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Most amazing cartoon of Hulk to DATE!!
10 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am in awe and disbelief at HOW this cartoon got such negative reviews unless it is from DC Comics because they are a failing company. In any event, DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE HATERS!! This animation of hulk and iron man is by far the BEST cartoon out there!! Amazing fighting, amazing GRAPHICS (to all you haters, what of the graphics do you NOT LIKE??!? Explain!!) amazing story line, and great GREAT dialogue! Hulk is hilarious, and Iron Man is just that...Iron man with a cocky attitude and the great toys. Mix tech and muscle, you get this team up! Now one more thing before I get on to the movie: For those of you that COMPLAIN about how the Hulk speaks... this is the personality of the Hulk that is in the current Avengers Assemble animation, with more intelligence then pure HULK SMASH. This is the Hulk that should always be. He is intelligent, funny and a GREAT character! Now that I have blown of some steam and made my point to the haters that complain about an awesome movie, ON TO THE MOVIE ITSELF! The story line is about Zzak coming to life after Hydra attempts to build a weapon, then attempts to absorb all energy of the earth and so Hulk and Iron Man have to shut him down. This movie includes a TON of battle scenes, a ton of funny scenes, and a great storyline. The scene of the Wendigo's and the Abomination in this was simply awesome and would have loved to have seen more of them, hence the 9. I will say this... YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED! oh and yes, this has a Hulkbuster suit in there!!
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A really decent psychological haunting.
12 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this was sent to DVD directly, yes this is what is considered a "B" movie, HOWEVER, it was really good! Characters were actually decent, could be trained more, but the main cast, especially Alix Elizabeth Gitter (Jordan in the movie) played the part well. People complain about the acting, but you get past that pretty quick.

Kind of a scary theme for a movie.

Yes there was a cheesy part where the ghost cast a shadow when it was leading her to the bar, however that did not overshadow the movie.

The ending was pretty sweet, how justice was served.

I would seriously give this a try, you will not be disappointed.
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Hallows' Eve (2013)
Most AWFUL movie of the year.../
7 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, how in the world did this get "5.0" points? Must be from the lame actors. Secondly, this movie was really really bad.

I watched this because I believe Danielle Harris still has it in her to become a great horror actress and seeing this movie coming out, I wanted to watch it. I did not want to watch the trailer for the fact that it can ruin movies for me. In that instance, I have made a very bad error. This movie, was so awful, the acting was similar to 3rd graders, that I had a HARD time watching it past the first 15 minutes.

From the beginning, you can tell how this movie would go and I found myself skipping most scenes. Not only is it predictable, the acting is horrendous, the "killings" are an ABSOLUTE JOKE, I was laughing at most of them, as you can definitely see the dummies that were covered in blood in what was to be a "body".

The end scene of the movie, the lady dies a painful, almost laughable death. That part humored me because it was so lame.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for your sanity and for the precious time you have on this earth, do not watch this unless you are either high or very drunk. AVOID!!

For the Phantom Stranger: THIS MOVIE IS SO BAD! THERE IS NOTHING GOOD THAT CAN COME FROM THIS HORRID MOVIE. You are most likely the actor or the producer trying to brainwash most people out of their money. All I have to say is....LET them be the judge on HOW HORRID this laughable, brain dead movie really is. I watch ALL types of horror, and there are BAD ones, there are GOOD BAD ones, and there are GREAT BAD ones. This one is so HORRID, I felt my IQ drop... Folks, I will let you be the judge of it, and Phantom stranger? start making better movies.
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Great Show, grows on you over time...
1 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, I believed this show would be a flop, nothing big, not except, especially after you hear him say, in the first episode, "Something is going on in town. It is time to SMASH!" **face palm*** but after that little scene I was hooked.

This show is helping to educate the newer, and older fans to the gentler, smarter side of the Hulk. He is not all about "Hulk Smash" and "Hulk Mad" though they have indicated in the show that he still has the ability to "lose control".

Of course, this show is geared towards,kids, and newer audience as the Hulk has risen in popularity since the Avengers movie. It is written fairly well, fast paced and action packed. It shows a ton of villains from the Marvel Universe and on top of that it is funny at times. I believe this show has a lot of potential and myself being a HUGE Hulk fan, this is very good news to me.

Give it a try, and watch an episode or two. You will like it.
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Red Dawn (2012)
This movie is an outright HORRIBLE MOVIE
28 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It started off promising but only the first ten minutes of it. After that, it is another Twilight and meaningless battle after battle. No explanation as to how they got behind enemy lines and to make this movie even more horrid is the brother of Jed, the one who looks like his mother beat him with an ugly shoe... I mean he leaves for THREE days and then they "worry" about him and with his shiny brushed hair, he is stacking "ammo" so that it does not get wet... and he has fit. He is America's hope for our independence?!? Not while I am alive. Please PLEASE avoid this movie or download it to watch, do NOT waste money on this. They killed the CLASSIC one. BTW if one of my unit went off to save a dumb lady who had no chance of living and jeopardized the entire mission, I would have him locked away or shot.
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SUCH a BIG disappointment!!! NEVER again...
1 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The ONLY reason this has a high rating is because it is riding off the popularity of The Dark Knight with the Joker. That is IT!! First off let me say this: Batman was seen in costume maybe 18 to 20 minutes out of the 2 hour movie!! Secondly, the movie went against what DC portrays the Batman to be. He showed himself to be a defeatist, a person of weakness, and fear. The fight scenes with the lame Bane was almost hilarious!!! This movie was SO predictable I found it quite boring after 40 minutes into it and, get this, Batman not believing in guns, Bane was shot with a gun at the end. I mean, COME ON! The ONLY reason I gave it a 4 was due to the last 30 minute battle scene. Other than that it was a joke and wish I could have gotten a refund for this movie.
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The Howling: Reborn (2011 Video)
Decent start to the Howling series!
6 October 2011
This movie actually kept my attention for most of the entire movie and it is a fun watch. It is freaky at times, and yes, there are times when you say what..?? where was everybody and you will know it when you see it,a scene where it obviously looked fake. This is a B movie that is interesting to watch. And no, not one I would watch again but I did enjoy it.

It does not continue from the other movies, this is a brand new on going movie. Also, there is a part in the movie where you will think someone is something when they might not be. I would recommend all the Howling though some are bad.
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Twin Sister to Independence Day....
15 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you watched ID4 (and most have) then you already know what this movie is about. Even the part where they examine the alien is almost identical to will smith finding his alien. Character development was mushy, everyone was a hero, no one was a serious bad ass.

The drama in this movie caused me to fall asleep several times in the theater and was unnecessary to the true threat. This movie was very predictable and very unoriginal in the fact that five lone marines were able to do what an army was not able to do. Ending was the worst.

Staff sergeant was told to go get some breakfast after winning a fight against the aliens and he responds by grabbing more ammo and gear and telling his commanding officer that he already had breakfast and went on to battle more aliens....right after he had a two day, no sleep, no shower, no food battle...very unreal and horrible acting.

Battle scenes were great, though the camera moves a lot but I did enjoy the 40 minutes of action but hated the hour long drama that was so horrible. By all means, watch it once, to get in the effects but ask yourself this: why didn't they drop the atomic bomb like in ID4?
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