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Choke (2020)
Lead Lady Looks 11
3 October 2020
This film is written between chokes. It sucks. Bad.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Patient audiences will be rewarded.
1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
John Krasinski is our director and a great one indeed. This is a film of 90 minutes that I literally wanted to be a lot longer. Trust me, my patience for long movies is characteristically low. In this case however, it was done so well, I wanted to know what the characters did after the first credits appeared. Perhaps other people felt this same desire considering the sequel comes out this year, "A Quiet Place Part II." That doesn't mean I ached for a sequel by the way, far be that from me, they are rarely done well in my opinion.

The central premise of being hunted by sound is powerful and it works so well. After that, the foreshadowing and character development worked together to make this film amazing. I must give a tip of the hat to Krasinkski, who also plays the dad/husband of this family and fulfills the role of writer/director. I am utterly impressed with his herculean work here.

A lot of times these days in films, directors use the rule of "less is more" when it comes to their cgi monsters. They only show parts of the monster and then the audience uses their far more powerful imagination.

We are given the "full creature" here in many scenes and this really makes the film work. We have an idea what it can do and maybe how it can be destroyed. Needless to say I am very impressed also the cgi of this film. This is mostly because it serves the story well rather than try to be over-the-top. I've always believed CGI can help a film's effectiveness but not without traditional elements of great acting and a stellar script. "A Quiet Place" has it all.

As alluded to before, I kept thinking in this film I was in the film "Signs." It was like the same barbecue with different meat. Signs is more of a metaphysical/religious film whereas this one is just suspense all the way. The ending of both are birds of a feather and both films have amazing writing that makes the film worthy.

The acting is equally astounding. Metacritic has given this film an 85 and I must say I disagree. This film should be closer to 100. Millicent Simmonds (Wonderstruck) steals the show. All cast members deserve awards but her work as the deaf loving daughter broke my heart and I am sure everyone else's in the theater as well. She was amazing and I await great things from her in the future. You may not know she is deaf in the film as well as in real life. This probably adds an indefinable realism to her scenes. All actors in this film are outstanding.

Emily Blunt pays the mother with so much to lose if the creatures hear her. You feel her tedium. Noah Jupe ("For vs. Ferrari) is the brave young brother who knows what to do in the case of a creature attack. To close, this film is categorized/labeled horror but it's a lot about family and sacrifice. It's also scary as hell. It's suspenseful above all and though it starts a bit slow, patient audiences will be rewarded. In case you couldn't tell, I recommend this film and give it the highest praise: 10/10. I am reticent to say much about the sequel. We shall see!
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Killing "by the Book"
19 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have a very well made, visually styled, John Wick sequel. It may be the best written and the best choreographed of all three. Did anyone know John Wick I would spawn these amazing sequels? It wasn't on my radar. Still, it has happened and this franchise is now a franchise to be reckoned with.

The film is rated R, it is 2h 10min long, an Action, Crime, Thriller, and was released May 17th 2019 (USA) As I write this review, it is reported to have knocked "Endgame" off the top of the box office charts.

The basic story is: Super-assassin John Wick is on the run after killing a member of the international assassin's guild, and with a $14 million price tag on his head - he is the target of hit men and women everywhere.

The director is: Chad Stahelski and the Writers: Derek Kolstad (screenplay by), Shay Hatten (screenplay by) It stars: Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, Ian McShane


My favorite scene is where a hitan tries to collect the 14m bounty on John's head when he is in the New York Library. The guy is a scary giant sized killer, he appears to tower over Wick. Anyway, I really liked the way they used the theme of a "book as weapon" to enable John wick to win the fight. LIke "the Matrix" has so many of, this is a scene choreographed more as a dance than of killing & violence. Some will disagree,

I am opposed to gun violence like this but I give it an 8/10 for what it is and to show how well this film is made. I don't recommend it for viewers under 18. But for adults, I recommend it, it was a blast. What were your thoughts? Do leave me a comment.
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Shakespeare-Like Drama/Adventure w Little Horror
15 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Vincent Price is good at spooky. In this, I learned he is good at evil too! Picking out a husband and a father from a crowd and forcing them to fight to the death in front of the daughter/wife ... that's one example.

I found this movie highly engaging and certainly it kept my attention. Unfortunately though it had the look of a Shakespearean play and not a horror movie. I would recommend this as an adventure/drama but as a horror it doesn't stand up. That is, in today's arena.

The story is great and as I said, Price takes no prisoners with his acting. If you're looking for an old school Machiavellian play with extremely good acting and characters, this might be for you. Otherwise, I'd pass.
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Cleverly Crafted Thriller, You Can't Turn it Off
3 May 2019
Here we have a lesbian couple getting away into the woods to celebrate their one year anniversary. They have access to a large cabin home that has been in Sarah's family. In fact, it appears she grew up at least part of her youth in the house and woods. When a seeming stranger shows up knocking at the door, we find out Sarah has an old childhood friend still living across the woods. There is some discomfort as Sarah's new wife starts to get suspicious. Is it warranted? That's what the film sets out to discover. This is Mystery/Horror done well!

I love movies like this where things are not quite as they seem. This film peels back the veneer exposing reality. It's a thriller and probably a horror though I think it excels far more as a thriller.

The director is Colin Minihan who is known for the popular series "Grave Encounters." He also directed: "It Stains the Sands Red" and "Extraterrestrial." I intend to watch all three of these soon. When people say Horror is dead, they need to look at directors like Minihan. I think he shows it's alive and kicking.

There are many twists in this film. the ones toward the end are the most fun in my opinion, though some may disagree. I like how it presents as a lesbian lover film and then completely changes the theme. Some may be surprised at the direction this same sex married couple goes. After all, we should consider they have only been married a year when the conflicts begin to rain down in this plot.
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Angel Heart (1987)
DeNiro as the One We Do Not Speak of ...
28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Robert DeNiro comes on screen very quickly. His fingernails are sharpened like demonic claws. There is another religious theme that shows itself right away, the "name it and claim it" prosperity gospel. This draws us in to this mysterious horror film. As of 4/26/2019 Angel Heart was streaming on Amazon Prime Video. The rest of this review contains spoilers.

Mickey Rourke's character is a private investigator. He's been retained by DeNiro's character, "Mr. Cypher" to find Johnny Favorite. He has to determine whether he is alive or dead. Sounds easy enough? I think it's clear at the get go Cypher is not of this world. I originally suspected he was the devil. It was pretty neat to see Kathleen Wilholte as the records clerk. I recalled seeing her as Luke's sister on Gilmore Girls.

Rourke's character "Harry Angel" interrogates a poor of addicted doctor in his own home. You can see right away Rourke is used to dealing in unorthodox methods. After getting some info on Johnny Liebling (Favorite) , he locks the old man in his room. He is a quite brutal interrogator. Upon returning, he sees the old man has committed suicide. He was an addict but it seems somehow implausible that he would do it. Angel tries to get out of the job and Cypher lures him in with $5000. He was previously making $120 a day. Although he is spooked and possibly a murder suspect, Angel reaffirms himself to the case.

He discovers Johnny Favorite is some kind of deceiver. He's had facial reconstructive surgery and paid off a doctor to claim he is still in the hospital when he is out and doing things. Just what he is doing we don't know at this point. Continuing the journey, Angel meets up with his informant girlfriend. She strips naked while talking to him and they make love. This is all despite his almost hallucinatory visions he starts having about wheels and fans and shady places. Rourke looks so cool in this film. It's a gumshoe film noir.

He proceeds down to Coney Island and has a conversation with a woman who once knew Johnny Favorite. He finds out there was some witchcraft associated with the guy. A lady from the carnival was introducing him to it. His character just gets more and more mysterious from that point.

Angel tracks down a fortune telling woman played by Charlotte Rampling and rings her doorbell. The New York buildings and antique interiors are beautiful. They serve to entrance you. There is a supernatural vibe throughout. All the familiar faces here are very young. After all, it is from 1987. She tells Angel Johnny is dead and seems offended. She kicks him out. He wants his palm read but she says, "I don't think you'd like what I see."

He goes into a Cajun Voodoo shop and asks about a woman named Evangeline Proudfoot. He rents a car to venture out to see her. She is dead but her daughter is played by Lisa Bonet, most will remember her as one of the daughters on the Cosby Show. She looks great soaking wet, t-shirt and all. Soon she's in a scene writing to a drumbeat naked pouring chicken blood on her chest. Times have changed I guess, especially if you think about how Cosby is in jail for feeding ruffees to women and raping them.

To make a long plot shorter, we end up finding out that Angel was being paid by the devil himself (DeNiro) to investigate and reveal his own misdeeds. The end of the film is a revelation to Angel that he is indeed Johnny and he's been living in someone else's memories. I don't really get the very end of the film. It's spooky and creepy but doesn't make a lot of sense. That babies yellow eyes? WTF. This is an incredible film from 1987. It gets 10/10 stars from me. Over and out.
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Binding female kidnap game goes traditional ways and uncharted
28 April 2019
A female abduction crime thriller that gets a lot right!

The "Disappearance of Alice Creed" is a British film starring Gemma Atherton. She plays the pretty young daughter of a millionaire and she is kidnapped and held for ransom. The crime part of it is very interesting.

Director is J Blakeson. He's known for the 5th wave which I found slow and boring. He also directed "The Descent Part 2" which I found refreshingly good in spite of being a sequel to a horror film I really like.

Gemma Atherton has done a lot through the years and continues to. You might recall her from "The Girl With All the Gifts" or "Hansel and Gretel" the horror film.

The two men who abduct her are played by Eddie Marsan & Martin Compston. They are at times abominable and at others buffoons. Either way, they mean business and will stop at nothing to extract the ransom for Atherton's character. I enjoyed the interplay between all three. There were times when she was alone with each one and the dialog makes it very interesting to see who is playing who.The cat and mouse game goes traditional wa ys but there may be a turn or two for fans of the genre to be surprised at. People may say I liked it for the female frontal nudity as well but I will always deny it!

If you like crime thrillers that show psychological battles, it may be for you. It's def for me: I surprisingly gave it 8/10.
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Not a Horror Fans' Movie
20 April 2019
Raymond Cruz, known as "Tuco" in Breaking Bad, is the only shaft of light in this listless excuse for a horror movie.

The theater was packed due to the fact that this is supposed to be the legend of La Llorona, the crying woman ghost who has drowned her sons after their father cheated. Perhaps Cruz reading the story by firelight would be more entertaining.

As it is, there are some jump scares that came as a surprise but none were classified as eerie or creepy scary. The evil looked like The Nun, and the Nun at least had context but still wasn't very scary. Hoe can James Wan, producer of Saw Insdious and Conjuring 2 keep financing these un-scary films?

IN conclusion,, this looks like a cash grab, feeding on the hispanic ticket buyer. The saddest thing about that is they never fleshed out the actual legend which is much scarier than the contrived story in this film. Horror fans should miss this one.
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The Prodigy (2019)
Better than Us and Hereditary - See it!
28 March 2019
I've had so many let downs lately with horror. I caught this film at the dollar theater where the movies go before DVD. Tonight, as I watched "The Prodigy" I was released from my horror funk! This film takes you into the nursery and gets really emotional and comfortable with you and at one point starts the meat grinder on you!

It is unsettling and painstakingly made. Creativity with the camera and music is just as good as the acting and plot. No one had paid me to say these things. I highly recommend this film.

I'm unimpressed with Jordan Peele and the director of "Hereditary." Pay attention to Nicholas McCarthy, the director of this original film. Don't watch it expecting much, that way you'll be surprised and delighted by this horror film. See if you agree iwith me, this horror has renewed my hope in what horror can be in 2019. See it!
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Us (II) (2019)
More a Sci-Fi than Horror, Original.
23 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Being a horror fan first and foremost I try to be thankful for any horror that is released. I don't always like them though. This was a film about a failed government experiment on cloning. That in and of itself is a cool idea for a movie. When one of the dopplegangers says "We are Americans" it opens up much potential for interpretation. What isn't as cool is that Peele leaves it up for interpretation 100%. Horror shouldn't be so hard to figure out. Furthermore, at the end Adelaide has a flashback and realizes she has been the doppleganger all along. This is really a reach in the writing. I wish Peele would have kept it more simple than that. Horror makes complicated turns difficult. Instead of bracing for a scare, you're trying to figure stuff out and for me tonight as I watched the film, that was definitely not cool. I didn't hate it, but I felt numb about it. So much cliche and so much of the same tropes he used in his first horror "Get Out."

I would like to see Peele do some drama etc based on race. That is the strained topic of both his movies. Why not just let horror be horror and make those statements in a drama or sci-fi social consciousness umbrella. There was little to no character development in either film because they posed as horrors which usually don't have that. If his next is horror, I think I am twice bitten thrice shy. I'll probably miss it.
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No ROM COM Universe I know of
10 March 2019
Not sure what this film is derived from. It goes into a romantic universe but the way there is uneven and unsure. I didn't know where the pretend began actually. None of this is reality, I know that's not what we go to the movies for. Still, a movie like When Harry Met Sally appeals to me more as a rom com because I recognize the struggles, the orgasms, the reality.

Not so in this one. This could have been a chance for Rebel to legitimize herself apart from Pitch Perfect but it just didn't happen. I love watching her on screen so I am still holding out hope she'll get a better movie next time.
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Possum (2018)
Too odd for criticism
3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I guess we have to consider this a horror but it really wasn't for me. A marionette spider is the villain and he never does anything. I was disappointed on first watch but the second time I saw something the director tried to do with depth. Honestly, that's not why I watch horror. It therefore failed with me but I'm giving it a good score in case there is something I missed.
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10 Years (2011)
How can you criticize this
3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Your basic buddies after high school film. It follows all the basic tropes we all love. My favorite character is played by Chris Pratt: the drunk in penny loafers who hogs the karaoke mic. Everybody out of high school knows these people, we never escape them. It was predictable but the writing wasn't too bad. It's a good com, not a rom com though.
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The Ward (2010)
Enjoyable but takes a while to get going
3 March 2019
I really liked this entry in Carpenter's legacy. He did a great job putting together the plot and ideas. The asylum imagery could be darker and there is a lot of needless dialog in the first half. Ultimately it becomes a fun asylum horror film for fans of the sub genre but not as scary as I would have hoped for. Still worth a watch.
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Island Zero (2018)
Camera angles and practical effects above zero
17 February 2019
Sometimes a low budget boosts the scares in a horror movie. The director is forced to work with what she/he has. In this case the acting and dialog is pretty awful. The humble use of blood and gore is accentuated as fake as a result. If the characters spent more time together embracing the material, it might have fared better. As it is, the lines seem forced and there isn't much to grab on to here.

Having said that, this is a horror film we have been given in 2018. Since it was a scant year for our genre, this one is worth watching. There are a few moments that thrill and chill so you won't be completely let down.
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The Hunt (2012)
Realistic about teachers and the danger of gossip
15 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Salem Witch trials show us how the mob mentality can mindlessly harm a victim. The Hunt shows us what the mob mentality does to a good man when accused of sexual abuse. Even after the very child admits it didn't happen, the stigma and prejudice remains. Are there some wrongs to reputation that can't be righted?

The mind of a child is a wonderful thing but who can know it or analyze it. Some of us told fibs when we were kids and sometimes they had consequences. Sometimes kids say things for attention that amplify elements of the truth to make a new lie. This is usually innocuous as part of the process of growing up. Sometimes however, the innocent lies of a child can kill.

In The Hunt, Lucas played by Mads Mikkelsen, is a kindergarten teacher. This is somewhat out of the ordinary, in this country anyway, because usually men aren't teaching this age. He appears to be likeable and the kids feel comfortable around him. One day, however, that changes. Klara, played by Annika Wedderkopp, kisses Lucas on the lips.

He scolds her and says that is only for mommy and daddy. For all intents and purposes, he does everything right but that can't stop the tsunami of trouble that comes his way. Klara shares that Lucas did lewd things to her, revealing his genitals. The movie consists of Lucas being accused and never being forgiven by the town. It's all presented in heartbreaking realism. At one point, Lucas cannot even buy food at the local grocery store because the manager has banned him. This is after Lucas has been exonerated by the police investigation.

hunt_3Lucas is having a lot of trouble in this film. Before the sexual accusations occur he is an a match with his ex-wife to get partial custody of his son who is an older teen. Lucas' son is the most reasonable person in the whole town. He screams at the people who are trying his dad in the streets without having all the facts. He even spts in the face of Klara in the presence of her parents. The bottom line is that he loves his dad and believes in him in spite of the virtual sentencing the town has forced upon him. hunt_1There is some forgiveness but throughout the film and in the last scene especially, on a hunt, we are led to believe that Lucas will never be safe as long as rumors remain. This film lost a star with me because it didn't develop the relationships at work and with friends enough. It seemed illogical they would respond this way.
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Does it live up to the hype?
11 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I almost feel like if I don't give this film 5 stars, bad movie karma will visit me. It is mentioned in so many reviews I read as well as in interviews with directors and actors. It was released with an "X" rating which is laughable by our standards today. I think you see one female breast in about three short, clothed sex scenes. It later received an R rating.

This film is old, it came out the same year I was born.

Oldies are often goodies though and "Midnight Cowboy," while gritty, is a drama treat with award winning actors that make the story come alive.

I love movies that show us the naked city. From the playbills stapled and frayed on side streets to the honking of taxicabs. People are trying to survive and we get to travel with the camera, taking it all in. Of course, we can pause at any time or come back to revisit another time. People in the real city can't. Maybe that's why we like watching what they will do, often out of desperation.

Just seeing John Voight and Dustin Hoffman in their prime is very entertaining.

These guys were showing us acting like university drama instructors here in their mid twenties. John Voight has always struck me as one dimensional and stupid. That actually works for his character here. Hoffman is a con man, a sick one at that. We get a slice of 1969 in this very well made and incredibly acted film. I recommend it but it's not "all that"

Brief Synopsis: Man moves to the big city and makes an unlikely friend.
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Wake Wood (2009)
Clever topic for a horror film
11 February 2019
"They come back different" has been a concept in horror movies ever since Romero gave us zombie films, and before. It's in "the Walking Dead" and so many other horror films. Even vampires are tortured in their eternal state. This film looks at grief and the desire to get back ones loved one from the grave.

The acting is solid and there is a creepiness throughout. Most turns were predictable but the air of the film was dark and ominous throughout. Since those are my favorite types of films, I liked it a lot. In addition to come predictability, the plot lagged at times. I'd still recommend it as one of those thinking persons' horrors. 8/10
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Many Have Been Made, is this the Best?
16 December 2018
This film is often listed as a "must-watch" classic. For many years I have been intrigued by it but only now have I take the time to watch. I can tell you it has great cinematic moments and indeed every film lover should see it. At the same time, it has some slow segments that a modern audience may find dull. The final 1/3 is very exciting though and certainly wort the wait.

Our director is John Frankenheimer. He is known for many classic and modern films before his passing in 2002. I recognized "Ronin" on is list which is one of my favorite action films. It took a skilled and visionary director to make "The Manchurian Candidate." There are two stories running side by side and yet the overall plot must be told with subtlety and care.

Since the story is about a brainwashed puppet being used by forces hostile to the USA, the subject matter is close to home for an American. Still, it's easy to see how this sort of thing could be happening behind our back without us knowing it. The acting is incredible along with the writing making this a definite must see for movie fans and/or fans of the actors. The fight scenes unfortunate make me laugh. This is ironic since Frank Sinatra considered it some of his best acting ever. It is in fact dated in its pace and some of the effects look fake. It was avoided by many audiences for some time after its release due to the political public response to the film. 7/10.
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Not Wreck it Ralph but is it Better?
16 December 2018
It's great when you see a sequel with your favorite character doing more of what you loved the first time. Due to mediocre writing and an attempt to be flash over story, this film quickly veers away from the first film. All is not lost though, the visuals are indeed amazing and enjoyable.

One reason this film might have appeared out there and disjointed was because there are two directors. I really don't see that much. It could be like having 2 kings or 2 cooks on one stove. Like they say, "too many cooks spoil the broth."

Vannelope and Ralph have a complicated friendship. In a way, it appears to go beyond friendship and at the same time, he has a unselfish affection for her that allows him to not be possessive and let go. It's probably out of place for me to compare their characters to romantic lovers because they act like young kids. Still, the promos with all the Disney princesses along with that scene in the film allude to a woman's success in life owing to a man. It's sort of #metoo and sort of not. I didn't like the foggy lines of their relationship. I wish it were more clearly defined. It made the story uncomfortable at times and I forgot I was supposed to be having childlike fun. But there is still lots to enjoy in this film.

The visuals in this film come at you non-stop. I had a feeling about the visuals like I did when I saw "Trolls" for the first time. It was all inventive technology with a human element. In other words, it wasn't just like a strobe in your face. There are so many amazing visuals but probably my absolute favorite was at the end when all the little Ralphs form on monstrous one. That most have taken tons of code and animation science to pull off.

To close, this sequel is highly visual and very exciting. The story and it's character dynamics are very flawed in my opinion. I really felt they though the visuals were enough and so they skimped on story. It is rather good though and I would recommend you take your kids to it. It is nowhere near the masterpiece of the original "Wreck it Ralph" and that was a let down. 6/10
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Citadel (I) (2012)
A great horror idea but is it scary enough?
15 December 2018
The Citadel tower stands ominously in the distance as the director tightens the screw against it. The hero begins to see it is the enemy. A renegade priest helps his see it and devises a plan in which they both can take down the Citadel by fire. It's a good plan but lest I forget, there are hooded juveniles that rely on it for shelter and they will protect it.

We've heard the catch phrase in horror so often: "Don't show fear it likes that." What this guy has gone through is more awful than anything we can imagine and yet he is able to right these hooded figures without fear. I had some issues with the characters and the portrayal of life around the Citadel. Where are the other people? This is a dark film with some mild scares. Overall, due to a flawed priest character and implausible writing it lost some points with me. 6/10.
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Battle Royale (2000)
Better than the Hunger Games but a Similar concept
15 December 2018
A bunch of prep school kids left to kill each other on a deserted Island. Hunger Games anyone? I have read that Quentin Tarantino wanted the lead from this show to star in "Kill Bill" because he loved this film so much. I wouldn't call it a "Gore Fest" as some have. After all, gore is when what's in the body is taken out and shown. This is a blood fest for sure though. The director is also very good at building suspense through music and sound effects.

Action killing is something we like in America. That's probably why this scores so high on the democratic user score at IMDB. I found it exciting and cathartic. There will be those who will be turned off by the violence but it's a deeper message they miss. The "teacher" seems to have no compassion in him. One might compare him to Stanley Tucci's character in "The Hunger Games." It's not as much about the government but more about the risk of losing ones compassion for others. I think the teacher character may have done that. This is a fun watch but a bloody mess so be forewarned. I quite enjoyed it, 8/10.
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Widows (2018)
Some Camera Innovation But Terrible, Too Long
18 November 2018
I understand that heist movies often contain a nuts and bolts planning section of the film. That's why I tolerated the first 1/2 of this slow, uneventful film. I expected it to pick up the pace immensely, it didn't. That isn't my main gripe with this film.

There are side stories everywhere in this movie. It seems that they are there as some sort of puzzle to be assembled later. In my opinion, they are discordant and do not serve the plot at all. This film tries to be like recent films where women are empowered against men who cheat and use them. It's also tapping into racial inequality even though it is not an all black cast.

I just waited and waited for the heist and when it appeared it was muddled and sloppy. There were some cool camera angles and tricks but that is way less than this film was touted as. I think podcasters have been floated gifts by the film studio. This is not a good film.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Disapointing Film
20 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Shape shows his face in the first 1/4? Jamie Lee Curtis has not recovered? The kills are rapid and quick? The teenage and cop jones SUCK. It jumps to Halloween night within 30 mins? Donsld Pleasance's replacement is a no namer with NO acting presence whatsoever. To quote Trump "Sad."
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The Rain (2018–2020)
Engaging Binge Watch
24 May 2018
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It's exciting watching how this virus will manifest. It starts with the rain but the story develops and shows us much more about it.

The characters are great as are the actors. Once you get beyond the dubs, it keeps you hanging on the edge of your seat like a "Walking Dead" or YA novel adaptation.

Some of the themes are recycled such as the people and groups they find and the way they sustain themselves ;) Overall though it feels fresh and is definitely a lot of fun.
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