
11 Reviews
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Godzilla (2014)
My theater and I cheered for minutes
15 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by stating that in my opinion this is the best monster movie ever made. That being said I want to tell you why. Well first of all, I mean come on it's Godzilla probably the most iconic monsters in film history besides King Kong and Gamera. This film also improves on the whole genre by giving you a reason to care about the people in it. It's not all Godzilla, which I understand would anger some but for me having him in little segments here and there and then having the final epic fight was very satisfying because Arron Taylor Johnson's story was interesting in itself. I also noticed how the monsters didn't feel like monsters, they felt like animals who are trying to survive and breed. This gave the film a much needed realistic feel to it and grounds it a bit. The cgi is top notch and will probably get nominated next year and while no awards will be given to the acting, all the actors held their own and Bryan Cranston was awesome. OK I know what your all waiting for the final fight scene. Well I have to say that it was one of the best fight scenes it have ever scene. Godzilla just kicks major A** when he breathes his fire. So as you can tell I couldn't fine a single thing I don't like besides the first 5 minutes but that won't make me lower my score. Well Godzilla is back the RIGHT way!!
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Devil's Due (2014)
I wanted to like it
19 January 2014
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Devils due is a very well made movie. You can tell it was cared for, but sadly it fell straight on its face. Granted it is way better than PA: the marked ones. It still doesn't have the pace it requires to get things started. It also fails to keep you in suspense for the majority of the film. There are many good things in this film despite major problems, unfortunately not enough to give it a Positive review. For one the characters are very likable, I felt bad that they had to go through this. I feel the husband really cared for the baby and the wife. The wife herself acted nicely as well, you can tell she was scared and worried for the baby and herself. They weren't annoying or aggravating. When it tries to scare you it doesn't do a bad job it leaves you thinking what the f*** did I just see. But that being said this only happens in the last 25 minutes of the film, which is saddening. This film had so much potential but sadly falls flat.
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To quote Jeremy Jahns "Dogs***"
15 January 2014
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Wow... I can't believe they did it. They movie is horrible. PA 1-3 were a good trilogy, but 4 and this junk lowered it down tremendously. This really is becoming the saw franchise. First 3 good, the rest were bad. This series is saddening me, PA 1 was scary, this is not. Everything in this film you expect. I mean come on we all know when a character stands near a curtain yelling for someone something is going to pop out. Then the stupid rip off of chronicle, which is sad very sad come on Christopher Landon, do you not have any of your own ideas. Even the action scenes are all cheesy. Still going to see it? We'll think about this, I usually rate movies 6-10 with a few exceptions. This is only my second 1 star rating. The other being Percy Jackson: sea of cheese. It is not so bad that it's fun either. I was bored out of my mind. Oh and the stupid twist to connect this with the others was horrible it ruined everything! Again to quite Jeremy Jahns " Paranormal activity: the marked ones is Dogsh**.
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I kind of liked it...
5 December 2013
OK before you go all on me, saying that this movie is horrible. I know. It is don't worry. But you know it has the right amount of goofyness to make it decent. Is it scary you ask, well somewhat yea there are a few great scares that I won't forget and guess what there are barely any jump scares! This film relies mostly on atmosphere and outfits to scare you and it works well besides the really fake looking alien. But that's fine it's an indie flick. The acting actually isn't too bad, it has horrible moments but it's pretty solid. It was directed really well for a first timer. And that's another reason for the high score. If this was a higher budget film I woul give it a 5 or 6. But it's really fun so you know I'll cut slack. But I did have my few gripes 1: it was very slow and repeating at times mostly during the 2nd tape. And the last one isn't really a gripe but an opinion, not enough Art the clown!!!
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Kick-Ass 2 (2013)
Best film of the summer!
19 August 2013
I saw this film on Saturday, sadly to small crowd because this film deserves more. Honestly I blame the critics for not knowing how to have a hell of a fun time at the theater. I mean come on a 23 on rotten tomatoes, it at least deserves 60-80 but no it's to violent and over the top according to some of the critics reviews. Come on when a films name is kick ass there is going to be very violent material, heck even the first was more violent and it has a 70 something. I mean I know there is a recent amount of high violence these days but this is for entertainment only. Any way the only problem I found with this film is that some of the mood changes did not work so well but that's minor. I found this film to be funny as hell, serious and dark as hell, and entertaining as hell. Honestly I would see it twice and I felt it was a bit better than the first. I wish it was 25 minutes longer though since with the way the box office is going I don't think there will be a third... But then again it's budget was 29 mil and it mad almost 14 of that. Then there's foreign so there's a chance. This is not only best film of subvert but best of year for me and I've seen at least 1 to two movies a week... Note I'm a 13 year wanting to be a film critic... Check out my Chanel on YouTube which is Jared Peralta but I might be moving Chanals so just look out for that. Have a nice day! :)
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There's spoilers but who cares
11 August 2013
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Alright let me say now, I want you to imagine a cheese ball. OK good well you just saw the movie. This movie is horrible despite the fact that Alexandra dadandrio is hot, and the firs 5 mins are good. And I'm the target for this trash, I'm 13.5 and love movies, and this is just complete trash. Avoid at all costs. Let me tell u a line for this s*** ( after Percy's brother dies) " I didn't even call him brother, a brother is a he wanted" COME ON! This is garbage. I will not tolerate this.

Geez this is bad oh here is my review for ABCs of death DON'T FN SEE IT!!
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The Conjuring (2013)
Makes sinister look like a baby show
19 July 2013
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This movie is the latest from James wan who has done Saw, Dead silence, and Insidious. And he delivers like no other time.

This movie got rated R because of its scares and well it was scary as f*** and I want to see it again. The thing that makes this movie scarier is the angles of the camera and the sounds but the makeup also makes the movie amazing. So if sinister and the conjuring have a battle the conjuring will kick sinister a ass in many ways shapes and forms............ So yea don't bring anyone under 13. Oh and the people who are comparing it to insidious are wrong it does not feel like insidious in any way it actually feels like a different director completely.
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Funny night But.....
19 October 2012
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i loved this movie it was the scariest movie of them all. one of the best things was the theater of teens screaming their a-- off. anyway lets get down to business first off the first trailer none of it was in the movie. but it seems to be what happendnd before the start of the movie itself.because in the trailer Alex refers to Robbie as the weird kid and not Robbie like she has no idea who he is. and ehen Katie is in her room that never happened so i mean that could be the beginning of the haunting. next on to the questionable ending. was Katie a vampire or i just cant wrap my head around it. and Tobie is like a wolf..... I'm so confused but it would make room for a 5th to explain. next on to the after credits we see a Mexican go into a store which seems like a spiritual store and then after looking into a room with torches he freaks and runs out.... so in conclusion it was a scary movie but there is still a lot to explain.. 8/10
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Who Needs Sleep
13 October 2012
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this one scared the crap out of me i mean literally i just saw it about one hour ago and i cant get the images out of my head. Bagoul is a very creepy demon who is the eater of children, now that is not in your everyday horror movie. plus the demented ending combining everything together is amazing. this movie totally lived up to the hype and I'm glad to have seen such an original and scary movie. the premise of the movie is another thing that will get to you, first you think that it is Bagoul killing everybody but then you get a big twist and WooW it was the kids all along. OK well see this movie if you are a very hardcore fan of horror movies but don't see it if you are frightened easily.
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Rio (2011)
how did scream 4 lose to this trash?
11 April 2012
terrible just terrible. how can this be a good movie if it has no funny jokes or even a good plot. so she lost her blue ma ca and it was the last of its species who cares! she doesn't own him any more the government does.i know its a kids movie but com on they cant have gotten this bad since i last scene one. plus i just hate the songs they always sing its really annoying. so keep in mind when you see this movie( and please don't) set your expectations extremely low and i mean really really low. sorry but one last thing this movie is not appropriate for children under 8 because of the low skirt and dress that the lady wears and the fact that a man and woman almost do the big no no this should be a PG movie.
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Scream 4 (2011)
The Best one Yet!
11 April 2012
Scream 4 is one of those movies that you can see over and over again. it has a great plot, great actors, and great development. scream 4 was not a let down at all so if you think it is think again! yes it is the same thing; a guy/girl with a knife killing people. But there is a different reason why him/her does it.also scream 4 is not like other horror movies in the world, it doesn't have a corny tone to it.last the jokes are funny, the scares are scary and this can actually happen. so its even scarier. Wes has still got it. so i am up for scream 5 or (5cream) when it comes out. to be completely honest I'm more than up i cant wait to see if they make another one.
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