
7 Reviews
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
Came because couldn't find anything else to watch, stayed because it's really good!
28 October 2017
So yeah, probably like most of the people that watch it and like everyone who dismissed it, my initial thought was ¨Lethal Weapon? well that must be crap¨. I dismissed it once, and then another day couldn't find anything to watch, and came across the title again and thought ¨well fine, can't be worst than some other stuff I've watched¨, and boy was I pleasantly surprised. It's hard to use the title of such a loved franchise as Lethal Weapon and miss the attempt, but in this case, they nailed it. Of course the Murtaugh-Riggs chemistry from the movies is very hard to replicate, but on the show, they do very very well. It's got the action and it's got the comedy. Damon we already knew is funny, but the real surprise here is Clayen Crawford (Riggs), I really really hope to see him get a chance to do many other things. Haven't had any disliking on this show, except maybe the casting choice of Richard Cabral, who plays a weird ex-gang division cop, he's just too weird. Other than that this show is golden. Extra points for having someone work with the main actors in weapons handling, every time Riggs and Murtaugh have to engage a gun, it looks like they really do know how to handle it, proper grip, trigger safety, etc, wish whoever deals with those details knew their work doesn't go unnoticed, way too refreshing when nowadays shows and movies make it too evident you are just watching an actor who has no idea how to use the gun they are handling.
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You Me Her (2016–2020)
Just came here to help bump up the rating
15 February 2017
This show deserves way more than a 6.6... it's funny and entertaining, a whole new set of actors instead of recycled ones from other shows. The comedy is not the stupid kind of comedy either. To be perfectly honest I don't even know how I ended up watching it. I went online, looking to continue another show I'm currently on, and by mistake clicked on this from the NEW SHOWS list. I realized about 2 minutes in that it definitely was not what I was there to watch but 2 minutes in, I was hooked. Could've just hit back and looked for my other show, but instead here I am, 4 days later and just finished all ten episodes on an un precedented binge run. Since I finished the first season now there's nothing else but waiting for the second one.
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The Night Of (2016)
The only bad thing is that there aren't any more episodes!!
1 September 2016
This is what TV shows should be like. In an age of stupid teenage shows or stupid superheroes shows with far-fetched science, getting something as real and raw as The Night Of is so so so so refreshing. You get a real look (at least it feels at real as it can get without going into documentary mode) at the NY jail system and at how a normal kid can spiral down once he's in it. Nothing in this show feels fake or forced, not the acting, not the storytelling, not the facts of how things happen... nothing! Everything here feels so real. Don't go at this expecting non-stop action and big budget special effects, you'll crash miserable. The action in this show is delivered emotionally and mentally. There are so few good shows out there that once I finished this one I just felt like going back at it from the start, that's how good it is. Thank you for such a piece of art!
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Way better than expected
14 March 2014
I decided to review this one because some of the other reviews are slightly miss leading. I do not pretend in any way to be a film critic... Just your every day regular movie goer/watcher, and as such I must admit I really really enjoyed this one. It has enough twists and turns to keep you hooked till the end and delivers a nice sense of humor throughout the whole movie. Yes, maybe the movie did try a bit too much to be a type of Guy Ritchie meets Ocean's Eleven, but I wouldn't necessarily say that's bad, and I wouldn't say it failed at it either. Bottom line, if you are considering watching it don't think it over too much, go for it and enjoy it, I guarantee it'll have you hooked into the first 10 minutes.
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House M.D.: Twenty Vicodin (2011)
Season 8, Episode 1
I knew that would happen to Steve Urkel!!
28 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't say this is a bad episode at all... it's entertaining all the way to the end... It does get you out of your comfort zone but still delivers the House-like situations we're used to. At Princeston Plainsboro you get Olivia Wilde, in jail we get Odette Annable! Add the risk of getting shanked at any point and you get House's season premier!

There are some crazy stuff house does.. but hey, it's House!! he always does stuff that doesn't make sense to normal people... which is actually why we like the show!

If there was something that DID bothered and seemed too forced was the fact that a minor first time offense like House's (driving into Cuddy's house) would land him in a jail with crazy psycho killers... not only that but he was allowed to keep his cane in jail... which considering it's potential of becoming a deadly weapon, seemed far-fetched.

Oh yeah I forgot, about the title of this review: the guy that played Urkel in family matters is on this episode... in jail! so much for that beloved (and annoying) childhood character!
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no no no no no.....
4 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I really was not against Kutcher coming on board... always liked him ever since That 70's Show, and I'm still willing to give it a chance on future episodes, but as far this episode goes, I think it's the only TnH Men episode ever to not get a laugh out of me. This is not Ashton's fault at all, but it is the writer's, who took this episode as their mission to get back at Mr. Sheen, apparently forgetting that they were touching one of TV's favorite characters, hence a little bit of dignity on his farewell would've been much appreciated and more welcomed. -SPOILER- Charlie died when falling off a subway platform... when in the history of TnH Men has Charlie Harper ever been on a subway or bus? He drives a Mercedez and when he was too wasted to drive, he took a taxi (usually driven by a Hindi driver that he considers his friend! haha)... so what's up with that plot hole???!!!!! RIP Mr. Harper, you deserved a better farewell.
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The A-Team (2010)
How on earth does this have 7 points?
2 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I really really don't understand how does this movie has such a rating... some of the best movies out there are in the 7-7.5 range and this one deserves to be nowhere near them. Yes, the original TV show itself was pretty far-fetched and exaggerated.... that does not mean that the movie was entitled to being 20 times more far-fetched than the show. I can buy the A-team going into a shed filled with nothing but garbage and coming out with a PVC pipes machine gun (like the original B.A., Hanibal Smith, Murdock and Face did), however "flying a tank" that dropped from an airplane just seems to yell "hey all you idiot and ignorant movie goers, check this out, it could really happen". They took out the very enjoyable TV show and replaced it with nonsense special effects.

And the part that hurt the most: the A-Team was aaaaaall about that sexy black van with the red stripe... I mean that was the main reason I tuned in on the show back then, how can you make an A-Team movie and wreck the black van 10 minutes into it???!!!! They should also make a MacGyver movie and make him lose his knife at the beginning, or an Airwolf movie and crash the helicopter. 4 points from me only because I really enjoy Liam Neeson and Bradley Cooper as actors, other wise it'd be a solid 1
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