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Best Meets Worst
7 October 2022
So Marvel's best TV show meets it's worst lifting She Hulk to an all time high episode rating. If Jennifer Walters appears in Daredevil- Born Again, I expect the opposite to happen. It seems the MCU are going to put the hours in to Daredevil. Something they clearly never did for She Hulk. I'm not sure what the future is for She Hulk with episode 9 yet to come. This has been a trite mess of a TV show that even fails at being a mediocre sit-com. The irony of course is that there probably is a need for a Superhero lawyer given the constant expansion of the MCU. But surely one who is on top of her brief and had at least heard of Daredevil given the publicity he has had.
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Elvis (2022)
Colonel Tom is a Better Title.
25 June 2022
There is a lot to unpack about what I did not like about this movie but I also feel I need to 'fess up about my love of Elvis and growing up a fan as a child. I was 11 when he died and it came as a big shock. In rural Norfolk where we lived mostly 20 years in the past so it seemed that he had only just arrived. I spent a long time after following the legend. The Kurt Russel movie, the odd "That's the Way it is / Was" documentaries - stylistically plundered for this movie and of course all the movies. Owning 40 Greatest Hits was pretty much issued to you growing up. Then Punk Rock and New Wave came and Elvis just became the distant past, even if he did shock his audience in a way Johnny Rotten could only dream. Occasionally American Trilogy would come on the radio and I'd crank it up and do an Elvis impersonator sing-along, "Wisha was, inna lanna cotton" I played it on my excited drive to see this movie I had been waiting for, saying to my partner, "If this song is not referenced in the movie, I'll be stunned, it is definitive Elvis".

Once the film started, it was the first track we see enacted by the incredibly brilliant Austin Butler who nails it. Sadly, there is not much else good to say about this movie beyond his performance. It makes sense of course that Baz Luhrmann would open with that. Luhrmann is never one to use a nutcracker when there is a sledgehammer he can bang an idea a few times with until you get it. That's my point. This is not really an Elvis movie. It is a Tom Parker movie that wishes it was an Elvis movie. I am not sure you can be that dark and cynical about Elvis life and hope to get away with it considering what baggage the typical audience are likely to bring to the show. For Elvis to be portrayed as this easily manipulated kid, when anyone who watched the documentaries mentioned above knew The King was always in charge. If you tip the weight of the narrative to Colonel Tom you have to reduce the personality of Elvis. Don't get me wrong when I first heard rumours about this movie I was very keen for a Colonel Tom movie played by Tom Hanks but for that movie to work it needs a less important Elvis, that's a tough trick to pull off.

This movie is only coherent to an Elvis fan. To others not plugged into the folklore, myth and legend, it is long and boring with Luhrmann over egging his point and being cynical and depressive. He either fast forwards too much that is relevant or dwells on insignificance to bolster and pad out the Colonel Tom con artist. There is the art of the conman, the huckster, referenced through this movie. In reality, the biggest card trick is shuffled by the director who promises us a celebration of Elvis but delivers a woeful, tedious tale of a mediocre manager who got lucky clinging to a rocket after it had already launched. Butler is brilliant, no doubt, Hanks is hammy at best. Luhrmann tries to use Elvis to paint Tom Parker which is like I said, using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

Fun in places but subtle it ain't. Thang yer verry mush.
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Count Me In (2021)
Drummer's Drummer? and no Neil Peart.
6 November 2021
A few years ago, decades even, some rock mag did a review of the drummer's favourite drummers. It's a pity many of them don't get a mention here. Omitting Phil Collins and Neil Peart is quite a thing. But then I would say that like Simon Phillips ( also no mention ) they are musicians drummers. I loved the whole section on Keith Moon as a huge Who fan and rightly he is the reason so many got behind a kit in the first place. I think the technical skill of a Neil Peart is important to a band but can seem a bit, "whoah where's the fun?" to people who do music for the love. Tellingly Peart's favourite drummer was Keith Moon. You buy a 7 year old a drum kit and show them youtube videos of all the greats. Their eyes light up at Keith Moon. If they're still playing at 15 they'll be playing along to Spirit of the Radio, not Who are You. That is enough to at least mention him.
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Truth Be Told (2019– )
With all their Billions
13 January 2020
This is a shame. Apple are arguably the best poised to come up with original drama of all the big players. The writing is as bad as others have been saying. The actors are excellent and actually disprove Harrison Ford's alleged slur to George Lucas that, "You might be able to write this s++t but you can't say it." They do well with some utter crap lines and I can almost Imagine them wrapping their head round them. Watch it with subtitles, which I do with my non-native English speaking girlfriend and you end up wanting to applaud Mekhi Phifer for delivering utter drivel so well. Aaron Paul just does what he does and Ocatvia Spencer is excellent, too. But even with this talent.. which lifts it from a 1 to a 4/10 - I would steer clear unless you are an actor who just got a gig on a dull daytime soap and you want to see how grade A actors work with E grade scripts.
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Dredd (2012)
12 January 2013
Enough water under the bridge since Sly Stallone's abysmal take on 2000AD's most successful character. We should all be grateful that Hollywood saw fit to remake it and do it in such great style without losing the essence of what is Dredd. This movie ticks the boxes for fans and first-comers alike. They skip swiftly to the action with only an outline of what a Judge is in this dystopia. We soon get the gist of it. I'd like to add that getting an actor on the rise to play a role where you don't get to see his face could have impacted a high profile casting. After all Stallone's ego over-rode the fact that Dredd never removes his helmet. That said. If other actors turned it down because of this it is their loss and Karl Urban's absolute gain - he nails Dredd perfectly and when he says Dredd's catchphrase, "I am the law" you almost want to jump out of your seat and cheer because you are so into "his" Dredd by then. Olivia Thirlby is extremely good in this and keeps Dredd balanced. The plot is very linear and I hope that enough people rent and buy this to get it the sequel it deserves. I think it was a bad move by Hollywood to make it R-Rated and any sequel could be less violent, or keep it off camera in order for it to get to the market it needs to continue as a franchise. The script is great and tight but the real payoff is the amazing electronic soundtrack. If you have surround sound and sub-woofer - you'll really enjoy this side of the movie. Cinematography wise it is very well shot and the use of colour saturation gives it a unique feel.

Please watch, rent buy this movie so that there is the chance of a sequel where we can get deeper into Dredd and Anderson's background.
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The Dictator (2012)
Oh Dear
22 May 2012
Whatever you do , do not waste good money going to see, "The Dictator". It is puerile rubbish. I have seen funnier, more original, Carry-On films. It will only appeal to you if you are a racist, sexist, American or under 12 and think poo and willy jokes are funny. Which is Ironic as under 16s are not allowed to see it..

I cannot believe the jokes in this movie actually cleared some kind of production process. If you stuck 5 monkeys in a room and said they had two hours to come up with a comic movie about a Dictator, their jokes would have been far more original and less obvious.

I am stunned that this is getting 7 + stars on IMDb. My vote, 5, is generous and even then it's in acknowledgement that some people, like Carry On Fans, have a soft spot for this rubbish. But I think even Sid James would have passed on this tosh.
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Fragments of a Good MOvie
26 February 2012
I normally have a guessing game after a movie I have been to see which is "how would it rate on IMDb" . I guessed that this movie would have rated better than it did but that is unusual, normally I am within .1 or .2. So why did I think this was better than most?. I'll be quick. Chris Pine and Tom Hardy have great chemistry even if Tom Hardy is streets ahead with his acting chops than anyone else in this movie. Actually that's it really. It has got it's moments early on and does keep the attention with a few lifts in interest as the movie paces along nicely. Where I think it fell flat was Reese Witherspoon, far and away the wrong actress for this movie. Kristen Whig? Anyone but Reese. I really think Tom Hardy rescues this movie and should they make a sequel then they have a lot to work from to decide where this film went wrong and where it went right. So when I come to decide on my rating I can't give it a halfway mark and I think giving it a six would be cruel for this, seven is generous and a rating reserved for "worth seeing at the cinema".. you know what, it is - just.
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Just when we thought HBO could do no wrong....
25 October 2011
This is the TV equivalent of being abused by a trusted relative. You don't believe that they could do you any harm and are too naive to suspect their psychological tricks. You just believe that this is the way things should be done and that there is something wrong with you for not enjoying it.

I ended up feeling that my trust in HBO had been chronically abused.

It's particularly ironic that this followed the finale of the Sopranos because many people felt they were cheated with that ending.

Maybe in a 1,000 years people will review top quality HBO as the eras "BC" - before crap and "JC" - John from Cincinnati.

The big downside is that I never trusted HBO again for fear they are dumping more pretentious crap on me . To this day my wife and I use the phrase, "the Zero and Ones in Cass's camera" as a metaphor for hinting how bad a show is.


oh did I say it was awful?
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Isolation and Control
2 January 2011
Having watched this movie on a flight I am going to steer clear of commenting on what appeared to be some amazing cinematography.

With a sparse cast and a sparse setting this films works hard on the subtleties and isolation of the main characters. The monotony, the boredom, the sense of duty and the age old story of the older experienced man and the younger upstart who doesn't appreciate the ways of old.

Grigoriy Dobrygin as Pasha is incredible in delivering the essence and fundamentals of the story. What makes this movie thrilling and scary at the same time is that, in such isolation, everything that could possibly scare you in such a situation is explored or alluded to so you never know what could happen because anything could happen. Within this context an important message is received Without spoiling the movie, one could say that we cannot control how people react to things anymore than we can control nature itself. And sometimes to try and prevent bad things happening can be the worst choice but it is always the human choice.

The script is extremely tight and though the dialogue is somewhat monosyllabic and sparse it all adds to the tension, (and makes it easier if you are not watching it in Russian and dislike subtitles) I cannot imagine how a movie as good as this could ever be made in Hollywood. Where, for example, someones expressions alone could take up 5 minutes of film and still have you on the edge of your seat. Even Hitchcock would have learned a lot from the art of suspense after watching this movie.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
It is a remake
15 October 2010
I went to an almost empty cinema to see this film, a few short days after its release and not far into the movie one of the handful sized audience left - a woman, I guess, in her sixties. I have seen and love the original, Let The Right One In and for those who have not seen that movie will come across a treat in the remake. I am going to try and avoid a compare and contrast between this and the original, though very difficult to do.

Set in 1983 - pre social networking and cell phones - where boredom and imagination were our friends. Even though the stars are kids, it moves well away from teen horror and slasher, and a mature audience is most likely to appreciate this fable. In ways it even has tints of Where The Wild Things Are.. The main characters are superb and we get drawn into that world and that era. On the one hand, the boy is 12 but the girl only looks 12 and that is the mystery and the trick that stops the audience judging such a cute kid so strongly. One is following the impulses of pre-adolescence the other an impulse to survive but there is an awful undercurrent of emotional abuse that makes the film so intriguing - and when pushed in those corners we make bad choices about friendships.

I would also remind that this is Hammer's first movie since 1976 - and way different in their style from back then. I think the lady that left the cinema had seen the Swedish version, much more subtle, and left at the first gory scene - of which there are few in the original. There is a lot of horror in this tale and perhaps it didn't need to be visualized so much. The director did a great job of keeping hold of the essence but one feels the Hollywood machine wanted more visual gore to up the audience ante. That is the only flaw in an otherwise excellent Movie.
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30 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film about relationships and symbolism. To really enjoy this movie you have to get that, particularly the symbolism.

The main characters do not have a perception of themselves, except through each other. When one brother makes a phone call, for example, it takes the other brother to explain what he is up to. They need each other to understand each other.

I note the criticisms of the culturally insensitive perceptions of India, but, to me, that is the point that somehow location is going to improve their spiritual condition. The Indian perception is exactly the criticism that's been voiced. A silly white middle class American perception. That's the point. I mean, allowing more time at a train stop to buy an adapter than visit the temple. How 'American'.

The real metaphors of redemption are channeled through Brodies character but you wonder if the mother's role in their emotional development isn't as much as fault as the deceased father. Even creating a new threat to family reconciliation in the absence of the assumed 'feared' father figure.

This is a movie that has could do with more than one viewing as the subtleties are very rich. If there is a flaw it is that the more obvious symbolism tarnishes a very smart movie.
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Into the Wild (2007)
Great Achievement
9 October 2007
I had read the book before seeing the movie and they are very different experiences. In the book you project so much into McCandless world, whereas in the film you are handed down more about what Penn understood from the book. This makes it more difficult to absorb because in some moments you gain a sense of empathy and identity and then it moves into another direction. It is difficult to understand if McCandless is a loner, adventurer or just internally angry. With this you lose a lot of what takes a film from being good to being great.

Essentially it is one man's odyssey and personal journey. The narrative of the film drives a certain set of understanding about the character that could have been better addressed if the cast was more stripped down. Too many philosophical points are trying to be made when the only real point is why people choose to take the paths they do. At a level this films tells us what that is but on another level it doesn't add up. There is more to it that we don't get to see or fully understand I think the subject would have been better handled with a different director but Penn made it his baby. By doing that he allowed his own ego to tarnish a film that should have been about the complete absence of ego. Penn clearly would have loved the lead role if he had been 25 years younger so projects it onto Hirsch, who in some cuts looks scarily like a younger Penn - so as an actor Hirsch tries to live up to something he is not. Like a dad cheering a son at football whilst all the time berating him for not doing it how he would.

The supporting class don't have any depth to them because Penn ( and this is a good thing) over estimates the intelligence of his audience to fill in the gaps.

It is certainly an accomplished film with a difficult subject and kudos for the attempt but I don't believe Penn is of the caliber of Director to pull this kind of subject off - yet.
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Turistas (2006)
Wrongly Categorised
29 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Certainly this film has a lot to redeem itself. For a start dispense with it being a slasher in the style of Hostel then your expectations will be better set. It could be an abstract episode of 'Lost" or many things in that vein because the clichés are abound. There is nothing bad about this movie, it is cookie cutter entertainment. It's not blood and guts apart from many scenes that have been dissected in previous posts (sic). It doesn't have a memorable villain or positive hero, that's no big loss, though..just minimises sequel potential.

Don't watch this movie if you love Hills Have Eyes, Hostel and so on expecting the same, you won't get it. If you are browsing the video store for a scary flick and a bit stuck for choice, this won't disappoint. Again it's about expectations. It's better than Friday 13th and that made ten sequels!

Plot and Gore aside, the scenery is lavish, the cinematography is exceptional, the actors cope happily with simple fare. I have seen a lot worse movies with much better reviews.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
How Mean Can A Spider Really Get?
6 May 2007
It's difficult to sustain a franchise for the third time. Seriously, can you name an example where the third movie improves on the first two? A lot of this is to do with the difficulty of trying to move something on yet retain the familiarity that cinema goers expect. Spiderman 3 doesn't really try to move on or even generate a new story arc. The movie doesn't really bring anything new to the table. Of course the special effects are nothing short of astounding. Most of the best bits we've seen in the constant trailers but the story and twisting of themes as Spidey moves over to the dark side are a seriously missed opportunity. One expects that an oddball like Parker would be come seriously deranged and anyone who has seen a real spider edge across it's web to a fly know's that the opportunity for ruthlessness could have been much more entertaining.

What we are left with is a reworked storyline touching on all too familiar themes with a bloated budget. Though this makes absolute economic sense, it falls far short of entertainment expectations. Kirsten Dunst suggested they should make Spiderman 4 as a low budget horror going back to Director Raimi's roots, now that would be moving the ideas on.
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Much better than you think
10 February 2007
This is a very good movie, not a great movie but very good. Reminiscent of the Twilight Zone or outer limits, perhaps the brevity of it too helps that comparison. It has a very creepy atmosphere to the whole thing and like a great book you get out of this movie what you bring to it. So if you like a bit of psychology and a good thriller then you'll very much enjoy this movie which is that a story can be exciting to the story teller but even more so to the listener. Because the listener projects their reality to the story and this is what this movie does, successfully. There is also an arching philosophy that the Williams character suggests in the opening lines. That what is real, including ourselves, is only constructed from others perceptions. This is not a heavy film but is a bit of a slow burner, a tough call for an 80 minute movie but there is a point of clarity where this movie goes from being a bit dull to amazing.
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