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Did what it was supposed to do
24 October 2011
I went to see The Three Musketeers on a date last night and besides my date being bored and falling asleep several times because this wasn't their particular genre of movie, I enjoyed the film. I have to warn everyone that the movie is a forcefully cliché, campy and predictable in some ways but overall it did what it was supposed to do and that's entertain it's audience. I was really impressed with the costume design and the action designs were definitely amazing. My favorite part of the whole film was the opening sequence.

I must admit that the movie didn't really need the Three Musketeers because the story was more about the main character D'Artanian (if thats how you spell his name). Milla Jovovich's performance was very bland. You can tell the part wasn't written for her, but she made up for it with her action scenes. It seems a lot of the cast was hired just to appeal to their fans to come see the movie.

Overall, I didn't expect anything from the film and you shouldn't either. Don't expect a complex plot, a deep emotional connection to the characters, mind boggling sub plots or anything complicated. Just expect to be entertained. You will laugh and you'll say to yourself "that was cool". Movies like this need to be made because it doesn't make the audience work hard to understand or follow along, it's only purpose is to entertain.
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Immortals (2011)
You wont regret it
19 October 2011
When i saw the previews for this film i was underwhelmed and brushed it under the rug, disturbed at them trying to top 300 after Clash of the Titans came out. I must admit i was pleasantly surprised. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this film from beginning to end. Tarsem knew exactly what he wanted and its evident in every shot. The cinematography was magnificent, the set design was superb and the costumes were just gorgeous. The fight scenes were definitely impressive and left me mumbling "yeah" and "that what im talking about" under my breath.

Henry Cavill did a great job as our hero. He had a strong presence that makes me anxious to see him as the new Superman. Mickey Rourke is always a good villain but i must say his performance topped any other he played as an antagonist. Luke evans brought a power to the screen as Zeus and besides being superhot, Kellan Lutz, dud a good job as Poseidon giving more depth than he does in the Twilight Saga. Freida Pinto and Isabel Lucas are both gorgeous and commanded the screen as our two leading ladies.

Charleg and Vlas Parlapanides did an excellent job writing the film. There were no cheesy lines or inane dialogue. Everything that happened in the film had a purpose. I was very impressed with the pacing if the film. Being only 98 minutes, it wasn't too short or too long to do what it needed to do.

My favorite moments was seeing the Gods take a more active role in the film. When they appear its not for show or exposition. Whenever you see a God you better believe there will be hell pay.

Overall, this movie is a wonderfully stylized, Greek fantasy that definitely will leave you in your seat saying "Oh My God". I definitely recommend seeing thus movie because it's probably one of the best films of the year. Tarsem has definitely made a fan out of me
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A good ending, but not a Great one!
17 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, let me start off by saying, if you have not seen the first seven movies, paying ten to fifteen dollars to see the conclusion would be a complete and utter waste of time. You will be lost, confused and annoyed at all the pieces of the puzzle you will not be able to match together.

I just want to say that I was pleased with the ending. It wasn't as epic as the book was but it did what it was suppose to do and that was conclude the series of Harry Potter. The best acting performance came from the character Voldemort. He deserves a plethora of awards for his performance. Also, Hermoine is going to have a bright career ahead of her.

I was not pleased at all the missing back stories that were in the book. David Yates is a jerk for leaving some of those important facts and scenes out. It seemed like he just said, here's the ending, the journey on how we got thee doesn't matter. A lot of the action scenes were quite short, especially the fight between Mrs. Weasley and Bellatrix Lestrange. I felt like a lot of character were making cameos versus actually acting.

Overall, it was a cool summer movie.
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The Best Xmen Adaption to date!
3 June 2011
Just like any other X-Men fan learning of a new movie was a bittersweet feeling. I was excited to see another story of my childhood pleasure come to life but was also inhibited of how Bryan Singer and Matthew Vaughn would translate the entire plot into an enjoyable two hour movie. For lack of a better word, I think the most appropriate word in my vocabulary is pure and utter awesomeness. I enjoyed the tact Bryan Singer implemented from the previous movies and how they tied into this one. I also enjoyed the surprising cameos.

It's no question that the makers of the previous of X-Men films were obvious Wolverine fanatics, so part of my disappointment with the first three films was that the plot glorified his character and back story. Wolverine was always the most important, had the most emotional depth and somehow saved the day. It was disappointing because every character's personal story is captivating in its own right. This time it was different. This time they got it right. the unveiling of each character's backstory was beautifully done and I found myself emotionally invested in the plot.

I found it brilliant that the plot connected itself to a true event, the Cuban Missile Crisis. I'm also a lover of villains and Kevin Bacon and January Jones did an amazing job. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are definitely Oscar potentials because they're acting sold me from beginning to end. In the previous movies, Professor X and Magneto were just men too old to change and you accepted them that way. But it was definitely an enjoyable tale to see their friendship grow, blossom and ultimately how they became enemies.

I think every movie goer should know by now, that after many adaptions from novels, comics, cartoons, etc. that the film version is never going to be 100% accurate. How can a film-maker be creative if all they're doing is recycling someone else's idea??? Where's the fun in that? So if you're going to the film hoping that will be exactly like the cartoon or the comic, you will be really disappointed. My advice is to go in the theater blind, if so, you will appreciate the evidence of obvious hard work, detail and genius all the more.

The score was great and suitable, the costumes paid homage to the original comic and looked great. The plot and script were nicely done. Kudos to the screenwriters who captures the essence of each character without pounding us with thousands of words. The story was about Professor X and Magneto but each character definitely made their mark on the screen when it was time; from Mystique, to Beast, Emma Frost, Azazel, Pixie, Havok, Banshee, Sebastian Shaw, Riptide, Darwin, etc.

As I stated before they finally got it right. Just think of X-Men 1, 2 & 3 and even the Wolverine: Origins movie as practice for the product that came out June 3rd. Enjoy!
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Priest (2011)
A Really Big Miss!
18 May 2011
I was actually excited to see this movie, unlike some people who were skeptical. I went to the best theater in Hollywood, longing for the best movie experience but was 100% disappointed in everything the movie to offer. Although there were some solid fight sequences (mainly with the led female character) the movie was very bland.

I was first disappointed to find out that the movie was only 88 minutes. This is a big budget movie so why pigeon hole to such a small time frame. I didn't care about any of the character simply because I didn't quite understand what they were fighting for. The script was horrible and I found myself cringing at part that were meant to influence some emotions out of me. I swear I felt like the editor was just told to cut all of the first takes together. I was only pleased with actor who was the head of the church. Don't know his name but he had the only solid performance.

I would not encourage anyone to see this movie. If The Last Airbender was dog poo, then Priest is plastic bag that the poo went in.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
An Enjoyable Movie. If you love good action then its a Must see!
31 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Before we start let me just say that I'm a sucker for action, fantasy, adventure flicks. It's a love of mine and I was most definitely pleased with all of the actions sequences presented in the movie. The first ten minutes of the movie were done well because the set up of the story was more visual and didn't waste time using dialogue to "lead" the audience. Before I say anything the cinematography and the score were done very well. My favorite scenes were the very first fight scene in the snow and the last fight scene set in the future with the robots.

The acting was watchable. I was skeptical on how the girl from High School Musical and the other girl from SAVED would do playing sexy, tough women but they pulled it off. Many people said that this movie was "every nerds fantasy" to see hot girls, in skimpy clothes, fighting bad guys. Fortunately, the costumes weren't all that skimpy and although all five actresses are very attractive, when the time comes for them to fight it is very believable.

Now like any movie, I do have my inhbitions. There were a lot of holes in the story and when you leave the theatre and ponder the movie, you do say to yourself "wait that didn't make sense". Why is that our main characters dancing is SO great that it distracts any man from from their surroundings? Why did these four girls let this random stranger who they only knew for a couple days talk them into risking their lives for her? If her dancing was great why didn't we get to see any of it? If this fantasy world was meant to be an escape from the torturous reality of this whorehouse, why did she enter it when she did it defeats the purpose of creating a fantasy world.

But of course I went in the theatre clear of all inhibitions and expectations. I freed my mind and allowed myself just to enjoy the movie. I didn't pay money to sit through the whole movie and whisper to my friend everything that doesn't work. I just allowed myself to enjoy what was put on the screen. I did feel like the director wanted to deliver a combination of emotion and action. Unfortunately, the emotional portion of it wasn't all tat convincing.

All in all, it was a fun movie. Just know that when you purchase it on DVD this summer, it'll be one of those films where you skip to all the actions scenes.
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Fun movie for the kids!
31 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of let me just say that this is a kid's movie and its only purpose is to entertain children. So if you're an adult trying to find a reason to pick it apart, you need a new hobby! I'm someone who enjoys seeing animated children's films because they're fun and refreshing. I don't worry about holes in the story, the score, the acting, the cinematography because at the end of the day if my nieces and nephews are entertained then the movie did it's job.

This is a fun flick and has a very interesting take on Romeo and Juliet. I especially loved the scene towards the end where the main character Gnomeo was chatting it up with a William Shakespeare statue. The beginning was funny as the random Gnome tried to explain the plot. I enjoyed it.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Best Scary Movies I've Seen In A While
31 March 2011
I went to an early screening of the movie last night and I'm not exaggerating when I say that I felt like a little child watching The Exorcist for the first time. James Wan did a very impressive for only an $800,000 budget for this movie. If you're going in the theatre expecting to see the typical, run of the mill, haunted house flick you will be sadly mistaken and surprisingly pleased at the same time.

The parts that I liked most about the film is the detailing. Everything in the movie means something no matter how small and I love that when the suspense builds up for the audience to be scared, you won't be disappointed to find its just the dog or the tree brushing against the will definitely be something to be scared of. The people sitting beside me kept laughing at me because whenever the suspense would build I would say to myself "uh uh....uh uh".

But enough of my rambling, the plot was definitely original and James Wan and Leigh Schanell definitely succeeded in bringing the audience something scary, suspenseful, funny, emotional, and frightening all at the same time. The score is amazing. The use of all sound design was great specially since they weren't any fake screams. LOL. The best acting performance, hands down, was Lin Shaye. She did an amazing job with her role. I can't say anymore without spoiling the movie. All I can say is, if you LOVE a good scary movie then you must see this movie.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
Tron was better than expected
23 December 2010
I was actually pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie. The plot was simple but it worked as a re-make and adaption from the cartoon. The cinematography was great and the overall look of the movie was definitely innovative. It was a story about a father and son who were separated and came back together, so the points that were supposed to be emotional definitely had the correct tone. I was pleased with the acting, pleased with the score, pleased with the action and more. As i stated earlier, i wasn't blown away by the plot. But i'm not a fan of movies adapted from cartoons. But nonetheless, there isn't you can do with a story that has already been written.

I was a little confused of the use of CGI in certain moments that I felt didn't need it, but i guess the film makers thought it necessary. I won't be brutal like I usually because the movie was not a bore. Definitely not a roller coaster ride of excellence all the way through, but if you're bored and going to the movies was your choice of activities I would definitely recommend Tron.
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Skyline (2010)
Skyline made me hate the sky!
23 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes I can tell from a trailer the entire plot of the movie and what will happen, but in some cases if I cant tell then it makes me wanna go see the move because it's always surprisingly good. Skyline had an obvious plot but my curiosity was peaked when looking at how the presence of the aliens effected the humans eyes.

Anyways, I saw and was not impressed in the least. The script was poorly constructed and the acting was horrible. It's obvious an A or even B-list actor didn't want to star in the horrendous film so they had to bring back some lowly actors who used to act in high school movies from back in the 90s. It reminded me of a bad mix of Independence Day, War of The Worlds, and District 9.

My only prayer is that I hope there isn't a sequel. The best part of the movie was when the main female character laid down and said "I hate L.A." other than thanks!
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