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Spirited (2022)
If you like Christmas and musicals, you'll love this
23 November 2022
There isn't much deep things to say about this movie. It's a new spin on The Christmas Carol, it's a comedy musical and it's incredibly enjoyable.

In my opinion it starts a bit boring but then it really picked up when the story actually started to happen. It brings something original to the iconic Christmas Carol, it's funny and the songs are catchy and fun.

If you're looking to watch something Christmasy and you like musicals this is a must watch. Absolute delight for a family, even though I'm single and I watched it alone in my couch while eating crisps lol.

My only negative opinion is that the humour can be a bit cringy sometimes but that's okay, it made me laugh too! 8/10, I'd definitely recommend. Well maybe not if you don't like musicals and people bursting into songs or Christmas.
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Disenchanted (2022)
Very disappointing
20 November 2022
So I loved the first movie, it's one of my favourite movies and I think it's one of the best Disney contents ever. This is exactly anything but. I didn't have the highest hopes but this is just disappointing in another level. They really did the original movie injustice and I'm surprised they got all of the actors with this script.

-First of all I'm not sure how they managed to make the CGI actually worse. Even the animated parts look worse. Did they spend all the budget on actors and rushed everything else? Enchanted still holds up but this... Bad.

-Why are they breaking into a song every 5 minutes? They should've paid more attention to script and the character development rather than 10 mediocre songs. It's way better to have 3-4 actually good memorable songs than 10 that are meaningless and uninspired.

-It uses already done many times clichés and relies on previous Disney movies. It was literally Rapunzel and Cinderella with a bit of Snow White mixed in. Why not do something new? Why just rely on existing tropes. Little nuances and cheeky call backs are nice here and there but the whole movie was like that. Try a bit to be a little bit original at least.

-The set design looks very fake, costumes look meh. Hair was good though...

The only positive thing I can say was it was nice seeing the original cast back and they did the best they could with what they were given, especially Amy Adams.

TLDR uninspired, boring, will be forgotten by everyone who watches it after 2 hours.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
A movie with identity crisis
17 July 2022
Personally I don't have a problem with this movie not being an exact adaptation of Persuasion because they themselves say "it's based on". So without delving into the differences of the story and the characters between the book and the movie,

This movie is having an identity crisis.

It's trying to be a Fleabag style comedy, romance, drama at the same time and fails and each and every one of them. The leads have zero chemistry and the story since it's an odd collage of period films and modern it ends up leaving almost all plot lines properly undiscovered.

I did enjoy the comedic bits especially with Anne and her father but this movie could've been so much more if they just decided to either make this a TV show, or a bit longer to actually explore all story lines that they made, at the end I was like "wait how did that person ended up with this person".

This movie is unfinished, uninspired, purely made for profit with no regards to artistry or the period that it's set in.
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Marry Me (2022)
Adorable romcom, gives me vibes of old romcoms in 2000s era.
25 February 2022
I personally loved it, it was very enjoyable. I smiled throughout and Owen Wilson and Jennifer Lopez are just adorable together. They're both great in it, the movie did its best with the material for sure.

I just don't get the weird wide lens camera choices, it creates this odd effect like a reverse fishbowl in some scenes, contorting the edges of the screen. Otherwise, I loved it.
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Love Tactics (2022)
If you love romcoms, you'll like this one.
14 February 2022
This movie is well directed and well acted. It's also very fresh considering all of Turkish romcoms are either more comedy or drama. This takes American recipe and applies it with all of its clichés, and I mean ALL OF THEM.

But I don't mind clichés, they exist for a reason. This movie is cute and overwhelmingly lovey, and it's not a remake of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. They never actually try to lose the other person.

It's an enjoyable romantic comedy with a fun script and leads with an actual chemistry.
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Not a horror, more of a thriller
15 June 2021
I actually do like the story approach to this sequel. They went in a different direction than the classic haunted house story where we saw it twice already from the franchaise. Which I like, they're trying to do something new.

We still have good old exorcisms and priests with demons, but they don't feel scary in this one. It felt more like a detective thriller story, I get scared easily and I just couldn't get scared. There are like no jump scares as well, at least put some decent ones!

Even the ones that are kind of like a jump scare, they don't work because they make the timing too obvious. I do think the writers did a good job but something feels different and missing in this movie which I'm going to attribute it to the abscence of director James Wan, he's credited as one of the writers as well.

It was fun, not scary but interesting nevetheless, horror fans should watch it just to enjoy Lorraine and Ed Warren and some good old exorcisms.
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I love this!
5 May 2021
I had zero expectations for this movie and I'm so pleasantly surprised, it has so much heart and amazing acting. It's also gross, ew insects!!!

Anyone who's looking for a fun flick this is for you!
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As Luck Would Have It (2021 TV Movie)
Delightful Hallmark
3 May 2021
This movie is everything it's meant to be, charming, sweet and heartwarming. Just a very enjoyable Hallmark movie with good acting and story. Definitely watch it if you're looking for a cosy movie.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Can't people differentiate between fantasy and reality?
4 March 2021
I'm only writing this review because of all the 1 star comments about how unrealistic this is and we're supposed to root for a bad character.

This movie never claims to have any relations to reality, writers have created a story and it's an imaginary situation where it doesn't have to be realistic. This is supposed to be enjoyed as a flick, not as a drama. Comedy is literally is one of the tags.

It's fiction, not reality. Go into this movie without the expectation of seeing real criminal stories.

And yes, the movie is about a villain as a protagonist from a society point of view. She's absolutely immoral and unethical, movie never denies this from the get go. Yet she is the protagonist of the story and it's narrated by her and with her point of view. However this doesn't mean we're supposed to root for her.

In my opinion this movie is a fun movie with great acting. Cinematography is fun and there's some nice action/tension scenes. You'd be disappointed if you go into this movie waiting for a criminal, legally and realistically accurate masterpiece yes, but if you go in with an open mind and accept that it is fiction, I'm sure you'll like it.

Solid 7/10, good fun to be enjoyed as a watch at night over food like I did. Story is enjoyable as well.

Don't believe the mega haters who flood the comment section with 1 stars and get turned off by them.
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The High Note (2020)
4 January 2021
Dakota Johnson plays a personal assistant to a big star and she also wants to pursue a producing career. And she loves music.

Her acting was genuine and from the heart and she carries this movie alongside with great talents.

Great nice chill watch for a Sunday night.
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Downhill (I) (2020)
Don't get the hate....
4 January 2021
I actually quite liked this movie, I think it shows a realness in relationships, especially long going ones. I just found the hotel employee lady character useless even though I love the actress.

It was an OK film to just spend time and remember how much I love to ski.

It's well shot, soundtrack is cheeky and actors are good. If you wanna spend some time while having dinner, go ahead.
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What Men Want (2019)
I don't get the hate in these reviews.
29 May 2019
I think in the terms of Romcoms this movie ranks above average.

You know what you're getting into by choosing this movie, it's a romcom about a woman trying to figure out what men want. Then how are people hating on it so much? I don't get it. It delivers what it promises, nothing fancy, no plot twists, no unique writing, enjoyable fun acting, just mindless bubbly fun.

Taraji P Henson is a bowl of energy and sunshine that keeps the rhythm of this movie constantly up and high and she elevates the whole movie. The movie really banked on this as well, almost every scene has her which is great.

Supporting characters are barely memorable except Max Greenfield (Who played Schmidt on New Girl) simply because I like the actor. Rest are forgettable.

Plot is simple, nothing that unique but fun, it follows the basic romcom formula but nothing wrong with that.

Are there better Romcoms, yes of course. Are there worse, many.

Don't believe on those 1 star 2 star reviews I'd say, the IMDb rating is quite accurate 5-6 star ballpark is much suited for this movie.

If you're in the mood of bubbly fun movie I'd say go for it. I personally quite enjoyed this movie.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
One of the best cinematic experiences
10 February 2019
I'm only writing this review because there are so many negative reviews.

This movie isn't for everybody. It's ; Weird Disturbing Erotic Féminine Artsy

If you're a fan of these étiquettes, you will like it. Movies like Raw, Dogtooth, Neon Demon, Melancholia are similar in style.

This is a movie that serves to a very niche audience so I'm not mad at the hate, not everyone can like this movie.

If you enjoy odd and bold movies, go for it. I'm a very picky person but this is a gem.

P. S I also thought they paid a good amount of respect to the original with the camera movement, style and usage of colours. They are 2 different movies but you can see the clear appreciation for the original, which I respect since it is an iconic movie.
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Ellen DeGeneres: Relatable (2018 TV Special)
I wouldn't call her a comic, but still very enjoyable!
20 December 2018
If you're going to watch this show like you're going to see a John Mulaney, Jimmy Carr, Ricky Gervais comedy stand-up, you will be disappointed.

This is basically Ellen at 60, talking about her life like having a conversation with us in a comedic manner.

It was very enjoyable, she is a light in the world and she shines bright, there were hits and there were misses. Some parts made me laugh and some didn't. But it made me smile throughout.

I thought it was lovely and charming and definitely would recommend to all Ellen fans.

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Lady Macbeth (2016)
Boring for some, but extremely impactful
2 November 2018
~I love it when a movie doesn't constantly include an action or an impact scene and just lets it be. This is the story of our young bride Katherine, married to an older man who's basically never home. So she's bored. There's nothing much going on in her life, therefore in the movie. It's her and her boring life til it isn't as boring anymore, so there are boring scenes I admit, but it all pays off. . ~This movie shows a character development, massive one. It tells the story of being a victim, a culprit, being powerful, and having no power. It's about feminism and racism. It tackles so many issues at the same time, that is if you pay attention. . ~I'm a sucker for a beautifully shot movie, this is one of them. This is the portrait of Katherine and it's beautiful, it's innocent and guilty. Directing is simple but effective, I just love this rural style. Kind of like The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Beguiled, The Lobster, Lady Bird. . ~Soundtrack (or lack of it) also gives a very oppressive aspect to the movie, it's a stylistic choice and I'm loving it. . Overall, this movie isn't for everyone. It's for those who are out there who can appreciate beauty in calmness. Dont watch this if you're looking for something like The Boleyn Girl or Marie Antoinette.
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Gorgeous Visuals and That Is Enough.
1 November 2018
Okay, the story isn't much. There is a story for sure but it's very straightforward, fashion industry is cruel. It shows how models can go above and beyond to be successful or keep on being successful and looks isn't a mirror to what's inside. Although people may understand many things or nothing from this movie but that is how I perceived it. . You will find many bad reviews about this simply because people chose to watch a movie that they expected differently in my opinion. This movie doesn't sell itself to be a story driven thriller whatsoever, or action movie. This movie is a movie that is made purely to achieve outstanding, gorgeous visuals that will make your eyes bleed from beauty. It's one mesmerising shot after one. . There is bit of gore, disturbing scenes that includes cannibalism, necrophilia and fetishism. I definitely would define this movie as an erotica alongside with thriller. Erothriler? I personally love these movies, I'd put it in the same category with Raw and Dogtooth, which I loved. Weirdly and disturbing with a touch of ero. . ~This type of movie kind of reminds me of old Giallo movies like Profondo Rosso (1975) and Suspiria (1977), which is getting a remake!!!!, so if you're into those movies that has lots of colour and eroticism and gore, I definitely recommend this movie.
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Great Movie with a Shocking Ending!
9 October 2018
Well this movie is just pure fun! It's harmless, charming, cute and funny. I love British humour it's raw and honest, this movie doesn't try hard it's just there for you to enjoy. I doubt it will be a popular movie but they actually synchronise swim in it and they actually seem to have fun?! It's perfect. Perfect little movie.

And the ending is also very very pleasantly surprising :)

Thanks to the producers for the existante of this movie.
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Hereditary (2018)
Disappointing Yet Interesting
9 September 2018
OK, I had to admit that I had good expectations about this movie like I had for The VVitch and Mother!. I'm very disappointed for those as well. I think they share similar problems.

That goes without saying, if you liked The VVitch you will like this movie.

I'm going to list the things I liked first. -Acting was great except Toni's in my opinion. She was too over the top almost hysteric at times but understandable acting/directing choice, it's my personal opinion. The little girl was just great.

-Editing and cinematography. I think this movie could get an Oscar or Golden Globe nomination for editing or cinematography. I especially enjoyed editing since some shot transitions were flawless.

-Doesn't have any jumpscares and doesn't rely on traditional scare tactics, and still is interesting.

-Story is kind of interesting but I think negatives out weight positives.

Let's come to things I did not enjoy.

-This movie is extremely slow like The VVitch, most shots are pointless and do not serve the story. If they could've stick to 90 mins I think the story would be much more enjoyable since at many moments I was like "When will something, anything happen". And when something does happen you need to wait another half an hour for the next thing, its painfully slow for that story. I think they were trying to fill time frames for the lack of story with good cinematography which is a shame.

-Story is NOTHING new. I knew what it was going to be about from the beginning and when it got a little bit interesting it got dull again. The plot of this movie can be summarised by 3 sentences and even that is too little for a horror movie. It gives you basically no explanation about who the people are, why are they doing what they're doing and what is their end-game. The story is suffering from same thing with The VVitch. There is a basic idea and an execution but no quality.

-They're trying too hard to be good. In my opinion, a good horror movie is more than jumpscares and other stuff, it's it's story and acting. Like I really enjoyed Before I Wake which isn't your traditional horror and Annanelle:Creation which is. But this movie is just like "OK let's be artsy and try to do something mysterious" but it fails. It's not artsy nor mysterious. Ending is a complete fail as well.

Overall my recommendation is watch it with little to no expectations. I do think it's worth a watch but if you'll have any expectations you will be disappointed. UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY LIKED THE VVITCH. Then go watch right now.
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Like Father (2018)
Very VERY Enjoyable!!
6 August 2018
This is a very simple movie about reconnecting with family, makes me wish this is how all reconnections were.

Its heart-warming, sweet with interesting enough characters except some. Gay couple was absolutely adorable and acting throughout is actually good!

I didn't mind the pacing at all, I prefer that they saved some time on talks, pauses, walks and just every day events instead of constant talking and action. It was perfect.

Directing is also interesting enough with some couple of great shots in my opinion, music is very linear, non memorable but I don't mind it.

It's just a very very sweet movie to enjoy in a normal day alone, with friends or family. I absolutely would recommend it to everyone who enjoys cheeky little comedies.
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Better Than I Expected!!
24 July 2018
This movie is way better than some reviews make it to be, and definitely funnier than most of the more popular new comedies.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very picky about comedies but this movie just made me chuckle all the time!

It has mostly physical comedy, trash comedy and also lands some nice puns, one had me laugh for a solide minute. If you liked movies like Daddy's Home, Why Him?, Step Brothers, you'd like this too.

Acting is good, story is simple, characters are quite intriguing as well. If you're a comedy lover you gotta watch this, definitely worth it.

It's not a masterpiece nor great it's just very enjoyable in an evening for relaxing and having a couple laughs.

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Cute, entertaining and relatable.
7 October 2017
This is an adorable film about two very relatable people.

It's about trying to be normal, these two "odd" persons help each other to become happier or achieve their goals and they start building a beautiful friendship.

While I was watching this, I saw myself in both of these characters, they are highly entertaining with very genuine acting. And they are very cute.

This is just a very enjoyable film that will put a smile in your face and give you a very entertaining time while watching it.

If you like comedies, you gotta watch it. Way better than your regular Hollywood comedies.
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Volver (I) (2006)
A telenovela in script, a masterpiece in screen.
25 September 2017
I'm a huge fan of Pedro Almodovar and this movie was no disappointment.

I mean if you would just read the script it looks like a telenovela but it's directed in such a way that it becomes this very human drama that leaves you in a void after watching.

I would definitely suggest you watching this if you're into dramas with great acting and of course, Pedro Almodovar.

Very real, human and emotional.

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Simple yet very heart-warming gem of French cinema.
23 September 2017
I absolutely adored this film.

I didn't have much of an expectation when I started watching this film but by 5th minute, I had a smile on my face and I knew I was absolutely going to love this film, and I did.

This film is very straight-forward plot-wise. Spanish housekeepers in a French building and their relationship with the owner of the building. But it is undoubtedly one of the most heart-warming and happy films I have ever watched.

The women are simply brilliant and all the actresses did an amazing job. Fabrice Luchini is also not any less when in comparison, we can really see all the actors and actresses embraced their roles and had fun while shooting.

It also really captures the clash of the two cultures and the vibe of those years. It does not forget the historical events that had happened and how it effected these people and shows the believes and culture of both French and Spanish people.

I thought it was a brilliant film and I added to my favorites list immediately. I am sure that I will watch it again and probably again in the next years.

If you like a heart-warming, simple yet brilliant film, this is for you.

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Gran Torino (2008)
A series of unrealistic decisions.
30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this film with absolutely no expectations.

It started quite mild, not fast paced. We've got introduced to the characters, to the culture of the neighbors and we started having sweet moments by the mid-way of the film.

We see our MC's getting bullied and this old man standing up for them and we see their relationship growing and then the collide happens. That event that changes the whole film happens, and boy, it was upsetting.

And then, the film goes mental. I could not sense any realism of any of the character's choices. I will reason it in below, I'm keeping this part spoiler free. And by then, the film has lost me. One unreasonable action after an another. The ending is predictable and not emotional considering how emotional and touching it should have been.

In conclusion, this film is an enjoyable and worth watching even though the ending sucks. I do not regret watching it but I would not recommend or watch it again.

------ Spoiler -------

Girl and the white boyfriend walks then this gang shows and start abusing your girlfriend, you don't leave! You stand up especially if you're living in a hood, come on.

If this gang of your relatives shoots at your house, injures your son and gang rapes and beats your daughter, a mother, a grandmother would testify. It makes absolutely no sense that they would not co- operate. And what about the neighbors? There would be at least one eye- witness.

He could've gone to the police and testify as well but nope, he will not cause f*** the police right? He has license plate, people have heard the shots, has no reason to lie.

Then he goes and decides to go on this suicide mission to save them? Good for you man! It makes absolutely no. sense. I get that he wanted to retire and this was supposed to symbolize his retirement and he wanted to go as a hero but it feels fake and forced.

And what about that focusing on the grand-daughter when the lawyer was reading his will, how fake was that? It also forced and fake. We know she won't get the car, there is absolutely no reason to focus on her.

This film could've been way better if they would've put more thought on it considering %70 of the film was actually very enjoyable.
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Anomalisa (2015)
Brutal, honest, beautiful
29 March 2016
I just saw this movie, and I'm not a person who writes reviews, but this movie is different. This movie is definitely the most human film of the year, like the poster says. It's both beautiful and sad, but the sad thing about it is that it makes you feel like you are Michael, not because of a sad scene, not because an old lady dies, not because Marley the dog died from Marley &Me, you know you were teary or cried, but it's because it's honesty. It makes you feel the alienation, the loneliness, the dullness of life, the depression and it makes you empathize with Michael, because we all go through that in this century. We all want to have a voice when only some people actually can, and we all look for that unique voice of someone to change everything, that one savior. And I'm not saying it has to be romantically, it can be politically, socially, about anything. And even though the idea of this movie is 11 years old, it's not aged. If 11 years changed something, it only made it worse. This movie has the most engaging storytelling since the late Robin Williams' (RIP) movies. It has it's own voice like Lisa's and it definitely accomplished what Kaufman tried to do, it makes us feel human again around these live-action movies where we only see superpowers and James Bonds. We forget who we actually are and it makes us think about ourselves and our relationships.
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