
15 Reviews
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Amsterdam (2022)
Corporations rule the world
28 January 2023
An Interesting film - Amsterdam is an interesting take on Corporations attempts to overthrow the President and put a man in charge of America that they could control back in the 30's. Only they choose the wrong man - Major General Smedley Butler who revealed them and probably set them back 30 years before they could try to control America again (which they now do). One of the men he revealed was no other than Prescott Bush (who was a big big business man), yes a direct line grandparent of the Bush family presidents. They have been playing this game a long time to get control. Great cast, makes you wonder how much research film stars do and how much they know.
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Finch (2021)
Another Ranks show
8 November 2021
I dont buy the good actor thing, i dont buy the nice guy thing about Hanks and this whole film is how i feell he is in real life a grumpy old man who likes children.

Just too slow and does not go anywhere, avoid.
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If you have to make a film
2 November 2021
Follow the science, but yet again it might as well come from the news, or Gov Health Advisors who never cite their sources. Any sources cited are often from interested parties so never neutral.

And i am over the one directive to rule them all, Freedom of speech is more important than imprisoning people for speaking it.

Not credible on any front and 90% of diseases can easily be explained away with sanitation, clean water, refrigeration, clean drinking water and general world improvements.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Many many rave reviews
19 May 2021
Its about an odd quirky woman who loves talking to the camera every 10 seconds just when you were hoping for some continuity in the screenplay, she turns her head and says something that i only suppose is meant to be funny to the camera.

I kept thinking its just an introductory thing while we get to know the character, but no thats the show. Couldn't get through two episodes.
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Much much better than i expected
18 November 2020
After all the bad reviews here i thought why not lets give it a go and you know what i really enjoyed it.

It just seems people these days just want complain about anything they can and literally everything they complained about i thought was good.

Production values where top notch, and special effects i loved. I liked all the characters and they all bonded in the end after having run ins along the way.

I liked the dark undertones running through the film, all the actors did more than decent.

I didnt expect much of a story but it was there anyway. I literally cant find anything to complain about and while it may not be the 10 i gave it, it was definitley a solid 7.5.

Watch and make your own mind up
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Not sure what this is
8 February 2020
I was just totally confused by what they were trying to achieve, it starts by looking badly animated then you have a host of comedy actors playing the villians. The story just jumps around, tbh i didnt mind the first but this was awful, dragging everyone out of retirement for what reason i couldn't fathom. Sorry i have nothing good to say about this film, except dont watch.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Not sure why
16 June 2019
Why would you rush the last episode Why would you not explain anything properly Why bother setting the scene for seven seasons Why steer so far away from the last 2 books Why not put the time and effort to complete it properly as all the millions of fans waited with baited breath to see what happens, then its just cut scene to death. GG
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Warcraft (2016)
Epic, Epic, Epic
28 September 2016
What can i say! I don't write a lot of reviews, usually only when i feel a movie is getting a bum deal or its getting over rated.

Now i have read a lot of reviews from a lot of people on IMDb about this film (Warcraft) and it seems no one is giving it a bad review, no one except for professional critics who are obviously out of touch with the general population.

So what can i add to everyone who has already heaped so much praise on this outstanding movie, well to be honest i cant add much more. It is very close to a 10/10 movie with superb acting, amazing effects and i mean amazing, the story line is top notch and only veers away from the lore on a few occasions, but i can actually see why they did it.

Go and see, i watched it twice and will be buying the Blu-Ray. Here's hoping to many many sequels.
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Must be the money men
28 February 2016
Hi and welcome to the big fix. My top ten things wrong with film. 1. The support acting was so over the top it nearly made me turn it off in the first 15 minutes. 2. The main cast script was so poor, they almost got lost. Not too sure why the main actors took these roles. 3. The never ending chase, man did this seem to go on forever in a world of fuel shortage. 4. Was there actually a story, alright the Mad Max genre never had much of a story but i looked and looked but couldn't find any existence. 5. The old peoples home bikers, oh come on... 6. The one thing that i thought might be OK was the action but it actually added to the nonsense rather than drag it out of its mediocrity. 7. OK one of the real things that i found bugged me, was the lack of inspiration in the costumes. it really appeared as if they had used the previous Mad max costumes. Also the hair styles was.. 8. The Cinematography set in Namibia, yes it was not even set in Australia. Well what can i say, one minute it is plodding along the next all the scenes are speed-ed up, why would you do that. It makes it look like a scene from Benny Hill. 9. There must be some serious money behind a film this bad to get so many good reviews, and then receive so many Oscar nominations. It just shows the whole film business is contaminated. 10. Wrap up, i really would grade this movie as a 1 to counter balance the 8.2, and sometimes i might do it on principle, but it does deserve a 2. I would highly recommend people to never ever see this movie, and to certainly not waste any money on it. If you have just watched the Oscars and seen it win all those Oscars this is all just Money talking and please do not be taken in by it. This really was one of the worst films of the year.
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The Veil (I) (2016)
A good production in a genre with very few
7 February 2016
Firstly, I agree with another reviewer, please try to not critically analyse a horror movie too much or there will never be a rating over 4.

Secondly, This is a very sound film, nervy, tense, suspenseful, with a good cast, script and production. It kept me relatively on the edge of my seat throughout the film. Yes it may have been a little predictable, but aren't most films these days. As it happens i really enjoyed this horror movie, Jessica Alba is obviously the stand out, but pretty much the whole cast puts in a decent effort.

The movie plays like it is based on a true story, i don't know whether or not this is the case, but the fact it plays like this adds to the scare factor. Usually the more fact based a horror is the more it can creep you out.

Anyway, its a good film, don't be put off by the naysayers and give it a shot. I gave it an inflated 8, as its in a genre where there is so few half decent films about.
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Chappie (2015)
i understand the hate
16 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really cannot understand the high rating of this film, it is poorly scripted and shot, with the most ridiculous concept ever devised.

Unless of course it was a long video clip for die Atwoord as they are the main characters and there whole album was the screen score. But that is not the problem with the film.

Basically it is the concept of a mentally aged seven year old robot, who talks, walks and sniffs like hes a gangster. And his parents (die antwoord) who try and teach him to help them in heists, and then there's his Indian creator who just wants him to paint and write poetry and so the film goes on until the robot and his creator, who ends up in a robot body run off into the horizon.

Seriously this film could not be more ridiculous concept, I kept waiting and waiting, but no it kept it up until the end.

Obviously this was meaningful to some viewers, but the only message that could be taken from this film is beware immature AI's.
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Atlantis (2013–2015)
Good light entertainment
27 December 2013
Firstly, Anyone who criticizes this series for bad dialogue, says it is a bad portrayal of Greek Mythology, or says the characters are bad and unrealistic. JUST ARE NOT GETTING IT.

This is really a fun parody of Greek Mythology, take Hercules (Mark Addy) who is an overweight womanising drunk who tells heroic stories of his deeds and they are all made up. Does this seriously sound like it should be taken seriously, I mean seriously (yes I used it three times) Mark Addy as Hercules.

Come on people enjoy the show for what it is and not what you expect it to be. To be honest I think the writers have really done a great job of making it such a light entertainment show, with touches of Mythology brought in for you to talk about.

I personally will be watching vividly and hoping the series runs for a few series. 9 out of 10 for taking me into a new world, and wonder what adventures Jason, Pythagoras and Hercules will get up to next.
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Sinbad (2012–2013)
A great bit of escapism
29 September 2013
Every now and again you find a gem.

I sat down with my wife to watch this show not really knowing what to expect and immediately thought this could be good. The character build up was excellent leaving you knowing there was a bigger plot in amongst the smaller ongoing adventures.

At first I thought the cast was a bit weak but once they developed you liked each and every one of them, along with the excellent plots the show takes you along on a riveting adventure.

The CGI on the show throughout is of a top notch production and one wonders how they afforded it, all I can say is if you manage to come across this gem, sit down and let yourself be taken into a distant magical land, and enjoy. Oh and don't look to hard for the flaws or you will just ruin it for yourself like it seems previous reviewers have.
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Not Robert E Howard
20 November 2011
Firstly i am a huge Conan fan, and i own most of Robert E Howards books, plus books by other authors. I always find that because people see a recognizable name like Conan they instantly start to judge and compare it to the book, or a previous film.

So let me start by getting a few things stated, this is not a portrayal of Conan in terms of reference to books. I do not know if the Director was attempting to play his Conan as Robert E Howards, but one day i would love Conans life to come to life on the big screen.

What it is, is a very enjoyable action film, fast paced with lots of action. I found it well shot, well acted for an action film with the usual storyline of vengeance.

I gave it a 9 mainly because i don't think it was being given a fair crack of the whip, all in all its just a good fun movie. Watch and enjoy it for what it is!
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
SGU is not SGA
16 February 2011
Firstly i never give a 10 out of 10 as i believe everything can be improved, so this gets a 9.5.

Secondly to those people who have never seen any stargate episodes of any kind, this series is superior in all aspects - ALL. The people who rubbish this are the die-hards of the Original series who cant adapt or change to take a program on its credits.

Thirdly you cant compare the SGA to SGU they are two totally different projects, SGU is a thought provoking journey through space with all the conundrums that the human psyche can encompass. The acting and the script is second to none, the graphics top notch in fact it beats SGA on everything except gimmicky, off-beat (unfunny) humour.

As anyone looks through the reviews of Stargate Universe SGU you come across a very familiar pattern, that all of its bad reviews come from disgruntled SG & SGA fans, who are just blatantly out to rubbish the show and give it the worst reviews possible. And that unfortunately is where the makers of SGU went wrong, they tried to ride the success of the previous two shows. Thus its original viewing figures got depleted by the loss of the original SG fan base, instead of creating its own fan base from afresh.

I have to admit i nearly didn't watch the show due to it being branded with the Stargate label, and how i would have missed a deeply moving Sci-fi drama in space. And there lies its problem, it had great viewing figure to start, but quickly lost them due to it NOT being SG or SGA and it could never build its own fan base due to people who didn't like the show switching on to another SG.

I believe given time the show would have stood on its own through word of mouth, but now we will never be given the opportunity to find the origins of the stargates or was there life at the beginning of time.

I love this series, please don't axe and do a firefly and possibly destroy one of the greatest sci-fy series of all time. The reason this is only getting a 7.5 out of 10 (giving 1's) is the stuck in the mud original stargate lovers, otherwise it would be well above 9.

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