Authentic ! Dark ! Brutal ! Mindblowing !
15 April 2011
Plot : One man takes revenge of torchuring his mentally weak brother to death.

CLASSIC !!! British cinema has its own unique taste unlike any other ! An excellent revenge movie. Another 'diamond in the rough' from Shane meadows. This guy has done some seriously wonderful work a fan of him.1st 'this is England' then 'A Room for Romeo Brass' and then This terrific movie :O

What a film ! mind-blowing....very very dark and authentic ! Flashback in black n white going alongside the story is a perfect way of communicating with a movie. It holds you till d end. Unconventional songs in a serious situation (although lyrics exactly match with what is being going on...that always surprises me) a trademark of film making style of Meadows...!!! They were as good n refreshing like d ones in 'this is England' :) Get a taste of low budget classic authentic Brit cinema 8)..
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Milk (I) (2008)
Sean Penn's Best !!!
15 April 2011
What a heart warming film :) At 1st it looks absurd......but den it make u realize that its a very sensitive and serious film !!! camera work is just exceptional with all dose old film footage and photos in black n white n sepia.......brilliant stuff !!!

Phenomenal acting by Sean Penn......i bow before you !!!

Gets too absurd to watch (gays kissing n making love X( ) but this is not what it is about. Its much more den that !!!

One of the best acting performance iv seen till date. Real photos n old footage and gay rights march was just perfect !

Would not recommend it to everyone but its a gem for serious cinema lovers :)
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Despicable Me (2010)
Refreshing and funny !!!
24 December 2010
"The thing about animated movies are that they never disappoint as we have no expectations from them :)"

Latest in the genre is 'despicable me' !!! watched it yesterday with my Lil cousins and mom. We were bursting in laughter in entire movie :D. Those yellow creatures were damn hilarious :D. Little emotional touch in the end. Not to mention a fantastic and hilarious dance performance in the end. very funny characters !!! Fantastic movie......a must watch for light entertainment :D

it is my 2nd best animation movie released this year after toy story 3 :)
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Heat (1995)
thrilling,sensible and excellent movie
24 December 2010
Man....hail Hollywood !!! such wonderful movie.....each n every dialog is "crafted" !!! :D what a plot and ultimate twist.....sad end though :( killer movie.....just killer !!!

De Nero and Al to see gods of acting face to face :D

long movie but not even a single scene is wasted !!!

"Vincent Hanna(Pacino): I'm angry. I'm very angry, Ralph. You know, you can ball my wife if she wants you to. You can lounge around here on her sofa, in her ex-husband's dead-tech, post-modernistic bullshit house if you want to. But you do not get to watch my f****g television set! "

PS : the entire last level of K n L : dog days is a ripoff of climax of the movie :O...with different ending of course :)
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'calling it d best wild wild west movie is an understatement'
24 December 2010
'calling it d best wild wild west movie is an understatement' :O That guy was a heck of a person :O.....he was really like a haunting ghost....most bad ass villain iv seen in a movie :O

certainly 1 of d most interesting n amazing movie iv seen !! shocker !!!

can't get the ending,.....what d hell happened ??? :/ :/....what about d money ?? did he killed her ??....was that guy(hero) killed ??...y did d police man retired ?? what happened !!!!!!!!! its too much complicated to understand !!...That's what i call class cinema :O !! WOW !!!
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Unstoppable (2010)
roller coaster ride !!!
24 December 2010
PLOT - With an unmanned, half-mile-long freight train barreling towards a city, a veteran engineer and a young conductor race against the clock to prevent a catastrophe.

Fantastical !!! just faking killer movie @.@ !!! best action/thriller of 2010.period !!! its a complete action pack ride from start to end !!! best movie of its kind !!! :D amazing cinematography and breathtaking shots of unmanned train :O....!!!

subplots are also very good and appropriate !!! it probably would have caused many to pee in there pants who saw it in theaters !!! :P

its a roller coaster ride !!! :D
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The Departed (2006)
great plot and twists and strong direction
24 December 2010
PLOT - a men from Police and an undercover agent who also works with an Irish mafia are off to find one person who is causing chaos in a happy going business.

Now the twist and strength of movie lies on that the person's identity. How ??? have to watch the movie to know the answer ;) Both of them are able to gain confidence of this mafia and are on a mission to find that person and also to take down the mafia.

Saw this one last week.Its Scorsese ,so the plot has to be ridiculously complicated yet enjoyable. Its like a never ending maze.Movie becomes damn exciting after knowing who that person is :D.

In entire flick,the two men were making plans and gathering info bout Irish mafia struggling to find that person who is eating the entire system from inside and causing much trouble to everyone. !st half of the movie is quite confusing and boring (as it should be) but in 2nd half things took a sharp turn and suddenly everything opens up.Its full of thrills and excitement,those guys are on their toes to catch the culprit but when they come to know the truth, they were shocked just like viewers watching the movie :D Just watch this damn thing :D.....amazing movie from another lord of directors 'Scorsese' !!!
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Black Swan (2010)
Shocking, thrilling and bizarre
23 December 2010
PLOT - one dancer can go to any extent to make herself PERFECT. To what extent she could go ?...that's what movie is all about.

A total head shaking flick :O..... Natalie's best.period ! most bizarre movie iv ever seen. (PS : not everyone's cup of tea) dunno how to describe the experience !!!

Gave me goosebumps :P its nothing iv ever seen before....really dark movie :O

"its like a black coffee...dose who like it,will think its d best coffee in d wold...while others completely disagree"

Movie will be crowned for best story and best actress @ Oscars (if it did not ,judges might be sued by filmmakers :P)

not enjoyed it much,very depressing and dark :(. Still a very strong movie !!!
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The Town (2010)
an ordinary crime/drama !!!
5 December 2010
nice crime/drama !!!

One man, a robber, tries to leave the life he lives. Things got quite interesting when a woman he abducted turns out to be the one who change his life. He fell in love with her. To save her ,he was forced to do more robbery,one such day all his team mates die but he somehow manages to escape and lead the life he wants !!!

Pretty ordinary movie to say the least !!! Usual crime drama. Nice acting by Ben Affleck and Rebecca Hall :)

she looks lovely.One of the few natural actress in Hollywood. definitely the most cutest actress iv seen :).Just love her wen she smiles :) Few plot holes. One time watch. i wish he could live his life with Rebecca Hall(Claire) :(

rating - 7/10
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Front of the Class (2008 TV Movie)
"BRILLIANT" ,heart touching and inspiring !!!
23 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Hallmark.Hall.of.Fame-Front.of.the.Class ========================================

1st of all i would like to thanks the person who shared dis movie with all of us !!!

plot : a person with tourett syndrome determined to reach the goals which he has set up in his life !!

what an amazing ,heart warming movie dis is. A guy filled with hope and optimism tries his best to accomplish his life's aim despite having dis disability......he got many rejections from everywhere but still the only thing which keeps him going is his ambition n will power. I loved dis one.....was waiting to see something like that for months..........probably the most beautiful n inspiring movie iv watched after I AM SAM !!! everyone should see this one.......really touching movie hats off to actor.........brilliant performance by him........just loved him in entire movie .

rating - 9+/10
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