
9 Reviews
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Well I do 'get' it, and it's quite bad
9 August 2004
You could even see it in the faces of the audience. The faces whose expressions lied somewhere between a pitiful halfhearted grin and a yawn. The laughs are so few and far between its ridiculous. There can be no basis to defend this performance. I loved Jamie Foxx in Living Color and he's turning out to be a pretty fine actor and getting some good roles, but come on. Shamelessly plugging and basing jokes on all of his previous movies?? and making fun of the other actors in them, telling stories about their quirks? Showing off about supposedly 'making it' into the Hollywood inner circle? Supplanting the word f*ck, for every punchline? Whats worse is the handful of jokes that could have really been funny were drawn out way too long when they could have ended sooner. And naturally there's the ubiquitous obsession with smoking weed, for which no standup routine would be complete without. Some of the impressions were funny and he probably should played more of them for laughs, but overall Jamie does way better in situation comedies when he's not being 'himself'.
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The Idiocy, The Stupidity, The Nonsense & The Bad Movie
27 July 2004
Good God.

Stay away...stay far far away for fear some of this dripping wet dung may actually splash up and stain you. One couldn't possibly dream up a more overwrought, pretentious, heaping pile of maggot ridden garbage(fittingly, one of the actual scenes, by the way) if they were paid too.

If the constant mind-numbing screeching of the choir boy throughout the movie's soundtrack doesn't get you and make you want to slap him, the droning on of the orchestra's string section will. Lest we forget the in-you-face symbolism used as a thinly veiled attempt at looking clever. All of the deaths are related to eating....yes, I get it now, thanks. Please. Art? You must be kidding. As though Jean-Paul Gaultier's trashy, over the top decorations could somehow elevate this dreck to couture like status - if anything all they did was enhance it's absurdities and put them on display like so much shock art.

The movie aspires to be a Renoir, but ends up like a Joe Blatch.

Who? Exactly.
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Yet Another That Wont Get The Attention it Deserves
23 May 2004
It is truly rare to come across a movie that does everything so well.

Conversely, it is truly sad that the 'feel good' genre of movies seem to have gone the way of the dinosaur

Every character actor here is on point. And there are plenty of them. The talent particularly of Judy Holliday cant be overstated, as she moves seemingly effortless between comedic and romantic scene changes. Even the pairing of the 'loudmouth' Paul Douglas is great for her, as the two of them trade punches with ease when their voices are turned up a few decibels. The story moves along quickly with no gaps or awkward pauses in the script, and it works up to a very Capra-like ending which practically leaves you on the edge of your seat. It's not an easy one to find, but if you come across this movie, hang on to it.
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Key Largo (1948)
4 April 2004
Obviously someone below couldn't tell a well directed, highly regarded classic film the likes of Key Largo from a Turkey Sandwich - but thanks for the remedial effort nonetheless.

This movie doesn't get the attention of a Casablanca or a Maltese Falcon, but it's definitely one to see - and not just for the giants on the screen. The build up of tension between the main characters is set well against the backdrop of the impending storm seemingly threatening to cave their hotel in literally and figuratively. Frank's character arc from jaded passiveness to the restrained heroism he is inescapably drawn towards has been seen in other Bogie characters, but usually those guys were either willing participants on the trigger end of their guns, or they were fulfilling their own agendas as well. However Frank McCloud has no ulterior motives. Here, there is a refreshing change from the usual Bogie-isms; Frank doesnt engage in any verbal bravado with Rocco, there are no confident smirks on his face, or promises to 'get even' later.

As for Barrymore, he was just simply an acting genius. Look no further than the scene with him getting out of his wheelchair in a futile attempt to fight Rocco as proof. Fantastic. E.G. Robinson delivers his vitriol so well on-screen, you cant help but hate his guts and wait for his come-uppance. Both Barrymore and EGR were great at delivering speeches - extended lines of dialogue while 'flying solo' - you can almost here the room go quiet as they worked the script. Lauren Bacall's chemistry with her Husband was so natural and unforced, even the scenes with no dialogue show how much they were in love - albeit true she doesnt exactly carry the workload in this one.

Some of the scenes with the Indians seem a little odd, but it still works in the context of the entire movie. Don't overlook this great film!
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There is a reason why...
25 March 2004
... Bogart is held in high esteem for his career of acting. He was just that damn good.

Forget all of the top ten lists, awards, honorable mentions, etc. It's really hard to put a finger on it exactly, but his ability to transform what in a script is a mediocre character with average, even sometimes corny lines, into someone who you always seem to be rooting for - someone who's delivery is always convincing - has to be proof of natural skill.

The interplay between he and Bacall is some of the most unforced, natural acting ever to grace the big screen. And what could be sexier than Bacall's flirting before they kissed? One not to be missed.
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Clickety Clickety Classic
13 March 2004
Dont be mistaken from the reviews here that this is merely a mediocre movie with fairly good acting. Or that the family in the setting is too ideal and therefore not entirely believable. Then you'd miss out on the greatness of this film. One look at the interactions between March and Bogie would dispel all of that instantly.

Frederic March's acting in this film is genius - the way he conveys, just through facial expressions alone, fear for his life and family mixed with determination and an utter loathing of Bogies character is amazing. The tension is kept high throughout, and leaves you on the edge of your seat. Bogarts character is effective as he mocks the family's attempts to get out of the situation while at the same time trying to keep control of his own 'family' of disjointed crooks. Kobish is great at being at once goofish, yet still violent and smart when needed. Overall a very enjoyable flick with good performances.

Not entirely surprising, however, that the ridiculously jaded attitudes of people today might look back and accuse the script of being "bland" - no doubt they'd applaud if the family's seemingly idyllic closet contained more skeletons, or perhaps have a few more violent interactions tossed in for good measure. Sorry to disappoint, but that movie, this ain't. If, however, you're looking for great story and an edge of your seat thriller starring two of the best actors of the time, see this movie instead.
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Stereotypes..... and how to break them
28 January 2004
I like the way this movie tackled the subject and how it played out on the screen.

While the two gangsters were very typical, cut from the same cloth one would expect them to be, and even willing to resolve problems the only way they knew how, still they were taught a valuable lesson. On the other hand, while yet maintaining their Italian roots, the 'cousins' were very much Irish and followed their own traditions and values. Following real life, sometimes the misguided perceptions of those outside of a group can be so pervasive, that even those belonging to that same group adopt those ideas about themselves. They then turn around and judge their peers within the group using the same measuring stick, wrong as it is. Anyone who strays away from that is looked at as strange or even worse ostracized. The 'stamp collecting' scene is one good example of this.

Otherwise the movie was good with competent acting. The subtlety of the emotions of the characters as they progressively learned more about themselves from their cousins was quite well done by the lead actors - even Dan Hedaya toned down some of the usual facial Dan Hedayaisms. While it was based on the same love triangle theme seen a jillion times before, it was done differently here and in a unique setting - at least to us North Americans. Check it out.
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Brilliant. Absolutely Brilliant.
17 January 2004
Where did they dig up Katie Johnson? How she balances the act of a sweet old lady who is respected yet still patronized with the toughness of a strong woman who upholds justice is a joy to watch. All the while completely unawares of the true danger surrounding her. Her performance is simply great and side-splittingly funny. The rest of the cast display their usual talents, particularly the fumbling of Cecil Parker and the mean looking Herbert Lom. It's also interesting to see a very young Peter Sellers who would soon hit his stride a few years later. The dark lighting and moody scenes are perfect for this comedy and are very typical of British films of the era, so the look is familiar right away as you begin to watch. The "Tea Party" scene is just a riot. Odd to see so many negative comments on the film - it's one of if not the best Ealing film and deservedly regarded as one the best comedies of all time. They just dont make them like this anymore.
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True Romance (1993)
Trashentino Strikes Again.
4 November 2003
Introverted comic book store guy/complete madman haunted by Elvis obsession falls in love with whore, gets married to said whore, goes on pimp house killing spree for brand new wifey, steals half a mil in cocaine, decides to change careers to one-time major drug dealer and then tops the weekend off by grabbing a couple burgers and sodas on the way home - oh yes, but not before angering the Mob bent on killing him and entire family. Good God. One million and one creative uses of the "N" word, over the top cartoonishly idiotic violence, the blonde chick gets away with it....Hmmm, wonder if Tarantino was involved with this mess? Surprise! he wrote it! Chalk yet another one up to this two bit hack. The near-religious loyal following of his equally scary supporters is a sad commentary on this world. Truely frightening.
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