
13 Reviews
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Unforgettable (2011– )
Slow . . . uninteresting . . . cheesy . . .
26 September 2011
The show does not feature an ensemble as in "Without a Trace." Poppy is on camera way too much. And when she's flashing back with her photographic memory everything goes to slow-mo and let me tell you by the end of the show you've seen that enough. With the exception of the lead, the characters are not developed and are uninteresting. We know that her love interest is still in love with her - but what the viewer can't shake is why? What's so great about her character that this great guy thinks she so fabulous? She seems pretty boring to the viewer. Additionally, although the leads former love interest is a terrific actor - he has no chemistry with Poppy. I think that Poppy was offered her own starring show and couldn't resist. Although a terrific actor Poppy doesn't really have a large enough array of acting tools or enough personal charisma to carry an entire show - in this pilot she's expected to. She has an air of indifference (especially toward men) that make her in a starring role - a let down in general. I would love to see her back in an ensemble - but I won't watch this snoozer again.
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Destry (1954)
Above average western . . . The believable Destry film . . .
19 July 2010
I'm giving this ten stars because the film combines comedy, action, suspense and drama in a natural way that is rare during this period in films. "Rides Again" with Stewart is fun but decorated war hero Audie Murphy is more believable in the role of "Destry." In fact, any time the skinny and frail Stewart plays a tough guy it is very hard to accept - even though you want to because of his undeniable charm and quality acting ability. Audie Murphy in contrast - while not the dramatic actor Stewart was - has a boyish charm coupled with a believable tough guy side - when Murphy got serious and tough - you believed it! Let's face it he was a courageous and brave man in real life - as he was one of the most decorated war veterans of all time. This movie is chock full of entertainment for the entire family. It is not available yet on DVD but if you write the studio perhaps they'll release it. Look for it on cable and don't miss it!
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The best made downer film of the decade . . .
9 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Great directing, cinematography, acting, special effects, sound, etc. A lot of unarmed, innocent, good people die in this film. In fact, the hero of this story isn't really a hero, he ends up the villain because he takes responsibility for Two faces crimes and the Joker, after killing countless people (including Bruce Wayne's girl friend) essentially gets away. The Joker and his henchmen are on screen a lot more than the good guys. Furthermore, Batman mostly looks like an ignorant half witted fool - not to mention childish and self absorbed. Aside from the quality of the films production what's in it for the viewer? NOTHING. You walk out of the theater depressed. The Joker is A LOT smarter than Batman. Again, Batman is a feckless clod in comparison - even with all his money and gadgets the Joker kills and kills and kills. Then kills some more and gets arrested - but he's already escaped the police and out smarted them many times so we know he's only just getting started. Why go to the next movie? We already know what is going to happen. The bad guys will kill more innocent people and get away with it - and they'll not pay for their crimes. That is apparently what sells today.

This film is for people who like the bad guys to win. If you like sick twisted murderous bastards to get away with what ever they please - you'll love Batman - The Dark Knight. But the movie should be named The Joker - Killer of the Innocent.

I won't be attending the next Batman - I like the good guys to win.
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Trite, cheap thrills - below the belt movie making at it's best.
12 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Great acting, character development, great script, terrific directing, terrific locations and pace. No story.

The actors in this movie are first rate - and would almost have to be incompetent to screw up the amazingly well written script. Do people in Texas really talk to each other this way? If they do it's darn quick witted and clever. We know enough about most of the characters to care about them - in particular the one that starts the movie out -- Lew. He's a decent guy that does something stupid. You get the sense that his wife loves him and is a good person. She is also pretty. You really want Lew to survive his mistakes. But just as you're really starting to get engrossed in the game of cat and mouse between the psychopath and Lew he gets murdered by somebody else. At that point you start rooting for the sheriff - but he really never gets into the game or figures out what's going on - he's too self absorbed, tired, scared, old - busy thinking about the brave unarmed men who preceded him and his dreams and good old boy platitudes and sayings. In fact this movie could've been done without any law enforcement at all - they're completely extraneous to the story - if you can call it that. That people with southern accents are stupid is a much over used stereo type - and it's milked for all it's worth here. The Sheriff retires because he can't keep up with the modern day crook or killer. Shucks they're just beyond him. And nearly every person shot down in cold blood by the psychopath has a southern drawl. You want this guy to get it. He doesn't. Everything about this movie is believable. In the end, for those of us who go to the movies to escape reality - that's what's fatally wrong with it. Do you really want to pay 10.00 to see a movie where all the good people that you care about are portrayed as victims of bad luck or ignorant hay seeds that get killed? Even if it has an implied prolific "chance" theme; the psychopath and his asking his victims heads or tails only to be slammed into by a green light runner at the movies end. If that is supposed to be deep -- sorry it isn't. IT'S STUPID! Or where the psychopathic cold blooded killer walks off into the sunset with nothing more than a couple nasty wounds ready to continue his lifestyle of killing and destroying of innocent lives? For crying out loud! That's what is in the news papers and on TV and in the white house - so why pay to see it in a theater? Oh, and the loose ends: What happened to the psychopath? We think we know what happened to the wife. What happened to the money (we know the wife couldn't have spent it all) What happened to the drugs? What happened to the other guy in the car wreck at the end? And what's more important after Lew, His wife, his Mom and several other innocent good people die - who really gives a crap? Oh yes, we can discuss all the clever dialogs and reasons why this and reasons why that - but when it comes down to it - this movie says that there is no justice in the world. But WE ALREADY KNOW THAT - THAT'S WHY WE GO TO THE MOVIES AND PRETEND THAT THERE IS. I feel ripped off by this movie. When the movie ended I felt betrayed because I was pulled in and made to care about people who were murdered and the killer got away. That's cheap movie making BS - and it's not original at all. It could've been a great thriller. Instead this is just another movie that glorifies the worst of the worst. I hope this movie is soon forgotten.
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From the Hip (1987)
Smart - Funny - Clever - Entertaining
1 November 2007
Don't listen to the negative reviews or nay sayers. Decide for yourself the way we did. Judd Nelson is terrific in this entertaining movie. There should've have been a sequel but unfortunately just like many other terrific movies the studio didn't market this movie AT ALL. From opening to the end you're interested in the story and colorful well written characters. Trust me -- it's a truly entertaining movie in the tradition of all of the other brat pack movies. The script is clever and the pacing swift. The movie keeps you involved and the actors never miss a beat. Nelson and Perkins have chemistry and let's hope they do another movie some day.
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Lots of fun . . .
8 October 2007
At first I thought this was a little too corny but as the film continued it won me over. The light hearted and slightly corn ball comedy mixed with drama and action remind me of the original comic books. In addition the special effects with regard to the silver surfer are first rate. And that his character is complex adds weight to the rest of the movie. When all the aforementioned elements are combined this movie delivers something for everyone. And it's a good movie for the entire family.

To compare a few other super hero franchises, Batman is very dark and gets the crap beaten out of him by the bad guys; Spiderman and Fantastic Four get the bad guys! - are just plain FUN. And in that context what going to a movie about a super hero is all about. If you sit back and let yourself be entertained you'll not be disappointed.
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Dreamgirls (2006)
Boring, self indulgent drivel . . .
18 June 2007
We expected something great when we went to see this bomb. It is basically a Broadway play put on film. The music is plain terrible. There isn't one memorable song in the movie -- heard any hits from this movie? You won't because there aren't any. Some of the musical numbers go on so long that I got up to go to the restroom and get some pop corn and it was still going when I got back! If they were good songs well -- but they suck. The pace is slow, terrible character development. The lead was praised for her singing but sounded like she screamed every song -- it was almost impossible to stand. This movie has NOTHING to offer anyone but die-hard Broadway enthusiasts. This is without a doubt the most over rated movie I've seen in my entire life. A complete waist of time and money. There is nothing memorable about this movie except Danny Glover -- who wasn't on screen enough and whose character wasn't developed enough. Rent the video and you'll agree -- this movie was an expensive, over produced, polished dog do.
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Norbit (2007)
Murphy at his best . . . .
18 June 2007
We laughed our buns off at this hilarious movie. 5 stars to Eddie for not being afraid to make a movie that shows heart, talent and humility while paying no attention to political correctness. His talent as an actor and comedian are at full force here than unlike the horrendously boring and overly praised "Dreamgirls." The lead character tells an underdog story with clever twists never before attempted. Murphy performs three different characters and to the point where you can't tell. The co-stars are all top drawer talent who everyone will recognize. Don't listen to anyone -- judge for yourself and go see this movie.

Do you want to laugh? Can you laugh at yourself? Do you like Eddie Murphy? -- if you answered, "yes" to all three then you'll love this movie.
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More like a MOVIE . . .
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The characters in this superior Donner version are further developed, the continuity of the picture is more in harmony with the original and on the whole the movie holds your attention and interest better. After seeing this new version the first seems like it was made for TV.

Now we have a far better look at how Krypton looked and what it may have felt like. Not only do we have a better sense of the environment but we know more about living on Krypton, it's people, how they dealt with criminals and what sensibilities they had with regard to society. We know more about Superman's father and his relationship to his son. We know more about Superman and his weaknesses and failings as well as his strengths. This new version is also in line with the new movie. Yes, he has super powers but he's not a God -- he's also like us -- he can make mistakes. We also know that a lot more was sent with him to earth than a few good books! We have a better sense of the personalities of the Villains, the three from Krypton and Earthlings Lex Luthor and Miss Testmarker. Far more interaction between characters is here -- and the extra scenes add depth and in doing so grab your interest. These characters seem more colorful because they say more to each other and have longer scenes together -- the better a viewer gets to know a character the more interest they hold. The sequence of events is better in this movie -- in this context this feels more like a superman MOVIE. The first release with its light and fast scenes seemed more like it was made for TV. How superman gets his powers back after giving them up makes more sense, is more fun to watch and above all -- moving. The only down side is the same thing I said about the first release, I think the villains are on screen too much. That said, this movie is far more balanced than the original release. It is my feeling after seeing this movie that it is the REAL sequel. I'll never watch the other one again. Don't listen to the nay sayers -- if you like scripts, quality direction, character development and depth -- you will absolutely prefer the Donner version. This is the was the move was meant to be.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Best Halloween Movie Ever!!!
17 November 2005
It's a mystery why some really depressing movies become hits and a really imaginative exciting and fun movies like "Hidalgo" and "Ven Helsing" do poorly at the box office. It's a real mystery - even sad.

This movie has several stories going on at once, a fun spirited pace. You must realize that it's all in good fun and that the movie rarely takes itself too seriously. In addition it features: good drama, tongue in cheek humor, beautiful people, fantastic animation and makeup, awe striking sets and matte drawings. It's just plain a good fun movie. Grab some popcorn --- like a good adventure movie with monsters? This one is one of the best.

Pay no attention to the detractors -- They're totally wrong about this movie; see for yourself and you'll agree.
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Jerky hand held camera. Noisy. But still good.
29 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The movie features terrific acting, casting, script and directing. In addition the locations are interesting and add a lot of texture. The story is very simple. Cinematography sucked! The entire movie was done with a hand held camera! The sound track is like the "Blue Man Group" all the way through bang, bang, bang, bang ... man it'll drive ya bonkers. Spoiler: The girl and love interest gets killed in the beginning. That is too bad because what was so great about the first movie was Bourne's chemistry with her. After she dies, the intensity sags quite a bit and never comes back. Car chases and fist fights are unfortunately ruined do to the herky jerky, sloppy, unfocused camera work. The first movie, "Bourne Identity" is far better on all accounts. Advice: take some Dramamine and ear plugs to the movie. We give it 3 out of 5 stars.
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Slow, boring and disappointing
29 July 2004
The movie has a terrific sound track (especially the theme), wonderful costumes, lighting and locations. Solid acting with a few decent action sequences. However, although sellers and Niven are terrific --even their collective charisma can do nothing to save this boring and poorly written script, lackluster directing, and finally just completely un-entertaining movie. There is literally no point to the movie--unless you enjoy seeing Seller's character constantly bested and abused. I only just saw this for the first time because the later movies are so fun. I was surprised to find that the original movie that started the series was so incredibly bad. The end leaves you flat -- very sad.
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Hidalgo (2004)
One of the best movies of the century
30 March 2004
Did you like The Sting, The Wind and the Lion, The Man Who Would be King, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Dr. Zivago, or The Great Escape? This is that kind of movie: breathtaking cinematography, rational, clever and well thought out script; sweeping, timeless and imaginative sound track; first rate acting and an interesting story that is both touching and exciting. The lead will remind you of a young Michael Parks.

If you loved Pulp Fiction, Raising Arizona, Fargo, Reservoir Dogs or Dawn of the Dead -- this movie is NOT for you. If you like scenes that last a few seconds and noisy unnatural sound effects that occur between scenes and behind talking -- this movie is NOT for you. If you have a short attention span you will be bored with this movie.

If you like romance, intrigue and wonder or to be swept away to a far away places -- this is an adventure that you'll not soon forget -- this movie is for YOU!
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