
24 Reviews
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Before Dawn (2024)
A poster child for average
11 April 2024
This movie feels cheap. I really hope it was, because if it wasn't someone screwed up big time. It starts in WA and the war scenes look like someone's dad got his excavator and dug some trenches and built some retaing walls in WA. Its looks ridiculous. They've taken every lame war cliche in the book and shoehorned it into the script but the actors deliver their lines like they are school kids. Barely one looks, acts or moves like they've done any soldiering. It's hard to watch. It comes off like a high school kids media project. Not worthy of the ANZACS. If your going to make an Aussie war movie do it right...
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It's a joke
6 July 2022
I feel like I've just watched a movie written by a bunch of school kids. They threw everything funny they could think of against the board and literally forgot everything else that makes a good movie. As a result nothing else in this movie means's a green screen completely detached from reality...
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28 June 2022
Why cast Jean Claude Van Damne, Dolph Lundgren and Danny Treju and barely give them a line of dialogue...And of course insert "diverse female", strong and brave...boring by the numbers character....typical Hollywood virtue signalling hoping nobody finds out what your really up to....
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Interceptor (2022)
Insulting and just plain awful...
6 June 2022
I can't express my utter disdain for this movie enough. Apart from being terribly written and having a lead actor with ZERO charisma the identity politics in this movie is next level disgusting. They take one giant dump on the military after another...Matthew Reilly shouldn't be let near a camera again, ever. I've read a few of his books but little did I know what idiocy and disdain for real men he had lurking in his soy infested mind...never again...this is why I don't have any netflix shares....
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Firebite (2021–2022)
The Message
13 May 2022
The writers are to busy getting their message shoe horned into this. Rather than writing a compelling story. It's almost child like in its stupidity. I would have loved to have watched an Australian vampire movie but we get spoon fed someone's mental illness instead...
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Squid Game (2021– )
World Economic Forum Documentary
13 October 2021
In this amazing documentary The World Economic Forum and it's sociopath members have lured "Climate Change" deniers and "vaccine" hesitant people into a deadly game of life and death. Will the people wake up and unite or are we all doomed to a future under the boot of the worst people on the planet...
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It's passable
2 July 2021
I have one problem with this film just like the first one. The lead actress has the acting range, screen presence, and charisma of undercooked meatloaf. She's constantly out acted by all of her co-stars. Is she supposed to be on the spectrum? I don't know but she's so generally unattached from what's going on it feels like it. I couldn't care less if she makes it or not I'm constantly hoping the other actors will pull through so at least there's someone interesting to pull for. I hate to say diversity casting but tell me hollywood isn't there plenty of "diverse" actors out there that can act? Surely....if you gotta tick that box at least try harder.
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Netflix wants you to think it's edgy
24 December 2020
Thank you Netflix for sending us a comedian disguised as edgy to let us all know how to think. His hot takes are so irreverent and he's just subtle enough to hammer home those little facts you'd like us to believe.
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Midway (2019)
Shame on you Hollywood
13 January 2020
This movie is disgusting. It takes one of the most important events of WW2, our history and tries to cash in with the cheesiest most dim witted basic garbage production I've seen for a movie this size. All involved should be ashamed. And Hollywood needs to take a look at itself getting in bed with the Chinese. Yes big money is coming out of China because they have a slave class. Their money is I'll gotten and we should have nothing to do with it. Any actor who accepted a pay cheque for this is a damn joke. Screw you hollywood. Get back to virtue signaling about Climate Change and whatever idiotic cause that covers up your absolute hypocrisy. This movie also portrays the Japanese in an almost honourable light, like they were forced into war. These animals killed over 10 million civilians throughout Asia and committed some of the worst war atrocities ever seen. I have relatives that fought these wars and have heard the stories of brutality. Lest we forget. Again, screw you Hollywood. The Battle of Midway and our heroes deserve more respect.
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Dracula (2020)
What a waste of potential
9 January 2020
If you watch the first two episodes this show is just great. Then in the third act the show doesn't know if it wants to be a show about Dracula or some dreary nihilistic millennial drama. The writers really the bed on this one. What a pile of garbage. It's so damn disappointing to think of all the new avenues they could have taken with this character. They killed it. What a shame they had something really special there for awhile.......
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Over rated
14 November 2019
We finally get something from Disney that isn't insulting, derivative or with an obvious agenda. But it's not great and certainly not a 9 or 10. The score is atrocious but it does feel like Star Wars just without the fun or sense of adventure. Which is a problem. I hope it gets better but I've got no faith in Disney.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Are we all being played?
14 October 2019
All I saw before seeing this film was media hype. There was going to be violence, it should be banned, people are walking out. It glorifies disenfranchised "white males". Gutter trash news like CNN and the Guardian, MSNBC were spreading this vile divisive propaganda. Well have a think about this. Time Warner owns CNN, they also own Warner Bros who made this film. Is it OK to profiteer off peoples fears, to divide people in their countries against each other? Because Hollywood and the Mainstream Media are doing it. And I don't think we should be paying them a damn cent. Other than that garbage this was a great movie. It's not cookie cutter like most of the Marvel films, this movie is it's own monster and is well worth a watch. Lets just be a little more aware as to how unscrupulous Hollywood and lying Media Elites play ball. Don't trust them, don't listen to their virtue signalling just wake up.
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In 2019 it's now relevant
28 September 2019
With China rolling out a social credit system and western countries addicted to social media and generally unaware of the unbending corporate "big brother" over reach into peoples lives the movie is very timely for the "current year". With the rise of fascistic progressives in politics and an engineered outrage culture and political correctness followed by groups like Antifa the film is scary in its predictions and is elevated to a real classic. In short the communists are back and this film is a much more light hearted and fun take. Not to mention campy and fun performances.
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3 September 2019
Firstly take a look at the other user reviews for this film. 9's and 10's. utter garbage dishonest reviews. This movie was dull and basically made a straw man out of eating meat. If you are the kind of person that is gullible enough to buy some idiot telling you being a vegan will make your "dick harder" be my guest. If not don't waste your time.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
7 July 2019
Look what you can do Netflix when you leave identity politics out of your product. When you stop trying to force everyone around you to think like you do. You make a show like Stranger Things. Season one was great. You almost screwed season 2 up with that idiotic crew that was there for absolutely no reason (identity politics). Thank good we never saw them again. But season 3 was just perfect. Thank you.
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Shaft (2019)
A timely lesson for millennial soys
28 June 2019
This movie is just good fun. No it's not going to win an Oscar but these days who'd want a damn Oscar. What I like was Shaft Jnr's character progression from millennial beta soy boy to gun toting ladies man. What millennial "men" need to ask themselves is do women like soy sipping pussies with fake ass beards covering up their lack of chin. Skinny leg jeans and feelings. Hell no women want men. This is why so many women these days are so damn miserable. You c*cks barely even have babies. Do you want to be the kind of "man" that has a wife that also has a boyfriend? Maybe she'll let you watch if you promise not to cry. I've heard this movie be referred to as misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic and trans-phobic. Which is a real plus for me I'm in favor of all those things fucking right off the planet. So take a lesson pussies, be like Shaft watch this movie and shut the f&ck up.
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Generic at best
23 February 2019
This movie does absolutely nothing new. If you want to switch off your brain and waste an hour and a half this may be for you. The aggregate rating here is massively inflated for some reason.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Don't believe the HYPE. This movie is garbage
24 July 2017
After enduring this film I was blown away to discover the critical acclaim for this movie! Not to mention the IMDb user reviews! This movie took me to a whole new level of bland. To take one of the most significant events of World War 2 and turn it into THE most dull and bland cinematic experience of my life. The film was woeful. I have never been so detached from the characters in a film ever. I'm thinking the entire script would be lucky to fill more than a page. Not to mention the action. We have around 400,000 men needing evacuation. But it looked like a couple of thousand. There was no scale. The action was damn stupid from start to finish. Did they hire an expert? Hell no. I'm an ex soldier and that is not how any of that action sounds. Not to mention the cruddy no stakes PG 13 action. Did a main character just die? No idea. The editing was so terrible. And who cares if a character dies. There's no character development. So there's nothing to invest in. What a mess.
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Goldstone (2016)
Pretty damn average
13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this because I like to support Australian cinema when I can. It had decent reviews on Rotten Tomatoes so I thought why not. I was happy to go along with the story line even though it was pretty damn flawed and pretty uninspiring. There were a few parts of the movie where I thought the acting was quite cringe worthy (drunk cop). Some of the characters were quite cliché to. I was quite happy to look past the films shortcomings thinking the move might lift in the final act. It got worse. Hats get shot off when it should have been heads. This is where it really turns to sh&t with one of the lamest gun fights ever. Watch the main protagonists shoot it out while random people hang washing out or put the bins away with no idea there's a gunfight happening next to them! Anyway it was pretty terrible. I thought the movie was pretty damn pretentious to, given the quality of the writing and directing. Pretty good cinematography though.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Watch the trailer, Forget the Movie
7 August 2016
Here we go! Another DC cinematic universe movie pooped out to make nothing but money. Yes WB don't want your respect just your cash. But they are to lazy and or stupid to work out how to do it. A great director and stellar cast are let down (again) by pathetic WB management's decision to cut the guts out of a movie in a knee jerk reaction to Batman v Superman being a T&rd. Is this better that Batman v Superman? No not really. It's more colorful but it's just plain badly put together. Here we have some of DC's baddest bad guys doing the dirty work but wait. They all have hearts of gold and by the end of the movie become super-friends fighting the most generic villain you could ever get. DC/WB if you just focused on making good movies and not building words and franchises you's be a lot better off. Make the good movies. People will want to see them, the shared universe comes later. F%&king idiots.
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Preacher (2016– )
7 August 2016
Wow what a great start. Preacher has really knocked it out of the park. The cast is fantastic and the entire season has been just amazing. I cant wait to see what's in store for season two. And I cant help but think if WB treated their cinematic universe with as much care and respect as the Preacher crew has they wouldn't be in the Batman v Superman Suicide Squat S&*T show that they are in now. DC/WB this is how you do comics!! I feel very fortunate that we are seeing these brilliant comics come to life and to be honest for me lately TV is where it's at. Preacher, Dare Devil, Jessica Jones. This TV stuff is making a lot of the movies seem pretty tame.
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Deadpool (2016)
Just see It
14 February 2016
OK I don't want to spoil this or talk it up to much but just go see this movie it's fantastic. This movie had me smiling nearly the whole time. Everything about this movie was just awesome. This movie is just fun from start to finish and the team that finally got it made have done something really special. And FOX. Wow this has just come along with such a tiny budget compared to the other movies in the genre and blown them all out of the water. Anyway this movie delivers on everything it promises. Just go see it. If you don't like it get the hospital and get them to take the stick out of your B-hole. Deadpool is just so much fun!
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Seen it all before
30 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of Tom Cruise and really like the last movie in the franchise but I couldn't get over the feeling that I'd seen it all before. Every hair raising stunt, every corner Ethan Hunt is backed into you just know he's going to win. The movie itself was good but for me it seemed a little stale. The action sequences were huge and impressive but it just seems that Hunt is indestructible. He can ride one of the fastest super-bikes in the world and crash without a helmet and the guy doesn't even get a gravel rash! I know other people are loving it so don't let my lack of enthusiasm put you off going to the cinema to see it. It's certainly worth the ticked price.
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6 July 2014
Glad I didn't go to the cinema for this one. It's one of these movies that comes out with a great cast decent budget but just misses the mark. I'm not sure if it was a bad script or just bad comedic timing but this thing was like watching a vehicle accident in slow motion. I felt bad for the poor actors. This is my first review. I felt compelled to write it after seeing a few of the user reviews claiming how great this movie was. What a load of rubbish I suspect some studio trolling going on. Either that or they are handing out crack with the tickets to this movie. Anyway do yourself a favor, Don't hire this movie. What an embarrassment.
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