
38 Reviews
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Dumb: Bad writing, Bad directing, bad acting
2 April 2024
So bad. I really like Dennis Quaid, and though I have not seen everything that he has done, what I have seen I've really liked. So, even though this was not rated that highly (I wish I had checked IMDb more thoroughly before I started watching), I gave this a shot. I thought, "True story, so it can't be that bad." It was. It just seemed like every character in this movie was in the bottom 20 percentile of intelligence. People were in emergency situations, and they were pausing, thinking, having conversations, and wondering what to do next, in the incompetent sense of that. I wondered if they were going to bump their heads together by mistake. The whole movie seemed like it was made for someone at a fourth grade level. Everything was telegraphed and spelled out and explained. Lots of cheesy stuff. I think some things were supposed to be funny or cute, and they were just dumb. Part of the difficulty with making a movie like this, is that it's essentially just about a civilian having to land a plane. They had to make at least 90 minutes of movie from just that. Thus, they also got into a lot of sides stories about all the incidental characters to the landing. I didn't care. Also, lots of "oh, no. There's trouble or there's difficulty in this or that relationship," and then "but this event brought all these these relationships together and made people realize that they cared for each other" kind of things." Waste of a night.
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Joseph: King of Dreams (2000 Video)
So Fantastic
5 February 2024
So well done. Does a great job with the account from Genesis and gets the point of it all. I've watched this over 10 times. Choked up and teary every time. Great music, with fantastic lyrics. "Better Than I" is better than a lot of sermons I've heard. Absolutely perplexed at two things: 1) Why they decided only to send this to video, and not to theaters and 2) how this has only gotten about 6.5 stars on IMDB. I like "Prince of Egypt," but this is better. Ben Affleck does a good job as Joseph, and it's fun to know that Dan Castellaneta, a.k.a. Homer, has a couple of small parts in this, as well.
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Liked the first one. This one is better.
1 November 2023
This one, the second of this series, is better than the first. Better use of music, better storyline, more action, and no Emily Blount and her friend to get in the way and waste the viewers' time. If you'd liked the first one, you will like this one, too. The movie has elements of a modern day Afghanistan war movie mixed with elements of the TV series "24." The music in this is really intense, and helpful to the storyline. If you like characters in operatives who get the job done and don't mess around, you will like this movie. Glad to have watched it. Good acting by Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro, and Jeffrey Donovan.
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Sicario (2015)
Liked this, the second one is better.
1 November 2023
By mistake, I watched the second one first. Loved the second one. I was puzzled with this one why the Emily Blount and her friend part of the story even needed to exist. You could remove it all, and the movie would be better. I don't understand her reservation nor the reservation of her friend. It's just weird. They are law enforcement people who are involved in the war against drugs, and they get the opportunity to be on the team with people who will disrupt drugs from coming into the country, and they're all upset and questioning these people at every turn. Stupid. Additionally, though I have liked Emily Blount in about everything I have seen her in, but this was bad casting. She is skinny, awkward, and weak, and she is a tactical drug enforcement agent? She is emotionally fragile? And she doesn't understand that the people who are running drugs and killing people who get in their way are bad people? Again, all the Emily Blount stuff was just puzzling. The second movie is better, but this one is still good.
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12 Strong (2018)
Good Afghanistan war movie
24 August 2023
I think this is rated too low. Not the greatest war movie ever made, but not bad in any respect, either. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Also, since it's based on history, it's fun to see that we were in Afghanistan fighting a month after 9/11. Good acting, good reactions of the actors to the 9/11 events. Just the right amount of family, home stories. Likable military. Interesting seeing the terrain and what they dealt with, and the Arab culture there. Clean movie, too. No nudity or crass talk, really. One parting scene between a husband and wife, fully clothed, in which their dialogue would go over the heads of someone under age. Good, educational movie, even if some liberties were taken. I don't know what liberties those were.

Just read some of the low ratings. It seems like many of those who are rating this movie low have an issue with America's Afghanistan policy or are like some today who haven't been overseas or talked to many immigrants, and thus think America is a really bad place.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Rated Too Low: Sharp Commentary on the U.S. in 2022
25 April 2023
After watching the movie, I was really surprised to see that the movie was not rated more highly by viewers and critics. I think part of the problem with its low rating is that it requires a lot of thinking about society and the way society works, which is very philosophical. That's hard to do, and that knocks out a lot of people, causing their eyes to glaze over in parts of the movie. Hence, a lot of people enjoyed the movie, but the sociology of 2022 in America is not their bag, so the movie got a moderately good rating overall and not a rating of excellent. That's fine. The movie is very insightful as to how society is working in the social media, Trump, Biden, woke age. If you enjoy thinking about these kinds of things, you will absolutely love this movie.

This is also a movie about Texas culture, and it offers good insight on the culture of any place that is desolate, poor, remote, and without much opportunity. The story takes place in a remote area of Texas, and my previous sentence is not a comment on Texas as a whole, although certain Texas cultural elements are certainly shown in the movie. Thus, this movie has good elements that are common in movies about the culture of the economically poor in America. So, if you like movies, like "Wind River," "The Tender Bar," and "Nomadland," you will like this one, as well.

Next, this is a good movie because it displays the importance of individual people as human beings. It argues that people matter.

Lastly , I liked this movie because it shows growth in characters in a meaningful way. You learn something good about life from the movie. The movie makes you think about life, as it points to some important things, which makes it satisfying and worthwhile. Thoughtful movie. Bravo!

I gave it an eight, and struggled to not give it a nine. So, 8.5. Overall, the movie has a sense of loneliness (not a criticism; it intends that), which is the main reason I didn't rate it higher. That's not a criticism of the movie, it's just a reflection of my tolerance level for loneliness!
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A good movie about life
29 March 2023
If you like movies that are thoughtful and take a look at life, this is one of those movies. It's a movie that is a tad depressing, but not much that way. It's about a broken multigenerational family with various disappointments and hardships, and a boy growing up in the midst of it, with an absent father. I always enjoy Ben Affleck, and he is exceptional in this. Heartfelt moments, but nothing cheesy. I found this movie refreshing because the main characters have many hardships, but press on and live, and do good instead of giving up and living in bitterness. Good themes, tender relationships, and a number of unsung heroes doing good.
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Mr. Corman (2021)
Heavy, interesting, somewhat bleak
15 March 2023
As some other reviewers have said, this may be one you can't get through because it is often bleak and depressing. I like Joseph Gordon Levitt a lot. This is an interesting look into the life of somebody who is conscientiously an atheist, who therefore sees all in life to be chance, delivered by nobody, and no beneficent hand from above. Even the foundationless, "It'll get better" and "it'll all turn out in the end" statements you hear from people who don't believe in God are not present in Joseph's character. He sees meaning in nothing, and this is a key theme of the show, as the people around him often provide a contrast in life and viewpoint, seeing meaning for various other reasons, whether from a faith in God, or just from deciding to have a brighter look on life. I don't think the show has any resolution on the issue, which kept me watching during its bleakest moments. Nonetheless, I am glad that I watched it.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Lots of unnecessary immorality
7 March 2023
I love Jason Segel. I love Harrison Ford. I was excited to see this series pop up.

This series has some great characters and a great basic set up for the storyline. The series begins in the middle of a tragedy having happened, and in the midst of relationships that have been broken. I looked forward to seeing the various characters make their way through these things. This aspect of the show is really good. And the show has some great, funny moments. Jason Segel is wonderful in this.

However, after six shows, I am done. If you are a person whose morality is traditional or Christian-based, this show, from about three episodes on, is unrelenting in its presenting of immorality and things that should be mourned as acceptable, good, and things to be celebrated.

I am used to finding no shows and movies that are completely moral. Everything I must filter, and I know that's just life in 2023, but this show broke my limit, and I am sad about that, because the parts of the show that are not immoral have much value to them. And, the immorality is completely unnecessary to the storyline and to the main substance of the show. So, if you have traditional morality, or are a Christian person, I'm sorry to say: skip this show.
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War Horse (2011)
Why does anyone like this movie?
16 July 2022
I heard maybe Siskel and Ebert give this a good rating years ago, and I saw this come on. Lots of good reviews for it, both by critics and watchers, and Steven Spielberg directed. It won Academy Awards. I have no idea why people like this movie. I guess I just can't sympathize with a boy thinking that a horse is the whole world. And everyone who comes around this horse thinks this horse will solve all life's problems. I don't get it. This movie is somewhere between the musical "Oklahoma" and the cheesy book and movie, "Heidi." Bad writing, set up scenes, music track behind the whole movie. No characters that you really care about. Or maybe it was a bad attempt to re-create "Legends of the Fall," which is a great movie. This is almost like a kids' movie or something like "Ol' Yeller." Perhaps very emotional, middle-school girls might like this.
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Finding You (2020)
A Clean, Fun Romance
23 February 2022
Nice to find a romance without nudity and sex. Just a nice story here about the development of a relationship, through some ups and downs, and the building of trust. Just a kind guy and a kind girl trying to treat each other and other people right. Glad I found this movie.
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Loved MI1. This was terrible.
21 January 2022
Cheesy and so far from believable. Bad writing, and probably the worst Tom Cruise acting I've ever seen. Bad acting all around. The ending was agonizingly long and terrible-stupid.
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Kind of dumb writing and acting
14 September 2021
Lots of predictable dialog, with characters that are too unrealistic to relate to. A few good laughs. Unrealistic situations. Maybe it's a matter of the creators and actors not being settled on whether it's supposed to be a comedy, a mystery, a crime show, or a drama.
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All the funny parts are in the trailer
18 June 2021
I like Adam Sandler and I like Jennifer Aniston. Neither of them were at the top of their game, nor natural fits for their characters. I felt throughout that I was hoping it would be better. As I said in the title, if you watch the trailer, you will see all the funny parts.
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Trying (2020–2024)
Funny and real: Refreshing to see healthy marriage
4 June 2021
Laughed out loud hard a number of times in the first episode. Some great dialogue, and casual, funny comments. Watching is kind of like hanging out with a friend who's relaxed and has a good sense of humor. Glad to see a show that is about a marriage, with a husband and wife who care more about their marriage and having kids than they do about their careers and other things.
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Larry Crowne (2011)
Surprisingly turned out really good. Good writing & acting.
29 April 2021
As the movie progressed, I liked it more and more. By the end, I was very glad I watched it, and I will recommend it to friends. The next day, thinking about it, I liked it even more. There are a lot of little things to appreciate about the movie. The movie was encouraging to me, as someone good and sincere, someone responsible, someone who'd not be well-respected by the culture (who wouldn't be viewed as a success nor as anything but average and boring) has a few people befriend him in kindness (unbeknownst to them, in a really down time in his life), which encouraged me. He's a guy who should be befriended, but the kind that normally gets looked over. On the other side, a woman who's almost at her end of caring about anything and depressed about her circumstances, is lifted up. So, it's a really nice story. The acting and various chemistry between characters was good, as was the mix of comedy, tragedy, love story, and slice of life. But, further, I had the feeling of satisfaction after watching because the writing was good. There were a lot of little things that the main two characters do and say-little things-that gradually added more and more to their depth as characters, which made the story line even more kind and sweet, in the midst of pain.
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Smallville: Arrival (2005)
Season 5, Episode 1
Contains one of the best scenes of the entire series
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Having now seen every episode of the entire series, I can say that this episode contains not just one of my favorite scenes of the series, but also one of the most satisfying. It is the scene in the hospital with Chloe and Clark. For so long, Clark has gone unappreciated, and instead of receiving gratitude from all the people he has saved, some of them numerous times, he has only received accusations from impetuous Lana, Pete, Chloe, and others. Here he is, saving everybody, and all these people whom he saved are mad at him because he's "hiding something." Ugh. So frustrating, and you feel for Clark. He's doing good, and everyone is mad at him. No one is giving him any grace or slack.

Thus, how satisfying to hear the conversation between Clark and Chloe in the fortress and in the hospital room afterward. Finally, someone appreciates Clark and expresses it in a very satisfying way, including Chloe's exclamation as Clark whooshes out of her room to go back to Smallville: "Wow!" she says, under her breath. One of the best "reveals" in the series.

And what a great burden off of Clark's back. He tells her he is not only endued with great powers, but that he is from another planet. It makes no difference to her, she says, and she promises that this secret will never come out of her lips. This was the great threat with Chloe, since she's a reporter and is always exposing everyone secrets. Very satisfying to see that her friendship and commitment to Clark is finally outweighing her desire to expose private things to the public, as journalists often do. Very satisfying.
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Smallville: Kent (2011)
Season 10, Episode 17
Tremendous acting by Tom Welling; Heartwarming Realizations for Clark
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Point One: Tom's great acting performance in this episode. I love Tom Welling as Clark Kent. Great casting, and well-worth the creators' badgering him to take the role (he thought the role was too big for him and had refused the offer to play Clark once or twice (DVD commentary, Season One)). That said, sometimes throughout the series Tom doesn't show the emotional depth that I think Clark should be showing at many points. Stlll love him in the role, though. This episode, however, Tom is brilliant. He plays three characters: 1) Clark Kent, 2) alternate reality Clark Luthor, and 3) the new Clark Kent persona (for the first time), in which he acts nervous and awkward and bumbling as spectacled Clark in order to differentiate Clark from the Blur. He's fantastic in all three rolls. He successfully and distinctly changes just the right amount in his posture, voice, demeanor, and facial expressions-all subtly, but very clearly-to let you, the viewer, see instantly which one is there (even without the hint of Clark Luthor's all-black outfit). Bravo to Tom. So well done.

Point two: That alternate-reality Lois has the relational perception and depth to recognize Clark KENT in the alternate, Clark-Luthor world (that is, to see in his eyes, face, and voice that it's NOT Clark Luthor), is an exquisite touch written into this episode and wonderfully pulled off by Erica Durance in her role as Lois. Really a great moment in the Clark-and-Lois arc-really, really great-when they make that connection, and then again when "real Lois" and "real Clark" meet again in the "regular" universe.

Point Three: The subtle, unemphasized, heartwarming truths for Clark in the alternate universe. When Clark Kent gets switched into the alternate universe, he sees a number of ugly realities that would have existed in the town of Smallville had there been no HIM-no Clark Kent: 1) Oliver is dead and Lois is a grieving widow, 2) Though Jonathan Kent is still alive, he's an embarrassing, angry "town drunk," 3) Jonathan and Martha Kent are divorced, and 4) The reason Jonathan's an angry drunk and that Martha left him is because Jonathan lost the farm after the meteor shower. The reason he lost the farm? He couldn't keep up with all the work the farm required. And there, in this #4, is the unemphasized, heartwarming thing for Clark: in reality, Jonathan kept the farm because superspeed Clark got all the chores done, and Jonathan through this was able to keep up with the farm and thus keep the farm. Martha and Jonathan were not split apart because Clark was there, giving them, in the real universe, purpose, and never giving Jonathan the opportunity to lose the farm, get bitter, and drive Martha away. Since Season Five's Jonathan's death, Clark has blamed himself for his father's demise (with the exception of his "Homecoming" episode realizations earlier in this season), and here-heartwarmingly for you as the viewer, but for Clark, too-Clark gets to see that he's the reason for his dad's having such a great life, keeping the farm, being happily married till death, and getting to be a wonderful, character-causing father for Clark.

Point four: Related to point three, and perhaps this constitutes a fourth character Tom plays in the episode (referring to point one), Clark's interaction with his dad in the alternate universe in his Smallville home shows how much Clark has grown in maturity. He's not acting like a kid anymore, as he used to. His sees his dad in his dad's terrible state, and isn't worried about his (Clark's) own situation. He's only, out of love for his dad, focused on saving his alternate-universe dad. The scene is one of the best (if not THE best scene ever between Clark and his dad). The love Clark has for his dad, and Clark's maturity in understanding and then relating to his dad in a way that's effective in helping him, is truly a wonderful, wonderful thing. Jonathan walks away as a changed man. And then, to top it off: Jonathan's action at the end of the episode is heartwarming in regard to Jonathan and Martha, and it's satisfying in that it shows that Clark has saved his broken, alternate-universe dad, indeed.

Really wonderful stuff here, all very subtle, but all very satisfying.
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Smallville: Spell (2004)
Season 4, Episode 8
Worst episode of the first four years
5 February 2021
Worst episode of the first four years. You'll have to wait till season nine to get another episode this bad. Lots of stupid stuff. Embarrassing.
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Smallville: Absolute Justice (2010)
Season 9, Episode 11
Two of the worst episodes in the series
5 February 2021
Two of the worst episodes in the series. Looking at the reviews, I think it boils down to this: if you're familiar with DC comic characters and you watch Smallville because it's a superhero show, you probably really liked this. The reviews show that these kind of people were thrilled at these two episodes. If, however, you are like me and watch the show for the human aspects -- the stuff that the first four seasons were about - then this couldn't have gotten any worse. Embarrassingly bad lines, bad writing, lots of looking and macho stuff. Weird voices. Dumb. I rank this as perhaps the dumbest episode since the episode in which Lois, Chloe, and Lana all become witches in the fall of season four. After that episode, I quit watching on Hulu for about four weeks.
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Smallville: Hypnotic (2006)
Season 5, Episode 16
19 November 2020
Brutal, brutal episode, in regard to the Clark & Lana relationship. First, the absolute tragedy twice over in "Reckoning," in regard to Lana and Clark, right when those two had reached the peak of joy. Now this; and again, hitting you twice. Ugh.

All through the series, I've thought Clark has treated Lana so well (not to mention his saving her life 40 times), and Lana has shown little gratefulness to Clark, and has been so quick to judge him, showing him so little patience.

But, this year, especially in the last 10 episodes, Lana's gone through so much for Clark (he died when things were going great), he pulled away and she broke up with him the day his dad died, yet she came back to him out of compassion. And he's given her no thanks. He pulls away more, and she keeps reassuring him "I love you so much" and "When you figure this out, I'll be here for you." What grace, kindness, and patience, while he was a dumbo who wouldn't just tell her his secret (she wouldn't die, as Jonathan already had fulfilled that prophecy)! Now, in this episode, he does her so wrong. He's wasted her time all these years. Cruel, while trying to do something for her good. But it's not for her good! It's in effect mean. Big mistake.
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Really, really good on so many levels
27 January 2020
This movie is about life. It is a movie that deals well with brokenness, with how we treat fat people, with how fat people feel and are affected by the treatment, with how fat women are treated by men, with what training for a race and being a serious runner (though an amateur) is really like, with the effects into adulthood of broken homes growing up, with defense mechanisms, with how being a disciplined runner can hurt your relationships and make you judgmental, with the ways in which bitterness can cause us to be mean, with the emotions of race day (and that a race is usually about much more than one's time), and with how caring about others heals oneself. In an age of superhero movies and action films, this one examines well so many aspects of real life. Such a worthwhile watch! All that said, I wish the sexual material were removed or less explicit.
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Just fired this show. Kept waiting for it to match the reviews.
20 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had people for 15 months telling me I had to watch this show. They were people I trusted and who knew me. They raved about it and talked about how funny it was. Primarily, they may have recommended it because they knew how much of a "Monk" fanatic I am. I love "Monk." And, "Adrian Monk" (Tony Shaloub) plays Mrs. Maisel's father in this series. People told me how funny he was in this. So, finally, I watched the show, and watched it, and kept waiting for it and Tony Shaloub or anyone else to be funny. Decided, graciously, to give it a whole season (then watched most of Season 2, Ep. 1); but it's just not a show I like. Here are a few reasons why. 1. It's humor is mostly the same as 1940s and 1960s musicals, which I grew up loving, but don't think is funny anymore (humor changes with society's changes). The basic humor of those productions was characters doing outlandish things and not realizing they're outlandish. It's not real nor realistic. "Seinfeld," "Monk," and even "Arrested Development" are more realistic in what characters do, how they relate, and what they say. This is not. If you're not familiar with '50s' and '60s' musicals like "Bye, Bye Birdie" or "Hello Dolly," think the humor of Jackie Gleason, Milton Burle, or (somewhat less) Rodney Dangerfield. 2. So many lines and situations that were obviously written as humor weren't funny, and I hate that feeling when you know you were just given a punch line, and it's not funny. And I'm gracious about laughing at moderately to slightly humorous things. 3. I don't like the character of Midge. I don't hate her, either, but here's what she is: Midge is basically a reincarnation of the various Barbara Streisand characters from Barbara Streisand movies of the late-'60s and early-'70s. She's a little crazy, without realizing it (and that's a big part of what's supposed to be funny; and I say, "I've seen this already"); she's very fast in thinking and talking (and leaves the people around her spinning); she's good at everything and exceptionally skilled at everything she does (again, the show leaves reality and anything relatable to me); and she's far above all the men in the show, who are portrayed as stupid, but privileged only for the cause of being men. She's a character who is set up as a hero and the sole character to be admired; and you are supposed to admire her-that's the central part of the show. 4. I don't like the way the kids are disregarded by Midge and her husband, and by the grandparents, with no viewpoint that this is a weakness, bad, or consequential. Even "The Simpsons," despite the irresponsibility of Homer and the disrespect of Bart to his dad, shows a strong moral point-of-view that, after it all, family matters-really matters. This show shows no understanding of that. 5. I also struggled with a lack of any feeling that the goal of making it as a stand-up comedian was really a great goal. I hardly ever felt like rooting for her career. And I love stand-up. I root for further success of Steve Martin, Kristen Wiig, Jerry Seinfeld, and Jim Gaffigan. Yet, I never felt like: "Yeah, that would be so great if she made it at stand up! Oh, I hope she can get this gig." Nothing like that ever welled up in me. 6. Some of the stand-up that the audiences wildly laugh over isn't really funny, so it's just fake. You can "almost hear" the director saying, "OK, when she says this line, really laugh." It has the feeling of acting and of being contrived. 7. I can't stand the manager. The character is supposed to be funny. Is not. Nor is the character endearing, and you can feel the writing and directing trying to make that happen in you-for you to say, "You know, I really kind of like her." Never happened. There's nothing in her character to admire or respect. 8. There are a moderate number of anachronisms (today's language and attitudes thrown back into 1961). Example: Midge walks through a party and exclaims, "OK, people, listen up!" For those older, you know no one addressed a group as "people" till maybe about 2002?? That was a new expression then. The anachronisms bother me. If the rest of the show were good, I'd probably forgive them. 9. The creator's point of view and the point of the series is an axe grinding. The point, over and over, is that "women are funny, too. In fact, they're funnier. Take that, John Belushi!" (He famously said, "Chicks aren't funny") Many things and statements through the episodes are set up to make this point and another related one, namely, "Women get unfairly excluded from comedy just because they're women and never because a particular one is not funny. In fact, they may be funnier." Because the author (creator/writers) are trying to convince their audience of this, things get unrealistic as they go overboard with it and undermine the point theyr'e advancing as true. I don't like when I feel like I'm an object being propagandized, and I do feel that way all through this show. Conclusion: I really wanted to, and fully expected to enjoy this show. Really disappointed I didn't. Not sure why people and the Emmys are going gaga over this. I have two theories. 1. To my surprise, some people still think Jackie Gleason's and old comedy musicals' humor is funny. 2. Others, probably including many in Hollywood, really like the point the show is making (points 3, 4, and 9, above), so they're promoting it. The point is right in line with today's culture's belief in the value of man-bashing, and of making men sit down and shut up, which is what occurs throughout this show. All this said, this is not a terrible show. I gave it a four. It's just that the things I mention get in the way of what could have made it much better.
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Lots of facts, clearly presented.
8 June 2019
I really enjoyed this documentary. I watch a lot of historical documentaries, and this one is exceptionally well done. It walks you through Sherman's whole life in chronological order, and combines the events of his life with notes from his letters and diaries. Lots of excellent illustrations and photographs that make it come alive. From this documentary I learned that Sherman had a much more varied and interesting life than I ever would've thought. As the title implies, most of us just now about his March to the Sea. This covers all the other things he did.
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The Widow: Mr. Tequila (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
1 March 2019
Just came out today. Watched episode one. Intriguing, good story, good characters, good acting. Finished the series now. Very good, and I enjoyed it. Not the greatest thriller or the most heart-wrenching thing I've ever seen, but good stuff.
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