
23 Reviews
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Birth (2004)
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love it when a movie makes me think this much. A lot of professional and fellow IMDB reviewers seem to think they've "figured out" the movie. Roger Ebert seemed to think it wasn't so simple. I don't think it's so easy either, but I'd like to write my own theory here, in case anyone is interested. Pure Spoilers follow --> First of all the love letters don't explain what Sean knows. Did the older Sean quickly write and mail a final love letter, giving his exact location, as he was dying of a heart attack in Central Park? That's pretty unlikely, as it is unlikely that young Sean would have heard anything about about a random death in Central Park that happened before he was born. Did older Sean sketch a picture of the auntie that told Anna there was no Santa Clause? That also would make no sense. But when young Sean saw her, he knew who she was. "Tonight you belong to me" by Patience and Prudence plays during the credits and sums up the movie perfectly.

There are many mysteries in this film. But the young Sean is not a fraud. He had no motive for any kind of fraud either, something that some professional film critics have tried to insert in a social class fantasy way. But Sean has two attentive parents a nice home and friends. His parents are shown being just as baffled as everyone else; evidently young Sean does not spend his time practicing elaborate mind control schemes. He is clearly distraught by the love letters. But, after talking to old Sean's mistress about them he climbs a tree. A genuine refuge for those troubled with genuine human quagmires. I can see why people would want there to be a nice "rational" explanation. With such a serious movie, (the acting is freakin absorbingly amazing) grabbing onto to something "real" so that we don't get washed away in a sea of uncomfortable cosmic mystery may be a natural gut reaction.

I was initially a bit frustrated with young Sean's silence at the end when he went to talk to Anna. But I guess he was confused about the behavior of old Sean and 1. Didn't want to hurt Anna, 2. Didn't know if he really wanted to be the same guy that old Sean was. It's a lot to take in for a little kid who only has flashing glimpses of his former life and doesn't really have the experience to put it all together. He might have figured most people forget their former lives for a good reason. I mean it has been pretty awkward for everyone in this movie.

What I would have liked to have seen more of at the end is Anna's exploration of the unknown because she just had an experience that would make her put things into a different perspective. Her selfish husband that wants to posses her (and is also an angry child batterer) has been a ho-hum distraction for her pain. But wouldn't she want to ditch him and explore the mysteries of the universe now? Meet up with some other New Yorkers who have experienced past lives or ESP or something like that? I would demote half star for this if I could (The soundtrack, by Alexandre Desplat, deserves 10 and a half stars though). Anna's new husband has come to represent what society wants for Anna and what she settles for. At the end when he comes to her at the water in a scene that is apparently a homage to the ending of Maborosi, she seems to hate his guts. That's a good sign at least. Maybe she swam away after all.

On the other hand, in Maborosi the new husband is not trying to control his wife but seems to genuinely want to help her. He says that there are some mysteries that we just can't know and it's ok to let them go.
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Hotel Artemis (2018)
The best cyberpunk movie since Johnny Mnemonic
18 February 2024
This script was so clever. I can only assume that professional reviewers weren't paying attention when they say that there's a lack of story. Worse is that a few professional reviewers compare Hotel Artemis to John Wick because they both use the word hotel. Well it's in the IMDB caption under the photo that Hotel Artemis is a secret emergency room; so, it's no spoiler that it is not a Hotel. Nor would I call it an action movie. It's sci-fi noir. The pros are setting a pretty low standard for paying attention it seems. Anyway, this movie moves at a brilliant pace, and the suspense builds beautifully until the payoff. The characters know what is going on around them in a way that is realistic and does not condescend to the audience. The near-future world is also frighteningly realistic, proving that great cyberpunk themes are still as relevant as ever and make good settings for good movies. The actors are great, the visuals are great. I can tell that Drew Pearce put his heart into this, and I'm grateful. I watched it twice and enjoyed it just as much the second time.
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Downsizing (2017)
One of my favorite sci-fi comedy satires (the spoilers below are pretty minimal)
8 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think it takes talent to satirize the status quo of the current society while living inside it. I can see why many people didn't get this movie. For me it was brilliantly funny. A middle class Joe Shmoe thinks he's doing his part only to find that by being smaller he just has a more detailed view of the worlds problems. I especially loved the way the first part of the movie captures how "hava niceday" faux friendly greetings have been borrowed into everyday English from consumer culture. But this point of view continues to be echoed though the story in more layers as it examines consumer culture's to claims to being concerned about the environment or humanity.

The director, Alexander Payne, also directed The Descendants, which looks much more like a tourist vision of Hawai'i than the real thing. Payne has redeemed himself with Downsizing.
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Wavelength (1983)
Cool 80s sci-fi
28 January 2024
Maybe the more believable version of E. T. Staring Cherie Currie from the Runaways and a synth soundtrack from Tangerine Dream. Feels like the kind of adventure exploring a secret underground base that actually could have happened in the 80s. I would easily recommend it to other fans of cheesy 80s sci-fi.

That being said, the cheesiness really stems from the lack of budget and the era it was filmed in. The acting is good, the pacing is good, the premise is intriguing and it's a fun little adventure. It might even have some moral value in terms of being nice to visitors (from earth or otherwise). I don't think there's much of anything like character arcs, but maybe that's because the characters are dealing with the matters at hand and don't have time for introspection. As a fan of classic sci-fi I give it 7 stars. I found it to be faster moving and less fantasy oriented than E. T.
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Sophisticated and true to the spirit of adventure!
5 December 2023
I am a big fan of all the Indiana Jones movies. Raiders of the Lost Ark is what led me to really love movies (adventure is still my favorite genre). Although each Indiana Jones sequel has steadily increased the camp, relying on increasingly improbable stunts for slap stick, the Dial of Destiny is finally a change to that pattern. There are still stunts and wild getaways, but they make sense. And there are still jokes, but the humor is more sophisticated, thanks largely to Phoebe Waller-Bridge's acting. Interestingly, this was the the best acting from Harrison Ford in decades. Actually, not just the humor is elevated here, the characters' motivations are more sophisticated too, even the antagonist's. This is not just a good Indiana Jones movie, it is a good movie. Dial of Destiny is a reminder of why I still love movies and one of my new favorites of all time.
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Kinda disjointed visually and thematically
11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I could never quite feel like knew where they were physically. And I am not sure why, there are plenty of wide shots setting up the reference, then a zoom in. But I think it has to do with the story not making sense. If there are replicants for slaves, why are their still children slaves in the garbage heap? If K has false memories implanted why does he still think that he's a replicant? If he, like other recent generations of replicants are programed for obedience, why does he suddenly disobey orders? If he can go against his programming on a whim, why can't Luv? Why does the replicant revolution care about a story of a lone birth? Isn't being a slave reason enough to want a revoluton? Why do we care about a lone replicant birth? But if said birth is top secret, why does K take Dekkard to see her? Wasn't he in hiding to protect her? Oops. Was Dekkard meant reproduce with Rachel? It seemed like Rachel didn't really like him. Why does Jerrod Leto's character act like a maniac? How can be so nuts, but still run an interplanetary corporation? Tyrell may have been inhuman, but he could still balance his books.

The original Blade Runner was a smart movie. I expect the same from any movie that wants to be its sequel. The original Blade Runner has replicants that behave in a very human way. Skip ahead to 2049 and we finally have replicants, like K, who behave like robots. What a breakthrough!

I give it four stars because it is fun to think about how many plot holes there are, and how easily they could have been fixed. For example it could have been revealed that Luv balanced the books.
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Even Better than the last Thor
24 July 2023
Thor: Love and Thunder finally breaks away from a too predictable Marval formula.

Leading the way is Taika Waititi who has before tackled serious themes by giving them to us to think about from a perspective of humor. In JoJo Rabbit the elements of of racism were broken down into their component parts to reveal how stupid, and funny, they appear. However, these elements are no longer funny if they are given power: even worse if it is state power.

Anyways, in this movie we have male ego, cancer, broken relationships, loss of religion and kidnapping to deal with, far more serious than any Marvel movie to date, yet this movie was also somehow refreshingly more funny as well. The homage to 80s hair bands was perfect. Russle Crow was perfect. I wish that Tessa Thompson had had a bigger part, but it was nice to see Natalie Portman back. It's also nice to see Chris Hemsworth showing more range in his acting. Christian Bale is always great.

I suspect that the swarm of 2,3,4 star reviews is due to the fact that there is greater representation given to same sex relationships in this film. Also there is a question put forth about the usefulness of wardshipung a god, while reminding us that all cultures have gods. I love these swarms of obvious down-votes; they always indicate an interesting movie.

I give this movie an honest 8. Not trying to counterbalance the crowd.
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I wish we had some more like this
1 July 2023
One of my favorite 80s campy sci-fi's. Great cast.

I first saw it I the theater in 3-D. It might have been the first 3-D movie that I ever saw. I remember it had a remarkable opening 3-D scene, then it didn't take advantage of the medium after that.

I also remember being scared of the guys in large rubber suits. They still scare me a little bit, truth be told.

The conclusion is a little silly, and the editing that gets our heroes to the conclusion could have been more logical. Maybe the editor in fact was a genius that didn't have much to work with.

Anyway I wasn't sure to rate it as a 6 based on quality or 8 stars, based on fun.
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5 million acres of Amazon rain-forest :(
4 May 2023
I like the all the one-star reviews! They must all be from Chevron employees :-] Anyway,s pretty good collection of investigative journalism listed: we get to see all the sources cited on screen, for a quick pause to look up the junk ourselves. The interviews with the Ecuadorian politicians and lawyer were good. Over alll it was a bit long with the preachy bits and a bit rushed with the explanation of world economics, but it did contain a rare attempt at explaining the world bank's "court." The destruction of 5 million acres of Amazon rain-forest is such a tragedy that people should know about.
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Kajillionaire (2020)
The best critique of captialism I have seen in a movie
12 December 2021
What would it be like if families kept track of their member's value in terms of money? This movie is like a dream, with symbols, desires and quirks that point towards perceiving life with witty understanding.

Anthropologist David Graeber explored some of those ideas in "Debt the First 5000 Years." with some real examples and some hypothetical. It gave a clear picture of how artificial and arbitrary our economy is, despite how "real" most of us think that it is.

I like Miranda July movies, and this one is my favorite so far.

Oh the soundtrack is great too.
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Cowboy Bebop: Supernova Symphony (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Why'd they make Vicious so magical?
30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How did Vicious find Jet's daughter? Or even know about Jet? I'm sure The Syndicate had connections inside the ISSP, but would they respond to Vicious? He just killed the leaders of the syndicate and Mao Yenrai and The Eunuch. That's a lot of gangsters that probably don't trust Vicious and possibly want to kill him just for safety's sake. One would think that Vicious would have bigger fish to fry at this point.

Jet's daughter as a character helped define Jet's motivations, raised the stakes. That was a great writing move in my opinion. But using her as a kidnapping pawn breaks the believability of the show. And it's unnecessary; Spike would have showed up at the church anyway (if a renegade Syndicate leader like Vicious really had the free time for a duel).

But, oh well. Hopefully we have another season, and things will get back to coy smiles and failed but funny bounty hunting across the solar system.
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Blade Runner (1982)
Bad Cop Hunts Down Escaped Slaves
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
David Peoples (12 Monkeys) one of my favorite screenwriters does an excellent adaptation of the Phillip K. Dick novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Not only that, Rutger Hauer who stars as a genetically engineered slave, creates the best line in the whole movie - one of my favorite lines from any movie.

This is the only movie I've seen where we are made to follow around the protagonist, only to realize that he's the bad guy (a cold killer who drowns his emotions in booze and strong arms a genetically engineered female, who is probably only a few years old, into kissing him). And the people presented as antagonists, turn out to be escaped slaves coming back to earth to kill members of the slave trade. The movie doesn't rub the slaves' plight in your face though, the way a Tarantino movie would. There is no poppy 60s rock hit playing while the killing happens. Killing is treated seriously no matter who dies. And because of this it took me several viewings to realize the obvious. I have seen many YouTube reviews done by very good film critics who even miss this point. They complain that the good guy shouldn't be drinking and molesting up the neighborhood. But he's NOT the good guy. Sheesh. The good guy is the escaped slave - not the bad cop.


There have been many versions, I think my favorite is the late 90s director's cut because it has warmer colors than other versions. The art from Moebius' work, adapted by Syd Mead, is classic too.
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Each Mad Max is better than the last!
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
George Miller sure puts his heart into these - the best post-apocalyptic movies there are. They capture the adventure of a world without bureaucracy. As far as Thunderdome goes, I especially like the cow-car. And Tina Turners shoulder pads. But the cow-car especially.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
The best anime adapted to live action so far
24 November 2021
The wistful charm of space bounty hunters lost in their own personal nostalgia traps has been captured in this remake. And now we have details filled in that make the characters more interesting, believable and funny. The anime was great for the 90s but definitely slow by today's standards. We had to wait till the 10th episode to find anything out about Jet's back story. And what did we find out? His long lost marriage actually sucked, but he didn't know it. And that's the end of his story for the whole series.

I am so glad the live action version is written with more direction - more detail. Yet it still stays true to the characters' character and the overall philosophy.

There is so much to be found in Japan's rich culture of story telling. It is a relief to see a story get adapted to English audiences without getting "Hollywoodized." I can't wait for more.
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Dune (2021)
22 November 2021
The artists did amazing work building an absorbing and epic universe in the distant future. But when the lead actors open their mouths I get transported to a Hollywood studio in 2021. Maybe it is supposed to be a Monty Python type comedy thing, and I didn't get it! I will have to give it a second shot sometime. The visuals and low cello/tuba notes are entertaining/relaxing anyway.
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Hero's Journey Time!
15 November 2021
Black Caldron is one my favorite Disney animations. It features an ordinary boy instead of prince, it has some of 80s most epic army-of-dead scenes, and the script has lines such as, "I presume, my boy, you are the keeper of this oracular pig." You can tell in certain scenes that the budget was tight, but the character development and overall vision shines through.
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Raised by Wolves (2020– )
A deeply compelling and spooky sci-fi carried by ingenious acting
10 November 2021
We have synthetic life forms going through the motions of raising kids and learning about all the human emotions that come with that. This is not exactly new to sci-fi (Bicentennial Man, Humans) However, Amanda Collin and Abubakar Salim have both done such amazing performances; they completely steal the show and make every scene a question about what it means to be human. It would seem that humans' irrationality has destroyed the last home planet, so what can be done better? More rationality? But beliefs and emotions are necessary too. Believing is a necessity because we have to plan for the future when we can't know the future. Emotions are necessary otherwise we would just eat our friends when the food ran short. Is lying and instilling false beliefs in children the rational choice if it protects them from emotionally disturbing facts? Sci-fi can allow us to ask these questions in a meaningful and imaginative way, and Raised by Wolves is my new favorite sci-fi because it does all these things right. But the last episode was rubbish, so 9 out of 10.
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A gem
15 August 2021
I was scrolling through Netflix and only intended to watch the first few scenes, but it kept getting better and better! The acting, scenery and music were great in every scene and carry this movie on their own without one needing to have any interest in early Christianity.

It seems like everyone either loves or hates this one, a sure sign that the writers/film maker are creative and brave. The characters have personality (I especially liked Judas' character arc) and the story leaves room spiritual sensitivity; Jesus is at one point talking to women (Samaritans?) at the community well who question the value of forgiveness in a world where men have absolute physical power over you. And if you were wondering how Jesus' message of love and forgiveness was turned into churches full of sexism and violence, this movie has your back. Being interested in the Gnostic Gospels, I also enjoyed the subtle reference to the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

The elements of this movie work together with rarely seen balance. Our characters move out of familiar and pastoral forms of patriarchy towards imperial institutional forms; the cinematography moves out of austere (but beautiful) Southern Italian landscape into the awesomely imposing walled city state of Jerusalem; the analog synth begins to replace the strings in the soundtrack. It is all done with subtlety, and because of that it is effective. As audience members, we know that Rome will eventually take Jesus' message of love and transform it beyond recognition. It is kind of like the prequel to a horror movie. But the simple truth of humanity and humility cuts through and leaves you with hope.
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Mulan (2020)
The Phoenix Rises Again
31 October 2020
From Niki Caro (the director of Whale Rider) we have another inspiring story about the power of a woman who refuses to be shoved into the wrong box by society. Because this is a bit more mature than Disney's animation, we also have another character played by Gong Li who seems to represent the more traditional way women in ancient history were able to maintain power. Gong Li has been cast in similar hypnotically tragic roles in Memoirs of a Geisha and Raise the Red Lantern. Ming-Na Wen, who voiced the animated Mulan has a cool cameo! And of course it was also great fun to see martial arts action stars Donnie Yen, Jet Li and Jason Scott Lee. No Eddie Murphy though. I think I was also seeing the colorful cinematography paying homages to movies by Zhang Yimou and the Shaw Brothers. Being kind of a slow year for new movies, this one is extra easy to appreciate for me.
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I thought it was pretty good
31 October 2020
God cast, good cyberpunk story.

Reminds me of 80s 90s sci-fi. I myself can't seem to get enough.
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A little more Interstellar Overdrive
20 August 2020
I was curious about the casting of Tilda Swinton's for, what is in the comics, a Tibetan character.

Marvel Studios' movies can deal with refugees, blind patriotism and other slightly (masked behind sci-fi) political topics. But Casting a European in the role of a Tibetan character in the midst of a Tibetan crisis is cold. It kind of made me rethink all the characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and what they stand for.

Generally, the humbling character experiences are a nice a warm touch throughout movies like Dr, Strange, Ant-Man and Spider.-Man. But I feel like I'm being played.
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Hulk (2003)
The first superhero movie that had some inner meaning
20 August 2020
Ang Lee uses the metaphor of the Hulk to tell the story of a person dealing with anger. For me this was a first. Although, maybe all cinema is a metaphor for inner reality.
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Hits the right notes for a true adventure
20 August 2020
Opening with a pompous soundtrack and chaotic battle scene reminiscent of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, we are soon treated to a glimpse of blue eyed James Earl Jones in glorious bangs flanked by muscle men in black leather. The adventure just gets juicier from there. As we follow a journey filled with lust, jewels and bloody vengeance, we find it hard not to root for our moralless hero and his comedic companions killing time and anyone who gets in their way. And perhaps this is due to the colorfully detailed portrayal of life on the open road sometime after the sinking of Atlantis and before the rise of the sons of Aryas. Maybe Conan the Barbarian is sort of like Mad Max in that it conjurers up our nostalgia for times just out of reach and freedom from the confines of our modern society.
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