
4 Reviews
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The Jericho Mile (1979 TV Movie)
DVD Release?
28 April 2004
You know, all the copyright holder for this flick would need to do is put this on a DVD with some documentary/behind the scenes stuff, or a copy of the original story, and i'd shell out money.

Good movies get bought, period.

This is another reason why people pirate flicks, most of the films we see are filler and fluff and hype, and nothing more.

We need more movies like THIS available

Made for tv movies usually get a bad rap. The only bad rap I can give this movie is it's VHS only release.

Ben Affleck may have been "the bomb in Phantoms", but Straus was the bomb in THIS flick.
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Pretty good...............
18 April 2004
Pretty good, but not the end-all/be-all film by Tarantino. I'd rather have had this movie as ONE movie, not two, as the second half drops the ball, changes direction, becoming an action shadow of Volume 1.

Volume one contained "the action movie", and did so exceedingly well.

Volume two contained the "slower emotional side of the movie", which I thought it failed at frequently, and telegraphed the future plot complications too early, unlike the first volume's fight scenes, where you had no idea what they were going to do next.
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The Punisher (2004)
Man, reviewers are morons
17 April 2004
The AP reviewer who wrote about this movie must've been trying to appeal to the ultra-PC element/Church group goer, etc...

Obviously this is like watching a fantasy movie and trying to verify that it's 100% accurate :)

The movie is a fun, testosterone-laden fantasy, but includes enough to make the guy more or less a human being..

The point IS that this "law-abiding cop" has been pushed so FAR over the edge, he has lost faith in law-enforcement's ability to bring his family's killers to justice.... We're not just talking about the wife and kid from the comic version, we're talking both SIDES of his family, his and his wife's at a family reunion.
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Hulk (2003)
Um, relax people!
21 June 2003
FOr those who seem to have it in for the Hulk movie, based on your viewing the TV show and find the origins, etc, different, and the Hulk's size different, remember this:

The TV show caught flack when IT came out. It ALSO changed the Hulk's origins. The original Comic Hulk was far closer in size/apearance than Lou, in all his greatness, or any other bodybuilder could ever DREAM of achieving.

Where would the FUN be if we kept retelling the SAME origin story EVERY generation?

On the downside, the only thing I DIDN'T like it the final battle scene. Too hard to follow when one of the combatants doesn't have a physical body anymore. They caught that in the first BLADE movie, and reshot the fight with Frost, because fighting a CGI blob just isn't engaging.

As some ofus shouted, during the tank fight, "HULK! SMASH!" :)
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