
14 Reviews
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Prepare for mouth-breathing and snot
5 September 2016
I put off seeing this for the longest time because of the three hour run time, but tonight I finally sat down and checked out this movie, which so many people have raved about. Yeah, about that...

Aside from the fact that I almost turned off the movie ten minutes in because I have a severe aversion to open-mouthed chewing (indeed, the main character does pretty much everything open-mouthed in this flick--she reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite) AND the fact that when all was said and done this wasn't much different than a large percentage of foreign LGBT flicks except that it took three hours to get to a rather predictable ending, this was not a terrible movie. Long and occasionally slow, yes. But not terrible. I even shed a tear or two, and those don't come easy for me when watching movies, so at least there's that.

One last possible gripe is I'm not sure how I feel about the way bisexuality is presented in this movie. But when I look at it as this one particular situation between this one particular fictional couple, it sits a little better with me.

Overall, I'd say it's definitely worth watching. I'll probably even watch it again someday, though I'll be making use of the fast forward button when I do.
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We're Alive: A Story of Survival (2009 Podcast Series)
Could have been a 10 but...
26 May 2016
I discovered this by accident, and what an accident it was. I've actually put my other regular podcasts on hold just so I can listen to this story all in one go. I enjoy the zombie stuff tremendously and the story is well-told and even occasionally creepy (and I am not one to scare easily). However... The ONLY issue I have with this series is the portrayal of certain female characters. It was bad enough when the main character had to single her out about five minutes in; you knew at that point she was the designated love interest no matter what. And that would have been fine and good but holy hell was she just about the whiniest character ever. It's kind of hard to root for a relationship when you're fervently praying for one of them to meet a bloody end. It gets pretty annoying after a while, but thankfully the overall story is worth the endless eye-rolling I do whenever this chick starts complaining. The main character also has some d-bag moments, but the more I listen, the more I can't blame him for acting that way, what with having to put up with some of the stuff he's been strapped with. (It doesn't hurt that Jim Gleason has a very nice voice.)
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Tusk (I) (2014)
What the crap did I just watch?
31 December 2014
It's 11:15 pm on 12/31 and I'm kind of irritated that this is the last movie I will see in 2014.

I love horror. I love comedy. I love a mixture of both. I love gore. I love all things *&^%%$ up in film. But this was just stupid beyond measure. Johnny Depp and Michael Parks were the only reasons that I gave Tusk a 2 instead of a 1. And I still think I'm being generous.

I really tried to be optimistic going into this even though the only Kevin Smith movie I genuinely love is Dogma (most of the rest are blah, even though I do find Jay and Silent Bob amusing 75% of the time). But good God, this was just a nonsensical pile of crap. I can see what it tried to be and what it could have been, but in the end, it just failed spectacularly.
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It's called "The Lego Movie" for a reason
15 November 2014
I'm really surprised by the number of complaints about the movie being one big advertisement for Lego. Looking at the title, I would think that was fairly obvious. If watching this does not inspire you to want to use Legos, then I worry about you.

I thought this movie was absolutely enjoyable. Initially I was skeptical that it would hold my interest but it did so in spades, and had more funny moments than I can count. I found the dozens of nods to other popular characters and movies particularly amusing and clever. There aren't very many films that can pull that off. This one did.

Definitely a must-watch. I'm going to go watch it again!
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RoboCop (2014)
Not a bad movie if it had been called something besides RoboCop
4 June 2014
I originally had no intention of watching this because I'm sick to death of seeing my favorite movies remade (usually somewhat badly). But my husband talked me into watching it tonight so I did, and tried to do so with an open mind.

As a remake, this movie spits in the face of pretty much everything that made the original RoboCop a classic that has held its appeal for almost thirty years. As I suspected. But overall, it actually wasn't... half bad. Not great by any stretch of the imagination. But not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. TPTB really should have just removed all ties to the original and called it something else. Had they done that, I suspect the film would have been better received. I certainly could have appreciated it more that way.

And for those of you who honestly think that this was better than the original... what the &^%$ are you smoking?
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Desperation (2006 TV Movie)
31 January 2013
Desperation is my favorite Stephen King book. And this movie, if you want to call it that, is quite possibly the worst adaptation of a King work that I've ever seen.

At first I wanted to blame it on the fact that it was a movie made for television. But that's not true; IT was also a TV movie, and it was spectacular.

For having what was not a horrible gathering of acting talent at all, Desperation just seemed REALLY cheesy. Even Ron Perlman, who can ham it up like nobody's business and make it look awesome, made me cringe.

Don't waste your time with this. And PLEASE do not judge the book by this movie. Desperation the book is a thrilling and moving piece of work. Desperation the movie is just a piece of...
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Scapegoat much?
12 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I liked this movie. I really did. The acting was superb all around, even if the script was not the best thing ever. Annette Benning and Julianne Moore were convincing as a years-long couple, who have the misfortune of suffering the pitfalls that many years-long couples suffer. The fact that they were lesbians was really a non-issue where this was concerned.


My biggest issue with this movie was the treatment of Paul. This man DID NOT ASK to be catapulted into the lives of these strangers. But he was, and he became attached, and while he really should have had enough sense to deny Jules' advances, it doesn't sit right with me that all was forgiven with Jules' side of the affair whereas Paul was insulted and dismissed. Jules can apologize and receive redemption, but when Paul tries, he is called an interloper. Everything is fine and well once the evil straight man is rudely ejected from their lives. WTF is that? I did feel some measure of relief when I noticed that Joni kept his hat and decided to take it to college with her. To me, that indicated that she at least has enough decency to realize that the affair went both ways, and I like to imagine that she remained open to the possibility of speaking to him again. Someday.

For me, the movie ends when they are sitting down to dinner at Paul's house, before Nic makes the big discovery. To me, that summed up everything that this movie should and could have been. I'm generally a huge fan of Lisa Cholodenko and as I said, I did like this movie overall. I just wish it didn't reek of so much straight hate.
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Bob's Burgers (2011– )
Some people just don't know clever when they see it...
11 January 2013
The only thing I find more amusing than Bob's Burgers are the reviews that slam it. Not going to last past two episodes? Yeah, how'd that work out for you? Positive reviews are only submitted by industry moles? Seriously???

I don't watch much television, even LESS of the animated variety. Bob's Burgers is one of the rare exceptions. Not only do I make the time to watch it, but I will watch episodes repeatedly, that's how much I enjoy the show. It doesn't get old. I'm actually watching the Christmas episode as I type this, and have lost count of how many times I've seen it now.

This show is amazingly clever and amusing. Sure, it employs fart jokes and all. But there is also an underlying wit that exceeds the sophomoric humor standard in so much programming these days. If you can't see that, well, I just feel sorry for you.
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The Others (2001)
A truly good scary movie
25 December 2012
I have no idea why people are comparing this to The Sixth Sense. I called The Sixth Sense in five minutes (much to the chagrin of everyone around me in the theater; I really hadn't hoped I was right and it was THAT predictable) whereas The Others was one of the handful of movies that immensely impressed me by how well it was done. The acting was superb (this would remain my favorite Nicole Kidman movie until The Hours came out) and the ending genuinely caught me off guard- a rarity.

I thought that this was an excellent movie, a wonderful nod to an age when movies didn't need CG and other effects to be genuinely scary. Very highly recommended.
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Eh. (Spoilers!!!!)
23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm actually reviewing this as I'm watching the movie because writing this review is far more exciting. My husband and I just got done laughing at a scene in which the military folk ran through a throng of damn near stationary zombies, all the while stopping occasionally to shoot at them and waste their ammo. Seriously? You lot could have run circles around them. Twice.

If nothing else, this movie does mark a zombie film first for me: zombie rape. It's something I never hope to see again because WTF? I can't even wrap my brain around it, what with the fact that dude was perfectly willing to force himself ON A DEAD WOMAN. Ugh.

This flick isn't a total waste of time, but it's definitely not worth the money. If you can watch it for free and turn off your brain, go for it.
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Violence for violence's sake= not really scary
4 March 2007
I'm not clear on why this movie is considered a "horror" movie. I have no aversion to violent films, but this one seemed more like Rob Zombie just wanted to see how much violence he could stick into a film without any consideration for plot whatsoever.

I liked the movie. It had a great cast, even SMZ didn't grate on my nerves in this one.

I just didn't think it's all that "scary"...

PS Rob: I wouldn't be offended in the least if you stuck with music and left film-making alone. And I'm not just saying that because I'm afraid the Halloween remake is going to suck.
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Dear. Lord.
22 October 2006
Easily, EASILY the one of the best of the worst movies in horror film history. I can't even refer to this movie and horror in the same sentence without either laughing, throwing up a little in my mouth, or both. I can't believe I paid money to go see this in the theater (I lost count of how many people left). Horrible, horrible, horrible crap- that Uwe Boll continues to be employed is astonishing.

The brilliant minds that green-lighted this excrement should seriously spend the rest of eternity being made to watch it nonstop.

I honestly and sincerely believe that this movie is so hideous, so awful, and so mind obliterating that those of us who either paid to see this in theaters or heaven forbid purchased it could successfully sue for our money back.
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17 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The above title is in homage to what is the singular funniest moment not only in this movie, but in a great many movies to come along in awhile... not quite the intention of George Lucas, but achieved all the same. Those of you who've seen the movie know what I'm talking about, and it's hard not to chuckle whenever I think about it.

Most of the sane-minded viewers have voiced my issues with this movie and I will not repeat them. But to point out a few high points:

There was the...

And then the time that...


Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! I rated this movie a way generous 7, due to the most badass moment in the entire movie: The Emperor and Darth looking out at the beginning construction of the Death Star. Too bad that only lasted all of two seconds.

(And to be fair, Sam Jackson and Yoda are always cool. But even their coolness couldn't help this movie with it's gross omissions to all things that make a film a film.)
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Was increasing Halle Berry's presence really a good idea after Catwoman?
26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Halle Berry has stated that this is her last superhero themed movie.

All I have to say is THANK GOD. Storm was only cool in this movie when she was making with the lightning bolts. Such an awesome character would have been much better portrayed by someone the likes of Angela Bassett. But oh well. I wonder if she realizes that she was not the only Oscar winner in the cast? I'm sure James Marsden was thrilled that Cyclops was offed in order to placate Ms. Berry's need to be front and center.

But anyway, to the movie itself. As a comic book fanatic, I will keep quiet about issues with the difference between book and film. I just think this movie tried to do too much with too little time. The script left oh so much to be desired, and a lot of dialog could be seen coming from miles away (my eyes about rolled out of my head when Kitty Pryde commented on missing the first snow back home when she was talking to Bobby). Jean Grey looked more like the world's hottest zombie than what the Phoenix should have resembled. Why Colossus was not utilized anymore than tossing Wolverine about is beyond me. Angel was an ineffective plot device. And Wolverine should never, ever be a whupped and whiny baby. Ever.

Worth the money if you can watch a movie without thinking about it.
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