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Great concert film from one of the greatest bands of the 80's!
1 January 2005
The Hooters remain one of the most under-rated and talented musical groups to emerge from the 80's...this concert film will give the viewer a glimpse as to why. While many of the 80's bands sunk into a techno-bubblegum-pop sound, The Hooters stood by their rock and roll roots. Unlike today's artists, they actually were talented enough to not only play all their own instruments, but write all their own songs, and have a live sound that at times surpassed any work done in the studio. This video is definitely a hard find, but is worth searching out if you're a fan. The video also includes two videos from their fist album "Nervous Night" - The "..And We Danced" video is exceptionally spectacular, as it was filmed at the now long-gone Exton Drive-In Theater in Pennsylvania. A classic find for any fan of good the old-fashioned talented music that used to exist before the Britney's took over!
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Dusk to Dawn Crapola.
1 January 2005
This flick honestly looks as if it was made on $1.98 budget! The acting is so far sub-par it makes Keanu Reeves seem like Robert DeNero...The lighting (which is amazingly annoying once you get 5 minutes into the film) looks as if it was done with a few Bic lighters...The "special effects" look as if they may have been done in a 4th grade art class...The ending will not only leave the viewer scratching his drunken (hopefully) head, but come up with at least 10 alternate endings that would have been soooo much better! Why would One not only own (as I do) or rent this flick? It's honestly so, so bad - it borders on being good! If you're a fan of very, very, very low budget 70's horror flicks or the Drive-In Theater, this baby is for you! If not, you will find yourself losing more brain cells by the minute then Cheech & Chong did during the entire decade of the 70's! Final note: This movie was co-written by George "Buck" Flower, whom unfortunately I just found out passed away in 2004...Rest in Peace George, and please, don't let this be the movie that you'll be remembered for...
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The Twilight Zone (1959–1964)
The signpost up ahead...
9 December 2004
It is completely impossible to narrow down the best episodes of this classic TV series...everything about it (writing, acting, production values) is leaps and bounds above anything around today! That being said, since the Christmas season is approaching, Serling made two holiday episodes that are worth taking the time to watch all over again: "The Night of the Meek" with Art Carney and (my personal favorite) "The Changing of the Guard" with Donald Pleasance. Both are timeless classics, and show a very sentimental side to the Twilight Zone...Every year at the holiday season I like to sit back and take these episodes in; they get better and better with each repeated viewing! Merry Christmas & Enjoy!
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Misunderstood Masterpiece
19 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
First off..Why isn't this movie on DVD!?!

The "cut" version is the only one I can find in existence & that really takes away from the atmosphere that this movie is trying to purvey...Granted, the book is much better - but this is still one helluva movie! Acting, dialogue and the story itself put this flick far beyond other TV movies of this era (Remember - this is a "made for TV" flick!)Bette Davis (as always) is at top form as the Widow Fortune...the ending (SPOILERS) where the same fate becomes our main character is amazing!

Please someone, somewhere bring this movie to DVD - Uncut please!

PS: Check out the amazing voice of Donald Pleasance on the "audio books" the blind man is listening to...also, check out the content...Edgar Allen Poe!
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He's Back...The Man Behind the Mask
19 October 2004
It took them 5 tries - but they finally got it right! I'm not a huge fan of sequels, especially when the first picture was such a breakthrough (i.e.: Halloween) but this one seems to have hit the mark...It has some honest-to-goodness good scares, some well-needed humor, and a soundtrack featuring Alice Cooper...what more could you ask for? All this and one HOT 80's chick in the lead role!

This has to be the best sequel to this series that I have seen...If you're a fan Check out part 7....if you're into these flicks it's quite entertaining...otherwise, do yourself a favor and skip the other lame-o sequels!
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Pieces (1982)
"Stop!...................Or I'll blow yer BRAINS OUT!"
18 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
One cannot describe just how horrifically bad & at the same time FANTASTIC that this Spanish filmed piece of atrocity is...OK - SPOILERS for the brain dead: Linda Day George posing as a 35 year old high school student. "Bluto" from the (just as bad) Popeye film is the killer..Oh wait! No he isn't! What a surprise!! Christopher George chews his cigar and waits to act...OK...ACT! Gratuitous nudity - if you happen to fall asleep during all this crap ~ But do you know what? It really doesn't matter! "Pieces" ROCKS! Take a scalpel and give yourself a quick lobotomy & you'll be fine...enjoy it for what it is...honestly - if you are truly into crap cinema rent this flick...better yet, BUY IT...I'm sure it's cheaper. R.I.P Christopher George.
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"You're at the crossroads of your life..."
8 October 2004
This is a VERY under-rated film that seems to have disappeared from the video shelves & will never see the likes of a DVD release...what a shame! As you may have read from previous reviews, this movie really has a hard time fitting into one category...but at the same time, the story draws you in & you find yourself identifying with many of the characters...I, myself, have never seen a copy of the unrated version (The version I have is from a WPIX New York broadcast from around 1985) but this doesn't deter from the impact this movie has on the viewer...Some type of strange social commentary? A semi-slasher-revenge plot? Actually - who knows & who cares...almost 30 years after it's release the movie is very entertaining, accomplishes what it set out to do, and is a wonderful exercise in 70's exploitation...only a few rungs higher when it comes to plot & acting...I give this flick a 5 star "groovy" ~ Let yourself go & enjoy the ride...

PS: The only thing to watch out for & skip at all costs is the lame...did I say LAME theme song from the opening & ending credits...If you already don't - this will make you want to wish that the 70's never happened (But it did...It DID...!) "You're at the crossroads of your life...the crossroads of your life and you are..." AAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUGGGHHHHH!
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Hell Night (1981)
Yes...Linda Blair did have one Hell of a night...
7 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
It seems this movie has been unfairly lumped in with the rest of the early 80's schlock horror/slasher my opinion, very unfairly. OK - it didn't have the production values of "Gone With the Wind" but it did accomplish what it set out to do ~ namely scare you from beginning to end! It seems from many other reviews that many thought this film to be "boring" (?) I think that there's much confusion between "boring" and "suspenseful" (What a helluva lot of horror films seem to lack these days) Linda Blair and the rest of the cast seem to be having a lot of fun with their roles, the atmosphere of the film is very creepy, and it's almost refreshing to see that (SPOILER:) not everybody makes it out alive...there's no happy ending, no long drawn-out explanation - just good old-fashioned scares! It's almost like being on the receiving end of great ghost story around a roaring campfire...grab you girlfriend (or boyfriend) and hold on tight, there's something roaming around the old Garth mansion...all this and Linda Blair! Good God ~ This must be Heaven!
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The Great Houdini (1976 TV Movie)
7 October 2004
I'm lucky enough to say that I own a copy of this movie, taped very late one night a long time ago. Upon repeated viewings, the movie still stands the test of time! Paul Michael Glazer is excellent as Harry Houdini, but that's only the tip of the iceberg with this wonderful cast...Sally Struthers plays the role of Harry's wife (both young & old) very convincingly, Vivian Vance is perfect as the nurse (bringing quite a bit of humor to the role), Adrienne Barbeau is as sultry as ever but brings a lot of heart to her role, Bill Bixby - although in the movie only briefly - is very believable as the Medium trying to contact Houdini's ghost, hell - even Peter Cushing gets in on the action! The best role by far was played by the late Ruth Gordon, who should have gotten much more notoriety for her role as Houdini's mother...WHAT A CAST! Aside from all of that is a very interesting (and at times VERY scary) story not to mention a wonderful love story! Why isn't this movie out on DVD?!? If at all possible, do yourself a favor and watch this one if fortunate enough to get a chance! EXCELLENT IN EVERY WAY!
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Zapped! (1982)
"I found your pepperoni - you bowl-legged son of a..."
7 October 2004
Zapped has only two redeeming values...the fact that it showcases the talents of the late, great Scatman Crothers (NOT a pinnacle of his career) and more importantly...the big screen debut of the lovely Miss Heather Thomas. Other than that, this movie is best watched after many, many beers...even then it may not be watchable. The story is a soft-core porno meets an ABC after-school special...lotsa boobs, extremely bad story-line, a "Star Trek" sequence that must be seen to be believed (or disbelieved!)...But somehow the 10 minutes that Heather Thomas graces the screen makes it all seem worthwhile...Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Skip the lame sequel at all costs! (Even Linda Blair doesn't save it!)

As Scott Baio's father asks him: "Son, are you on dope?" - - you'd have to be to enjoy this one!
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Hellhole (1985)
4 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Actually, this movie is so entertaining - if you get a group of the right people, you can honestly make your own episode of Mystery Science Theater! Everything about it is so over-the-top bad there's really no way that you can't enjoy it! (For those of you out there whom have been lobotomized here comes some minor spoilers & points of interest)~ What is the best thing about this movie?? Ray Sharkey's hair? Judy Lander's "acting"? The size of Robert Z'Dar's face? The Rick Springfield 1980's super-cool doctor? The plot (none)? The mental institution that is over-run with Playmate looking patients? The fact that every single actress in this flick has no problem taking their clothes off at the drop of a hat? (Except Judy that's a CRIME!) The list is must be seen to be believed...If these type of movies are your cup of tea, by all means check this one out..

Oh yeah! Listen closely for Ray Sharkey's classic line of dialogue at the beginning: "Where'd you hide the papers...IN THE SAUCE??? HUH?!?!?"
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Shauna Grant & an actual storyline...
25 September 2004
This, my friends, in when porn was porn...Suzie Superstar looked as if it actually may have had a budget & writers who knew how to write a story! Shauna Grant is truly one of the most beautiful performers that has ever worked in the adult industry & although she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, you can see that she's giving it her best shot in this one... For those of you interested in this type of film, this is a very good study in the type of "story + porno" films Burt Reynolds was trying so hard to make in "Boogie Nights" It's also highly recommended to any fans of Shauna Grant, a shining star who burned out too would be interesting to see what she would be doing today had things been different...hmmm.

Great early 80's porno...again, they just don't make them like that anymore!
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Nurse Sherri (1977)
Rise William...RISE!
25 September 2004
I first saw this movie at the local drive-in as part of a double bill with "Eyeball" - What a complete laugh-fest! The "acting" and production values are definitely par for the course for Al Adamson (In one scene alone is it daytime or night - or just blue filter over the camera lens? Who cares? Apparently not Mr. Adamson) I had to buy this one as soon as I found a copy and now that it's on DVD, I highly recommend this to any fans of the genre...I think it's Al Adamson's...uhhh...masterpiece (?!) One that truly has to be seen to be believed...

Oh yeah! Jill Jacobson's breasts should have had their own credit in the movie (if you know what I mean) Whatever happened to Jill Jacobson??
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25 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie as a child back in the late 70's on "Chiller Theater" & remember being scared stiff! I just watched it again this past week with my 18 year old nephew & was surprised to find that not only was I scared, but he was as well...I think that's the best compliment to a horror film - how it stands up with time... This movie is such an under-rated classic, I really enjoy introducing it to friends who have never even heard of it...I have yet to have someone walk away from it & not feel a little bit creeped out... I won't give away any story-line, as you can find out those details on this web-site, but with Halloween rapidly approaching & if you want to give yourself a good old-fashioned scare - THIS MOVIE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... (Minor Spoiler:)To those who have seen it...the scene where Emily emerges from the cove haunted my dreams for a LONG TIME!

Do yourself a favor & find this lost treasure...
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Passion Pit (1985)
18 December 2003
I'm lucky enough to have a copy of this on video! It's Tracy Lords at her best! Besides the stunning Miss Lords, it also boasts the great "talents" of the late John Holmes, Stacey Donovan, and Little Oral Annie! As far as any plot goes, there isn't any (Hey! this is porn we're talking about...) but I defy today's adult movies to top the snack-bar scene, where Traci's having a little trouble with her roller skates..."all it needed was a good screw" Don Fernando tells tells Traci after fixing the problem, cue the cheesy 80's porno music, & let the sparks fly! Dirk Diggler would be proud! It looked as if it was filmed at a real Drive In snack bar, and after all that happens, I'm not sure I'd ever want to buy my popcorn from there again!

The Drive In is the perfect backdrop for all this fun, and I wish I had the chance to see this gem through a windshield on a nice starry night...(what would be the second feature?!) Anyway, if this type of movie is your preference, by all means - check this one out! Terrible acting, horrible music, beautiful women & the Drive In...This is 80's porn at it's finest! It's a shame they don't make them like this anymore
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