
9 Reviews
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Me You Them (2000)
Rent it to see Brasil
4 January 2004
"Eu Tu Eles" tells the story of Regina Case. A headstrong peasant woman in dusty rural Brasil who needs the support of 3 men to fulfill the traditional role of a husband. Each of the men help her attain different areas of fulfillment - a economic provider, a soulmate, and a lustful sexual partner.

Its a simple story and you do feel that the movie drags on much more than necessary as it shows how people are mutually dependant. The soundtrack of the movie is excellent, and I think what makes it work is the background - the pallete of the story set in rural Brasil. Directory Andrucha Waddington and cinematographer Brendo Silveira used prominent reds, browns, and ochres, fading into deep shadows to give a dusky, lusty beauty to the landscape. Its a very raw beauty - the clouds, the trees are prominent, and stagnant which go on to enhance the location of the story and the lives of its main protagonists.
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Movie for the well-versed
2 January 2004
Indian movie seems to continue to come of age. Mr. & Mrs. Iyer is a refreshing departure from the plethora of Indian movies based on the identity crisis facing the Indian diaspora (please God, no more movies on ABCDs).

The background of the movie sees India at conflict with itself; this Hindu-Muslim divide providing a tense background to in effect a beautiful "love" story between two strangers. This is the movie's strenght - the politics remain in the backseat while the focus is solely on the interaction of the lead characters. Modern India of the conservative Hindu and the liberal Muslim is played out in subtle nuance filled scenes (ex, drinking from the water bottle) etc. Over the course of the movie, the characters learn to trust from each other and understand that they do need each other. The evolution of their relationship makes this movie a must-see. Aparna Sen's gentleness is very evident throughout the movie.

As an Indian, this movie can be hard to watch. I agree with some of the other posters, it celebrates violence and plays into a western cliche of religious relations in India. It fails to address the tremendous harmony thats present in a country of 1 billion people. Yet, its also a call for Indians to understand that the euphoria in a country can mask concerns of religious intolerance which Indians must face together. Perhaps a wakeup call that our democracy wich has worked so well is in danger due to vested political interests.
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Could have been SO much better
29 June 2003
"L'Auberge Espagnole" (LAE) tells the story of modern Europe - an Europe that struggles with unification issues while trying to maintain the identities of each of its individual members. Set against this background, LAE is a coming-of-age story of Xavier - a graduate student from Paris who moves to Barcelona to learn Spanish - apparently a sure fire way of landing a job @ the MoF in Paris.

Leaving behind his girlfriend (Audrey Tautou), he finds himself sharing a Barcelona apartment with a group of fellow 20-somethings from across Europe. The city, with its striking architecture, nearby beaches, and buzzing nightlife, offers Xavier a wealth of opportunities, and he comes to enjoy the camaraderie of communal living. But will his friendship with a shy married woman (a very SULTRY Judith Godràche) lead to romantic fulfilment?

Klapisch's screenplay, though, has its share of comic stereotyping: it's the laddish British visitor (Kevin Bishop) who provides the "jokey" Hitler salute and walk, and it's the German guy who believes in a disciplined revision schedule. The Italian who is always late, disorganized and into techno (and wears cool shoes), and the Danish who like his country does not play a significant role.

However, the movie disappoints as Xavier's romantic entanglements feel underpowered - besides, I was left with the feeling that he learns too many of life's lessons without really having a strong grasp.

I left the theatre disappointed - while a fun film, everything seemed to be surface like - the exploration of the supporting characters, the lessons of life Xavier learns, and the ending - all seems a bit too shallow in face of the messages that were trying to be conveyed.
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Ekipazh (1980)
Disaster Movie ... ?
17 May 2003
I could have look beyond the "special effects" from the 1950's if this movie had a semi-decent plot line, but it did not. Someone in the USSR movie bureau decided to get together a bunch of actors and write a soap ... when the soap idea failed they decided to take the characters, give them uniform, and a earthquake to make a movie.

There are so many inaccuracies in the movie - besides the pathetic disaster sequences, I had a hard time figuring out the time line for the movie and was shocked to see the poor camera work ... I mean, can't they invest in a camera which did not reflect light (last scene.)

Just overall a poor movie. Usually movies with bad effects you can laugh off ... but you couldn't here because the movie just dragged on and on and on ...
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The Real India ..
12 May 2003
Set in present day Delhi, this comedy-drama focuses on the Punjabi Verma family, who are about to celebrate their daughter's marriage. With days to go, admist the chaotic final preparations, and arrival of the extended family, secrets of the various members of the familt threaten to derail the proceedings.

Like in Salaam Bombay and Missisipi Masala, Nair continues her directoral passion for tackling difficult issues. I consider this her best work because in Monsoon Wedding she is able to tackle these issues within the framework of an overall feel-good movie. Her characters tackle their problems openly and honestly resulting in a fresh believable social drama. The family serves as a micro vehicle for India - Like the country, the family is in a stage of transition -

Great work of art and a very well executed depiction of chaotic diverse modern India.
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Why you should see this movie ...
12 May 2003
Ok, so many loved this movie because of the steamy frank sex scenes and stuff like that ... but, YTMT is so much more than that - the subtlety of the socio-economic and political problems faced by modern Mexico is weaved delicately in the storyline - you see a country that is facing the destructive effects of globalization, a country where the indeginious Indian population continues to suffer, police brutality, and an overall class system which ensures that the rich maintain the status quo. Look out for these as you see the movie - its amazingly real without being preachy ... and the actors (esp. Gael Garcia Bernal) is fantastic.
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Amélie (2001)
Not a fan
12 May 2003
It is very possible that I don't have the intellect or the ability to appreciate cinematic masterpieces. However, free speech enables me to voice my less than enthuasitic endorsement of Jeunet's "Amelie".

Jenuet's "Amelie" is one of those feel-good movies that makes people dream into believing anything is possible. Its very "nice" and a commendable deed indeed; however, Jenuet fails to deliver ... I would have much appreciated subtelty in depicting the everyday Parisians ... not an aggressive, preachy, in your face romanticism that seems to lack genuine warmth.

I was not a huge fan of Jeunet's style - his love for hurried camerawork, frequent character zoomins and other visual imagery (the key in her pocket when she makes a duplicate) was distracting and served to just underline the lack of genuine warmth.

The saving grace of the movie is the obviously talented Audrey Tautou who plays the role of the outsider to the T. Her understanding of the role prevents the movie from becoming another fuzzy role of a girl we root for as she changes the world.

I am not a cynic - but I did get bored with the method employed by Jeunet. After a while, the movie just kept on dragging. Tautou does a good job; and, I did like the colours used in each frame which gave the movie more life than it really had.
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9 May 2003
Here is to hoping that DCH brings about a revolution in Bollywood filmmaking. I have long been tired of the song-and-dance routines with poor plot development, and even less character evolutions ... but here comes a movie that has an aura of freshness in mainstream Indian movies not seen before. The movie is technically excellent, has great visual imagery, and a well developed plot that is grounded on realities of everyday India. A must see film.
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An amazing movie ...
4 May 2003
... there is not much to say. Go see it if you haven't. I don't cry at movies ... this movie just blew me away. Also great to see the Brasilian countryside ... refreshing break from everything else we know of the country.
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