
14 Reviews
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Monstrous (2022)
Don't watch if you expect a pure horror movie
22 May 2022
I believe most of the poor review is because the person expecting to see a horror but instead it is a psychological thriller. The acting is good, the story isn't very original but hey, it is hard to come by with an original ideas these day so it is just mediocre. Overall, me and my wife did enjoy this.
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Tall Girl (2019)
Not award worthy but enjoyable
23 September 2019
I really don't get the hate for this movie as if most of the people who write the review is expecting and award worthy film. I don't care much about the Swedish accent since English isn't my native language anyway. I found the movie is fun but the script isn't really good at point and it really kind of cliche in a way. However I enjoy this movie as much and didn't expect that the main character didn't get the Prom Queen as I would think it is going to be which is great. I'm 5' 11" and 6" taller than average height in my country an 6'2" is really tall here (don't get it why some complaint she isn't tall enough).
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Dragon Blade (2015)
Cheesy but enjoyable
27 July 2015
Well, everyone has their own opinion and some may think this is a bad movie. I may have the same feeling as those who dislike this movie as I could understand that we expect a great movie with great acting, script and cinematography from a huge name in film industry but yet we get something different. However when we look from other perspective, this movie is quite enjoyable. Yes, the script and storyline is quite cheesy but what do we expect from Chinese movie? Many of Asian movie is full of cheesy dialogue and plot but many of them is entertaining. Throughout this movie I find many plot holes and ridiculous stuff but it doesn't make me sleep halfway of the movie. Some elements is good. Many action movies nowadays like to utilize shaky cam to make audience believe the action was good but most of the time it make us feels dizzy, which I am glad that Chinese do not used the "Shaky Cam Technology". Apart from that, some of the values found in this movie is what we need in our current society. I do not recommend this movie if you hope for over the top fight scene, great acting etc. If you enjoy classic Chinese war movie, I think you are going to enjoy this one too.
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Animus (I) (2013)
Good idea being executed badly
12 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you read the 1st review, more likely it was written by a person related to the movie. Well, the movie starts good however as it gets towards the end it just went so bad. In the beginning of the movie I see some hopes that this movie going to be a good low budget movie but I was wrong. The cinematography was OK but the rest was just below par. Sometimes I have some kind of feelings that this movie being written and directed by 6years old kid. It feels like they try to throw all ideas that they have into the movie without giving the ideas a good justification. The 1st thing was the killer maniac, his appearance was OK but I was thinking why the heck he would strap a saw at his hand and use it as a weapon. It was ridiculous to see him slicing the students like butter as if he was using a katana. The other thing was when 2 of the students climbed a ladder while the killer was chasing them, I was thinking how he could climb easily with a long saw being strapped to his hand, WTFish. Well, I guess writing more review about this movie would just waste my time. Here's the conclusion, if you really doesn't have anything else to do or lost in a bet, then watch this movie. In other circumstances, just STAY away from it.
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Crystal Lake Camp with a twist
21 January 2013
Most of people would have said that this is the worst movie ever but I don't think it is. Well, if every bad movie is the worst than what is the definition of THE WORST itself. I mean this movie isn't worst but it is bad. They try to put some classic movie atmosphere and cliché' into this and I believe they have succeeded (but not really good). It is not horror but rather trying to be comedic. At times I would feel like laughing but I just can't, something some kind of missing in it. If you have nothing better to do than loosen your expectation and watch this movie. Then you may find it is watchable. If more time, money and efforts being put on this movie maybe it would be much much better.
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Hitman: Absolution (2012 Video Game)
Splinter Cell???
7 December 2012
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The first thing i want to say here is this game is not as good as the rating. before going any further i want to tell that I'm a huge fan of Hit-man series and have been waiting 8 years for this to come out and I'm not someone whose going to bash any game that I've never played before. There are few improvements in this sequel. Superb graphic, better AI, better animation, great dialogs through the game and few others that you may like during the game play. However with all these potential, the developer ruins the game with some major holes in the game. The most thing that I hate is the disguise system. Your disguise would be blown by anyone on the same outfit as your's whose standing miles away from you and you may even turn your head back from them while standing in a dark area. This is sheet. It's annoying that you'll blown your cover within 3 seconds you've been spotted. What makes this more ridiculous is that each time you step at the wrong place, you'll be spotted without any warning. Disguise doesn't seem to be part of the game plan anymore because you're more likely to be discovered every 10 seconds. The second thing that really disappointing is the level based game play. Most of the time, you'll be figuring out how to get from point A to point B, it's not Hit-man anymore, it's more like Splinter Cell. They also reduced the level size so at the level where your target is located, you doesn't have much option on how to kill your target. Blood Money offered more possible ways to kill your target than this garbage. There's no map or even mini map. You only have radar and instinct to plan your path. The weapons available in this game are much less compared to it's predecessors. The list of disappointment on this game is endless. If it's come out as a new title, than it's OK but to call this Hit-man, maybe NOT!
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How To Destroy A Movie Franchise with a Sequel
16 November 2012
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Years spent on waiting for this sequel turns into disaster as the movie progress. The intro wasn't that bad but when vincent started to show up, the movie was going into the drain (I'm not paying to watch Twilight). I mean, Romance and SH just doesn't mixed up (wish I had the privilege to fast forward). The other thing that makes me say WTF was when Vincent and Heather stayed in a motel in silent Hill. How the f** a motel being built there, the road sign says ROAD CLOSED and I don't think it would be a good business to run a motel over there. The story is confusing, everything seemed to be rushed. The ending well, "and They lived happily ever after.. (except heather's father)". If you're thinking on watching this movie, you should expect Uwe Boll's being the director.
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don't expect too much
29 October 2012
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First of all I would like to warn you that this is a low budget movie so level down your expectation while watching this flick. This Unisol is an alternate universe for Unisol series so don't be confused by the different storyline. Generally, this title has taken a new turn for the Unisol series. I was going for this when i see Van Damne and Dolph but they are not the main character. However, this movie is not bad at all except for a very confusing storyline though. If you love great fight scene then this is for you but don't bother about anything else. It has a very confusing story, weird appearance of characters, bad dialog, and very twisted. So if you're going to watch this then just shut down part of your brain which process logic.
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This movie could have been better
24 October 2012
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As the title, this movie is about some folks from eastern part of London fighting through zombie's apocalypse. Generally, this movie is just a few step behind Shaun of The Dead. However, there are some scenes where it just don't make any sense (i mean, though it is a movie, it should be putting some sense in the storyline). The intro which shown how the zombie nightmare started was quite ridiculous. If you're a man looking at your friend being eaten by a zombie, would you just scream like a little girl or would you ran out for help. It was a construction site filled with construction workers. The other frustrating moment in this movie was at the end of it where the folks were going on a boat but their boat was chained to the dock and one of them tried to release it. At first, they ran onto the boat to get away from the zombie hordes but then suddenly they started to waste their ammo on killing all of the zombies. What was the point of running if all you want to do was killing all the walkers. If some efforts were put to make the plot more 'senseful', this movie would be much better.
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Piranha 3DD (2012)
what???? Is this a joke
5 June 2012
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well, the first piranha 3d was good enough to entertain me. however, this second installment really makes me said, what the fish??!! come on dimension film, this movie could've been better. Almost everything in this movie is good enough but due to a very bad storyline, this movie is something to waste your time a.k.a money. The movie starts with a good introduction and later as it progress, more and more craps are showing up. A lot of things that doesn't make any sense being put in this movie. There is a time when the piranha shows cannibalistic act but this is nonsense. If they are cannibalistic, they wouldn't be around since they'll keep eating their own mate. The ending was ridiculous. I couldn't understand how that fat ass makes the pipe blown. He didn't use any explosive but instead he just pour some petrol inside the piping system and he use his cigarette to start the fire which somehow creates explosion. I know that a good movie doesn't has to be realistic a follows physic of the real world but that doesn't mean it has to be too ridiculous to be true. As a conclusion, don't pay a penny to watch this, even David Hasselhoff can't save this abomination. --> Additional note: Do watch this if you could think this movie as a comedy like Scary Movie.
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Night of the.. what??
16 March 2012
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Seeing this title up to be grab just make my heart pounding. I was expecting a horde of zombies swarming the place to feed on the living but what i get was just a few zombies walking in circle. This movie ain't that bad but it's just not that good either. The cast is good, the zombies look convincing but the cgi reminds me of the game The House of The Dead. This movie could have been better. The plot needs to be stronger and more convincing (i just don't buy it when the movie tells the reason why the dead is zombified). It does has something classic to relate to the original Night of The Living Dead which is slow pace and somehow i feels the movie does has the mood of the classic. Overall, the movie is not for someone who expects a fast pace action zombie movie.
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Mass Destruction of Low Budget Zombie Movie
16 December 2011
Don't get me wrong with my summary. What I mean with the mass destruction is that; this movie shows that a low budget movie could be way better without a cheap nudity, sex and other ridiculous stuff that are infecting most of low budget zombie/horror/thriller movies out there. Of course there is a few things that make this film incomparable with Shaun of The Dead, Dawn of The Dead or other great zombie movies but for a low budget movie; this is good. This movie is not stereotypical as many. There is no hero and heroine that in the end live happily ever after. What they have in this movie is issues with politics, racism, sexual heretic(gay), and a few other things. In spite of that, there are some weak point in this movie. The script could be better and more comical since people tend to laugh to the silly script not the comedy itself in this film. The filmmaker seems to cling with the cliché act of many zombie movies where someone's arm being pulled-off so easily(which is silly). Without such scene, this movie could be better. Well, this movie is worth to watch but never expect it to be that perfect.
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Mimic: Sentinel (2003 Video)
Mimic: The Drama
14 December 2011
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I have watched the first two films and they are better than this. Inspite of some good reviews about this movie but I think you should stay away from this if you expect it to be like its predecessor. For those who enjoy more action, horror or thriller, you are going to be disappointed. This movie has about 10 minutes of action and the rest of it is just a drama. Yeah, some people may consider this as a thriller drama where the fear is more psychological than blood and gore and explosion and other physical stuff that make you high but I prefer a straight thriller/horror/action movie just like the first two. Well, if you like a peeping-tom kind of movie then maybe this one is just for you but if you are like me, then spend your time and money on something else.
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Conan The Retard
8 December 2011
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I had some doubt on this movie long before watching it. Most movies like this one always give me disappointment rather than an enjoyment moment in my life. Anyway I thought about giving it a go and that's it. The prologue of this movie looks promising. However, as the movie goes further the story is getting boring and all the actions just lame. You just won't be able to catch the action and all of a sudden you only see someone died. The storyline is too typical. Conan lost his family and his tribe, Conan seek for vengeance, Conan meets a girl, Conan saves a girl, Conan 'sleep' with the girl, Conan lose the girl to bad people, Conan saves the girl one more time and they live happily ever after. I just wish to see more twist in this movie, not some crappy old-school storyline. Even a remake doesn't has to be the same as the original since there is no point in making a new movie with same or similar title and similar plot. The daughter of Khalar Zym, Marique was shown to possess a great magical power as she summons the sand men (warriors made of sand) to attack Conan and his girlfriend but later she never shows any other magic that she has when she fights Conan and the pure blood at the end of the movie. What kind of sorcerer is that if she could only use her power once? And Khalar Zym himself, the mask should give him some kind of power but what I see was just a lame sword fighting. Then it would be ridiculous for him to search the mask for many years as it only gives him nothing more than a stupid looking mask. Never watch this movie if you are expecting more from it.
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