
16 Reviews
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Ted: Loud Night (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
Ruined by current day politics
17 March 2024
This episode was terrible. I've enjoyed most of this show, but this was complete trash ruined by current day politics. This takes place in the 90's, but we get rhetoric and buzzwords that weren't prevalent in that decade. No matter how hard they try to mask it with references to Bill Clinton, it still comes off as current day and it completely takes me out of the universe this show sets up. They treat issues like gay rights and execute it in a way that's very 2024. Did anyone say fluid in the 90's? Doubt it.

The problem isn't even that this episode got political. The anti-conservative snark was a little annoying, but it's par for the course with Seth shows and I can let it slide if it's funny, but this episode wasn't. It was very preachy and portrayed in a way that's not realistic in this show's climate. If you wanted this show to tackle current day politics, maybe don't make this show take place in the past.

It feels like a strong case of not knowing your audience as every episode before this one plays off as a funny, care-free comedy that comes off as a more of a feel-good comfort show with some of that trademark politically incorrect humor that Seth MacFarlane is known for. Then 6 episodes in, we get this botched attempt at social commentary. Now there were a few off-hand remarks delving into politics before, but they were small jokes and they didn't really feel all that out of place to me. They were jokes and I laughed, but here it felt like a preachy lecture and feels like it went against the tone the show was setting up.

Started off funny, but the more it went on, it devolved into preachy garbage. I really hope this episode was just a fluke because this was pretty bad.
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Maniac (1980)
Gene Siskel missed the point of this movie
12 April 2015
Now I would like to start off this review by addressing the fact that Gene Siskel walked out on this movie during the infamous shotgun blast movie saying that there was no way the movie could redeem itself. He missed the point of this movie because he just wrote it off as a generic slasher movie when it really isn't and he walked out too early as the movie did redeem itself. This is a movie about a serial killer who's psychologically and emotionally scarred as he has voices in his head and whenever he kills someone he always regrets it later on. It was a really different idea for a movie at the time and I think they executed it very well. Joe Spinelli plays the role of the killer very well and Tom Savini's gore effects in this movie are great as always. It's not a perfect movie as it does drag on in certain moments, but it's still a horror classic in my book and as much as I love Siskel and Ebert I think that Gene Siskel missed the point of this movie due to walking out on it so early.
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A very weird mess.
19 January 2013
OK I'll admit it. I liked A Nightmare On Elm Street Part 4. It had it's flaws, but it was enjoyable and had some cool dream sequences. While this one isn't as bad as some people make it out to be, it still isn't good. This movie really wasn't scary. The only parts that managed to scare me was the kids singing Freddy's song (Although that always scares me.) and the shower scene was kind of scary. Most of the dream scenes were weird and not in a good way like the dinner scene and some of them were unintentionally funny like the driving scene. I'm usually not the guy to complain about pacing, but I thought it was really off in this movie and it made the movie feel longer than it actually was. I also thought that Freddy Kreuger was a laughing stock in this movie. His wisecracks worked much better in the previous movie. You might think my rating is kind from someone who is a fan of the series, but it never really crosses the line of bad. The special effects weren't bad and it at least tries to be creative although the most creative scene was the comic book one and I still laughed at that one. Also the unintentional humor made me keep my rating. I would actually recommend this to fans of the series because it is so weird that you just have to see for yourself.
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Tex (1982)
Just as good as the book
14 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw that Disney made this movie I was expecting it to be a toned down adaptation of S. E. Hinton's novel. Boy, I was wrong. This was one of Disney's more mature movies and had all the important stuff from the book. Even the drug deal that went wrong. The characters are just as likable as they were in the book which is good. It's too bad that this movie is forgotten. There was one review that called the movie version of That was Then... This is Now a gem and I would've agreed with that statement if it didn't have that crappy ending. This is the real gem out of all S. E. Hinton adaptations. If you ever find this movie somewhere, I recommend checking it out.
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I actually liked the movie until it ended.
6 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the movie I actually liked it. I was satisfied with how they used the important stuff from the book, but when I saw the ending it diminished my opinion on this movie. If you read the book then you would know how dark and depressing it was. That is why I liked the book so much because it doesn't cheapen the story by having a happy ending. The movie had the typical Hollywood happy ending. It would be easier for me to forgive the movie if it didn't have that cheesy, happy 80's music playing at the end. If you loved the book then do yourself a favor and don't see this movie. I would only recommend seeing this if you're a big Morgan Freeman fan because his performance is pretty good and is worth seeing for his performance alone if you're a fan. I really can't blame Emilio Estevez since the studio made him change the ending and I know he wouldn't have intended to write a happy ending.
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17 Again (2009)
Did I really watch the same movie?
20 December 2012
I really can't stand Zac Efron, but people were saying it was good, so I watched it. What a big mistake that was. The plot of the movie has already been done a hundred times and it wouldn't bother me so much if the movie was funny. It's not. The jokes are cliché, predictable, recycled and uninspired. Bottom line: I didn't laugh once. People said Zac Efron was good in this movie, but I thought he was terrible. He was so bad that he made me miss Matthew Perry's character and he wasn't that great either. Pretty much all the characters are unlikable in this movie and I don't know if it's just me, but I found this movie very sappy. If you don't like Zac Efron then don't watch this movie because there's a chance that you won't like it. Everyone else can have it.
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The beginning of Murphy's downfall.
17 December 2012
This wasn't as bad as some people make it out to be, but it still isn't very good. The first movie was the funniest out of all of them and the second one was OK and provided a few good laughs, but this is the weakest. My main problem is that it barely feels like a Beverly Hills Cop movie. It feels like it's a movie about Eddie Murphy hanging out at an amusement park. Some of the jokes are just mildly funny, but the one that stood out the most in my opinion was the counterfeit money with Axel Foley's face. So far this is the only John Landis movie I do not care for which is a shame since he is a good director. This isn't his worst movie, (So far it's The Haunted Mansion.) but it was the beginning of Eddie Murphy's downfall. He tried to redeem himself with Tower Heist, but some idiot made A Thousand Words and now he's back to square one again. I hope he starts acting in good movies again because I don't want him remembered by today's generation as the Daddy Daycare guy.
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Satisfying beginning to another Peter Jackson trilogy.
15 December 2012
There is already over 200 reviews, so I'm sure everything has been said by now, but I am still going to review it.

My experience before the show was a pain. The path to the theater was blocked so I had to walk and since the room the movie was in was being cleaned the staff made us wait outside in the cold. It was more than worth it. Like all the LOTR movies they're visually impressive and proves that Peter Jackson is the king of blockbusters. It also had some humorous dialogue and when the movie ends it leaves you wanting more. If you're a Elijah Wood fan or the majority of the cast members from the other movies, you're gonna be disappointed because some of them don't appear. The one who appears the most out of all of them is Gandalf. The movie is also a bit less darker than the LOTR trilogy, but I still wouldn't recommend taking young kids to it because it will frighten them. Somehow it doesn't reach the same level of greatness as the LOTR movies did, but it is a great start to the trilogy and hopefully the other two will be better.
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Decent adaptation to the classic book.
15 December 2012
The book is one of my favorite children's stories, so I had to see this sometime. I personally like the cartoon movie better, but this is good too. It stays faithful to the original story, has good voice actors and is Gary Winick's best movie, but it is not without it's flaws. The crows in the movie can be obnoxious to some people and the humor is a little silly, but despite it's flaws it's still good and just as emotional as the book. The one thing I really liked was Steve Buscemi as Templeton the Rat. He was the perfect voice for that role and is even good when making bad egg puns. This adaptation of Charlotte's Web stays true to the story and they made the right choice to not make it modern. This movie isn't a masterpiece, but it's better than most of the family movies out today.
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7.7 are you sh*tting me?
25 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I hated this movie. I am really confused with why people liked this movie. The movie actually started out OK for me, but it just got worse and worse. The parts of the movie that were supposed to be disturbing were just ridiculous and extremely over the top. It just seems like this movie just wanted to be dark just for the sake of being dark. After all it has child pornography, a dog getting killed and suicide in the same movie. People say Ashton Kutcher is good in this movie, but I thought he was just bad. I think that almost everything he's in sucks. I like Ethan Suplee, but it seems like they cast him when they need an aging fat guy. The only reason I didn't give this one star cause there was at least a couple aspects I liked about this. This was the most pretentious movie I've ever seen. I like to think of this as a poor man's Donnie Darko. That movie is everything that this movie isn't. You may disagree with my review if you want, but this is really how I feel about it.
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Nowhere near the worst movie of all time
13 October 2012
I think this is unfairly considered the worst movie of all time. It's not even close to being the worst movie. I've seen much worse movies than this like Semi-Pro, Bio-Dome, The Last Airbender, Bride Wars, Underdog, Ricky 1, Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie, Son of the Mask, Dude, Where's my Car, Stuart Little 3, Yours, Mine and Ours, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and much more. I'll admit it's poorly made, but it's too entertaining to be the worst film of all time. The UFO scene was so hilariously bad. So was the acting and the fact that the real Bela Lugosi isn't in much of the movie. If you like unintentionally funny movies then you will love this.
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I honestly hated it.
12 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is ridiculously inferior to the first movie. I wasn't expecting it to be good, but I didn't think it would be this bad. The writer obviously doesn't know how to write a feature length script because he adds random bullcrap to make the movie longer like that pointless dancing scene. The characters are unlikable and despite Robert Englund's good performance, he wasn't scary like he was in the first movie. What also ticked me off was that guy telling Freddy Krueger to relax. Does he honestly think he can say that without getting killed? The final sequence with Freddy Krueger saves this from being a complete waste of time, but this is an insult to the franchise and you might as well count A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 as the second one and pretend that this one never happened.
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Not as good as it could've been.
16 September 2012
The Expendables is an average action movie that is not as good as it could've been. This is just like Cobra where it tries too hard to be a cool action movie. The action scenes were cool, but everything else is either OK or bad. The dialogue is the weakest part of the movie. It could've been a bit better. Why does Lee Christmas talk about Dracula's life coach? Sylvester Stallone is just not a good writer. Another thing I didn't like was the intro. I didn't need to see a close up of Stallone's face. The only thing The Expendables should've been is a fun action movie. Not a wanna-be cool movie and to the first reviewer, no I did not expect award-winning performances or deep dialogue, but I didn't expect bad dialogue either.
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Bernie (2011)
If you don't expect huge laughs then you might like this.
2 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I just want to say that this is more of a drama than a comedy, so don't expect non-stop laughs or anything like that. I started watching this expecting a comedy and I got a few light chuckles, but as the movie went on I realized that this was more of a drama. Jack Black does a good job as Bernie and he should do more roles like this. I really cared about his character since I could understand why he wanted to kill his wife, but after he does I feel the same way he does. I actually did not know that this was a true story until the movie mentioned it at the end. One of the things I didn't like about this movie was Matthew McConaughey's performance. I didn't think he did a good job and I felt that they could've done the whole movie without him. Other than that it's a good movie and it's defiantly in the top 10 of best films this year.
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Cobra (1986)
Mediocre action movie
17 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting much from Cobra. I was just expecting a fun action film and I barely got it. The acting was bad, the dialogue was laughably bad and the villains were lame. The movie tries to be cool, but fails. The worst scene in the movie was the one with the reporters after Cobra walks out of the grocery store. One of them says "Is this necessary? Was it unnecessary for it to end like this? Did he have to die?" That's the last thing I'd would want to hear in an action film because an action fan wants to see guns shooting, blood splattering and stuff like that. They don't want to hear some idiot saying "Is this necessary?" Is Stallone proud of his dialogue? Because he shouldn't be. The action scenes were cool, but everything else was mediocre.
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U.S. Marshals (1998)
The kind of fun you would expect from a popcorn movie.
17 August 2012
This is more of a spin-off than a sequel to The Fugitive because it focuses on Tommy Lee Jones' character and the U.S. Marshals which actually isn't a bad idea for a movie. It doesn't have what made The Fugitive good and to the people who say it brings nothing new to the action genre well, it's not supposed to. It's not meant to be groundbreaking it is just a popcorn flick that was meant to entertain and it works. It should have been a box office success, but it wasn't. Just like the first movie I thought it was a bit too long and could've been a bit shorter, but it's just a minor complaint. If you're looking for some cheap entertainment then this is a good choice.
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