
18 Reviews
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Alien Nation (1989–1990)
Great show ruined by a mediocre and appalling finale
10 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can't over look what others seem to be over looking... The series has a great first season. It will keep you entertained at the very least. I was enjoying it all the way up until the finale...which has turned me off to even watching the movies that follow up the series...

A inappropriate romantic relationship with a HS student is how we end this season? How disgusting... and I can't over look it. Buck, is an alien character, I'll grant that, perhaps they age differently but it still feels disgusting and immoral. It still has perverse connotations...

For a series that centered around relationships human and non human, to end the series with something so depraved is an insult, disgusting and I can't over look it. I would have rated the series much higher...

I'm glad it's canceled if that's the sort of series it was turning into. At first what seemed an innocent, inspiring teacher/ student relationship between an alien, was interesting to watch but then suddenly it became something taboo, disgusting, immoral...

The relationship between the main character and his alien partner implodes and it's a cheap gliff hanger for season 1.... The series just ends terribly... I can't just look the other way and pretend that this series didn't start to go in the wrong direction.

It is of course a social commentary for race, political issues... but it didn't need to go there, some where perverse and twisted... For me this ruined the series.
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Rocky V (1990)
Only for people that Understand Rocky especially post Creed and Creed II
4 August 2021
The first Rocky movie wasn't fantastical, it wasn't an action film, didn't have SCIFI elements. It was before Stallone was an action star , compared to Arnold. It was a film about a underdog boxer who lived on the streets and never got a chance to take his shot...It was a very real story that Stallone wrote himself, and it was actually inspired in part to Stallone's real life story. Stallone himself wasn't doing well when he wrote Rocky...he wasn't a star, he was no one... Just like Rocky...Butkus was actually Stallone's dog who he had to give up because he was so poor, and then he was able to buy Butkus back.

Stallone continued to write and direct the entire series after Rocky 1. As it went on some movies became more fantastical and over the top. Rocky V goes back to the heart of Rocky and it's really only for people who understand what Rocky is.

It's not about boxing in the ring. It's more of an allegory for your own struggles, and the struggles of everyone around the world. You can't have a Rocky film without inspirational speeches, motivational speeches and pearls of wisdom... these messages are not to be overlooked, they are the core of a Rocky film...It's not about boxing in a ring as much as it is fighting for what you believe in.

Rocky is a real character, he's meant to be relatable, he wins, he loses, he gets knocked down, he gets back up. He's literally meant to embody a part of all of us at sometime in our lives. He tastes success, he enjoys it, it goes to his head, he loses everything, he becomes humble, he becomes wiser...

If you don't watch this series like it's an evolving character with a real story, real struggles...then you don't understand the Rocky universe. If you think that the character learns in the ring, or grows in the ring or that his fights or struggles are all in the ring then you really don't understand anything about these movies. Most of what Rocky endures happens out side of the ring... the fights in the ring...It's a drama... what happens in the ring is just a way to illustrate that, it's condensed into an allegory so that you can visualize and understand the struggle.

Rocky was never about BOXING or even winning. In the first movie he DOESN'T win and it didn't matter. It wasn't about an action star being the hero. It was about a man giving his best effort, to do the best he can in life. That's what life is about, "It aint about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forwards..." The first movie wasn't about being in the ring or a champion. It was about Rocky proving to himself that he could take the abuse and could go the distance... Again, this had a much more sophisticated message tied into the film's narrative than " Rocky is a fighter"...

Rocky movies do not actually have anything to do with the boxing ring... they never do, there is always a deeper message that is the real backbone of the film...Stallone didn't write these as one dimensional beat up action films. Rocky is a much deeper character than that.. Rocky V is a great movie , especially in the context of the entire series... I do include the two creed films as rocky films because they add to that universe and give it closure. Stallone also helped write those 2 films.

Real fans of Rocky who understand the character and take away it's the profundity of the franchise should have no trouble enjoying this film especially in the context of what comes after and even before. You see Rocky as a very rounded individual, who has had ups and downs and who can relate to characters like Adonis Creed. You can see how time and experience has matured Rocky and made him wiser. In the later films you see that Rocky has a lot to offer other people even outside of the ring.

This film is grossly misunderstand, underrated and is a fantastic addition to the series. The pacing can be a little off at times but over all, it's no where near as bad as people like to think and it's every bit a Rocky movie that it could be. I never understood the hatred for it because at it's core it has a lot of Rocky-isms that the later films in the franchise even pay homage to... (I think Stallone is afraid to admit that he did enjoy this film and that some of it was dear to him...) Creed 1, 2 and Rocky Balboa all have references to this movie or pay it some homage...

At this point the entire franchise has been tied together in a beautiful, wonderful way. In light of Creed 1 and 2 it even feels more holistic.
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Season 2 should break the 3rd wall a little to poke fun at these ridiculous reviewers
29 July 2021
I want to see Skeletor say something like, "I never bought that cliffhanger" or something like that...

Or maybe when Heman gets back, Skeletor could yell "You're not dead" or something and Heman could say, "Well, is that really so surprising?"

I'm not sure what exactly but at this point, it's almost necessary to call out all these over-reactive, over-sensitive, politically brainwashed hating man-babies who only over-react to everything and turn everything into a political statement.

I would love to see subtle forms of poking fun at the audience that just isn't very bright...

For the rest of us we await Heman's return in season 2 and can't wait to see Teela's character and the rest of the cast continue to evolve.
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Dont listen to people who for 4 years thought injecting Disinfectant was a GOOD IDEA
28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don't listen to people who don't know the meaning of the word sarcasm... :D You can 't expect much from reviewers... Now, as far as reviews go... the more insightful ones won't be a 1 out of 10...

This isn't "The Room"... That's just ridiculous. People are forced to vote it a 10 just to balance out the ridiculous over-reacting, radical voters...

Voters are like that, we've found out in alarming numbers, and now they more freely exposure their prejudices, over-reactivity and blind assumptions...

Now, an intelligent person might keep an open's only 4 episodes in... An intelligent person would know to wait a little longer before making insane conclusions...They would realize that a Heman series will have Heman and to wait a little longer to see how the story develops... This was obviously setting something up. Would they really go to Heaven, bring Heman back from the dead, just to kill him off??

This is the sort of mentality we've been plagued with for the past 4 years...

Come 2021 and people now hate everything, jump to conclusions and don't think rationally or take half a second to calm down. Kevin Smith has responded to these "No Heman claims" and states basically that it was part of the story, setting something up and that it's literally been 5 episodes and that we can expect to see Heman back and better than ever...

The geniuses here took to writing the series their selves quickly, because no doubt THEY HAVE THE BEST FORSIGHT THE BEST! They jumped to conclusions and already wrote the series off as some "agenda" that they fantasized up just to make them selves miserable.

Because they want to be miserable and at odds with everyone else and hate something. That's how they think now...

They have one delusion that Teela is gay, which wasn't stated anywhere... (Even if she was, who should care but it's 2020 so...) They are calling the entire series woke because they are a little brain washed from the last 4 years and that's the extent of their scope...which is horrifying...

Ignore the 1s out of 10s, maybe read some 10 of 10s... which are mostly there to balance out all the geniuses rating it a 1...
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Loki (2021–2023)
There are other universes and franchises other than Marvel
28 July 2021
MARVEL MARVEL MARVEL for the past 10 years and for the next 30... please stop feeding into this. My God do we really love super hero films and comic books that much? It was ok the first 20 movies but it's getting old guys...
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26 July 2021
This is the greatest incarnation of heman MOTU EVER! It respects the source material. It shows Prince Adam in the most masculine portrayal ever. There is more testosterone in this series than the entire 80s series. Teela is strong like a woman should be. This series is modern, progressive, ahead of it's time. It's a masterpiece!

Haters going to hate all things progressive. Haters going to hate...
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Black Widow (2021)
A solid 7... do people cry about everything these days?
26 July 2021
It was a 7 in about every way it could be. It was okay... it might of been an allegory for something, I'm not sure. It seemed to have some hidden message of it's own. But as a movie, just watching it as one it's about a 7.... I don't know if I'd watch it again but it was entertaining.
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Some of the people rating this low are being willfully unfair
26 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1. The series has just begun so it deserves a chance, it's literally only 5 episodes in...

2. The series has mega fan service to people who know the universe well. Viktor, scareglow, comic book references, savage heman, 1987 film references

3. Heman is in the first 4 episodes, has a epic awesome battle with skeletor and dies through skeletor.

4. Shera does have a big part but it's only 4 episodes...

5. Adam does get injured but there is no final conclusion that heman won't be back... Actually it's official that heman will not only be back for season 2 but will have epic battles with super skeletor...

6. For people who are homophobic, no where is it stated anywhere that Shera is gay and even if she was... who cares?

7. The series is a continuation of Heman but also is allowed to be it's own flavor and bring to the universe it's own interpretation of what unfolds after the 80s cartoon... It's not a carbon copy of the 80s cartoon which was meant for 8 years olds...

8. Where as Shera had a big part for 4 episodes... it's not like that's the entire series people are jumping the gun.

The biggest problem with this series isn't the series's people jumping to conclusions, hating things for attention and not even giving it a chance. The fan service alone deserves a 6....

Anyone rating this a one is a man baby or woman baby throwing a tantrum.... it may not deserve a 10 but it sure the heck isn't a 1... that's just ridiculous...

I think season 2 will deliver upon what many whiners want.... it's already been official that heman will be back and will be having epic fights with skeletor.
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It makes some questionable choices but nothing is DETERMINED yet
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It has many homages to real fans of the universe. Viktor, the proto-type heman is in the series. Savage heman is also, Scareglow... The original voice of skeletor now voices Moss man, nice touch...There are so so many homages to actual fans of the universe. There are even references to the movie from 87, which is fun.

The animation is great and for long time fans it's nice to see unexpected alliances between characters. The series has heart warming moments.

I don't think this series deserves to be rated a 4 out of 10... clearly people are over reacting. Anyone rating this a one is acting like a big baby and is absolutely throwing a tantrum...

It's only 5 episodes in... where as it's true that they make Teela a strong character, Teela always was. It's pretty awesome watching Teela throw down, she is by no means as strong as Heman... nor a replacement. Teela is just Teela and it's fun to see different sides of characters or to see them shine. Girl power! It's only 5 episodes so far...get a grip fellas, big up your nuts and move on...

Where as it's true that Adam is injured at the end of this season, that's what we call a cliff hanger. He might be back as soon as the next episode, we don't know... There's no reason to assume that Heman won't be back. They went to Heaven to bring him back, literally... I'm sure he'll be back...

I admit that I wouldn't have wrote it this way because a lot of people are going to react just like they did and assume the worst. Who ever wrote this story was a bit foolish in that regard...(Come on guys seriously, if you read these reviews think about what you're writing next time and how people are going to react...)

We will just have to see how it goes... I'm not going to rate the series based on my assumptions or the cries of manbabies who are overacting to the cliff hanger ending. Over all what we got so far was a honestly pretty awesome. I enjoyed it...

Hopefully the writers are smart enough not to kill off Adam/ Heman and won't take such risks in the future. The "woke" stuff is fine but continuing on with it to the point where you almost side-line heman and then teasing that you killed off Adam at the end of season one is a good way to get the show canceled in one season... ( COME ON GUYS)

Hopefully Kevin or someone can put concerns aside and give fans more easter eggs and what they want to see. I think it's a great start but yes they made some questionable choices...
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A good Godzilla movie, but not actually a good Godzilla movie
21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest, Godzilla films can be cheesy and absurd. Fairies, the original Godzilla vs Kong film was ridiculous... There's a movie where Godzilla raises his son for 86 minutes...aliens from Planet X...Time Traveling monsters...

The Godzilla universe can be really silly. It's a ridiculous, absurd movie but it fits with the universe. But, there are great godzilla movies, such as Godzilla 2000 or Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995), Destroy all Monsters (1968)...

Which brings us to this movie, how ridiculous is it? It's a strange, action packed SCIFI fantasy with a bizarre plot that could fit inside of 3 separate movies...They journey to the center of the Earth to get a magical hammer with some sort of magical energy so that Kong can fight Godzilla with his magical hammer, meanwhile there's a mecha godzilla being created by human beings who gets this magical energy and becomes sentient and turns on humanity and fights the giant monkey and dinosaur.

This movie lacks any profundity, unfortunately. It's off the wall, and doesn't seem to have any hidden depth to make it feel more meaningful. I didn't make any deep connection with any of the characters, kong and godzilla included. In fact, it's hard to remember 90 percent of the cast...(Been about a week and I just don't care to even remember.)

I would also say that it lacks any real suspense... Even with the monster fights, you're just sort of watching mindless action on screen. There's a scene where they launch missiles at Godzilla to protect Kong, but they are both chilling in the same place... It's a very mindless action film. (Alot of this movie just doesn't make any damn sense...) But, if you're willing to unplug your brain to watch action films, this isn't a problem.

Over all the movie really isn't that satisfying. It's like watching a ok Godzilla movie. I think that when the movies are from the 60s, 70s, 80s, some of the goofiness doesn't need to be explained. They had some weird, off the wall ideas about monster films back then but somehow it feels right now...However, this is an American adaptation and it didn't have to be so ridiculous... I think most people were expecting something a little more grounded in reality and less absurd/ fantastical...
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Personally, one of my favorite Terminator films since T2
6 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There have been many sequels and soft reboots of the terminator franchise. This is more of a direct sequel to the first 2 films and with Linda Hamilton it sure feels like it.

This film takes place many years later, and in reality it was filmed many years later. So you can expect a different Sarah Conner than you remember in the first two films.

What I like about the film is that it has decent action scenes and for the first time in several years it dares you to think just a little bit. The first two Terminator films were cautionary tales about technology and man's unhindered ambition. The first two films showed us that when it comes to our natural drive to evolve, we must be careful not to try to become more than human and to surpass ourselves (our humanity). We do surpass our humanity in T1 and T2 and blinded by our ambition we nearly destroy ourselves.

Ironically, we find our salvation in the same manner... by using that same technology that has surpassed us, our humanity to save us all.

This film is a lot more intelligent than the previous...several films. It show cases drone technologies, it humanizes a terminator, it has a character who is augmented, half machine/ half human... in many ways it's a subtle social commentary of what may be to come. It's another cautionary tale that makes itself far more relevant than the past several Terminator action film flops, if you're paying real attention...

Mackenzie Davis is also very easy on the eyes and has a very strong, likable screen presence. Arnold reprises his role... I'm not sure what the intended deeper theme or message of the film was/is...or if one was ever intended. However, for the more cerebal viewer, it won't promise to be Blade Runner but it will invite you into a space for reflection. The film is set in the modern era of technology, drones, cell phones, surveillance, augmentation, implants...

Admittedly, it's simply a very relevant time to live in to be reminded of the cautionary tale in the first two films. It's a very real reality currently that the military is working with AI and trying to create nonhuman soldiers. There is talk about computer AI running and organizing, supervising, over seeing certain businesses or even military planning...

I do enjoy this movie and I admit it's not a classic like the first two films, I still find it very entertaining. I actually find it's simplicity and basic formula to be a positive thing. The previous films were getting so over the top, silly, goofy and they just didn't work anymore.

I feel like this film goes back to some action film basics and just tells a pretty straight forward story, which some how actually makes for a more complex story, because it feels more real, more relevant and isn't just focused on giant explosions and violence.

The terminator having a family is one of the ways this really is brought to my attention. They spend a few minutes on this character development which I really thought was fascinating...

Honestly, in this day and age I think that this film was lost in all of the sequels that have come out in recent years. People either wrote it off or wrote it off as some feminist agenda.

I don't really see a agenda, regardless of casting... casting films with men or women to make them appear stronger or heroic is what we call equality.... sometimes it happens in the same movie... Which if you don't remember was exactly the case in this franchise several years ago with Terminator 2 and arguably Terminator 1...
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Not as good as I remembered, time reveals it's problems
17 June 2017
So, I waited about 10 years to see this movie. I was so excited for it. Every day, I obsessed over it. I was always looking to other roles HF was doing prior to the film, fantasizing he put the hat back on. I'd always tell myself that he wasn't too old to wear that fedora one last time.

At the time I saw it, I was shocked, I didn't know how to react, the film was so over the top, took such a strong break from reality. TOD had it's over the top moments, but KOTCS just took things to an atomic level. I was in denial. I had such mixed feelings, for years I was confused how to feel about the movie.

I've gone back to rate it.

The film starts off with cringe worthy, terrible dialogue. From the very beginning of this film it suffers from horrific dialogue that the actors and actresses are clearly struggling to deliver.

There's a few action sequences that are honestly probably the best of the franchise. The fight scenes that take place in the rocket base, the car chase through the university. These were all great scenes. There's a few scenes in this that were actually quite good.

But the movie is weighed down by the God awful dialogue, the awkward acting, the lack of chemistry between cast members. The dialogue is just terrible, unforgivable. George Lucas should not write dialogue EVER.

The film has just too many stupid over the top moments that just drag it down.The movie is just too awkward to enjoy, the actors, actresses clearly are uncomfortable with the dialogue that was wrote for them, and the whole movie start to finish is basically cringe worthy for that.

It's too bad, because some of this film was very good, and HF was in top form, and the action scenes were very enjoyable. Unfortunately the movie had just a little too much stupid in it, and didn't possess enough realism to be taken seriously. The acting was awkward, forced...the dialogue was terrible, and there was just too much stupid.
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Shin Godzilla (2016)
People are NUTS, this movie is horrifically over rated
14 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
90 percent of this film is watching a bunch of Japanese in a single room discuss the bureaucracy and politics of a Godzilla attack. No, I'm being serious....

I don't see how any one could truly enjoy that. It's very boring, and tedious. There is literally all together about 2-3 minutes of action in this movie, the rest is big long political conversations about how they should and shouldn't react to Godzilla destroying the city.

No, I am being serious, again...

Horrid film experience, I don't recommend at all.
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Watchable but not great...
3 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I finally saw it. Not sure, how I feel about it. Very mixed feelings. The ending was very predictable and the movie doesn't even try to give you something unexpected, original. Instead it spells out the ending before it arrives and takes the form of the worse movie cliché where every one dies last minute and something shitty happens...It was a slap in the face that scene where they are fighting and the android takes up the knife...and it cuts away and you know exactly how it will end, with like 10 minutes of movie left.

(Also, seriously, they sucked it out to space, again?)

The movie drags in dialogues that don't add any meaning or depth to the story, the character's background stories add nothing to the end of the film. The characters are killed off and so there is no real character evolution. There are random mentions of religion and very light philosophical conversations that ultimately lead no where and say nothing..The film has no clear message, there's no real meat with your potatoes...

It starts to pretend like it's about to have substance but then you look back and there's just nothing... (Something about faith, something about God, something something...ah, hell this movie is aimless, what's the meaning of it all!?)

The film is about a psychotic android who some how grows a God complex. This storyline remains very undeveloped and the characters are mostly irrelevant. to the actual story The audience is simply expected to go along with it, that an android develops a god complex and likes to partake in sadistic Dr. Frankenstein like experiments because his "father" was a meanie...

The entire cast is just sort of filler, with wasted character development that has no real significance or importance to the story...and hey, they are all going to die anyways.

It's more like a continuation of Prometheus than anything else, disguised as a sequel with new characters.... Both films are the story of a psychotic android and his triumph.

All and all both this film and Prometheus were un-necessary prequels. The film spends a lot of time on nothingness, and in the end, the film provides a mostly empty experience. It was un-necessary, as we already gathered how Aliens came to be through Prometheus. We didn't really need a rehash of a sequel to spell it out for us even further.

Prometheus already gave us an origins story. Let's not even mention the incredibly stupid and irresponsible decisions the entire cast of characters made in the film. There's nothing to really take away from this or remember from this movie, a crazy android develops a god complex and preforms terrible experiments...
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GREAT Under-rated Film, not for people that need everything spelled out to them
17 April 2017
As a film, this movie is damn near flawless. I couldn't think of any real criticisms. I have honestly never seen a more under-rated film in my life. This is a solid movie. I honestly don't see any glaring flaws in this film. It didn't even remind me of Lucy and vaguely familiar characters that Scarlet has played. It had it's own identity throughout the entire film.

It lived up to all of my expectations and stayed there throughout. The poorly translated Japanese philosophical conversations from the original aren't present, their meaning, significance unlike the original, are not over stated in the film, the movie is thought provoking but doesn't spell everything out for you. But, if you're not retarded and can think on your's more or less all implied. For any one capable of actual intelligent, independent thought, it should all be mostly inferred to them.

There was no need to complicate inherently very simple concepts that were originally made to seem more complex than they actually were. If you watched the original, and are capable of deeper thought, you probably saw through the fluff...The original is weighed down by pseudo intellectual babble, which tries to make the subject matter appear deeper than it actually is.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."

E. F. Schumacher

There's a lot of fluff in the original anime, pseudo intellectual dialogues that are poorly translated into English to appease the pretentious anime watcher. When you cut through it though, it's really not that mind blowing. Neither was the Hollywood adaptation, but it was thought provoking...and if you were actually paying attention, it explored the same ideas as the original anime, some times without even saying a word.

As a film, the casting was near perfect. I loved the entire cast, and each cast member were on their A game. The characters were all believable in their roles.

The visuals were stunning! The story was compelling, thought provoking and evenly paced. Everything the original anime set out to explore, make you phantom, so does the Hollywood film, given you are capable of thinking...and don't need any one to hold your hand.

The action was also perfect, very evenly paced. I can't think of anything this film got wrong, did too much of, or did too little of. This is the most under-rated film I've seen in a long while, that was no doubt attacked for a "white wash conspiracy" created on false pretenses...

This was a terrific, beautifully made, wonderfully acted, thought provoking science fiction film. It deserved much better reception than it received.
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The Shallows (2016)
Entertainment but don't expect to buy, rent it
29 October 2016
Well, it's not exactly a realistic movie. It's entertaining though. Most the film is looking at the leads bum on a surf board, wet and shiny... and looking at beautiful ocean water.

But, it's not a very inspiring and great story. The shark attacks lack suspense... the effects are good enough...

It's entertaining but not really something you have to see, and honestly not something you'll need to own. Rent it once, when it's cheap and enjoy...

Give it a shot, it's entertaining, just not something you can't live without. It will pass the time for one night, and it's enjoyable to watch alone or with others.
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Scooby Scooby Trek
14 August 2016
What do you get when you take Scooby Doo, ( throw in scrappy doo...), and mix it with Star Trek? You get Star Trek Beyond...

The unveiling of the villain, the over the top comical action scenes... Fighting the villain by dropping the bass to your all time favorite pop song...

Scooby Scooby doo! Maybe there was a little Gilligan's Island thrown in there too. Where as the movie is fun in it's own way.. It's not really as promised Star Trek returning to it's ethos...

For stupid people who watched the original for explosions and never appreciated the subtext and deeper meaning of the OS... a few photographs of the original cast members and references to the Prime universe were thrown in...

But that hardly captures the essence of what Star Trek was, simply by being reminded of it on occasion... It's just a nod.

Chris gave a decent Kirk performance, and the rest of the cast still gave their forced, over the top impersonations of their Prime characters...

Granted the films were never that deep or complex... this film works even further backwards in that respect. Waste of my time, hollow experience, shallow... cliché characters, cliché character arcs.... nothing at all original, nothing inspiring or truly thought provoking... nothing really all that relevant.If you're looking for narrative depth, character development of more than the shallowest and most predictable kind, or any type of thought provoking references to our modern times... this isn't the movie for you.

A mostly bland, generic experience... with the Star Trek name. The only thing it did new was make a Scooby Doo Star Trek hybrid.

I'm not going to rate it a 1 out of 10 because it's not a horrible movie, but as a Star Trek movie I'm going to just give it a 5...

I can't hate it that much, after all we are getting a TV series set in the prime universe... At least dumb trek doesn't have to redefine what Star Trek is anymore, at least hopefully...

The movies weren't ever that smart, thought provoking but Dumb Trek is going no where and adding nothing to the franchise... This movie was about on part with X Men 3 to me... not terrible but it makes some horrific decisions and it's something you can't forget but you know you don't really need to watch more than once. You can see how others enjoyed it, but you're pretty sure that it's not really worth watching again yourself and probably never will.

The films message about unity, it's nods to the original, and its own merits are all that warrants a 5 our of 10...
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Sliders (1995–2000)
A slightly over rated 90s TV series, still entertaining however
6 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I did not watch this show when it first aired. I'm reviewing it having seen it all in it's entirety for the first time.

The first season was charming. The characters were engaging,the stories will hold your interest for a while... but , after a while we had characters like the professor leaving the show because the writers were "stupid and un-original". As the series went on, it did seem to lack original ideas. It was cheesy, hammy and by no means in my book a true science fiction series. It may have a science fiction premise, but the quality of it's scripts and plots waver from OK to mediocre, most the time. When I say mediocre, it's something to watch, it's entertaining but it's nothing exceptional...honestly. There may be times where you wonder why you're watching it, or how you rather be watching something else...

Hell, I could rate this series a 6 from season 1 to 5...

It's not an intelligent pseudo science series for the most part. They slide to planets with zombies, dinosaurs, so on.... It's not a deep series like Star Trek Generations or The Twilight Zone...The series will not wow you with it's story lines, pseudo science, science fiction plots... I honestly wondered why I kept watching through out, but truth be told the series grows on you..It' s over all an entertaining TV series, but the first few seasons slightly over rated... This series went through many rocky changes and transitions because the talent and writers and crew did not work well together and then there were problems with the network.

To stick it through, you have to get used to less than mind blowing plots, for the most part and characters that have really grown on you disappearing at sudden notice. The season that has the most criticism is the final two seasons.

To be quite honest, regardless of Quinn leaving the series, who is the main character... the later seasons have some of the deeper plots. The later, last seasons if you watch them, especially after the first one or two episodes of season 5 when Quinn leaves have the most intelligent stories.... It's hard at first to get used to Quinn leaving because it's so sudden, and the writer's do a terrible job writing him out. I almost stopped watching there...

But, once you get past that ... there are some pretty fascinating plots in Season 5... Once the season will gets on it's own legs, it has some of the deepest plots, story lines of the entire series... The series ends in a cliff hanger but nothing unexpected. The cliff hanger was no worse than that of the previous seasons.It's not the worse cliff hanger I've ever seen, sort of like Enterprise that just kills everyone off.

Overall, this is not a science fiction masterpiece. It's a cheesy fun, campy 90s TV show... Regardless of what people say about the final two seasons, it is actually a deeper show during those two final seasons. Because of the drama that occurred off screen, characters could and come and the studio faced hardships where sets were reused too frequently. It's an OK series, The sudden changes, lack of intelligent, original plots may put you off however. I enjoyed it, it was something to watch...
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