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meh, Priests and Catholicism are scarier
3 January 2023
The premise? You've seen it before. The actors? Probably Needed the work? The script? Possibly funded by the Vatican (who knows or cares) however lacklustre to say the least. The special effects? Leave a lot to be desired in this day and age (Considering 'The Exorcist" still stands today as one of the most frightening films, thanks to Dick Smith's fantastic effects.) The problem with the churn factory of Hollywood and the fodder they produce these days, is that there is no originality or perspective of reality or the times. What do I mean? Well, the whole way through this film, all I could think of was, "How is it that these people still believe in god, when he allows Catholic priests to prey on children and they get away with it?". So I find my self sympathising with the demon and conjuring all sorts of interesting plot ideas throughout the film, where the entity is protecting the child from the evils of religion, and punishing the priests for their harmful ways.

The fact that reality has not provoked or infiltrated films like this is an insult to our intelligence and boring to the viewer to say the least. Next film to come along that has 'devil' or 'exorcism' in the title, I can assure you, the story and ideas, will all be the same.

Tune out. Don't bother. Ho Hum.
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Eternals (2021)
May be better suited to the DC universe.
4 November 2021
So let me start by saying I am a fan. Comics have played an integral part of my life growing up with the likes of Spiderman, The Avengers and Doctor Strange among too many more to list, and I remember back in the 80's and 90's, studio attempts at making poor films like Spiderman and Captain America. I also remember being so excited when I had the chance to watch them, but also disappointed they didn't live up to the imaginative creativity of the original comic books. How could they?

The lack of technology, cgi, special effects and budget constraints (back then, no one wanted to see superhero films). With that, we were satisfied with what we got, because we knew it was the best we could get for the time.

Fast forward a couple of decades and we now expect much more. We have been spoiled with amazing adaptations of comics we loved in our youth, and they are brought to life on screen with the same creativity and passion we loved them for. The Avengers saga, Spiderman films, Thor, Ant Man, Doctor Strange, Captain America and Captain Marvel, to name a few, all living up to expectations and sometimes exceeding them.

Then there is the Eternals. What feels like a cash grab riding on the coattails of Marvels success. A CGI extravaganza that pushes the 2 and half hour limit, but could have been shorter or longer (depending on who was making it). In the hands of Chloe Zhao, it feels like it was falling through her fingers. Don't get me wrong, technically the film looks good. But the film feels forced at times and hollow at others. The characters, although well defined are boring and waning in their own existence. The potential was there. I liked some of what I saw, but I left the cinema feeling annoyed, unloved, taken for a ride. I expected more. And I have a right to expect more because I have seen what Marvel films bring to the table, and I am familiar with the feeling and emotion I get from those other films, that take care and show love for the material.

If the Eternals come back for another film, I don't know if I'd care for it. It would require a whole new direction for me to be interested to go back for another foray.
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Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021–2022)
The Most Original and Entertaining Series to come outings decades!!
16 June 2021
Not sure what all the hate is about. This is by far one of the most original and intelligent series to come out in a long time. The mixture in sets depicting the sitcom and real life offer a valuable insight into how we view (or don't view) the unimportant characters of tv shows.

This is both entertaining and well acted. I personally can't wait for the next episode. I can only hope this series stays and evolves. I'd hate it if this was cancelled. It has potential and promise.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
So much Disappointment...kinda like New Mutants all over again
31 December 2020
So here is the thing. I am a huge Stephen King fan, have been since a child. When The Stand was made into a TV movie back in 1994, I was a little disappointed if not some what glad they made it. It was a good effort albeit cheesy and a little clunky, but it stayed relatively true to the book and was well acted and played out. Then Stephen Kings 'It' was made into one of the best adaptations (over 2 parts) I had seen and all I could think of was, "I can't wait for the remake of The Stand"." Well, I was wrong. I wished they waited, Hell I wish I was still waiting.

Why oh why have they made it this way???? What's wrong with telling the story the way it was written? Take a page out of Andy Muschietti's book on directing (I doubt he has written a book, but watch 'Mama' and 'It Chapter 1 and 2" and you'll get it).

The Stand has all the hallmarks of a great series.....buuuuut (and its a big but) it is let down by poor storytelling, lacklustre directing and bad editing to try and bring a semi meta style (for added cool?) to a story that never needed it.

Not to mention living through. global pandemic currently, you would think this would have hooks and tendrils to reel you in with, but it utilises nothing and plays it safe to the point of boredom.

Not sure why this project was entrusted to Josh Boone. Having only directed a handful of films (half of which were romance dramas) and single handedly destroying New Mutants (for me anyway), I would have thought the well for horror directors was pretty deep however, Vertigo entertainment obviously found the bottom of the barrel with this one. I hope CBS read these reviews. I can assure you I will not be tuning in to watch any further episodes (I couldn't stomach it out of anger).

I can tell you now, I am more than a little disappointed with this version of "The Stand". It makes the 1994 TV movie an Emmy contender. There is so much disappointment here you can smell it from your sofa. It feels like The New Mutants all over again.
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Tusk (I) (2014)
A long way from Clerks.....and not in a good way!
10 December 2014
When ever I see directed by Kevin Smith, my excitement and predisposed disappointment set in. I'm always hoping the film will be great (Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back,Red State), but usually they turn out to be garbage (MallRats, Clerks 2, Cop Out, Tusk).

Kevin Smith's venture into the horror realm could have been so much more, but you can feel the punches being pulled in every scene. The disappointment I felt after watching Tusk was angering enough to lead me to write a review about it. Now, I know that the premise for the story was first introduced to Kevin Smith on his pod-cast when a caller called in with the idea for the movie. What I don't understand is, how did anyone think this was a plausible or original idea. Having also seen the Human Centipede, I can't help make the comparisons every step of the way, and the problem is that firstly, I'm making comparisons to a Tom Six film, and secondly (and I can't believe I'm saying this) the Tom Six film is much much better.

Smith's film has all the hallmarks of a psychological thriller, but the huge let down is (and again, I can't believe I'm saying this) is Johnny Depps appalling attempt at a Quebec/French Canadian accent (Not to mention how camp the role was played). It detracts from the seriousness of the matter at hand and turns the whole film into a rather poor joke. What would have been more effective, would have been a less accentuated farce, and a more serious approach to the matter at hand. I felt myself cringing in embarrassment at every scene wishing it would end sooner rather than later.

Justin Long and Michael Parks give stellar performances, as always, but are under-utilized in what should have been a bizarre psychological thriller.

The big let down is the special effects and conceptual makeup. Unbelievable and over the top which detracts from any hope of instilling any fear or remorse for any character.

I feel that with whatever budget (let's face it, When he has less of a budget, he seems to be able to do more) was allocated to Tusk, could have been utilized so much better.

Hell, it would have been better to remake Clerks with Harley Quinn Smith and Lily-Rose Melody Depp. Or better yet, remake Human Centipede, no wait.....that's what Tusk is.
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The Mule (2014)
Australian Black/Comedy that should NOT be overlooked
22 November 2014
When people form opinions about Australian Cinema, they generally base that opinion on previous Australian films with successful backgrounds, i.e.; Animal Kingdom, Chopper etc. What Angus Sampson has created here is a fantastic, moody, brooding black comedy/drama that surpasses most of the tripe that comes out of the US and Australia, but also that stands alone as a film that really works on all levels. Ignore Sampson's past achievements in the form of 100 Bloody Acres and the Insidious franchise etc. This film is a winner, and it's completely different. It is a stand alone film that pulls all the right triggers at all the right times. Sampson, having written, produced, starred and co-directed shines here as a shy and humble first time drug mule. His reluctance to be a participant in the smuggling leads to his fumbling through airport gates leading him to a minor cavity search that lands him locked up in a hotel for 7 days, guarded by Federal Police, waiting for the contents to pass through. The premise has been done before, however Angus Sampson brings the character to life and watching him hold on to number 2's for days is both uncomfortable and hilarious. This film is by no means a comedy. But throughout the film, the banality of simple Australians can't be helped but laughed at as they stumble through the complications of their lives. This film is a great Aussie crime drama that will stand up to the test of time like Animal Kingdom and Two Hands.

Definitely worth the watch and Angus Sampson is also one to watch in the future.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
You can never have too much Andy Samberg.
24 February 2014
Wow. I can't praise this show enough. In a world were most comedy half hour programs are filled with canned laughter and boring recycled jokes, Brooklyn Nine Nine brings a fresh comedy to air. I watch this show with my family every week and we look forward to it, knowing we are in for a good laugh with the witty and charismatically childish Andy Samberg. Ever since Hot Rod I've been hoping Andy Samberg would do something regular and was disappointed to see Awesometown never got off the ground. But this is a great ensemble of comedy actors that is fresh and funny. I hope it stays around and we get another couple of seasons out of it. I know I'll keep watching.
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Sushi Girl (2012)
Reminiscant of old school Tarantino, only better.
22 December 2012
It's been a while since a film has held my attention span, when trying to imitate the likes of Tarantino or Rodriguez. Come to think of it, seldom has a film come along (Way of The Gun being the standout exception) with such cliché's and unoriginality, yet has pulled it off as a stand alone great film. Tony Todd produces the film and holds his own in a terrific performance as the head of a failed crime group looking for their lost diamonds, however the film is stolen by Mark Hamill's performance as a violent sociopath (and psychopath). A completely different role and a welcome one (shame it wasn't earlier in his career as I feel he may have been a bigger hitter with performances like this under his belt). The film is centered around a Sushi Girl who is the serving platter for an array of delicious sushi prepared for ex con Fish who has just been released from prison. As the story unfolds, the plot thickens (predictably) but holds the attention span as the performance from everyone is top notch. Beautiful cinematography and direction make this a perfect Saturday night warmer. Although there are no real surprises, the film carries you through the violent turbulence (a scene with a sock and a sake bottle made me wince a little)quite well and delivering what you would expect from a film like this. I left this feeling pleasantly full and glad I sat through what I expected to be another Tarantino ripoff. Instead I got a surprising and refreshing take on the genre (actually better than most Tarantino films). Worth the price of admission, the rental fee or the bandwidth on your download.
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Anuvahood (2011)
I guess it would be funny.....if it had subtitles
5 July 2011
Now I am from Australia and I understand the Queens English from both sides of the world. Problem is, these guys are speaking the queens English. It's some sort of bastardized slang (which I imagine is how they speak in that corner of England, which is cool, but, don't fink we can unerstan ya blood!) Now I can see the humorous side and I get the pun and poke at other films along the way, but I just couldn't understand a damn thing. Same thing happened to me when I watched 1 Day. Great idea, shame it had no it was in another language. When you watch a film, like Menace 2 Society or Fresh or 187 for that matter,the slang is portrayed but understandable (maybe American Filmmakers hand feed their audience more so than British filmmakers). Even in comedic send ups and spoofs like Don't be a menace..., the language is still understandable. Pity, I would of enjoyed this based on the actors.
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You better not have hoped for much!
29 June 2011
First let me start by saying that I knew when I went to see Transformers 3, that i was going to be in for a big budget blockbuster, so I wasn't hoping for too much in the way of depth or volume or character development. But hell, a little wouldn't have been too much to ask. I know I know, it's Michael Bay at his ocular raping best, but something is missing here. Something big.

I think Sucker Punch proved, you can't just through a tonne of money and special effects at a turd and hope it will polish itself. And this is no exception. Don't get me wrong, it's a major improvement on Revenge of the Fallen, but not quite up to the standard of the first. What has happened here (in MY opinion folks. Don't get upset. You're all entitled to one, and have one (opinions, not assholes)) is, we seem to have lost the need or want to tell a story.

The special effects here have spared no expense. The 3D is OK only surpassed by Avatar or Jackass 3D (no, seriously, if you'd seen Jackass 3D, you would know what I'm talking about). I guess you have to tune right out and not try to think about the film so much to rate it 10 out of 10, but when I'm paying hard earned dollars to see something special, I expect something special. This is not special. To be honest, my favorite thing about the whole film was the Green Lantern 3D trailer at the beginning. I guess I had hyped this film up for myself too much and it failed to live up to my own expectations (also my friends who sat next to me complaining about the stupidity of the weak ass story). But I imagine I'm not alone. I think a lot of people have high expectations of big budget blockbusters and want to see something mind numbingly great. But this just didn't do it for me. Why? Because it was just plain stupid. The story had holes you could drive Optimus Prime through (at one point he does). And come on, since when do Robots have free-kin HAIR???? Robots with lips is one thing, but hair? I draw the line people.

So see it (at your peril). But please don't expect to be blown away. Maybe expectations of an epileptic seizure (there is a lot going on at one time, flashing lights, explosions, space shuttle disasters and robots with hair) are more appropriate.

I can only hope Green Lantern lives up to the trailers expectations.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Seriously Zack, can i have a refund?
7 April 2011
Any remnant of a story must have been left on the cutting room floor. I waited in anticipation for a year for this and was excited to see the first few trailers. But then i read a review or 2 bagging the end product. "No" I said to myself, i'll make my own mind up. And that i did. Wish i didn't see it. What a waste of celluloid. Zack S must be one of the best young directors around, but you couldn't tell from this trashy offering. I thought, at least it should be better than Battle:LA. Right? Well actually it's probably on par. Both have poor scripts, both have poor acting, both have taken my money. When being robbed, i like to be hit across the back of the head and told "this is a stick up". Nowadays, they just show you a great trailer and slog you at the box office. Heartless Bastards. Now i know why it's called Sucker Punch. I'm the sucker, and i've just been punched. Shame on you Zack. It'll take a lot of making up (not just pointless effects) to get you back on top in my books.
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Are you Serious?????? WTF is wrong with this studio
4 April 2011
You'd think that with all the money they throw at this tripe they could afford a steady cam? But no. Hand held shaky cam. You know what? I don't need to feel like I'm in the action because the story is about aliens! That's right! A work of fiction. So why run around all shaky like we're in there with em??? It makes no sense. It also sh*#s the audience. I know it sh*#s me. I want my money back. I'm tired of going to the cinema because the trailer looked great and then finding out that my $30 ($21 entry and $9 worth of coke (And they wonder why people download movies?)) was just shoveled into the pocket of some greedy sh*# bag from a Hollywood studio who had a great idea to rip a bunch of hard working middle class fools (myself included) into thinking they could pull a film like this off. Seriously Studio Execs, listen up; If you're going to make a film that has anything to do with Aliens or Marines, watch Full Metal Jacket followed by Aliens. That ought to do it. 2 recipes that taste great every time. Not this sh*# they keep serving up. I had food poisoning from this. Again. And i was just getting over Skyline.
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13 Assassins (2010)
By far Miike's most outstanding film to date
4 April 2011
Having been furious at American cinema for releasing some garbage over the past few years, I have purely focused on international cinema and more so Asian cinema. You would be hard pressed finding better films than what South Korea has to offer. Unless you stumble across 13 Assassins. My god, what an experience. And that is exactly what it is, an experience. Exactly what cinema is meant to be. I will not spoil any part of this film other than saying, if you are sick and tired of the same old melodramatic, over hyped, under performed, over budgeted, egotistical, run of the mil ho hum doldrum from modern day cinema, then you must (and I mean must) see 13 Assassins. This film is a solid entry from Takashi Miike. His previous films were everything from outstanding to bizarre, but this film speaks volumes. It is a film reminiscent of 7 Samurai, brilliantly executed. Takashi Miike has certainly matured in his vision, bringing to the screen an instant classic. Tell your people, friends, family, scream it from the rooftops.....13 Assassins is brilliant! Now, how long will it take Hollywood to bastardize this film?
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