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Comedy of the year... so far
9 July 2013
There's one scene in This Is the End, where James Franco and Danny McBride arguing, when I snorted from laughing so hard.

Even though it's embarrassing, it's been a long time since I've literally laughed out loud at the movies. Actually, it's been a long time since there's been a laugh-out-loud comedy at all – the last one was probably The Hangover.

This Is the End is so utterly ridiculous and completely insane that it's borderline genius. Similar to the best bits of Anchorman, there are moments here when you're thinking "What the heck is going on?", but due to the likability of the actors involved and the fact that they're just having fun with it, makes it you laugh even more.

This film is like an inside joke with some of Hollywood's biggest actors, and while watching it you feel like you're in on it. It feels more like you're laughing with them instead of at them. It's the same kind of thing you would make with your own friends at home, and I guess that's the film's biggest appeal.

And just like Anchorman, it's also really hard to pick your favorite actor or favorite line, because there's just too many to choose from. Each brings their own spin on… themselves, with Franco, McBride, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson, Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel adopting fictional and overly-exaggerated persona.

Even cameo stars take the mickey out of themselves, and there is a boat-load of cameos. Nearly all members of the Apatow family are accounted for, with Jason Segel, Mindy Kaling, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz- Plasse, Aziz Ansari and Michael Cera (who is hilarious), but then there's some big names like Emma Watson, pop star Rihanna and Channing Tatum showing a knack for comedy.

The concept originally started as a short film, also written by Rogen and Evan Goldberg, called Jay and Seth versus the Apocalypse. Jay and Seth remain the main characters here, which is why they're basically "the straight guys" in amidst all the weird stuff that's going on.

James Franco is making me dislike him less and less these days, to the point he's actually one of the best things about this film. I think it's just all the other self-absorbed, artsy stuff that makes me want to punch him in his smug face. If he stuck to stoner comedies like this and Pineapple Express I would probably love him.

As for the rest of them, this just made me like 'em even more. Jonah Hill is almost cringe-worthy as an over-the-top phony, who at one point starts a prayer with "Dear God, it's me Jonah Hill… from Moneyball", Craig Robinson has some of the best one-liners, like "I'd be pretty bummed if I don't at least get a bight of the Milky Way", and even though Danny McBride is playing his usual selfish-jerk role, he has never been better.

And even though it sounds stupid, the only thing that will turn some people off is the whole "apocalypse" thing – with all the demons and what-not. You could tell from the start that it was going to get a bit crazy toward the end, but I think they rescued it with a bizarre ending that seems perfectly fitting.

It's early in the race, especially with Anchorman 2 and The World's End still to come, but so far this is front-runner for comedy of the year. Definitely worth watching.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Superman is Thor!
2 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was really skeptical about Man of Steel from the moment it was green lit. Let's face it, Bryan Singer's Superman Returns was horrible and I didn't really think another reboot was going to save Superman's image. (Seriously, Kryptonite is supposed to be Superman's only weakness – how the f$%k did he lift an entire island of it and hurl it into space without dying?!!)

But, credit where credit 's due, both Snyder and Henry Cavill did a great job of reinventing the character.

I've got to be honest, I really don't see the fascination with Superman. I just don't see the appeal of a superhero who has no weaknesses and is a really just a pretty-boy, goody-two-shoes. I want a superhero with some flaws and emotional hang-ups – which is probably why Batman is the only DC character to really translate on film.

But I liked that they brought Superman into the real world, and more importantly, the same world where Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy also resides. They made Superman a real person, with personal conflicts. I sympathized with the fact that as a child he struggled to deal with his powers and that the Kent's were the only reason he became a hero.

In addition to the story and characters, the film also ticked many other boxes. The casting was spot-on. I loved Rusty Crowe's Jor-El and especially Michael Shannon's General Zod. The only one who really lagged was Amy Adam's Lois Lane. Adam's is too much of a good-natured girl next door, and Lois Lane is basically supposed to be a confident and cut-throat reporter, who will stop at nothing for a good story.

The action scenes were also beautifully choreographed. I was expecting a mess of special effects (a la Michael Bay's Transformers) but you could actually keep track of movement and feel yourself ducking and weaving in excitement of it all.

All in all, I was thoroughly entertained while watching Man of Steel… it was just that after thinking about it, I realized how much of a mess it really was.

I guess the thing that annoyed me the most is that on a very basic level, the plot is almost identical to that of the first Thor movie. In the comic book world a lot of people say Thor was originally Marvel's answer to Superman, as a God who finds himself abandoned on Earth – but considering that Kenneth Branagh's Thor came out only two years ago, it seems strange that they would go with such a similar concept.

Seriously, break the two movies down (and include what happens in The Avengers) to their core and you get something like this:

1. It begins on an alien planet;

2. A protective father sends his son to Earth so he can embrace humanity and learn good values;

3. A curious, confident and beautiful woman attracts the hero's attention and they fall in love;

4. After "discovering" himself, the hero dons a new suit (complete with red cape);

5. Trouble arrives from the hero's home planet and causes chaos in a small town – but the hero defeats it;

6. The fight goes out into space;

7. Someone who shares a personal connection with the hero wants to take over Earth (The Avengers);

8. The hero is victorious and everything is set up for a sequel… plus, subtle hints are dropped about a greater universe.

See? Basically the same concept. It would have worked well, except DC are about 5 years too late.

Marvel started setting up their universe back in 2008 with the first Iron Man, so the race between the two for Hollywood domination is now like a one-sided chess game – DC still have their King and Queen on the board (Superman and Batman), but Marvel have been effective with each of their main players and are now at the stage where they can move forward with smaller pieces like Falcon, Quicksilver and even Guardians of the Galaxy.

I guess we'll see if DC can ever reclaim the throne, but with garbage like Green Lantern they are making it hard for themselves. Man of Steel was OK, but in the scheme of things it won't make a dent in Marvel's current reign.
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True Grit (2010)
True Grit - Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"This Coen remake of the west, Is good but not up with their best, The Dude with a patch, Damon's sweet 'tache, And a girl who nearly out-acts the rest."

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The Castle (1997)
The Castle - Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"While the characters may seem a bit sillier, The Kerrigan's are all too familiar, Bana's best role, "Dale dug a hole", An Aus-com that is bound to fulfill ya!"

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Two Hands (1999)
Two Hands - Reviews in Limerick
22 March 2011
"Shot before Ledger hit fame, It's far from commercially-tame, "Shotties are good" In the Aussie-style 'hood', Bogan-humour without being lame."

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Somewhere (2010)
Somewhere - Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"Depicting the true value of fame An actor who's sick of the game I get it's artistic, By being simplistic, But you walk out of it feeling the same."

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Black Swan (2010)
Black Swan - Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"This film is much more than perving, Portman's awards are more than deserving, It's super-intense, As she loses all sense, The score makes it all much more nerving."

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Toy Story 3 (2010)
Toy Story 3 - Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"Woody and gang are tossed from the chest, And as trouble ensues, friendship's put to the test, Buzz speaking Spanish, Ken's not so man-ish, As trilogies go, these are up with the best."

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Catfish (2010)
Catfish - Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"A crew film a friend online dating, Whose relationships keep escalating, But questions are raised, That will leave you amazed, Authentic? It's still worth debating."

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Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"A stellar performance from Norton, And the 6-pack that Brad Pitt is sportin', It's funny and twisted, As faces are fisted, An awesome way to pass boredom."

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The Kids Are Alright - Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"Two mothers who're constantly whinging, Create scenes that all border on cringing, The development's slow, But as characters grow, You feel for the family's unhinging."

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127 Hours (2010)
127 Hours Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"It's not always boring when you're stuck in a rut, Not when literally trapped and your arm's forced to cut, Franco's top shelf, Thanked by Ralston himself, Graphic scenes can be tough on the gut."

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Dinner For Schmucks Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
"Should have been far from a dud, With Roach and the likable Rudd, As most gags fall short, You'll cringe more than snort, At Carrell's giant stick in the mud."

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Crocodile Dundee Reviewed in Limerick
22 March 2011
There's none more Aussie than Mick, Going walkabout with a hot chick, Gets himself out of strife, With "that's not a knife", Too bad that the third ate a dick.

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Fair Game (I) (2010)
Fair Game - Limerick Review
13 January 2011
"The events in this movie are real, But plot-wise it fails to appeal, Penn and Watts are quite boring, And just Oscar-nom whoring, A doco would have delivered more feel.".

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Deathly Hollows - Limerick Review
13 January 2011
"Having not seen the previous two, There were times when I just had no clue, It was pretty dragged out, But then again there's no doubt, That I'll line up for the next when it's due.".

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Lebanon (2009)
Lebanon - Limerick Review
13 January 2011
"If Hurt Locker was your cup of tea, Lebanon should be a must-see, Intense action takes place, All within confined space, Claustrophobes may need room to breathe".

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RED (2010)
Red - Limerick Review
13 January 2011
"You'd think Willis would nearly be tired Of playing an ex-cop that's just been re-hired But with a really fun cast This film is a blast Perfect when hungover or tired".

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Robin Hood (2010)
Robin Hood - Limerick Review
13 January 2011
"Same actor, director. Same look and feel, It's Gladiator 2, without the appeal, The story's congested, But a sequel's suggested, And with the set-up it could be unreal.".

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Greenberg (2010)
Greenberg reviewed in limerick...
13 January 2011
"Stiller attempts to change tact, As he heads this all-indie act, Tries hard for unique, But dialogue's weak, Lack of plot will fail to attract.".

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Inception (2010)
Inception reviewed in limerick...
13 January 2011
"The plot is down-right confusing, Changing more than a kid candy-choosing, Nothing as it seems, Dreams within dreams, I wonder what drugs Nolan's using.".

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Scott Pilgrim - Limerick Review
13 January 2011
"Pilgrim's an absolute blast, With Wright and a likable cast, Spontaneous fights, Comic hero (no tights), The soundtrack even kicks arse.".

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The Town (2010)
The Town - Limerick Review
13 January 2011
"The cast's Boston accents are hard to resist, The suspense is gripping even without a big twist, While Affleck acts well, Directing's his skill, And Renner should now make the A-List".

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The Social Network Limerick Review
13 January 2011
"While Fincher is yet to upset, Network is still not his best, Timberlake's tolerated, But shouldn't be nominated, Eisenberg deserves the credit he gets".

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