
5 Reviews
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very silly
30 July 2016
I was hoping to see a profoundly dramatic rendition of the American solider mind set, instead we're given the inside mechanics of a psycho 1. Dude likes to kill people 2. Dude loves to kill people 3. Dude particularly likes to kill Iraqis defending themselves from a foreign invasion.

So this film, which I watched on TV was about a dude who is the least sympathetic character you could find.

It didn't deal with anything that could make me feel, "wow what a profound film" but just think "how silly"

Overall, I can understand it's appeal to right-wing Americans and those who enjoy army films that don't require much thought

But those of you want something intellectually challenging may struggle

Also, the acting could have been better
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Up (2009)
Best Pixar film
30 July 2016
When I went to watch this at my local cinema, I wasn't expecting much.

Was babysitting and wasn't sure what to do with the kids Didn't think they'd like it, and wasn't sure I would.

Old man and a kid on a flying house? Sounded barney Then I went to watch it...

1st 5 mins, loved the little girl and boy. Cute 10 mins - I'm crying - OMG how sad is this? Most beautiful love story which ends with a lonely old man.

20 mins - cute chubby boy makes me laugh a..anyway don't want to give it away but it's awesome.

Loads of plot holes and timing doesn't add up with certain things, and where on earth is Social Services etc, but very good.

I loved the plot, the relationship building, the feel-good factor and the jokes.

Overall, the best Pixar film out there
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wasn't bad - just a bit boring
30 July 2016
Not a terrible film, but I fell asleep at the cinema so it gets 1* I loved the original as a kid, wasn't really that keen to watch the new version as I didn't think I'd find the same enjoyment as I did watching this type of story-line as an adult I think if I hadn't loved the original I would have liked this (if I watched this now as a kid).

But it's OK, but not enough going on to make it worthwhile staying awake for Hollywood seems to have run out of ideas so they're regurgitating old hits Either that or Hollywood is to frightened to spend money on anything new.

Overall, not a bad film if you can stay awake for the whole thing.

It's definitely a film to watch on TV though, so just wait till it's released on Netflix That said, I like McCarthy - she's a funny actor
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The BFG (2016)
I fell asleep in the Cinema watching this
30 July 2016
Took the kids to watch this, 3 of the kids (around 9 to 11 years of age) enjoyed it, while 2 of the kids(5 and 6 respectively) and myself (in my 30s) fell asleep.

The girl's acting is awful and the plot was tedious and the lack of suspense, mystery and magic made this a poor film to watch

However, some of the cinematic scenes, particularly the land of dreams were magical and the best part of the film.

The older kids loved the weird green drink that brings about gastric in a massive way

Overall, a very boring film which I wouldn't bother watching at the cinema but it's not a bad film if it's on the telly or if you have 10 to 11 year olds watching it
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Black Swan (2010)
i don't get the hype?
30 July 2016
OK so this film was officially the most over-hyped piece of overly dramatic film where things happen for no reason and tries way too hard to be Avant-garde and amazing when it's just a prima donna gone crazy due to pressure to perform from her mummy dearest It's The American Psycho meets Mean Girls.

The author just uses lots of titillating scenes of girl-on-girl action, or girl pressuring herself, older-perv action and girl being weird action.

Then you have lots more scenes which are meant to be significant but are just tedious nonsense that the director thinks makes him look profound The whole thing was more about being all arty and trying to shock for the sake of shocking rather than a plot that held my interest Some people can be bought into thinking this was a masterpiece because it's arty and it's artistic merit isn't something plebs will understand But like obscure paintings and art that are meant to be amazing, but which only pretentious people appreciate, this film is exactly the same.

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