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Breathtakingly Exquisite
12 May 2024
Some of my favorite scenes in the book were omitted from the 94 movie that included Claudia and Louis' escape to Europe. We finally get to see that depicted in the opening episode of season 2. Episode one of the second season starts off with Claudia and Louis venturing a war ravaged Europe in search of more of their own kind. When they do reach their goal, it's not quite as fulfilling as they may have thought it would be.

This episode was beautifully shot and the costumes were stunning. I could not take my eyes off of Jacob Anderson as Louis de Pointe du Lac. He is strikingly beautiful, and has a mix of charm, humor, and sadness that made him magnetic. His acting range is amazing. All of the main cast was incredible. The actress who replaced Bailey Bass as Claudia was terrific. I regret ever being disappointed that the role was recasted. Armand is also very compelling. He's a striking angelic-like presence on the surface, but one look in those stoic eyes conveys that something is afoot underneath. The show's decision to age Daniel up continues to pay off and "old Daniel" is something I never want to go without again. I am also glad they found a way to keep Sam Reid's character involved for season 2. Bloody, flamboyant, and gorgeous, Lestat is always a welcomed, if not necessary, presence. An amazing kickoff to the season!
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Poor Things (2023)
What did I just watch?
29 March 2024
The movie is unique, cinematic, and beautifully shot. The sets are grand and the colors are vivid. The acting is great which is to be expected with this particular cast. However, this movie is an odd ordeal and rather conflicting? I do not mean that in an endearing way. It is like watching a screwed up car wreck you can't look away from: unpleasant but oddly fascinating. I knew about twenty minutes in it was not my type of movie, yet I felt compelled to finish it. It is engaging yet...terrible? I love Emma Stone, but this movie is just not it. During the majority of the scenes, I just kept asking myself, why?

If you start it, you will want to finish it, but you will regret wasting your time.
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Road House (2024)
Not bad, but it's not good either...
23 March 2024
The movie isn't terrible, but it wasn't exactly a good movie either. However, for me, it's pretty comparable to how much I enjoyed the original Roadhouse despite the deviation from the originally story. The story is kind of silly and implausable. It does have some things going for it. Jake Gyllenhaal was a standout. He had some funny moments and good fight scenes. I also found the bar owner, Frankie, likable. Everyone else was pretty mediocre and forgettable in their roles. Well, with the exception of Connor McGreggor. He was memorable because his acting is so over the top, it's unintentionally laughable. But I have to admit that I actually kind of looked forward to his scenes because they were ridiculous. If you have Prime and it's free, it doesn't hurt to watch it but you're not missing anything if you choose to skip it either.
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Mean Girls (2024)
No. Just no
13 March 2024
This wasn't terrible, however, it was far from good. Why bother with a remake if they just planned to copy the original down to the dialogue? They could have exhibited some creativity with it and maybe made the original mean girls the parents and their daughters were now in high-school. Instead we get the same scenes and plots with a bunch of mediocre songs interspersed in the conversation, poor acting, and none of the fun from the original. The actresses that played Regina and Janis were the only ones that could truly sing, which was unfortunate because the lead couldn't and it was very noticeable. Make a knew version, or a sequel, heck even a prequel, but a total faithful remake did nit hold a candle to the original.
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Unbelievably bad, but it looks good
28 February 2024
JLo's movies and music have always been a little bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. I find the key is never to go in expecting too much and most of the time the strategy works. Her movies aren't anything I'll watch twice, but they are fine for the most part. I got about thirty minutes in to "This is Me Now" and had to turn it off. The music and the story were cringy. The music had catchy beats, but was so uninspiring and forgettable. The story was awful. I try not to be an ageist; JLo looks great for her age, but I don't get the need to act 25. Her love interests and friends all look late 20's, early 30's and it's just so eye roll inducing because it comes across as a middle-aged woman trying to hold on to the remnants left of her youth when she's bringing home random young men home to the point her 25 year-old friend group attempts to provide an intervention. I just couldn't take the story seriously. However, I will say the movie (?) looked good and the production value looked high. The scenes are beautiful and the colors are vivid. You can tell a lot of money went in to the project but other than that, skip if you haven't already attempted to watch.
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Outlander (2014– )
26 February 2024
With a rating of 8.4, I watched a season and a half of Outlander and I found it to be significantly overrated. It is a decent show that has a lot going for it. It has an interesting premise. The two leads have searing chemistry. The acting is stellar, though Clare can be annoying and condescending at times. Jamie and Randall are a treat to watch. Season one held my interest, but it was a little slow. Season two is extremely slow and I found myself internet surfing on my phone to get through the Paris arc. I made it approximately halfway through season 2 before I lost interest. It's not bad and maybe one day I'll finish it, but at the moment, I didn't find it binge worthy or worth watching before other shows on my watch list.
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26 February 2024
I really enjoyed how Netflix adapted One Piece so I thought this would be good in good hands. I hate to admit this, but I actually prefer the movie from 2010 and that's not saying much. It's not the worst thing I've seen, but the acting from the majority of the cast, including the leads, leaves much to be desired. The CGI and costumes also do not look as a movie over that is already done a decade old. I made it to episode 4 before deciding I was disappointed and turned it off. I didn't hate it, but it was serving as background noise as I played in my phone. It was less than engaging, which is unfortunate, because it could have had the opportunity to have some food fight sequences and manipulation of the elements. Netflix missed the mark with this one.
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Griselda (2024)
Sofia surprises
9 February 2024
Admittedly, I never took Sofia Vergara too seriously as an actress. I've always liked her as a person, but she just always struck me as someone who would appear in comedy roles that never really required too much depth. I feel bad for saying that, because after seeing interviews and reading quotes, she states she is often typecast due to her accent . Well, Griselda is probably still a stereotypical role because of her accent, however, I was pleasantly surprised by her performance. Her acting was solid and she gave a palpable portrayal of a female drug lord. The show was interesting and everyone's acting was very strong as well. Definitely one of the better shows Netflix has put out recently.
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I surprisingly loved it
7 January 2024
I'm a straight female who resides in an area with a very small LBGQ population. I do not have much exposure to gay culture, but I do believe in to each their own. I have always been a fan of Matt Bomer so I tuned in for him. I did not expect to become so invested and overwhelmed with their love story. The story was very compellingly and extremely well acted. I didn't particular like Hawk or Marcus as people, but they were brilliantly portrayed. Tim (Skippy) absolutely broke my heart. I have to say, I was initially a little shocked by the explicit sex scenes, but it wasn't anything worse than what I've seen between heterosexual couples on series like Sparticus, GOT, etc. This is definetly one of the most impactful series I've seen in awhile.
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31 December 2023
This movie was kind of cute, however, I don't think it warranted the price of a movie ticket. It reminded me of a Netflix romcom. The premise was interesting, unoriginal, but interesting, however, too many coincidences happen way too easily and the vast majority was improbable. It does have it's humorous moments, but for the most part, a lot of the humor also felt forced and fell a little flat.

Another area the film suffered was the lack of believable romance for a romcom. The two leads look great together, but they didn't have any real solid chemistry and I honestly didn't buy them as a couple. If you suspend belief, it was kind of fun, but stream it, don't pay for it.
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Wonka (2023)
Looks beautiful but the story is lacking
17 December 2023
I'll start with the positive points. This film is gorgeous. I preferred the look and atmosphere to the Alice and Wonderland-ish feel of the factory from the 2005 version. Next, Timothee makes a great young Wonka. The other actors are pretty good as well and I was really impressed with the girl that played Noodle. Her acting was great, especially because she is far younger than I thought she was. Now for the aspects I found lacking. There was far too much singing. I would have preferred they omitted all the singing or at least cut down some of the songs. Timothee is a pretty mediocre singer, which is okay, he made hp for it with his acting, but that was more of a reason not to have them break into song every 10 minutes. Most of the songs weren't really all that catchy and it would have been fine with maybe the one from the original movie. The biggest issue with this movie was the story. It was so basic and reminded me of the cheesy storylines from movies from my childhood like "Ritchie Rich". I think I would have rather preferred a remake as opposed to a prequel. This was an origin story of sorts, but there really wasn't anything unique about Wonka's backstory that made the viewer understand how he became who he was. Though I thought Noodle was great, I wouldn't have bothered with a hole new storyline that didn't appear to have much impact on the present day Wonka. If they wanted an origin story, I would have preferred they spent more time diving into how Wonka became an inventor or chocolateer. It would have been fascinating to see other's reaction to him growing up as an eccentric outcast. It would have been great to learn more about how he came across the oompa loompas. Instead, they created a whole new story with a weak villain plot that was basic and contained nothing original or even fun. The film also made horrible use of the oompa loompas which was disappointing because they are essential to the Chocolate Factory story. In conclusion, this was okay. I did prefer it to the 2005 version. I didn't hate it, but I also wouldn't watch it again. Again, Timothee is a great Wonka though!
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Boring and Underwhelming
12 July 2023
I have quite the obsession with Vampires. Interview with the Vampire (movie and series), The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, The Passage, are all some really good vamp stories. This movie was underwhelming and anticlimactic. I thought Tom and Tilda were great in their roles but the script just had nothing for them to do. You don't see them feed, you don't learn of their vampiric lore, and there is no real plot to this movie at all. The sister shows up for all of ten minutes, if even that, so why she is even in the summary is strange. How this movies constitutes as a horror or comedy was beyond me. Literally nothing happens.
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Not Bad
11 July 2023
The series starts off really good but it does get a little silly as it progresses, however, it's still engaging. I think it would have worked better had the audience not learned the killer's identify in the first episode. This show is similar to Only Murders in the Building and the latter is superior for that reason. A whodunnit as well as a podcast would have made the series more interesting. I do really really like Tom Bateman in his role. He really makes the show and should consider playing a killer in a capacity outside of comedy. Still worth a watch and I will be tuning in to season 2 if there is one.
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Fast X (2023)
This should be the last...
4 June 2023 this should be the last installment but the movie is obviously part one of 2 so none of the 100 storylines are tied up by the end. After that, I hope this is the "last ride". The endless explosions, the unrealistic defiance of physics, and bad acting from even the main cast had me checking my watch several times. It was overstuffed, with character after character, new and old from previous installments, however, many were not even vital or relevant to the plot. They even brought back characters that were killed off in previous movies with no reasonable explanation for how they survived (again). A franchise should do this on occasion, but when you continue to do it, it just gets silly and the audience thinks "why bother?" The plot was simple and redundant. A previous villian's family member comes back for revenge. Didn't they do this several times already? Oh wait, and a new friend of the "family" is secretly working for the bad guys. Hasn't that been done several times in this franchise too? Also without a reasonable explanation. I was a big fan of the franchise probably up until the 5th movie, where the movies just became downright unbelievable and laughable. We were very bored so we went to watch it, but if I were going as a fan, I would definitely skip this because you will be dissatisfied. There was one highlight to the film. Jason Momoa was a delight. He was probably the only bright spot in this mess of a movie. I could have watched him prancing around for two hours and been more entertained.
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Why is this rated so low?
30 May 2023
I mean is it going to win awards? No. It's not going to go down as an iconic movie like the original. It isn't exactly memorable. However, it is far better than the ratings would suggest. It is at least a 6 to 7 rating. It surpassed most streaming movies I've watched in the last year. The two leads have a good chemistry. Jack Harlow had some good one liners. It was a decent movie to pass the time. I actually have never seen the original. I know Woody and Wesley are far bigger celebrities, so maybe the comparison is what is hurting the ratings? I'm unsure but I know this doesn't deserve a 4 on IMBD.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Good! But a bit anticlimactic
29 May 2023
I think Halle made a wonderful Ariel. She has a beautiful voice! I think all of the main cast was casted really well. This was one of the better, if not best Disney remake. It stayed pretty true to the story. The only complaint I had with this, and it's the same issue I have with most of the Disney remakes, is that the villain sequences continue to be anticlimactic. This was not as bad as Aladdin where they omitted Jafar turning into a snake altogether, but the wedding sequence went very quickly and it would have been very visually stunning to see Vanessa's legs turn into tentacles and see her crawling across the floor. I'm glad they included the giant Ursela, but it was over way too soon in my opinion. Overall, not as good as its cartoon counterpart, but still a winner.
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Welcome to Chippendales (2022–2023)
27 May 2023
Interesting biopic. It was well acted and had a superb cast. Even though it held my interest, I think they could have done a lot more with the dance sequences and the murder sequence. These components should have been the apexes of the series, but were a little anticlimactic in delivery and were a bit glossed over despite being the more interesting elements of the story. I also thought the time jumping forward and back was confusing and I would have much preferred that they depicted the events in chronological sequence and used more detail. Overall, I am a true crime junky and this was worth a watch for the cast alone.
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Holding back tears and smiles
21 May 2023
I'm not sure why this is rated so low! It was a very sweet, and actually really sad, movie. The premise isn't unique, but it was still beautifully executed and well acted. The scenes could have been arranged differently to have more of an emotional impact. For example, the movie starts with the second relationship, and tells the former in flashbacks. In my opinion, they should have allowed the first relationship to grow on the viewer, then bam! He is abruptly taken from the actress and the viewer and we are left with emotional carnage. Despite that, I did appreciate the conundrum the movie presented. It would be so difficult to have to choose between an old love and new. I found myself "choosing a side" then the next scene the other suitor would give some grand dialogue and I would shift my preference. I did this repeatedly and I found my conservative self almost wishing for throuple! As the movie progresses, it becomes clear one suitor is more compatible with the lead, but it was still heartbreaking to watch. Overall, a good movie that tugs at the heartstrings.
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Beef (2023– )
Pretty Good
3 May 2023
This show was pretty good. I don't think it was worth an 8.5 on IMBD, but it was good and something different. Much better than I initially thought it was going to be. It is a bit of a strange show, some episodes were really comedic while others were very solemn in tone. I don't think they always found a strong balance to be a fully successful dramedy. At times, it feels like two different shows. Despite that, overall, it was unique and enjoyable and I am glad it is was more serious and intellectual than the trailer looked like it would be. The acting is really good. The main guy is also a really talented singer. Sorry, had to meet the 600 character for IMBD.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Really Good Series
23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This reminded me of an updated Will Smith's "I am Legend". Television in recent years has become so cinematic and this series is proof of that. It is overall a high quality series in all aspects: plot, graphics and special effects, acting, and cinematography. It was fun to see featured actors you have seen before in different episodes. The two leads are absolutely magic together. I've grown to really really like Pedro Pascal and he is just great in this series. There is not a weak link in terms of acting anywhere in this show. I didn't give this a perfect score because though all were strong episodes, some episodes were masterpieces (1, 5, 8) and a few kind of dragged in some areas (2, 4 and kind of an underwhelming season finale though the decision Joel has to make is such a fascinating ethical dilemma) but overall it is a very good series definitely worth watching. Episode 5 with the deaf child was some of the absolute best television I have seen. The deaf child actor was totally amazing and that episode was utterly heart breaking. I literally cried during that episode. Looking forward to season 2.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Well at least Chris is hot
23 April 2023
It wasn't a terrible movie, I just had a very hard time staying off my phone while watching it because it was so riddled with spy cliches I couldn't really get into it. It has some decent car chases, plane sequences, and fight sequences all which you have seen before and have been done before and done far better. The plot was extremely basic. I was actually a little surprised that Chris would revert back to a movie of this caliber because he has really expanded his movie repertoire in the last decade and has had some solid roles and good acting. I've enjoyed De Amas in the few films I've seen her in, but she did not work in this. Her accent is typically charming and works for the character, but she was really hard to understand in this movie and it impacted her ability to give one liners. Ana De Ames and Chris are equally gorgeous individuals, but they had zero chemistry. She was unbelievable as a spy which was surprising, considering she did a really good job in the small role she had in last Bond movie. It wasn't terrible, but nothing going out of your way to watch.
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Swarm (2023)
Weird, but kind of in a good way??
11 April 2023
This series is...odd, but kind of in an artistic, indie film kind of way. It has an interesting premise, underneath an obsessive fan is a psychopath increasingly loosing their sanity as the series progresses. In this show, you can see where obsessive fans end up killing or harming their celebrity targets. The main actress is really good. She starts off quirky and weird and appears initially harmless, however, after a traumatic event, she quickly turns dangerous as she becomes more out of touch with reality. The actress does a great job of transitioning between deteriorating mental states. That being said, it isn't a series I was blown away by. It is creative, but not groundbreaking. I didn't really like the ending. It is worth a watch on a rainy day, but isn't something too memorable.
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Poker Face (2023– )
I Really Like This!
29 March 2023
It reminds me of those quirky cop shows like Castle, Deception, and Bones where the cop is paired with the non cop side kick that uses unconventional methods to solve whodunnits. Except this show doesn't have a cop, but a perceptive ex-cocktail waitress with a niche for crime solving. I am loving Natasha Lyonne! I have only seen her in American Pie before, but she is extremely likable and surprisingly believable lead. She is charming, clever, hilarious, and a bit of a mess. She makes the show. For being on Peacock, the production quality is pretty high; the director, the music, and storyline all very strong. The show also has a series of celebrity cameos (r some pretty big names too) that have been fun to watch each episode. It also changes the location frequently to break up the monotony. Really good show!
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
Complex and intriguing
26 March 2023
I like to think I am an educated person. I have a master's degree in a medical-based profession and a bachelor's degree in another. However, for 5 out of the 6 episodes, I was starting to think I was not intellectual enough for this series. I also watch quite a bit of television and can often guess some plot twists in some pretty complex series. In this one, however, I had no clue what was going on for the vast majority of each episode. When the finale comes around, the story actually does make SOME sense, but still not entirely. It isn't necessarily a good series and by that I mean I didn't necessarily enjoy watching it. It's not really memorable. It isn't a series you want to rewatch again like Friends, but it is an intriguing series that I am glad I watched. It also gets some points for creativity. I'm burned out on lawyer/fireman/police/ and medical dramas because that is mostly all that's on tv these days. This is fresh, albeit a little hard to sit through at times. The acting is really good, surprisingly even the child actor. His flat affect sends chills up your spine. I still have some questions about some of the events because not all of them were thoroughly explained. I will try not to provide spoilers but I don't understand why the character can do what he does. I don't feel like the explanation for the child was well fleshed out, and there were some scenes that didn't make sense to me like the relevance of the little girl running in the street. As I said before, this series may have addressed these questions I had and maybe I just missed them. All in all, solid series.
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22 March 2023
I did expect this to be a romcom going in so my expectations were not too high. Most romcoms aren't intended to be groundbreaking cinema. They are "feel good" enduring movies that are typically pretty cliche, but when done correctly, it's one of my favorite genres. I'll give this movie slight credit for going in a slightly different direction than I thought it was going to go in and leaning away slightly from the romcom cliches. I expected a divorced married couple that was going to end up rekindling their relationship while attempting to stop their daughter's impending wedding. The movie didn't quite portray that and unfortunately, I wish it had. I would have preferred the cliche to the lack of story. The romance was underwhelming and there weren't a lot of comedic moments. There really wasn't much of a plot to make this movie memorable in the slightest. Julia and George's characters were actually a little unlikable to me. The movie wasy terrible, just forgettable.
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