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Red Notice (2021)
Popcorn with crap CGI, wasted budget
14 November 2021
For 200 million you would assume they could get a bit of a storyline and at least do some actual shots or proper CGI. Bit this has the simplest settings done in CGI when there's no need to. It looks like a 10 million movie. Lighting is off, it all looks too fake.

Crap, but fun for a moment.
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Worst CGI in years
29 October 2021
In the gutter of CGI known as dceu. This is the worst yet. Story is bad, and to thin. But they way it looks almost makes you forgot that part. It looks like a 15$ budget. Hopefully WB will just put an end to the DCEU.
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Batman V Superman V CGI
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Overall a very entertaining film, it's a real plus to see Batman come up with some technical countermeasures against Superman, which actually make the fight a bit more realistic. As in, it would be obvious at first sight that Superman is going to win this.

The actual fighting is top notch, but then there's CGI... and CGI,.... and some more CGI.

The main enemy is way over the top, exploding like multiple nuclear bombs while resembling the Hulk. Also the way he was created was too much CGI.

Why do these movies always have to get messed up by a couple of computer nerds that just want to show their CGI creations, without it adding anything to a movie.
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Great start, so-so finish
9 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It start off great, true to the original, and with Arnie digitalized it still looked great. The twist to the new plot was very creative.

The trouble is that where 1 & 2 gave you the thrills because it was a bit grimy and there was no escaping the Terminator this doesn't. There are simply too many (repetitive) jokes all the time taking away the tension.

The helicopter chase, wow, that was suck fake over-the-top-Michael- Bayesque crap. Please, just go to the bathroom when this starts.

Then there's the dust/nanobot material that the enemy is made of. Please Hollywood, we've seen in it in the last Transformers and it ruined the movie. In this same thing, doesn't completely ruin it, but the enemy is no longer a cyborg.

Then the nr. 1 issue. The trailers and movie posters...... the biggest spoiler is in the movie poster. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??? Oh no wait, that's not the biggest problem. Turning Arnie into a non model 101 Terminator in the end,.....pfff that ruined the sequels.

Overall decent flick to watch and still better than 3 and Salvation.
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Michael Bay once again raped a childhood memory
23 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What is wrong with Michael Buy purposely messing with everyone's childhood memories. The first 2 TNMTs and the cartoon were awesome.

This however,..... boy where do I start?

So much is wrong with it, from standard Michael Bay over the top nonsense: Building (partially) falling over, too much CGI, too much explosions, lens flares everywhere. Then off course everything messed up. What's up with Donatello carrying all this stuff around everywhere? Why does the Footclan have guns? Where is Tatsu? Where is Casey Jones? Why is Shredder a robot? Why does he have boomerang/magnetic-shooting blades?

Please someone stop Michael Bay from making more movies involving cartoon heroes.
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RoboCop (2014)
23 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Before I went to go see it, I already knew it couldn't compete with the original. But this actually was worse than I expected. What was great about the original just like Terminator is that it was grimy, dark and although robot cops offcourse aren't that realistic they we're not beyond belief.

This pushes everything, RoboCop has to weigh at least a couple of hundred kilo's but it runs like Usain Bolt. The way it jumps could easily make him a star NBA player. If you are a fan and actually wanted to believe this could be real, this alone ruins it completely.

Then there are the "let's-make-him-modern-and-cool" errors. Why paint him black, he's not Batman. Why does his visor light up red, he's not Cyclops and he has thermal vision so, he doesn't need a light. Why does he have to recharge at least 10 times during the movie, did Apple make him?

The Human Hand Pffff, Why GOD why?

Taser The original Robocop had part off his awesomeness because of the automatic Desert Eagle. Everyone wanted that gun. This one has a taser. A taser,... really?
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