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Dream Home Makeover (2020– )
Unoriginal and boring, show misses the point.
7 March 2021
In the first episode I thought this could be watchable. But after 2,3 episodes you realized, that you have already seen everything. This woman can do only one trick- paint everything white. I don't know how she can be a successfull interior designer with that lack of creativity? Ok, some clients really like her all white style and want their house to look that certain way. But what about the episode with the wooden house in the forest? The owners said, that she likes it colourful, boho with a little bit of cottage in the woods style. And what did she get? They gave here a completeley white and grey room with 2 "colourful" brown ottomans and some white and grey throw pillows? Are you kidding me? And the owner's reaction to it was- wooow, so beautiul! Is this a joke?? But the biggest problem is, that the show is not about interior design, not about tips & tricks or the process of changing a room! Most time is spent on showing us the super boring life of this couple, that lives in a huge house with their 2 kids. Why?? They are not that interesting and if they were- I wouldn't want to watch a reality show about someone's kids playing in the backyard or her husband trying to put up the christmas tree. I wa expecting to see some design, inspiration, creativity, learn something new about design or at least a shocking before and after. But I got nothing.
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My expectations were low, but it's actually ok to watch
7 March 2021
When I saw that this show is about people helping some celebrities to organize their homes, I didn't even want to see one episode. But since there are almost no home edit, interior design or garden design shows left on Netflix, I almost didn't have a choice thant to watch this. The show is actually watchable and it keeps you interested. The girls are ok, if you ignore the hysterical screaming and jumping around like 12-year old girls after they organized someone's closet. I really liked the part, where they organized normal people's houses and rooms. I don't think many people can relate to celebrities and their organizing problems. The problem is, that most episodes are just closet organizations. I was hoping for whole house organizations or more difficult and messy rooms, more purging, consulting with the clients and some innovative ideas- especially affordable or sustainable ideas. Some of them don't seem very practical, but are just pretty... What upsets me is the episode, where they organized a woman's closet and then decided to "give her a little extra", so they painted her bedroom, upholstered the beautiful pink bed in a dull grey and changed the furniture, curtains and carpet in her bedroom?! Why would someone do that?! I think it's horribly unprofessional to just go ahead and paint someone else's room, because your job was to just organize the closet. If i were the lady in the show, I would go mad. And sometimes the organizing ladies are not very empathetic to other people's "messy" habbits and they seem like they judge people. That's not ok.
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Ok, then I'm just too stupid to get this movie
18 September 2020
At least the special effects were decent for that time. My husband explained the movie to his friend- imagine a movie about your car ride from home to work. And then imagine the movie showing the whole car ride, without fast forwarding it and without you saying anything. I love art, I like some original or weird movies, I like movies with only a couple of characters and not much talking in it, movies with a special atmosphere or scenery. But this one? I tried to watch it until the end without falling asleep and I didn't manage it yet. I watched the movie for 5 days and every time I just fell asleep. And I'm night owl, so yeah.. At least the movie is good for something.
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This movie is insulting my intelligence
18 September 2020
If i would do (or redo) a crime movie, where every detail is important and every detail could be a clue, then I would make sure to not mess up as many details in the movie itself. Just read the whole list with illogical mistakes, geographical and historical mistakes! The geographical is probably the biggest insult! Yes, if you are from the USA or Asia or didn't have geography in school yet, this movie could be believeable. But any European person should know, that the only place with such an alpine senery, with such high mountains and snow in this part of Europe are acutally the ALPS! And where did the train get stuck? Between Vinkovci and Brod, in the middle of good old Yugoslavia- in the middle of the flatlands! Are you kidding me? If the last station would be Vienna, it could have maybe be acceptable.. but this? And also the whole PC Holliwood BS. Ok, let's say that there was this one black doctor in 1930s England- but black armee officers in 1930s Yugoslavia?? Dude, there are probably not even 10 black armee or police officers in todays Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia together..and not to say in the 1930s! This is not modern day USA, this is not even 1930s USA- it's 1930s Europe and if you like it or not- Europe was veeeery white in the 1930s. But, it's not enough to make the black guy a doctor (nothing against it), but they have to throw in a couple of speeches about racism and stuff like that. Who cares?! It's an Agatha Christie crime novel remake? It's not about racism, it's not about politicall correctness, it's not about some moral preaching. It's about crime! I hoped also, that we, as the audience, would be dragged into the story and could guess who the murder is and then be surprised about it! But no! Mr. Poirot just comes up with some clues and knowledge about all the characters out of thin air! He just knows it! Not to mention how ridiculous the scene with the widely open train doors on the middle of the bridge was. Wat was the point of that? To catch a cold? Crime movies are supposed to be intelligent, logical and very carefully in the details.. this one was none of it.
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Cousins (2019)
Oh the chemistry!
14 August 2020
Watch this movie, when you need something light, nice and uplifting. I can't remember when was the last time, that I saw such beautiful chemistry between the main couple in a movie (gay or straight). It was just amazing and unbeliveable. Even if it's the only reason to watch the movie, it's good enough- the chemistry! I'm melting away like ice cream on a hot summer's day.
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White Girl (2016)
A very good and overlooked drama- deserves at least 7 stars
20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First you don't feel for the girl, because she's just stupid and makes bad decision after bad decision. In the end, it seems like you know her and feel bad for her. Not to mention her boyfriend. It's a movie about youth, addiction, doing stupid things, making poor decisions, but also being selfless and trying to do what's right- even if it doesn't turn out how you wanted. The movie is very realistic and that's what makes it depressing. The characters are not black and white, hero and vilain. They are all in a grey area and that's what makes them real. Yes, we feel sorry for her boyfriend, who turned up in jail. But you can't say, that she just got away with it like nothing happened. Getting raped and traumatized and being guilty for ruining someone's life isn't "getting away with it". If you made the decision to deal drugs, you will be aware of the risk that comes with it. You can talk about white privilege here, but then we can also talk about male privilege. That's the world we live in. If you're a guy and do some shady business, you will go to jail. If you're a girl and do drugs and lose control, you will get raped. Nobody wins. Everyone looses.
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Hidden Kisses (2016 TV Movie)
Unrealistic plot, but ok ending and acting
10 July 2020
Throughout the whole movie i was thinking to myself- am i watching a movie about gay people in a city in modern day france or what? it seemed like the writer had a horrible childhood growing up in the 19th century in a village somewhere in a religious 3rd world country! ok, some parents won't be cool about their son being gay. some of them might even be psychopaths, as in this movie. some people from school will probably tease you or even beat you up, if you're gay. but ALL of them, including teachers and some random work colleagues behaving like this is an insult to my intelligence, cinema, europe and human kind! the movie has all of the cliches ever- suicide, bullying, the supportive teacher, the supportive parent, the tyrant parent, the shame,... there was so much negativity and victimizing in this movie, that they forgot to show us some love or other interactions between the main characters. if you're looking for a GOOD gay movie, i would suggest you "call me by your name", "shelter", "undertow", "brotherhood", "brokeback mountain", "alex strangelove" and almost any other movie than this one.
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365 Days (2020)
Better than 50 shades of grey
22 June 2020
Yes, it's tacky, it's stupid, it's dumbed down and unrealistic. But at least it's sexy :D This is what you get, when you turn an erotic novel written from women to women into a movie. The acting is all right. The soundtrack is horribly loud and tacky. But you can just turn off your brain off for a while and enjoy the chemistry between the main actors. Still better than most rom-coms nowadays.
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The Platform (2019)
A suspensful horror- thriller full of symbols
24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why did no one step on the platform to go all the way down and maybe live in the hope to go all the way up together with the table? Even people on the lowest levels did never try to do that.
  • maybe the table only goes up if there is not much weight on it- only the dishes. that could explain why our protagonist had to step away from the table, so that the little girl could go up
  • people, no matter how bad they have it in life, still will think that it could be worse and they are scared of the unknown or something even worse than their level.
  • people are hungry and gave up on life, so they don't even care anymore to go up (like people with depression)
  • if you're on level 150 and don't get any food, you will either die of starvation, kill your roommate or just travel with the table to the next level to kill someone or get killed. but you still wouldn't want to go to the bottom. because you're scared what you might find there. that is the same case with our ego and soul. if you don't go deep, to the darkest bottom of yourself, you won't have a chance to go all the way up and enter greatness. you will just move between the levels and die somewhere inbetween. the question is if anyone even leaves the prison.

people complain about the ending being stupid. but how would you feel about a different ending?
  • the protagonist and the little girl going up and getting out of prison
  • them going up and getting kicked down in the pit from someone on level 0
  • the administration "realizing" how messed up their prison is and releasing everyone or giving everyone their portion of food
... no matter how else it would have ended, we wouldn't be satisfied. the ending is supposed to be an open ending, because no one really understands the system, except for a few people on top. not even the cooks understand the system, not even the administration and especially not the prisoners. so why would we as viewers and as participants (and prisoners of capitalism) get a chance to see the full pictures, the outside or the mechanism? we are just pawns and are not worthy of knowing it and getting it explained for us. same as in the real world. there is also a concept of freud's id, ego and superego in this movie. the id lives in the lower leves, where people's worse comes to the surface. where they betray and kill each other in order to survive. the ego is on the upper levels, where people live in piece, but also in selfishness. they try to get as much as they can for themselves (it's the normal state of most of us most of the time in our lives) and the superego is the godly unknown level 0, where everything is perfect- the food on the table is perfectly cooked and beautifully arranged. it's our strive to perfection and completeness. you can look at this movie as being a criticism of our society, as being religious (dante's inferno or a story about jesus dying on the cross for us, where the little girl is the cross that's left), spiritual in any other way or however you want. it's thrilling and you will probably never forget it after you watched it.
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The Package (II) (2018)
Better than expected
18 August 2019
I just wanted to watch something in the background while painting, but after a short while I was glued to the TV and really enjoyed this movie until the end. It reminds me of stupid teen movies I love, like American Pie, Superbad, Eurotrip,... It's surely not for people with a "grown-up" sens of humor or someone who is looking for a deep unique intelligent movie. I actually laughed a lot during this movie, but it's not for everyone. I think you could compare the humor to the one in "We are the Millers". It's just stupid and funny :D and I love Daniel Doheny in this movie. I watched him in "Alex Strangelove" and he's great actor and makes every movie he's worth watching.
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After (I) (2019)
Still better love story than Twi...no wait
10 August 2019
Yes, I would say that this is even worse than Twilight or 50 shades. I started reading the book, but I didn't finish it, because it got a little repetitive. After the movie I found out what the book was about and how they changed the original "shocking" ending to this watered down soft 9- year old version. I mean, the original story ending isn't that original either. It has been done by so many romantic movies (How to lose a guy in 10 days for example), but at least we would have a shock moment and it could have saved this garbage from being such garbage. How did the main characters fall in love in the book? That was actually quite hot and not so badly written. What do we see here? No dialogue, they look each other in the eyes and a loud song plays in the background. Then they go for a walk or lie in the bed together and a loud song plays in the background again. Then they eat something and a loud song... and so on. That is the laziest writing I've ever seen. You can maybe make 1 or 2 such scenes in the movie, but you can't swap real dialogue and a story line for some music video montages and call it a movie! So we got an introduction, something happening, soundtrack, soundtrack, something happening, soundtrack, the end. And it's like an open ending so we will want more? No, thanks.
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This movie has almost everything
10 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie now 2 days in a row and I love it. I think I might watch it again anytime soon. I've watched a lot of romantic movies and a lot of gay themed movies and this on stands out from the crowd. The best things about this movie is the acting, the dialogue and writing :) When the characters talk to each other, they seem real. The chemistry between the actors is wonderful. Take a look at the scene in the car, where Claire asks Alex about his love interest- for me it felt like I was right there in their situation. It felt like a real breakup that happened to me. Look at his toes getting nervous as they are about to have sex in that motel. Look at him acting really drunk with that chick on the party. Or the scene where Dell talks to Sophie on the street with a broken nose. I love how this movie is not just about one topic, how every little scene is actually important for us to get to know the characters better and to progress the story line. It has humor and this is actually important for a movie with young people- most of them laugh a lot, have fun and do stupid things. I hate it when in movies they show people falling in love or hanging out and everyone is very serious all the time. That's not the real world- you can have fun and laugh and fall in love. I also loved the scene in the swimming pool. It has something meditative in it- the reflection in the pool, being with yourself, being honest to yourself and the realization. Just wonderful. I was actually surprised that the movie lasts just 1,5 hours ans not longer, because for me it seemed a lot longer. Why? Because every scene is important and there are no filler scenes, no unnecessary slow-mo scenes with a loud soundtrack. Yes, the last scene was very idealized and too good to be true, but why not? Not every movie has to give us punch in the gut ending, an open ending or a tragic one. This is about friendship, relationships of all sorts, growing up, being confused and finding yourself. It's just wonderful.
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Black Mirror: Striking Vipers (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
People feeling awkward about this episode? Why?
8 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably one of my favourite episodes of "Black Mirror". I don't get people complaining about every episode and every new season, that it's not "Black Mirror" anymore, that it all went downhill and so on. In the other seasons there were good and bad episodes. I don't like S01E01, so what? Some people liked episodes, that I think are stupid and a waste of time. But now people just like to complain. If you look this show just to get a shocking ending or plot twist, then maybe you're watching it for the wrong reasons. A plot twist alone won't make something bad turn to something great, but an interesting idea as a whole will make you think. And in this episode the idea is pretty damn good. It's a question everyone has asked himself- where do we draw the line? Where is the border between being honest and a liar, a good person or a bad one, a cheater or whatever? Is our body the one thing that defines us in this life or is it our spirit? What would we do, if we had access to such a virtual reality as shown in this episode? Would you still be a moral 100% straight person loyal to your principles or would you just try everything out, because you're curious and it's only a game? In the end, the things most people would want to do in secret would be violence and sex, because it's in our nature. Did you ever have dreams similar to what happened in this episode? Where you were someone else and interacted in your dream with someone you know, but that person also looked different. Maybe you had awkward sex in you dreams with who knows whom? And maybe it was good in the dream, but when you woke up, you felt ashamed. So why is that? I think that all people are nasty and dirty from the inside, we all have our turn ons and fantasies, that we won't even confess to ourselves and especially not to others. So when we see someone else doing it, we have to judge it and hate it, because accepting it would mean that we've been wrong, our world view is wrong and our morals are questionable. People disliking this episode is similar to hetero guys not wanting to ever see one single gay movie, because that would probably make them gay or something. But lesbian stuff is ok, that's cool. Just this episode takes it a little bit further and confuses you- so it makes even more people uncomfortable, including some gays. I also don't get people saying things like- this is unrealistic, this would never happen? If these guys were gay, this wouldn't happen..if they are straight, they wouldn't behave like that, and so on. How would you know? Did you experience everything in life, that is possible to experience? Maybe we know that cats hunt down birds, but there were also some cases of a cat adopting young ducklings. This episode is what being human is about- experiencing all sorts of love and closeness to other people, an escape from the real world, curiosity and acceptance.
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Aquaman (2018)
Worst superhero movie I watched so far
20 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to start with this one, but I'll try...
  • the storyline- nothing is happening and they are showing us this in the most boring and predictable way you can imagine
  • the dialogues- they are like watching a children's cartoon show with robots
  • the characters- what characters?! we didn't get to know them, because of bad writing and too many fight scenes
  • the cliches- you can get drunk everytime you notice a cliche stolen from other movies in this one. we have everything mixed in here- the rotating camera, the spinning camera, the tiny ships fighting giant monsters, the pretty girl who wears waterproof makeup all the time falling in love with the main character, while being engaged to his evil blonde brother and so on. it's painful. i was thinking all the time- how did the poor actors feel, when they had to partake in this horribly unoriginal story?
  • the visual effects- i don't know if this is a movie from 2018 or 2001? buffy the vampire slayer from the 90s has better visual effects than this. most time i was thinking, that i'm watching a video game
  • the underwater world looks like it somewhere in deep space. everything is minimalisticly pure white, clean and shiny. they just could have watched disnye's arielle and see how their underwater castle was build of corals, algae, clams and other naturally occuring underwater plants and rocks. but no- they have shiny copper and white glas or something
  • the looks of the villains is just stupid- one looks like a giant ant, which doesn't make sense- why would a human make a mask with a huge head to drag around?! all the others look like transformers or some spaceships
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Cliche would be a compliment
17 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to begin with this movie, but I guess the writers also don't know what they did here. First it starts as a typical boy meets girl flashback story. That part lasted really long, was interesting in some moments, but in summary it was just mediocre. If that part was a movie by itself, I would fall asleep. The characters don't have any interesting dialogues, we don't see the connection between these two happening. They just fall in love and we are supposed to believe it- well, ok. But then the story takes some really unnecessary plot twists, that ruined the mediocre formulaic story and made it into a mess. It seemed like they mixed 3 different movies into one, just to make it interesting. What I hoped this would be is something like "Blue Jay", where the movie focuses only on two people with great chemistry interacting with each other. But what we got is a cheesy action cartoon disguised as romance. If it was written after a book, then making a movie out of it might not have been the brightest idea, because it's just bad.
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Tulip Fever (2017)
What did I just watch?
27 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts actually very interesting, but later on it just gets more and more absurd.
  • The romance: It seemed like the writers made a bet with someone if they can put a romance in a movie and make two people fall in love with each other without saying a word. But in disney classics it's not much better. The prince sees the pretty girl, they kiss and live happily every after.
  • The motives of people: The fake pregnancy was actually something you can imagine someone doing to run away or save his ass. But everything that happened in the end is just unconvincing and bad writing. I don't get why the rich guy would easily forgive Maria and leave her his house and name and everything? Because he is such a good guy? Because he felt guilty? No matter the reasion, it just isn't believeable at all. Why would Sofia change her mind, after all she put everyone through? Just to become a nun? Are you kidding me? No. It's just lazy writing from someone who isn't very good at writing stories. It starts as a good idea, but ends as a short story of a 13 year old girl, who doesn't know anything about life.
  • The number of token black guys in this movie just ruins the historic atmosphere. If a movie is taking place in Europe centuries ago, where probably 99% of the population were white people, why would anyone complain about "no diversity" in the movie? Why don't people complain about "no diversity" in a Bollywood movie or in a Chinese movie about Chinese poeple? I did some research and actually- there even where some black people back in the golden age of Holland, but they were either servants or slaves. In this movie they are shown as masters and common folks and nuns. Why change history to please a group of people, who will be offended by everything? I was just waiting for a transgender person and the openly gay couple to pop up in the screen of this movie. It's one thing to make a movie about these specific topics. I wouldn't mind watching a movie about a black gay person in old Holand or ancient Greece. But if the movie is about typicall European people who lived in Holland 300 years ago, why do they put those token people just for the sake of it? If this movie was filmed in Europe, there would be no need for this and the movie would look more authentic.
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Different, but nothint new
11 July 2018
The first thing I noticed about this movie were the close ups. First they were irritating, but as the movie progressed they really added to the intimate and personal atmosphere in this movie. Even though the movie was long, I wasn't bored. It was very realistic and I think many people can relate to it. We were all once confused teenagers and fell in love, got our hearts broken and so on. What I didn't like about this movie is the incomplete storyline. The love story is purely physical. But I think that at this young age (and often later in life) most people are not aware if they're in such a relationship.
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Love Your Garden (2011– )
More show than grow
19 March 2018
It's an interesting series and since there are almost no other gardening series on netflix, I'll have to stick with this one. But- I would wish for more tips on gardening than just to see shocking before- after results. I'm also not very interested in everyone's personal life stories. What I think was wrong, was the advice in episode 1 about throwing mulch over everything in your garden. That was so wrong! Most plants hate mulch, while snails love it. And even thos who love it, should have some bone meal or similar underneath it. It's nice to see so many beautiful gardens, but as an amateur gardener, you won't learn really much from this show as you would from a magazine or some other shows. Also, everything seems so rushed and hectic in this show, that it's not really relaxing to watch.
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Rotten (2018–2019)
Mostly boring
19 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode about bees was mostly interesting. But there was no conclusion, not enough information and no tips for what little people could do about it (like growing wild flowers in their garden, buying local honey,...). The second episode about food alergies was ok, but again- nothing new, nothing shocking, nothing we can do about (unless we own a restaurant). The third about garlic was boring to death. I love garlic, but come on! China is the bad guy in every episode and who cares if prisoners peeled the garlic. So peel your own garlic, people or don't buy chinese garlic at all! I've heard much worse stories about chinese garlic than in this documentary series, that is supposed to be shocking and truth-telling. I thought this documentary would be something like "Food inc." or about the global food market, our consuming habbits, propaganda, fake food and so on. And not about some specific lawsuit scandals in the USA, that mostly concern only the food producers.
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Big Dreams, Small Spaces (2014–2017)
Good show for gathering ideas for your garden
12 March 2018
The host is very knowledgable, the gardens are diverse and all in all it's an enjoyable show to watch. I hope to see more and also not just for tiny spaces.
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Boring story about a boring character tols in a boring way
12 March 2018
If it wasn't for the cars, I would have never guessed, that his movie is set in the 60s. The hair, the beards, the surrounding- every second I was expecting someone to put their smartphone out of the pocket. My 90s apartment where I grew up looked more like the 60s than this movie. The whole story with the cat was pointless. Actually the whole story was pointless. I should have known it at the start, when they had a scene with 5 minutes of this guy singing a mediocre song. If I wanted to listen to music, I could have spent my time on youtube. I have to say- I like simple movies, slow movies, artistic movies, movies about artists, I love 60s music, movies with 1 or 2 main characters- but this movie still didn't appeal to me. So how is that possible? With such a badly written character it is. With no interesting dialogue or emotions on this guy's blank face it is. It was like watching twilight for hipsters. Nothing happens- blank face- nothing happens- again blank face.
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Grand Designs (1999– )
Good, but it gets a little repetitive
7 March 2018
What's about all those people thinking they could be project coordinators in their spare time? Or they don't need an architect? Of course, the show wouldn't be as interesting without it, but the same old same old budget problem is getting a little annoying. First they want to build their dream home as big and pompous as possible But all of them have wrong budget expectations. Then they want it built in months during the worst possible snow and rain storms. And in the end they magically have enough money for it, but it took 4 years instead of 2. I love seeing new ides for houses, learn more about architecture and building problems, but I don't need the personal drama in each episode. Will they have enough money? Will the weather get better? Will they finally move in? That gets a little boring. The architecture itself should be the focus. And the building site.
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Interesting but flawed
7 March 2018
Most of the houses are really unique and stunning. But in only 4 episodes of ths series, there were some repetitive things Like the talk about fitting a house into nature, keeping lots of trees on the building site and so on. I don't think the female host is that horrible as people say, but she isn't an architect, engineer, interior designer or antyhing. So her comments are mostly useless. What bothered me was, that only the architects talk about how the house was built. I know there's a limited time for each house, but at least for the cliff house, they should have interviewed the engineers, too. People often think that architects create whole buildings and know how to build them, but the engineers and builders seem unimportant. It would be interesting to know for the cliff house how it is really fixed on that cliff and why did they build it from top to bottom. The architects clearly couldn't explain that. Of course you can't show all the builders and people involved, but anyone else than just the architect would bring in more perspective and make the show more interesting. I hope this show gets another season and tries a little to pick up on those flaws.
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SPF-18 (2017)
A movie about nothing with Pamela Anderson running down a beach
5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, the soundtrack was good, the scenery with the beach was beautiful. The acting wasn't THAT bad. But the story was what makes it easy to hate. It tells a story about rich kids with almost no conflicts or problems in their lifes figuring out their life in days with no conflicts or problems. The End. Everyone got what they wanted with no effort at all, no compromise, nothing. The parents are perfetcly supportive for whatever their kids want- surf, do art, do nothing? Wonderful. Just go for it. The love life of those kids is as realistic as the story of a porn movie. There aren o conflicts in this movie!! Why even bother watching it? It was boring and seemed like it lasted for 2 hours instead of 1h and 15 minutes. Just don't watch it. It's not even bad enough to be funny or trash.
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Unoriginal unfunny unromantic rom-com
5 March 2018
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I gues I like to torture myself with bad movies these days. The opening with the best man's speech should be the biggest clue for what was awaiting me, but I still had hope (whyyyyyyy?). I really like stupid humor, dark humor, cheap sex jokes and I can tolerate a lot in movies. But this is just awkward humor without the humor in it. So it is just awkward over the top situations. If you're doing awkward humor, you should be realistic and subtle (or over the top with a good sense of how to do it, see "The Office"). The movie is, same as the best man, trying too hard to be likeable and funny. And fails miserably. Also, the depiction of "happy" and "unhappy" married couples seems to come from a 15 year old. Not emptying the trash can and the toilet seat problem seem like cheap cliches from a golden book of rom-com cliches. And the couple, that loves each other through hate shoud represent what? Hopelessness for all marriages? Real life? Hope for all disfunctional couples? Why do I even bother to know?! This movie is poorly written with ridiculous scenes (in a bad way), no message, nothing worth remembering about it (except as a bad examble) and I recommend it to people who hate rom-coms to have one more reason to hate them even more.
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