
449 Reviews
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I was actually looking forward to part 2
28 May 2024
I was actually looking forward to Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver after rebel moon child of light came out.

The movie was not perfect but it delivered in the entertainment department action great special effects and more.

Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver took a whole new direction not sure what happen I was looking forward to the all out war they were suppose to give us.

What did you get instead, well each and every main character got there story development and it lasted way to long, all the singing.

Part 2 felt like a huge waste of time they knew the direction they wanted to take but just wasted a good hour and a half of boredom.

The movie was all in all a great deception after part 1.
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Tarot (I) (2024)
Movie deserve a better rating than this
28 May 2024
The movie deserves a better rating then its getting.

To be fair the only actor I knew in this movie was Jacob Batalon because he was in the spider man movies and avenger movie. The other actors I knew nothing about.

I am not sure why people refer to this movie as a teenage horror movie because its clear that all the actors in this movie are in university and are not teenagers they are all in there early twenties.

The other misleading thing people say is that all the murders are off screen which is not true, the murders are not all gory but you do see them.

Should you pay to see this movie in theaters, no honest you should wait for a rental and watch it at home.

Its an ok way to pass the time, again not sure why people say bad CG because the monsters and effects were all top notch.

Yes its does have elements of final destination but is not as gory. I you like horror movies give this one a shot its not as bad as people make it to be.
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Atlas (2024)
Why was Jennifer Lopez casted in this movie? but in the end she is not that bad
24 May 2024
Why was Jennifer Lopez casted in this movie? But in the end she is not that bad.

I am not sure why people are giving the movie a bad rating and saying its bad, first off the special effects are quit good, I just finish watching Parasyte the grey and those were bad effects.

Lopez actually pulls it off, she is not like invincible or anything she uses her intelligence instead of her strength combine with Adam the mech they are a great team.

Atlas is far better than Rebel Moon at least part 2, and is a great mech sci fin movie in the end its entertaining even with the 2 hour length.

If you like sci fi and good FX give this movie a chance honest, I almost skip it due to all those bad reviews, its clearly not a 10 but it does not deserve a 1 and certainly not all the hate it getting.
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Robowar (1988)
Predator in a micro budget
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Predator in a micro budget, this is what the movie is actually.

You have the same story as the predator 1987 with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura.

But its made on a micro budget with b grade actors. I really like. Reb Brown, one of my favorite movies of him is Yor the hunter from the future and i got to see this movie in theatres when i was a kid.

Reb Brown and Catherine Hickland are the only actors i knew in this movie.

The movie starts off a bit different because its not an alien but a rogue cyborg that malfunction. But for the rest its step by step the same thing as predator 1987 all the soldiers are taken one by one, there are some very bad on liner, the group is called BAM (really that set the tone for the whole movie if you watch it you know what its stands for).

All in all its entertaining for what it is, but don't expect much.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Who writes theses stories?
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who writes theses stories ? I am lost for words, i am a jason statham fan, i pretty much like everything i did so far.

I saw mention of fast X and hobbs and shaw but those movies clearly were better than this one beekeeper movie.

The story is about a bunch of internet scammers who steal money via a fake anti virus software, this is kind of like commun world fraud that we read about in papers.

But for some odd reason its a big operation and that place gets burned down, but the son of the rich father who started the whole thing takes heavy loss in money so wants revenge against Stantam character.

Yes the action is good but the story is really ridiculous. They could have done so much better.
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Echo (2023–2024)
Could have been so much better
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Maya was an interesting character and i really like her in Hawkeye.

They went full circle with a series on her origins, it was kind of interesting but the series suffers from what a lot of series suffer today.

Too much talking, too much useless drama and really not enough action.

Because after all we tuned in to see action, from a women that studied martial arts and can actually use it.

The first episode is very good and we get straight into the story of Maya, the mythical origins, her Indian back round, spiritual, how she lost her leg, and also become train in martial arts like she was.

Sadly after the first episode the show goes downhill fast, with more talking and drama than action, i hate to say this but you will get bored fast.

Not sure if there will be a season 2 but sadly i won't be tuning in.

I guess Echo is another opportunity missed in the MCU universe.
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its an action movie
8 January 2024
Its an active movie, why are people getting all worked up once more.

Aaron Eckert can act, he is amazing in all is roles, despite his age he is fit and he can do some great fight scenes.

I will admit that the title of the movie might be off and could have been better because the bricklayer he kind of works for 5 minutes for construction at the start of the movie.

But after that get ready for a fun rollercoaster ride of none stop action.

Not sure why people are giving this movie a bad rating or low score, most action movies are just that action.

I honestly love it and its a great addition to the gender.

Its basically a fun time to pass two hours. Also Nina Dobrev is one beautiful women.
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Battle beyond the stars 1980
23 December 2023
They did not come out and say it but this movie does have the Battle beyond the stars 1980 feeling, i guess this was roger corman best science fiction movie ever.

No the story is not 100% the same in Rebel Moon the protagonist had some military training and was pretty good too, but in Battle beyond the stars the protagonist was a real farmer had no military training nor war experience and was a pacifiste.

But the rest of the story is the same an invading force against defenseless famers, will come by in a short amount of time to reclaim the land.

Now i am not sure why all the bad reviews because this movie was excellent from the effects to acting and honest i cannot wait to see part 2.
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why the low rating?
29 October 2023
Why the low rating? And why do people compare this movie to ong bac?

Yes we have seen this kind of movie be done many times before, but in no means does it deserve this low rating.

I been a fan of Rick Yung since I saw him in James Bond die another day and i have been a fan of Keith David since I saw him in John Carpenter The Thing 1982.

Of course its not a movie that is going to win an Oscar but its a great action movie and a great way to pass a few hours.

That action is pretty good, the story is what you expect from this kind of movie an assassin saving a child and training him to be an assassin.

Honestly i really like this movie and it deserves a higher rating.
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Jud Crandall is much younger in 1969
9 October 2023
Jud Crandall is much younger in 1969, compared to him being an old man in 1989, which kind of makes no sense from the start.

Jud Crandall would have been in is fourties in this movie in 1969, yet now he is just a young man who is not even 30.

If you fast forward to 1989 he look like a 65 year old retired man.

If you can get pass that the movie is really not that bad, at least not on the level of the bad rating its getting anyways.

I love the casting of actors, pam grier, david Duchovny, the main lead blonde is really hot and easy on the eyes.

The story is the same as in all pet cemetery movies, its an ok way to pass 2 hours but very forgettable.
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Not a bad movie but so far fetch
14 May 2023
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Not a bad movie but so far fetch ok its not 1981 the evil dead that was made on a micro budget, nor the evil dead 2 that was made after same story and everything except now with a bigger budget.

No sadly i did not like the remake at all 2013 it made no sense and the possession the way they found the audio etc was beyond bad.

But evil dead rise does stand out even if its farfetch, with an earthquake creating a hole in the parking lot revealing a secret door and they found the recordings. Ok sorry but this was exceptionally bad for premises. I know they wanted to do something different and move out of the forest environnement but the city simply does not work.

The lead actress is really good as the processed demon, the FX are great, there is tone of gore but let's face it it doesn't have the magic that the original had back in the days.

Wait for it on dvd or rent.
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What a fantastic movie i love rocket even more
5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a fantastic movie i love rocket even more, this movie is going to put you in all sorts of emotions, if you are an animal lover like me.

I laugh hey its the guardian of the galaxy you know how they are, but i also cried some moments are really sad.

But in the end the guardian prevail and its a beautiful en to an amazing trilogy.

Go see it at the theater, buy the blue ray , this movie is well worth it a million time.

The whole gang is there star lord, drax the destroyer, mantis, gomorrah, even a major character shift by nebula, and the story of rocket racoon.

I only wish they could do a fourth movie.
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6.5 rating
26 April 2023
6.5 rating i wonder why the low rating because this movie is fantastique, ok i get it some people from China might not like that the legends or gods are inaccurate by today standards.

But its still a pretty good and strong movie, great story, the character are amazing too, and the graphics are also vey well done.

I love the science fiction them as well played out with the story. I have no knowledge of the Chinese mythology story and i really love that movie.

Well science fiction, magic, the music is also amazing mix of jazz techno, cool settings and so much more.

Don't be fooled by this low rating the movie is worth it.
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waste of time and confusing
11 April 2023
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Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

This movie was a huge waste of time and very confusing. I actually thought i was getting into a werewolf movie and expecting a lot more to happen then what we got in this movie.

Yes the main lead actress is easy on the eye and she can also act, but that could not save the movie which is pure boredom and of course we had to have same sex in this movie too never knowing when its going to stop.

Also the beast at the end is a bull? And they never explain were her brother is. Weird movie.
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Mummies (2023)
why to bad reviews and low rating
28 March 2023
Why to bad reviews and low rating, i cannot believe the low rating and low score people are giving this movie.

I really liked it, it was pure fun, why should an animation movie have a lesson for kids i must ask cannot it be great fun to watch.

There are no mummies in the movie the title might sound confusing but its not really it's a parallel world between the dead of egypt and the real world we live in today.

The voice acting is good the animation stands out as a normal production and the story is normal.

Maybe with for this movie on dvd or to rent on a streaming service but please don't pass it buy because if a few bad ratings it well worth it and fun.
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i am a Pierce Brosnan fan but those choice of movies no
24 February 2023
I am a Pierce Brosnan fan but those choice of movies no.

I know that Pierce did some b movies before back in the late 80 and 90 but is recent choice of movies have not been good kind of a hit or miss.

For me he will always be the perfect James Bond. I was glad to see him in Black Adam but this movie False positive is awful.

Its slow going almost nothing happens, the special effects are really bad even for a low budget movie like this one.

Not sure why he is picking those roles now at the end of is career maybe just to have fun and make an easy paycheck?

For me i rather stay with the great movies he did in the past not the ones in the future.
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I love it lots of bad reviews
19 February 2023
I love it lots of bad reviews, to be honest its a lot better than ant-man and the wasp the second movie.

From the start of the movie you laugh, they are all funny, the effects are top notch but that is to be expected from a marvel MCU movie.

I did not know who Khan the conqueror was before watching this movie but he is pretty cool too as a bad guy.

Also the quantum world is really well done, how to understand the language and more great ideas.

Not sure what people want more from this movie its had everything, seeing Michelle Pfeiffer back on the big screen was great, also Micheal Douglas as Hank is also good.

Very good movie to see on the big screen for sure and a great addition to the MCU universe i am ready for Guardian of the galaxy 3 now.
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BraveStorm (2017)
not a bad movie just take it for what it is
25 January 2023
Not a bad movie just take it for what it is .

This movie reminds me a lot of THE GUYVER 1991 costumes armours etc.

No its not going to win any oscars but its certainly not as bad as some reviews make it to be giving it a 3 or lower score.

The special effects are quit good there is some gore if you love giant robots aliens invasion and time travel then you will be served.

Its not a perfect movie the story is quite simple, but most of the characters are lickable.

Also for a movie of this type its quit short, movie goes for an hour and twenty tree minutes so they kind of did what they could with this short run time.

If you can get yours hands on this movie its worth it for the entertainment value.
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Jung_E (2023)
This movie could have been so much more
20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have been so much more, this is very sad because i started to watch a lot of Asian movies and series from netflix, its always a hit and miss.

Of course the special effects in the movie are very well done but it stops there.

The movie starts with one amazing combat scene there is even a mech dog type tank, i was like wow i am in for a great movie.

Then you find out its all a simulation and they are trying to perfect the perfect soldier, who is the mother of the scientist kill 36 years ago in battle.

This is already too much drama, the action is really scars and after the first scene the movie steps into boredom.

This movie could have been so much better with a great story if the super soldier would have been sent in battle but no instead it was a bigger drama with some sci fi elements.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Huge fan of the video game WOW
16 January 2023
Huge fan of the video game WOW, now i will admit that when they said they where making a movie it was very scary.

The failed resident evil series (great FX but terrible story), and a few other video game adaptation where really bad.

There are a few differences from the original game but they are great addition to the series.

So far so good i cannot wait to see where the series goes from here.

Just sad it could not be the whole series in one shot.

From the start 1968 explaining how a fungus could contaminate the whole world was simply amazing and set you up for the start of the series.

The casting is also amazing lets see where it goes from here.
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Wow this movie is insane
13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this movie is insane, i am a huge fan of asian movies i feel the bring something new to the table most of the time.

Ringu back in 1998 was a huge revelation and a big welcome to the horror gender.

Project wolf hunting is a unic movie on its own, a bunch of prisoners are transported from the Philippines to South Korean in a boat, but needless to say there is a weird experiment going on in the boat trying to create a super soldier with old convicts.

Of course some how the prisoners escape and blood is spilled all over the place travelling in the plumbing and reaching a super soldier that awakens.

Avoid this movie is you do not like blood and gore because its filled with it a lot of it.

All in all this was a very different and good movie.
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very good movie
16 December 2022
Very good movie, so again i do not understand the hate for this movie.

It was well worth the wait, the special effects are phenomenal. The characters you get attached too not sure why some say no.

Its an amazing movie my only downfall would be the long length of the movie which is well over tree hours long.

I cannot wait to see where they go with this with avatar 3 and 4.

Trying not to spoil the movie and was great to see how they did bring back some of the dead baddies in the first movie.

The way of water did not give us much in the sense of a good trailer, after seeing it i almost skipped this movie but i am glad i did not....

Go see it worth every penny.
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an okay way to pass one hour and a half
5 December 2022
An okay way to pass one hour and a half.

This movie gets a lot of bad reviews, by i guess die hard fans of the doom video games.

Yes i guess the title says it all doom annihilation, but you need to take this movie for what it is and not to seriously.

Its a semi low budget science fiction action horror movie, to be honest the special effects are really good, they are not asylum type grade Z CG, ships, base etc are all really well made.

My only issue with this movie was the actors, they are not very good and not convincing at all, i did not feel anything for anyone of them and except for Mandylor.who is a b movie actor the rest of the cast is virtually unknown.

Its an okay way to pass the time if you like SCI FI and horror with good FX give it a go.
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Treadstone (2019)
Cancelled way to soon
17 November 2022
This show was cancelled way to soon, i enjoyed every episode from start to finish and was hoping for a second season, and they cancelled the show leaving us hanging.

I simply wanted more, i wanted my second season the idea of activating pre programmed agents was amazing, the action, stunts, casting and acting were great.

The backstory to it all was also amazing. Gives us a great insight to the bourne series sort of a prequel.

I just wish they could have finish it properly and gives us a worthy ending after covering so much ground in the first season to put it all together, it would be amazing if that show could get picked up once more and we would have a proper ending.
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Such high praise
17 November 2022
Such high praise, for a low budget movie, i guess they did okey with what they had.

I been a fan of street fighter 2 since 1991 used to play this game in the arcade like crazy when i was a teenager.

I guess if you want a great street fighter movie watch the animation by manga, this was by far the very best adaptation of the street fighter series.

Assassin's Fist was too low budget for me, slow moving Ken masters terrible wig, and the casting or Ryu and Ken i was just not able to get into this movie and have a hard time believing all the high praise it as.

For the record i gave this movie 2 chances and i just could not finish it.
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