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Excellent Action and CGI Flick
30 May 2006
I've been anticipating the third film for the X-Men series for quite awhile now. So much so that I was a bit worried about the end result. I tend to get my hopes up way too high for a film. I can say though that I was quite relieved with this installment of the franchise. It delivered what I was looking for most in the film: escapism.

The cast is extensive and the mutants plentiful even considering there is a "cure" floating around. We see the old favorites like Professor X, Magneto, Mystique, Rogue, Ice Man, Pyro, Storm and, of course, Wolverine. It's a bit obvious the studio is gleaning Hugh Jackman for a flick of his own as the fan-favorite mutant. However, since he's fun to watch I enjoyed his scene- stealing scenes. There are a plethora of new mutants to enjoy and savor - like Kitty Pryde, Multiple Man and Colossus for instance. Dark Phoenix plays an interesting, although tough to swallow, part in the interweaving of the story. For me, Juggernaut steals the show though.

So, yes, the movie lacks a bit of character development. If you're looking for long, in-depth and heart-wrenching stories of each mutant than please go read one of the slow-moving Marvel comics out today. If you're looking for well directed action than I highly suggest you see the movie. Ratner shows his chops for directing straight action with some very memorable mutant-on-mutant fighting scenes. I thought they were awesome and so did my fellow movie-goers. I always like to comment on an audience reaction - and this one was very positive.

There were some very shocking twists so head out and see X3 soon because someone may ruin the film for you. I also want to add that staying past the credits is very, very, very key. If you didn't do it you missed probably one of the coolest after credits scenes I've ever seen. For my husband, it salvaged the entire film.

So X-Men: The Last Stand is not going to please all the fanboys out there. Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons would probably give the film an "F." But for the general public, this is the start of the summer movie season and this is the movie to see.
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Hostel (2005)
Great Horror - Better Than You'd Expect
23 January 2006
I saw this movie on Quentin Tarantino's recommendation alone - apparently the previews of it scared my entire friend network and family away. Everyone said 'too gross!' 'too scary!' which I think are perfectly great reasons to see a horror flick. Having read many interviews with Tarantino, one of which in Fangoria, I figured he has similar tastes with me and so I figure if he's presenting, I'm paying to see it on the big screen.

Hostel starts out with three friends (two American, one Icelandic) staying at a hostel in Amsterdam. Sex, drugs, and jokes ensue. Actually, the portrayal of the American post-undergrads is one of the better representations I've seen. Usually the kids are really dumb and all cookie-cutter the same, so it was refreshing to see some 'kids' that I probably would have known in college.

I should warn the set-up to the gore and horror is slow-coming because I think Roth really wants you to like his characters. I didn't find the beginning set up to drag at all but I know many horror fans will because they want to see the violence right off the bat.

When the gore and horror do begin, they don't disappoint. Following a promise for some of the sexiest and easiest women in the world, the trio travel to a Slovakia hostel where they have a pretty good time before one of them disappears. What is this place and why are they killing kids!? I already knew because I'd seen Tarantino and Roth interviewed on late night. If you know the basic premise it will be pretty easy to figure out what's going on.

The gore is EXCELLENT and EXPERTLY done. I'd like to consider myself a connoisseur of horror make-up and this was perfect for me. Not too over-the-top, not to stingy. If you were disappointed in not seeing anything sawed off in 'Saw' then watch this! Also to note there are many Tarantinio directorial touches in the's like he said 'Eli wouldn't it be great if you did this with that shot....etc.' So well directed is what I'm saying - great camera work was done.

The movies' ending took a bit of an unexpected turn for me but that is because I was expecting something really wacky for an ending (Roth did do 'Cabin Fever'...) but there is no wackiness there..actually it's pretty damn serious.

The acting was pretty good for a group of unknowns (and thank god they didn't use another B-list TV star, getting SICK of that!).

If you're going to see a horror movie on the big screen, this is the one to see. I'm glad I took Quentin's recommendation.
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Cool, Strange, & Fun
25 August 2005
You want a weird movie? This is the one to see! I enjoyed this movie immensely because of Johnny Depp's strange portrayal of Willy Wonka, which is frightening, funny, and overall just cool. Unfortunately, and this may just be my hang up, whenever I see little Freddy Highmore (who play Charlie) I'm haunted by his portrayal of a sad little orphan in Finding Neverland. I tried to get over it and I think he is a great kid actor, but it added a tinge of sadness to the film for me. This shouldn't both most viewers though. I enjoyed all the cool new plot lines that vary from the original film including the Oompa Loompa history, Wonka's hang ups with his father, and Charlie's sweet parents. It's a great kids film, very colorful, and I can appreciate this film just as much as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory of long ago from my early childhood. See it!
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Good Comic Book Film
25 August 2005
I expected a train wreck going into this movie - so much so that I waited two weeks so I could redeem my free movie ticket so I wouldn't have to pay to see the film. I have to say though I was pleasantly surprised. The movie is a bit tongue-in-cheek and it doesn't have the serious nature of other superhero flicks such as this summers' Batman Begins. I found this style to be refreshing and extremely perfect for America's first comic book team. Things that I thought would bother me didn't. For example, the make up effects on The Thing were well done and actually cool - I didn't miss the CGI like I thought I would. Jessica Alba, not a talented actress in my opinion (although she's gorgeous), actually does a good job of playing up Sue Storm's sweetness. Chris Evans, who I thought would be ridiculously over-the-top, was funny and cocky, just like I would picture Johnny Storm.

If you like comic book films I'd say this is worth taking a look at. It's much better than Catwoman and Elektra at least!
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Classic Spielburg Popcorn Flick
7 July 2005
This is the summer popcorn flick you've been waiting for! Overall, I'd have to say the original War of the Worlds is still one of my favorite alien movies but Spielburg proves he can do suspense, horror, and action again in this well made remake. The legendary director also makes sure he has plenty of homages to the original film but there are a few surprising twists as well. He also does something that few other directors do: he has the actors act like real people. Dakota Fanning screams in fear like a ten-year-old would, Tom Cruise is a bit of an asshole jaded father, and Tim Robbins plays a man whose gone over the edge because of the invasion. There are some tense moments and all the classic Spielburg camera shots are present which only make it better. The CGI is also well done on the aliens and I'd say it's worth the price of a movie ticket if you enjoy this type of flick.
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Madagascar (2005)
Great Family Film!
28 June 2005
I went into this movie with some very low expectations. After hating Shark Tale last year I was sure this would be along the same vein. Surprisingly the movie is FUN! Kids will love it, adults will laugh, and the creatures are likable to all. If you are a fan of Ben Stiller's comedies you'll probably enjoy this movie. Chris Rock is more subdued than previous films and didn't distract me as much as I thought he would. I giggled with delight the entire film and the songs stuck in my head for days afterwords. The animation is simpler than a Pixar film but the colors are extremely bright and rivet the eyes to the screen. Best of all, there isn't any bad romantic story to watch - it's all about the animals goofing off! If you want some clean humor and a good times at the movies this is the summer movie to see!
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Great Romero, Not Classic Romero
28 June 2005
I love George Romero's movies - his trilogy (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, & Day of the Dead) are all on my top favorite horror movies and I enjoy them all for different reasons. So I had high expectations going into see Land of the Dead and for the most part they were met. That being said, this is my least favorite of his zombie movies.

I enjoyed how Romero delves right into a zombie filled world - there is no back story and there shouldn't need to be - this is a continuation of his original stories and I respect him for sticking to that. The make-up, which is always one of the most important aspects for a horror flick for me, is flawless, gross, amazing, and the best I've seen ever. The zombies look almost too nasty! I also enjoyed the evolution of the zombies although I would have appreciated some more medical discussion on their changes last seen in Day of the Dead. I think that would have been beneficial and interesting to the overall story of the zombies, especially the main leader of them all, 'Big Daddy.' I thought Dennis Hopper's character was poorly done and extremely over the top. He is the Speed villain all over again and it made me roll my eyes. In fact, the human characters are all a bit unlikeable in this Romero movie and I can't say I identified with any of them. Unlike last year's remake of Dawn of the Dead, I felt little emotion when someone was bitten - mainly I wanted to vomit over the nastiness of the flesh eating. I could have cared less if any of the characters died. And that is why this is my least favorite Romero film because it just doesn't have the characterization. I enjoyed the zombies more than the live humans. Perhaps this is Romero's intent though to show that humans are worse than zombies with their desire of wealth and power. Or maybe I'm reading too much into this. :)
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A bit disappointing
5 May 2005
I did like this movie but it's nothing exceptional or amazing. In a lot of ways, it's a standard Disney-esquire adventure story that is short on humor, effects, and action. Considering it's from a beloved book (that I have never read! but I plan on it!) I would have thought it would be cooler. Instead the story is a bit of the same-old-same-old and the romance in it is rushed and boring. The acting is well done for the most part and I thought MOs Def did a great job considering his name is MOs Def. I just wish the film had been more British and less Disney in it's nature. Highlights include the character of Marvin (voiced by Warwick Davis...professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies), well done special effects of space, and the delightful opening song. None of those things though make it worth the full price of a movie ticket however.
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Surprise! Actually a Good Horror Remake.
20 April 2005
Looking for a good date horror movie? You've found it with this remake. I've probably wasted six months off my life with all the haunted horror house films I've seen but this is one of the best. First off, the acting is excellent and Ryan Reynolds really shines playing the head of the household, George Lutz. Not many actors can be likable and funny in one scene and twenty minutes later look crazed without being stupid. Reynolds really pulled it off for me. The suspense builds slowly and there aren't too many cheap tricks where the director tries to get the audience to 'jump.' Instead we have a lot of psychological horror that is so haunting that I can recall specific scenes vividly - something that doesn't happen very often. Plus, the movie isn't overrun by slow suspense either - with a running time of about ninety minutes you're getting entertained, not bored! I had very low hopes for this film and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the directing, cinematography, and even the gore make-up. If you enjoy horror, than I highly recommend you see this.
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Sin City (2005)
Incredible! Fan of graphic novel & now fan of the film
7 April 2005
I had the misfortune to read several critics reviews of the movie before going in to see it and I was a bit worried. I heard things like bad dialogue, poor special effects, and too much violence. I had feared that perhaps, even though Frank Miller partially directed, that the movie would not stick to the graphic and well-written comics of the Sin City series. Why did I ever doubt!?! This movie was fantastic! First off, it's style is original and bold with a huge lot of characters performed by A-list actors that are well cast. Bruce Willis the best in my opinion although I suspect many moviegoers will choose Mickey Rourke's Marv as their favorite. There are no blurry CGI effects like you see in Star Wars and the most recent Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow. Yes, you can see it's CGI, but it's only noticeable because it's supposed to look like the comic book - not real life. Rodriguez makes sure it's bold and bright and I give him major credit for pulling it off. My fiancé, a graphic designer, raved about the amazing shadow work - something I've never heard him do in the recent CGI films of the past few years.

As for those who dislike the dialogue I counter it was simply sticking to the source material. I would also say if you're unfamiliar with film noir you may be left cold. I am a fan of old Bogart films so I thought the wording was perfect. Sin City doesn't take place in modern day Earth - this is a dimension all to itself and it was written to be very detective-novel-esquire.

As for the violence, it's all there from the novels. I have to give Rodriguez props again for sticking to the source material and steering away from a cheesy 'Hollywood' ending. I loved every minute of the action.

Finally, this movie is a great film for the new anime female generation. The women of Sin City are amazingly strong and when I first read the graphic novels when I was in college I thought it was some of the best female characterizations I'd ever read. I'd say if you're a girl and hesitant to go see it, don't. It's portrayals of women are about a hundred times better than any of the more recent 'sci-fi' genre films.

I can't wait to see it again.
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The Ring Two (2005)
Another Disappointing Sequel
29 March 2005
I hate being disappointed by sequels. I tell myself that sequels are usually bad and that I should expect mediocrity. Yet after the tantalizing preview for Ring 2 I had high hopes. Man I'm dumb. This movie is inconsistent with the original Ring and makes little sense in the scheme of the story. It provides very cheap thrills with long, drawn out dialogue and little suspense. I did enjoy one scene in the film that involves elaborate water CGI but that was hardly worth the price of a full admission. Sissey Spacek provides a cool cameo but what she says doesn't make a lot of sense. Then there is the child actor! He attempts to be 'Six Sense' creepy but just ends up being a bad kid actor. His scenes aren't scary, they're laughable. I suppose if you're a fan of the first 'Ring' you will feel obligated to see this movie. Don't be sucked in though - I'd say you can definitely wait for the DVD.
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Excellent Action Genre Film
11 March 2005
This is probably the best straight action movie I've seen in a long time. I'd read a lot of disappointing reviews of it but I think that's because people were expecting to see some kind of artistic cinema like 'Hero' or 'Crouching Tiger'. None of that here - this is old school Bruce Lee stuff and it's straight bad guy vs. good guy. There is a working plot that makes perfect sense and I think American audiences have been a bit harsh because we don't know much about Thai culture. Tony Jaa shines in the film and does some awesome feats WITHOUT the use of wires or camera tricks (so they say, hey I believe it). It's just him kicking butt and some really good editing. His body is lean, flexible, and he has a cool camera presence that lacks the humor of Jackie Chan - this guy means business with his Muay Thai fighting style. I loved it and the other people in my theater were oooing and ahhhing as well. That guy puts POWER behind his punches. No choreographed dance moves like the Matrix either - you see him throwing his body into people. If you are a fan of Bruce Lee films then this is the one you have to see. It's awesome!
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Constantine (2005)
I've seen worse comic movies than this...
24 February 2005
I can't say this movie is terrible (like Elektra), but it certainly isn't fantastic or a fun-ride like many other comic based movies. The concept of the movie and the heaven/hell sequences are interesting to watch however. I have never read the comic Hellblazer the movie is based on and I feel like maybe if I had I would have taken more out of the film. I felt there were probably demons and sidekicks that I would have appreciated more knowing their full comic-origin. When I left the theater I said to my fiancé "I thought it was a little confusing," and he looked at me, relieved, and said "me too." We talked out some of the problems and, being that I'm not Catholic, he explained to me some of the basis for a few of the intricacies of the religion you sort of have to know. If you're deeply religious, this is definitely NOT the film for you either. I can see how it probably is offensive. The acting is okay, you don't really need much of it in the film since the visuals are the emphasis. If you like dark, dismal movies, then I recommend this one to you. AND stay after the credits are over for a bonus scene.
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Directing Perfection for Eastwood
13 February 2005
Let me say first that I am no fan of Clint Eastwood's movies. I didn't like 'Unforgiven' or 'Mystic River,' both critics' darlings, so I was expecting something along the same vein for this film. In both those other films the focus is on men. In this case, it's Hillary Swank's character, Maggie, and it makes all the difference for me because I like a little estrogen in my films. The story is enthralling and character driven - with a focus on all three characters. Now some are very upset by the ending of the film but I felt complete empathy and so did Joe, who I had to basically bribe to see the movie. And he LOVED it. The direction of the film is perfection - Eastwood uses incredible shadow work and several styles that enhance the story so much, that I can't imagine any other director doing the film. While I saw some editing problems in Aviator, and some flaws in the directorial shots, I saw NONE of that here, and I've read Eastwood took only a little over a month to shoot it. Amazing! He wins best director in my mind.

The acting is fantastic - I can't even put into words how the actors melt into their characters. I didn't see Clint Eastwood - I saw cut man Frankie Dunn. I loved Jamie Foxx in Ray, but for me Eastwood won the Oscar for me. Of course Swank is awesome (I even loved her in Next Karate Kid) and should also win the Oscar. Morgan Freeman is always perfect and his chemistry with Eastwood is better than any other film I've seen yet this year.

Normally I wouldn't recommend seeing a movie like this on the big screen but the boxing scenes are so cool that I would say it is worth the price of admission. See it!
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Ray (I) (2004)
Best Biopic of 2004
6 February 2005
This is an excellent biopic for one reason: Jamie Foxx. His portrayal of Ray Charles is everything everyone says it is: astounding. I can't imagine anyone else in this role after watching the film and I have to say I enjoyed it 100 percent more than I thought I would because of Foxx. The music carries the movie through all of Ray Charles' high and low points and I've never enjoyed a musical score more in a movie. The supporting cast and directing is also fantastic and the portrayals are brutally honest. For such a lengthy film the pace is fast and I never had that 'when is this going to be over feeling?' I do in most biopics. Since this movie just was released on DVD, I highly recommend it is rented.
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Beautiful & Sweet Film
6 February 2005
This movie gets my highest rating because it is everything that most movies today are NOT! It's so sweet, innocent, and pure that I can see where some critics find fault because they are used to a movie being filthy and sensational. The movie captures youth and imagination in a manner that is so enjoyable that it brought tears to my eyes. That is not only what brings sobs though, as this is a emotional movie if you're a softie like me. No one left my theater dry-eyed from what I could see - even the manliest men. The acting is what you would expect from Johnny Depp - phenomenal - and even the children are absolutely perfect. If I were to give out an Oscar today it would go to this movie. I highly recommend everyone see this film!
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The Aviator (2004)
Excellent Epic Film
31 January 2005
This is a serious epic film, spanning a large chunk of Howard Hughes' life, and highlighting several grand Hollywood actors. I can easily see how it would be nominated for so many Oscars, because in some ways it is an homage to all the films of the 30s and 40s. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought the acting was phenomenal but at times strange. With so many current actors playing such eccentrics, it's hard not to almost cringe at their characters. Example? Blanchett (nominated for best actress by The Academy), playing Katherine Hepburn, can be grating just as I think the original Hepburn was, and her raspy loud voice impersonation made me feel almost...uncomfortable. Of course DiCaprio is over the top, and he is excellent at impersonating all of Hughes' ticks, as well as landing a great Texas accent. He just seemed a bit young for the part, but considering the lack of acting talent today, I can get over it. He was great, and if he won for best actor I could accept that. The most underrated performance? Kate Beckinsale as Ava Gardner. She steals every seen she is in.

Should you see it on the big screen? YES! The movie IS called 'The Aviator' and there are amazing aerial shots that are better than even' Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow'. I thought they were breathtaking and the best in-air shots I'd ever seen. The more I think about the film, the more I like it. Scorsese does a fantastic job.

BE PREPARED THOUGH! Like all Scorsese films, this one is LONG, and will FEEL LONG!
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Not a Love Story!
25 January 2005
The previews led me to believe this movie was a love story - let me assure you it is NOT. It is a coming of age story that focuses on the father-son relationship of a boss and his employee. It is very well done film, with excellent acting, fresh dialogue, and a realistic story. That's where I find some fault with the film - it's so true-to-life, that I think it doesn't provide any sort of escapism in the theater. That's why I go to movies - to be entertained and leave some plain of reality. I did enjoy the story on some level, but I think I could have saved my movie ticket for something else more fun. Especially since I was expecting a more brainless love story, which is practically non existent here. Wait for video or cable is my recommendation.
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Elektra (2005)
Very Disappointing Female Superhero Movie
19 January 2005
What a disappointment this movie is - this is the kind of film where I really want my money back. Elektra is a great female Marvel Universe character full of conflict, emotion, action, and sex appeal. This movie basically has a female assassin named Elektra, and that is about it when it comes to relating her to the awesome comic character. I really like Jennifer Garner too, so I'm sad they made her out to be so flat, with bad lines and crappy make-up. Even the villains are incredibly lame! The worst parts of the movie are where they try to duplicate the CGI enhanced action sequences that were in HERO (here it's SHEETS and CURTAINS flying around, not leaves, and all I thought was get that crap out of my fight scene!) and they most certainly do not work here. If you like comics, you probably won't like this movie. I can see why it's going to bomb! I hope ONE DAY they make a great female superhero movie.
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Kinsey (2004)
An Excellent Four Star Biography
10 January 2005
About half way through this film, an old couple in front of me walked out of the theater - I don't think they saw the tagline of the film which read "Let's Talk About Sex." That's what this film is about folks! SEX. Precisely, the story behind Alfred Kinsey, a man who used the scientific method to discover sex habits in America, interviewing thousands of students and adults. Of course, this was during the 40s and 50s, so he became basically blacklisted. This film chronicles his life with stellar acting by all involved. It's educational about the time and the writer/director Bill Condon does an excellent job with relating Kinsey's research to today with some of the lines delivered by the characters. I did enjoy it immensely. From what I've read, it's veryaccurate as well. NOT for the faint of heart - be prepared to see SEX and NUDITY (gasp!).
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If you're a fan of the music, this is a must see!
4 January 2005
I'm not sure why this movie is flopping so bad, or where it's negative word of mouth is coming from, because it is an excellent film in many ways. I have seen the musical on stage and was already a fan, so perhaps I'm biased toward the film to begin with. Perhaps a reason for poor ticket sales is because the film is too much like the musical, and doesn't have the originality of a movie like Chicago.

Still, if you're a fan of the music, I would say this is a worthy film to view. Rossum does an amazing job as Christine, and she exudes passion, sadness, and heartache that I think few actresses could carry off. Although Schumacher's directing is a bit unoriginal, he sticks to the basics to provide emphasis on many psychological aspects of the film that I hadn't picked up when I saw it on stage (particularly the father-daughter relationship of Christine and the Phantom).

Of course, if you hate Opera, and have not had much experience with theatrical productions, this movie is definitely not for you. My fiancé, who is no Broadway fan, enjoyed the film for the Phantom. There is a bit of horror to it that I can see that he liked.

Phantom is still viewed best live - having the Chandelier fall in front of you is a wilder experience that seeing it on the big screen, where the audience sees the fantastic in just about every blockbuster. BUT if you don't have a chance to see it live, this is the next best thing.
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Very Funny Sequel!!!!!!
27 December 2004
This is a very funny sequel. The casting is just perfect, the story and subplot interesting and funny, and the chemistry between the characters couldn't be better. I laughed almost the entire movie, and there are plenty of things I could relate to being that my parents just met my fiancée's family. Nothing as painful to watch as this, but the emotions are still the same. The beginning of the movie is wonderful and unexpected, which just set the stage for hilarious disasters later on. Even Streisand, who I was skeptical about, keeps a great sense of humor the whole film, and I am so glad she was in it! This is no high brow film, but a great comedy for couples young and old. See it!
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A good movie for kids, not adults so much
27 December 2004
Being a fan of the series of kids' novels the film is based on, I have to say I probably set myself up to be disappointed with this movie. I think that is is probably a great film to take the kids too, but not something adults will be particularly enamored with like Harry Potter. The makers do a good job with the cast and the 'look' of the film, but I just felt like it was lacking something that the books have. Carrey produces less laughs than you think, and it seems like the director probably kept a tight leash on him to keep him in character. Too much so I think! The plot seems a little rushed, and the mystery that is added is simplistic, so that probably made me like it less. I'd say only see this film if you have kids to take with you. An adult film it is not!
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A disappointing Anderson Film
27 December 2004
I like Wes Anderson films - I enjoyed Royal Tennanbaums and Rushmore. They both had a strange quality to them, with this weird alterna music that appealed to me. I HATED this movie. His movies are becoming almost formulaic - Anderson attempts to do the same thing he's done in all his movies, and this time it fails horribly. The characters lack emotion and the story is boring to watch. The father-son relationship that is established is eye-rolling bad, and the ending is unsatisfying. PLUS Anderson's directing and editing is sloppy - his shots are imperfect, imbalanced, and distracting. Example: In one scene you see Kate Blanchett's character interviewing Bill Murray - in the background there is a kitten. Every time they show Bill Murray that cat is in some different spot, or not visible at all! I have no idea what Murray was talking about because the poor directing made me lose focus. Or maybe it was shot that way on purpose - but that seems really stupid to me.

I went with three others to this film, and we were all hugely disappointed with it. So were most other theatergoers I heard when we walked out. This time around, I just didn't 'get it.' BEWARE! Especially if you didn't like other Anderson films.
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What A Mess!
20 December 2004
This is a disappointing mess of a movie. It's overly long, with so many stories and stars that you can almost get confused in it all. It appears that the actors and actresses are having so much fun 'acting' in the movie that they forget this is supposed to be made for an audience, who doesn't really share in the inside jokes. The beginning is kind of fun and cool as we revisit the "Ocean's Eleven" and see where they are in their lives. Yet as the plot thickens, it weakens, into a horrible twist that they throw in at the end which I saw coming a mile away. Of course everything at the end is sweet and great, and I about gagged. No need to waste your money here unless you want to see some great designer clothes.
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